Live Discussion: Raw 6/15/09

I can't understand the hate on this's fucking great.

The matches are great for TV...I mean, really. Do you want PPV quality matches on TV? That's a sure fire way to drag your company into the ground.

Trump is a fantastic choice for owner...he's got the wrestling history, he can play a great heel (because he's a real life heel, probably)...I mean, really. The promos are all great...what exactly is wrong?
Does anyone else think Punk should start using the Anaconda Vice against people that are bigger than him? Like Taker for instance, theres no way in hell he can GTS Taker. So vice?

He's GTSed Umaga. Taker is lighter than Umaga and the ass that devouered Cleveland. Why wouldn't he be able to GTS Taker?
I never understood why Punk stopped using the Anaconda Vice.

I also wish he would start using the Pepsi Plunge too.
I love how the commentators are trying to make Punk seem like a face for what he did... but if it was edge, it's horrible...
Always wondered this: in a situation like that, why wouldn't Edge let Hardy take the GTS? It takes him out for a decent amount of time.

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