Live Discussion: No Mercy 7/10/2007

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And... Orton's running. Trips stops him with a single arm axe handle style move off the apron. And again with a clothesline.
They should have done a SS 98 type tourny on this ppv for the title this is just horrendus and LOL @ JR the fans are excited as we are? erm no.
Trips nails the Million Dollar Knee Lift. There's a huge "TRIPLE H" chant.

Hmm... funnily enough, I see Trips winning, then Game/Umaga becomes tonight's main event, for the WWE Title.
The fact they've made it the first match suggests it might just be worth hanging around til the end afterall. I suspect neither HHH or Orton will end the night with the belt.
this is IT??? ALREADY??? so we really are going to have only 6 matches...fuck this man im two seconds away from turning off the tv and goin upstairs to fuck my girlfriend, this is fuckin stupid waste of fuckin money....

Umm it's the WWE, they're predictable... Unless your girlfriend is more predictable in the sac, get your ass upstaitrs and go get some!
To be fair to WWE, it's not a bad move, making it the first match. I'm enjoying it. Glad the video appears to be working.
This is terrible. As if it wasnt bad enough that Hunter gets involved in every main storyline when he has no reason to be, now hes gonna get a free title shot/reign? and TWO matches at a PPV?

WCW isn't dead.. they just changed the name, and HHH is the new Hogan.
So if Orton loses this match then he will go down in history as being the guy with the shortest WWE title reign, lol
there BETTER be something later....what the FUCK man if this is really all we get..and only 6 fuckin matches...this is the biggest fuck up of the WWE in the last 2 or 3 years...are you fuckin serious....
Orton gets kicked in the mush, and nailed with a "thunderous" clothesline. JR's words, not mine.

More Trips clotheslines, these in the corners. Cover, near fall.
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