Live Discussion: RAW 12/10/2007

Drink their vitamins?!?!? what???
Vitamin water maybe? :rolleyes:

Yeah cause it's not like he was their to promote American Gladiators on NBC the new show he's hosting, oh wait... yeah he did promote American Gladiators didn't he:rolleyes:

His name sells. Like Austin didnt appear on tv promoting the condemned.

Austin, more sells on his dvd, the more money he makes...hmmmmm :rolleyes:
Drink their vitamins?!?!? what???

Yeah cause it's not like he was their to promote American Gladiators on NBC the new show he's hosting, oh wait... yeah he did promote American Gladiators didn't he:rolleyes:

And Hogan is getting a divorce and most likely getting sued as well over his sons car wreck...of course he doesn't need the money. Funny some are saying Austin did it for money and Hogan didn't..when Austin stayed longer didn't plug anything and is in better shape money wise.
And Hogan is getting a divorce and most likely getting sued as well over his sons car wreck...of course he doesn't need the money. Funny who some are saying Austin did it for money and Hogan didn't..when Austin stayed longer didn't plug anything and is in better shape money wise.

Isn't Hogans name on Grills, and Energy drinks? I believe they were doing alright
The WWE promoted that as they made it, the WWE has nothing to do with Hogans thing except for it being Hogan.

yes, but they used Austin to promote it. his name sells just like hogans, they both appear on tv promoting something, more than likely it can sell.
yes, but they used Austin to promote it. his name sells just like hogans, they both appear on tv promoting something, more than likely it can sell.

True, but tonight Austin in all fairness didn't promote anything, Hogan did.

And of course they used Austin, it was his movie..Who else do you use?
True, but tonight Austin in all fairness didn't promote anything, Hogan did.

And of course they used Austin, it was his movie..Who else do you use?

the director? Writer? See there name wouldn't sell. hogan hasnt been on Raw in a while promoting anything. He had his time in the light and Vince allowed it
When was the last time you heard about those outside his show? Remember who much he stands to lose over his sons wreck, millions.

Like he isnt financially stable? Who isn't this too say he and his wife got divorced so she can get a lot of money leaving the Hulkster with nothing so when the sue him, they get nothing from him besides a little bit of cash
Just so you all know if I don't get a decent number of replies this week. The Wrestler of the Week thread ends with Jake Roberts.
Drink their vitamins?!?!? what???

Yeah cause it's not like he was their to promote American Gladiators on NBC the new show he's hosting, oh wait... yeah he did promote American Gladiators didn't he:rolleyes:
Yeah, and it's not like USA is part of the NBC network and that NBC doesn't have a financial interest in promoting the show and have it be successful...oh wait, USA IS part of the NBC network, which is how the WWE gets their Saturday Night Main Event telecasts. :rolleyes:

Why WOULDN'T NBC and the WWE want Hogan on their show to promote American Gladiators, when USA is a NBC network?

And Hogan is getting a divorce and most likely getting sued as well over his sons car wreck...of course he doesn't need the money. Funny some are saying Austin did it for money and Hogan didn't..when Austin stayed longer didn't plug anything and is in better shape money wise.
All I was saying is that Hogan needs the money far less than Austin does. It seems like people forget sometimes how big Hulk Hogan's name really is, and how much wealth he's accumulated over the years. Austin financially is not in the same ballpark as Hogan.

And, let's not forget Austin's many debts to people...such as money owed to those women he beat up? Namely, his wife?

And, the last time I saw Austin...seems like he was promoting the Condemned pretty hard...which, ironically, features Steve Austin himself and helps put money in his pocket.
yea but hogan is gonna get f-ed in the civil suit against his son, plus the divorce, theres 1/2 of his money.

also, have you seen how the hogans live? you cant live so luxuriously without any paychecks ever coming in... i dont think austin lives like hogan does, probably doesnt spend nearly the money he does. hogans got a whole family with none of them having jobs, and all needing him to support living in a 5 million dollar house, and all their fancy cars, boats, music studios, race cars, etc ...
yea but hogan is gonna get f-ed in the civil suit against his son, plus the divorce, theres 1/2 of his money.
But do you honestly know how much money he has made throughout his career? His wife getting half his money would still leave the Hulkster with some money.

