Live Discussion: Cyber Sunday 28/10/2007

First off, lower case does exist.

Secondly, I think your theory won't come true. I have to admit though, I thnk mine may be wrong as well. In my honest opinion, it's either tonight or tomorrow he returns.

(This was to king of kings icon)
Save_US_222= Cyber sunday is Oct.28.07 two years back- two days back and two months back is the day jericho got fired = Aug.26.05 but now the save_us vid is x29= oct.29 monday night raw
Who cares...when Jericho returns it's gonna kickass, worth watching too see if he'll show up, I also seen some guy say that Edge could possibly return tonight and cause a DQ to Batista or Taker, or something like that might happen, leaving Edge hungry to regain his title at Survivor Series...but whatever, It's gonna be a good night, HBK & Orton will be a great fucking match...&/or Orton vs Hardy will be great aswell...
Its not a big deal though, if he returns it does nothing. The WWE is hyping something that wont happen. They are doing this to get money and to get people to believe he is returning which won't happen. It's all a scam to make money. I just want to see Michaels vs Orton but that is not worth $40
I have a theory

ok so it says x29 in those promos, but think of it like this we all know it might mean October 29th, but think of it this way it could mean that he makes his Raw 2nd Coming debut tommorrow. That doesn't mean he wouldn't show up at Cyber Sunday, but all we have to do is wait and see what happens. I really hope returns either today or tommorrow
FACTS for Cyber Sunday.

It will be sort of decent if booked right.

Chris Jericho will not be there.

MVP/Hardy if in a regular match will be MOTN.

It will end 15 minutes early.

Batista/Orton and CM Cena all retain.

I'll take a piss during all of the Diva's crapfests.

To be honest I think its right to assume that Cyber Sunday was the original debut date set for Chris Jericho. The style of the promo's and all just work too well with Cyber Sunday. Couple that with the fact that they probably wont be able to keep the hype up with these promo's for another month until Survivor Series, and the fact that they are liking saving returns for PPV's these days. I'm willing to go out on a limb and put Jericho there tonight. Or at the very least tomorrow night on RAW... Brother
Well you know somethin Jonny B dude, I think a return on RAW is more likely, I think Vince is going to go with a return on RAW, ratings are still quite shit and it would be a nice surprise for all of the marks, The PPV returns suck IMO. It's been awhile since we have seen a big return on RAW and with all of the news on WZ about him having book signings there, It could very well be TM night.
The Promo's are doing its job. Countless people are going to order this hoping for a Jericho return. He will return but the Cyber Sunday return is a no. WWE probably made so much money for people think he is returning it is only right for him not to return.
Well you know somethin Jonny B dude, I think a return on RAW is more likely, I think Vince is going to go with a return on RAW, ratings are still quite shit and it would be a nice surprise for all of the marks, The PPV returns suck IMO. It's been awhile since we have seen a big return on RAW and with all of the news on WZ about him having book signings there, It could very well be TM night.

Wes we just had HBK return a few weeks ago on RAW and that was totally unexpected!!!
Well you know somethin Jonny B dude, I think a return on RAW is more likely, I think Vince is going to go with a return on RAW, ratings are still quite shit and it would be a nice surprise for all of the marks, The PPV returns suck IMO. It's been awhile since we have seen a big return on RAW and with all of the news on WZ about him having book signings there, It could very well be TM night.

How would an unannounced return to RAW help ratings? Surely if Jericho returned tonight there would be a ratings spike for RAW tomorrow. It would be a nice surprise for the people that are shelling out 40 buck in the US to have Jericho turn up.
During smackdown friday when it showed the save_us 2nd comming message at the end for a quick second it showed the Cyber Suday logo, which means that whoever it is should probably return tonight.
During smackdown friday when it showed the save_us 2nd comming message at the end for a quick second it showed the Cyber Suday logo, which means that whoever it is should probably return tonight.

I watched the video from smackdown and I didn't see it. Are you talking about the upon us video or the 2nd coming video? If it was from this week smackdown (10/26) I didn't see the logo.
I would love to see Jericho come back get his butt kicked, so he jobs and gets buried right off the back. Now that would own
what if we are looking at this wrong? what if bobby lashely is returning and jericho next. we know they both are returning but we just dont know when

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