Live Discussion: Raw 6/1/09

It looked like Orton botched that punt pretty badly, but he made up for it with his theatrics. He's good at looking crazy.
I've watched wrestling for 21 years and I think I've missed 8 Raws since the show came on the air, 2 of which were due to my power being out. I have never felt like that time has been wasted until tonight. That whole show was just flat out awful.
So when do we get Batista's release headline? He broke PG rules, in Vince's world that should be just as bad as Orton not taking a proper backdrop and blaming it on someone else.
Well that just happened. Nothing more or less. That entire show was just a lot of nothing, besides the US Title change. It seems like the writers aren't too sure what to do and are waiting for HHH to come back.
Did Vince actually find that show to be entertainign/

I found it as entertaining as well as . . . a 28 year old physically fit young man kicking the shit out of a 60 something year old man who was casually golfing and was randomly attacked by said young man who just walked out of the gym. . . . . actually, it does sound better in words than actually seeing it.
Another anti-climactic RAW. However, the stream I'm watching just put on a Savage special so at least I'll get some decent wrestling tonight.
Tuned out once I realized the Vickie-Santino stuff and the Flair-Orton stuff was all that was left.

Both tag matches were servicable enough and Kofi-MVP was surprisingly decent. Nothing to write home about, but it's the best MVP has been in AT LEAST 13 months, if not more. And Kofi keeps alternating between good and crap. The man needs to get consistent, but he was good tonight.
Wow, I the MVP mark thought that match was disappointing and terribly sloppy and the MVP hater who's been on my ass thought it was good. Amazing.
Wow, I the MVP mark thought that match was disappointing and terribly sloppy and the MVP hater who's been on my ass thought it was good. Amazing.
Really? lol

Your taste continues to confuse me. That was perhaps the best singles match Kofi has ever had (him/Punk vs. MorriMiz on Raw is still his best), and MVP has never looked that good wrestling anyone other than Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, or Matt Hardy.
I just find it funny that, during the pre-show for Raw, they had Kennedy still in the intro video. AND, they showed him in a replay over last weeks match.

Overall, a very disappointing Raw (again), especially with it being the last Raw before a PPV. Hopefully Smackdown will be better.

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