you cant live so luxuriously without any paychecks ever coming in... i dont think austin lives like hogan does, probably doesnt spend nearly the money he does. hogans got a whole family with none of them having jobs, and all needing him to support living in a 5 million dollar house, and all their fancy cars, boats, music studios, race cars, etc ...
but Hogans name sells, it's not like someone couldn't come up with a product, get it endorsed by Hogan, and Wham it Sells. I think Hogan has made a pretty decent living over his career, and that paycheck he probably got for raw isnt as big as everyone thinks it is.
I think people are just jealous of Hogan. The old bastard manages to show up and out pop anyone on the roster, including Austin. Hogan is the best thing to ever happen to wrestling, and is the reason you watch wrestling today.

Austin is ducking Hogan in my opinion, because he's afraid Hogan will make him look bad.
^ nah, i think austin knows that hogan play politics and will go over in a wm match, and doesnt want that..

look at what he did to hbk, hogan won the 1st match, then said his knee was acting up and couldnt go for the rematch, where he would presumably lose

other than that, i dont know whats holding up the match, hogan is all for it, itd be a huge paycheck for both...maybe austin knows the match will suck also, since hogan cant do shit in the ring, and austin's body isnt in great shape and hes making $ and doing well in movies/acting supposedly
look at what he did to hbk, hogan won the 1st match, then said his knee was acting up and couldnt go for the rematch, where he would presumably lose
Hogan has had knee problems, and a hip replacement. He is getting up their in age

other than that, i dont know whats holding up the match, hogan is all for it, itd be a huge paycheck for both...maybe austin knows the match will suck also, since hogan cant do shit in the ring, and austin's body isnt in great shape and hes making $ and doing well in movies/acting supposedly

They both Austin and Hogan have a pretty big ego, and they probably couldn't decide on the winner of the match.

Hogan would still be able too entertain the crowd even at his age.
Fantastic show last night. Sunny looked incredibly hot, a lot of the wrestlers put their hearts into their one-time appearances, and it was chock-full of some great nostalgia. My only gripes about the entire night:

1. I kind of wanted to see Sid. Even if he just came out to powerbomb someone lol.

2. I kind of wanted to see Hogan bodyslam Khali, after all that showboating.

3. A little too much Hornswoggle and Triple H for my tastes, along with the whole revert back to "who did McMahon sleep with" jokes. I thought we were done with that.

4. Though I love how they had a championship change hands, and I'm glad that Cade & Murdoch aren't holding the belts anymore, I couldn't help but thinking "why did they have Holly win the match instead of Cody?"

5. The ending was completely expected. The closest thing to a shock was that Foley wore the Mankind mask and the Undertaker chokeslammed Vince. I was getting a little annoyed that Taker hadn't come out yet lol.

6. Hogan plugging American Gladiators. I know, it was probably agreed upon in signing the contract, but it just seems out of place when they advertise things in the middle of a show (Cena's dvd, HBK's dvd, new shirts and all that shit).

7. Jillian/Lita/Trish segment. Trish looked amazing, Lita looked a little chunkified, I'm never a fan of listening to Jillian singing as I don't think its funny, and the mic work was just very bland and rusty for all 3. I'd have rather seen a Divas tag match that involved Lita and Trish with all the other divas on the roster.

Some of these things are obviously nitpicking, but they're blown out by the positives in the show which are too many to list. One of the best Raw shows in a hell of a long time.
^ nah, i think austin knows that hogan play politics and will go over in a wm match, and doesnt want that..
Yes, because if there is one thing Steve Austin can't stand, it's playing politics. :rolleyes:

look at what he did to hbk, hogan won the 1st match, then said his knee was acting up and couldnt go for the rematch, where he would presumably lose
I'm sure it had nothing to do with that knee surgery, nor the fact HBK acted like a prick in their match.

other than that, i dont know whats holding up the match,
I do. Steve Austin is.

hogan is all for it, itd be a huge paycheck for both...maybe austin knows the match will suck also, since hogan cant do shit in the ring, and austin's body isnt in great shape and hes making $ and doing well in movies/acting supposedly
Hogan could and still can outwork Austin. And that's the truth.
Not that HBK ever faked a knee injury to avoid jobbing to someone he didn't like, that never happened...

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