Can Anyone Recommend Me A Wrestling DVD To Get


Pre-Show Stalwart
My DVD's i have already are:

Monday Night War
The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
The Ladder Match
Vengeance 2005
The Best of Raw - 15th Anniversary
Royal Rumble 1999 & 2000
King of the Ring 1999 & 2000
Armageddon 2006
ECW Extreme Rules
Edge: A Decade of Decadence
WrestleMania 22
The Rise and Fall of ECW
Vengeance 2006
Greatest Stars of the 90s
Lockdown 06, 07 and 08
Slammiversary 07
Bound For Glory 07
Best Of The Bloodiest Brawls
50 Greateast Moments

My B-day is coming soon so what WWE/TNA DVD's do you recommend for me.
My two fav. wwe dvds are the vince mcmahon life story one or the hartbreak and triumph shawn michaels they are both really good
I would also recommend Tombstone: History of the Undertaker. It's good, has some really good matches, but lacks alot of info and other good matches! lol
if it helps im a fan of the docomentry dvd's so is there any good ones to get?

@ everyones recommends il have a look into them see if i can get a good price
Because of the entrance music changes primarily...other reasons that I cannot remember. OH. Music changes in promos, too. Really just totally disgusted me and distracted me from the rest of the product.

And blurs.
You're better off with the English Tagged Classics. Proper Demolition theme, Kid Rock or Limp Biscuit and no blurred WWF symbols.
Why wouldn't you get WM Anthology IV? There's some excellent matches amongst those 4 Mania's i.e.

Hogan v Rock
Taker v Flair
Benoit v HBK v HHH
Jericho v Christian
Jericho v HBK
Angle v Lesnar
Taker v Orton
Angle v HBK
Hogan v Vince

Plus god knows how many others.

Jake mentioned Hard Knocks, if you can still find a copy somewhere, then i'd definitely recommend it also.

Legacy of Steve Austin is pretty good as well. Steve gives his takes on each individual match and talks about his career around the time of the matches as well.

I'd also recommend 'Hardcore Forever: After the Fall' which is just a low budget documentary about ECW from the guys that WWE didn't talk to for 'Rise and Fall' such as Raven, Sandman, Terry Funk, Joey Styles, Nu Jack, Shane Douglas, Sabu, Gary Wolfe, Simon Diamond etc, plus they give you a deeper insight into some of the stuff they did talk about on 'Rise and Fall' like the Sandman crucifixion, where Raven had to come out and apologise afterward. They mention the fact that Pual E. knew full well that they were going to do that, even though on 'Rise and Fall' Kurt Angle says Paul claimed he didn't, and that both Sandman and Raven thought it was total bullshit to make Raven apologise for getting such intense heat in that manner.

There's no matches, but it's still a good watch.
Thanks everyone just bought some of your choices now, Im looking at the Shawn Michaels dvd does anyone know if its a good buy?
From The Vault is, the three disc one isn't. This is fact. Don't listen to what HBK-Aholic has to say about it.
if you like documentary dvds get the john cena one. the matches are shit but the documentary is very well done.

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