Live Discussion: RAW 22/10/07

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love the sig superderf really funny and stereotypical at the same time
yo eve is really really hot. honestly. kinda looks like candice. neither of these girls are capable of wrestling tho. once again a failed diva search
Wait, Santino won't get cut off by Save Us 222, he's trying to piss on Austin. And what better way to promote having Austin as the Guest Ref on the Other Shows main event than to have him beat the tar out of a RAW jobber, and then more than likely no show Smackdown. He'll still get the vote.
raws been good, the diva search is just another landmine on the road to better things for the wwe.
I'm not atching RAW right now, but it don't sound bad at all. Hopefully ECW and Smackdown will do better. I'm still shocked at the WGTT promo. There has to have been some change on the writing staff. Maybe the WWE is finally taking those story ideas from the USA network?
i wonder if santino is pushing the frquent advertisment of that italian sandwich commercial so he can further push himself being a heel. i am never eating that sandwich i hate that fkn commercial. its so bright, the song sucks and the sandwich looks like crap.
a raw without santino turns a very good raw into a very very bad raw
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