Live Discussion: NHL Playoffs

[QUOTE="Rush" GSP;429855]we dont want him....he's a loser he belongs with the capitals[/QUOTE]

Nope he's dirty and he's in the East, he belongs with the rest of the dirty players in the East, which would put him with your Philly Fuckheads:)
It surprised me so much when I went to San Jose how important the Sharks are to the people of San Jose

Sharks FTW snitches
that and nice scenery

but seriously San Jose is one of the few non traditional cities that even deserves a hockey team I men seriously who cares about hockey in Florida or Southern California...nobody thats who

I'm more pissed that fucking Phoenix has a fucking hockey team, that is the stupidest shit I have ever seen, how the hell are you gonna have a hockey team in the middle of the god damn desert?, I mean seriously c'mon, and the worst part about it is that the team moved there from mother fucking Canada!!!!, the country where hockey is everything, stupidest shit to ever happen to the sport, hands down
I actually was thinking Crosby vs Ovechkin for a whole month and am really dissapointed that we wont see it...I got a coworker whos a Flyers fan so hes happy right now...Rangers should try and beat (literally) the shit out of the Penguins......Penguins will simply beat them....Red Wings will beat the Avalanche in 5 and Sharks (winning 5-3 with 4 min left) will handle the Stars in the best 7 game series this playoffs will ever will go seven with each team winning every other game. The only way the Sharks lose is if they start playing like crap at home then its over...Canadiens will devour the Flyers.
There are fans here in california...u guys believe all the stereotypes and yes it is a partial stereotype...I say that because some of my regular customers are Ducks season ticket holders and I for a fact know ppl who follow the sport religiously....the fans actually watch the game too...(not like baseball sadly)....but u see me, Californian...hardcore Californian,....I love the beach, I love the sun and yet I love hockey (maybe that has something to do with me being a sports broadcast major but I digress)....followed the Ducks for about 13 years now (since I was able to think) yeah there are fans in Cali even if it is few. I also know some hardcore LA Kings fans too so there u go...Rob knows the Ducks are the only team that calls themselves Anaheim (thank you jackass Arturo Moreno for changing the name0
Avery is a piece of shit. He shouldn't even be in the league let alone on Philly. However since he is in the East I agree that he should be on the Flyers... They are the dirtiest team in the East afterall...
Umm.... not too sure if you think that he plays for Philly or if you think that he is too dirty to even play for philly... Speaking of dirty, how about that Dirty comeback win by the Habs last night!!! They are going to the cup babay...
Pens are gonna sweep the Rnagers no problem, a second straight sweep, these guys are damn near unbeatable right now:headbanger:
Penguins are gonna win the cup over Detroit in an epic 7 game series that will get a 6 rating...Crosby isnt even old enough to drink yet...cant go to bars to celebrate...(unless he leaves the states which he will...english pubs rock!)

OMFG, ROFLMAO right now, Sharks just beat Dallas, now watch them come back and win the series, that would be fucking hilarious:lmao:

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