Live Discussion: RAW 12/31/07 **NO SPOILERS**

If you really think about his entire WWE career (since being on the main roster), his luck has been pretty shitty, in his first year he wrestled Eddie, in Eddies last match, and hit Eddie with a vicious chair shot, I heard in an interview he did that after he heard that Eddie past away the first thing he thought about was if that Chair shot had anything to do with it, then he got hurt and was out for a good couple months, then when he came back he had one of the shortest US title runs ever, never getting a chance to defend it on a PPV (though he did fued with Taker after losing it so...), then after he wins MITB he gets hurt, and loses it, comes back and is line for another big push, only to be suspended in the Steroid scandal, losing his push to Hornswoggle of all people, and now he's finally getting another push which means he'll probably get hurt or suspended again soon...poor guy:disappointed:

ya and remeber that it turned out that he could of kept wrestling with the injury he had when he had the MITB, i guess he got all of the bad luck out of the way.
Yeah I know what you mean, I think that's where the ECW title comes in, I think that's about the level he is at right now, he should lose the IC title, I think a triple threat or fatel four way would be a good way to get it off him, that way he doesn't have to be involved in the decision, and won't lose too much momentum

Kennedy wins!!!!!

Holy shit Kennedy wins!!!!!

Very true. Itd be nice to see someone like kennedy get it next. That's just about right for him and have him hold it for a long run, 7-8 months or so. His career could go up very high with something like that.
Wow what a moral dilemma for our beloved game. That sort of makes me wonder: what if flair has a draw? Double dq or count out or something like that. Any thoughts?
ya and remeber that it turned out that he could of kept wrestling with the injury he had when he had the MITB, i guess he got all of the bad luck out of the way.

I hope so, the needs a break already, like or not, he's had such horriable luck, he's due for something good to happen, I mean commmon where's the good karma already, LOL

Give him the IC title, a feud between him and Jeff would be pretty good I think
Wow what a moral dilemma for our beloved game. That sort of makes me wonder: what if flair has a draw? Double dq or count out or something like that. Any thoughts?

Don't they usually have a last chance battle royal right before the rumble every year?;)

What the hell was that:wtf:?!?!?!?
I hope so, the needs a break already, like or not, he's had such horriable luck, he's due for something good to happen, I mean commmon where's the good karma already, LOL

Give him the IC title, a feud between him and Jeff would be pretty good I think

THat's one of the problems with kennedy getting the title, he and jeff just got done with a feud. I was hoping Carlito would get it for a quick run at the 15th anniversary show. I want that ringtone.
ok so this is hom the horny match is gonna go

hornswoggle aka mini cena is faced with insurmountable odds only to have the most impossible thing happen to allow him to beat sir regal.
ok so this is hom the horny match is gonna go

hornswoggle aka mini cena is faced with insurmountable odds only to have the most impossible thing happen to allow him to beat sir regal.

:scratchchin:Hmmmm.....I wonder if Regal applied the Regal stretch to Lil Horny, if it would make him taller, hmmmmm....LOL
its really more of a collection than an album as there is only 5 songs but its hella funny to listen to.
woot for pointless filler match

can we get another random flag match plz
Yay...Hacksaw is gonna get squashed by Umaga, I hope he cripples Hacksaw, and puts him on the self, so we don't have to put up with him anymore...bring back Brooklyn Brawler;)
Royal rumble in HD = COOL

$50 for HD royal Rumble = dats not cool

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