Live Discussion: RAW 20/8/2007

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i found booker t funny and better than this crap called king bookah why is he still called that he won the king of the ring last year

he said in a interveiw that he was never going back to the Booker T gimmick, because he has achived the most success in his WWE career as King Booker

looks like a Kennedy vs. Carlito vs. Umanga US title match at SummerSlam
I think Umanga should kick Carlitos ass... In a Rap battle!

Carlito: "You think your cool?
Your a big fool!
I'd kick your ass in a deul!
Now that, thats cool."

Umaga: Ahhhhhhhhh! (Spike)
does people like ss with no gimmicks matches because without them its gonna be rubbish
I actually think Summerslam will be decent

I'm mean HHH return should be good
Rey Jr vs. Chavo
Orton vs. Cena (If Orton wins of Course)

The only 2 bad matches on that card is Batista vs. Khali and the Diva Battle ROyal
a few years back actually when Orton won his title there were no gimmick matches either

i found it boring i only liked it when orton won it (im not in to long matches or single matches i love gimmick matches and fast paced matches)
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....somebody wake me up when Jillian is on.

I know she can't sing...But she is so beautiful....I just love her.
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