Live Discussion: Armageddon 16/12/2007

This is a little off topic, but do you guys know when Bobby Lashley will be back?
nope HHH and his shiney shovel will win and go on to win the titel form orton at mania.

If he wants to wait till WM to win the title from Orton, then why would he win tonight?, if he wins tonight he gets a title shot at the Rumble, Trips wants to put Jeff over, and the Rumble is a good place to experiment with mid carders in the title picture, they've done this in the past with Holly, Henry, & Kennedy
yeah i supose that i think about it now it would make more sense for jeff to win tonight but i just cant see that happening.
Hows this match going? I cant watch i didnt wanna pay money... i wish there was another way to watch
MVP vs. Rey Mysterio <--- First Match

The referee continues the count out for MVP, giving Rey Mysterio the victory but no title.

Winner - Rey Mysterio (via count out, MVP retains US Title)

After the match Rey beats on MVP and hits 619. MVP escapes with the United States Championship.

Kane/CM Punk vs. Big Daddy V/Mark Henry <-- Second Match

CM Punk goes to work on Big Daddy V, kicking V hard in the face. The kicks do not have much effect at first but he able to send him to his knees. Henry comes in and so does Kane. Kane and Punk toss Henry to the outside. Striker gets on the apron but Punk knocks him off. Kane goes for Henry as Big Daddy V catches CM Punk who jumps off of the top turnbuckle. V hits a Samoan Drop as he gets the pinfall on ECW Champion CM Punk.

Winners - Big Daddy V & Mark Henry

Unexpected ending o.o
I expect CM Punk and Kane to win o.o

Mr. Kennedy vs. Shawn Michaels #22 <---- 3rd Match

Out of no where Shawn Michaels nailed sweet chin music knocking Kennedy out.

Winner: Shawn Michaels
Expected result :lol2:
This is just what I thought it would be, crap.

They had to ruin a good match with a shitty ending, I'm talking bout Mysterio/MVP.

Punk/Kane vs BDV/Henry was total crap with two piece of actual crap in the ring.

HBK/Kennedy was pretty decent with the predictable ending.
For some reason I'm not expecting a heel turn. It's like that's what we're being led to believe, whcih come to think of it probably does mean a turn.
Its a safe bet Ortons retaining so if HHH gets the shot hence he would have to stay face but if HHH loses then theres a chance he can go heel.
I actually do not think HHH will go heel unless he loses

Agreed, it wouldn't make sense for him to win and turn heel, then go on a face Orton for the title at the Rumble (assuming Orton retains) Heel vs. heel matches are rare and far between, especially when there's a title involved

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