Live Discussion: No Mercy 7/10/2007

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I stayed up last month to watch Unforgiven because I had hopes Randy was going to win. Yet again, I was crying at the end of the night because Randy didn't win, just like I did at SummerSlam.
Not the only one, fortunately I dont have uni til 11.

Val venis for the win? RTC reform? It's for your own good
Hey guys so dont know how to really say this but can anybody throw me a bone on how to see the ppv tonight like 30 other people in the poll on the front page.
the thing about wwe is you never know when somthing will happen that completely isent what you expected, i mean how good would it be if rtc did reform and val venis did become champion......or hell if big show returned.

i say you can never write off a wwe ppv, yep theres dissapointment but for when theres not its all so worth it.
Hey guys so dont know how to really say this but can anybody throw me a bone on how to see the ppv tonight like 30 other people in the poll on the front page.

No can do am afraid as website advertising is BANNED on WZ forums
No can do am afraid as website advertising is BANNED on WZ forums

Yeah, What he said, Don't post streams or spoilers.

Anyways, Looks like another hour and a half, The more closer it comes, The more closer i'm leaning towards Jeff Hardy facing Orton.
Have you read the predictions thing on the wwe website...they list santino :D

and also hint at someone not yet active on the raw roster
No can do am afraid as website advertising is BANNED on WZ forums

Hey I completly understand, thanks for letting me know. Just never heard of it before untill I saw that on the front page. I think I'm way behind on the times. Shoud atleast be a decent show tonight though.
Am I the only one that WOULDN'T be surprised if they did NOT crown a new champ tonight? I'd say they save it for Cyber Sunday, and have the fans vote for the chalengers.
oh man this is crazy Bears-Packers and No Mercy tonight Im gonna have to miss parts of both. luckily about half of No Mercy doesnt seem that interesting so I think Ill be alright
The THing about them announcing that they won't name a champion for Cyber Sunday I think would kill Raw. I just can't see this show surviving without a Champion right now. Especially if it's only for 3 weeks.
ok main event predictions?
Am going wih battle royal with orton, kennedy, HHH, Santino Marella, Taker, Jeff, and a returning superstar (HBK, Edge or Y2J)
Main Event: Triple H vs Randy Orton after Trips defeats UmaNga in #1 contenders match, with Vince screwing Trips in the end, Brilliant IMO.

Or just the typical WWE style booking with Hardy/Orton....
main event fatal 4 way elimination no dq match orton vs HHH vs Kennedy Vs Jeff hardy in the end vince and umaga take out HHH Hardy eliminates Kennedy then hardy gets Rko'd. Orton celebrates. then they have the saveus vid on the titantron then jericho comes out and goes and beats the shit out of orton yay
main event fatal 4 way elimination no dq match orton vs HHH vs Kennedy Vs Jeff hardy in the end vince and umaga take out HHH Hardy eliminates Kennedy then hardy gets Rko'd. Orton celebrates. then they have the saveus vid on the titantron then jericho comes out and goes and beats the shit out of orton yay

yes thats a tremendous dream... Not reality. hehehe:headbanger:
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