Live Discussion: Cyber Sunday 28/10/2007

Sumthin must be wrong with my cable company FFS, I ordered it and my provider is just a black screen lol ffs gay company
Can't believe he said Sky Box Office.


Finlay whipping ass. Just to update you all. Crowd chanting Finlay Sucks. He'd whip the entire crowd in 5 seconds. With one arm. And no legs.
Lol. Yeh I heard that, Cyber Sunday on Box Office? Not a chance! Like WWE would've had many takers if it had been! I'll have my Sky Sports 3 thankyou very much!
IF that happens I will never watch a single minute of WWE programming again. Ever.

Aww that would be awesome. Everyone expecting his triumphant returns and he gets buried in like 10 seconds. that would be a great 10 seconds of television.
Washington, DC.

Despite being a stretcher match, they're both trying to get the shillelagh. Rey has it. This sucks. We didn't vote for this, fools.
is the crowd loud? can't hear well cause dad is blasting world series and yelling "go sox" about 5 feet away.
Finlay now has the Shillelagh. Whacks him in the leg with it.

Twice. He goes to get the stretcher. Ouch. Skip a bit, Rey dropped off the apron onto the stretcher. Rey fighting off Finlay. Finlay runs the stretcher into his gut. Looked quite painful.
Rey wins, out of nowhere.

Ducks a Finlay shot, trips him onto the Stretcher, shoves it across the line and the match is over.

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