Live Discussion: RAW 11/12/2007

I just Googled "CraveOnline" to see what it was and found their site and didnt like the look of it to be honest.

I hope Wrestlezone doesn't drop its high standards, and also I hope this board doesn't go downhill either as personally I see both as one of the best wrestling sites/forums around
So the Brand Extension is Ended Because The WWE can't hire the right people for Creative that know the Wrestling Industry. Brilliant WWE The Brand Extension Works if and only If They are kept seperate from each other. What dumbass thinks that having the mixing is going to work is dumb if they want to have seperate Rosters for each.
Maaan why can't they ever give the Divas some time to wrestle?

No fair. I get 5 seconds of Beth and 10,000 hours of Umanga and Triple H.

Flames Out
I soooo Hope they dont have Beth squash Santino right now as that would be a joke!

Highlight of the show now I feel with Santino!
lawler vs a heel, how many times are they gonna do this to put some one over?

did they not just do this with booker t 3 months ago?

wrestlers should face wrestlers, not fucking announcers

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