lita chould be leaving

No it will only be a sad day when Trish leaves, u know the one who is the 6 time wwe womans champion, Not the ho rag filth that is lita. LOL go cry and post IN CAPITOLS ABOUT THAT. Bitch
I say this is a hoax but who knows these divas could be mad about the worthles women getting jobs in the WWE and wants something new to get away from it.
first of all grungy72 trish does not have her own home video like the rock, stone cold, or lita. she on a dvd where they have good segment on her but the dvd is also about other people. lita filfth because of who they have her play now? trish started her career that way at least they never had lita hook up w/ the boss and then bagg like a dog to get her job back in the ring. lita has been on more covers for wrestling than trish has and more tv shows like regis & kelly she was on dark angel SERIES FINALE. mad tv isn't a big show anymore everybody knows the stars on there who do scenes not the interviews are semi- popular they can't get on saturday night live. she was also on the first cover of the divas magazine. please are u comparing trish title victory to holding a title for 30 years. she kept hers that long trish won the title 6 times but had lost it 6 times as well. i mean really someone holding a title for 30 years is so fake as trish winning it 6 times out of all the female wrestlers like chyna who she couldn't hold her own on if she couldn't last that long but lita could it tells you who's the better wrestler. sable who only held it once who's 10 times better and was 10 times more popular than she was, or lita who all been wrestling before she was.when people look at the women's the division there will be three females that stood out those were the three. there like the stone cold and rock there known outside of the wrestling world. another point lita has beaten to guys in the wwe trish hasn't beaten one and couldn't defend herself against a man. lita is mostly the main point of the videos i remember one vid where she couldn't be in the photo shoot cause her neck was broken but they had an extra segement where they showed lita at the animal shelter and interviewed her. which i'll admit was pointless but obvisouly the wwe wanted to put her in there some way cause she is that important.
IS 100% Stratusfaction, Not a DVD that Trish is solely the basis for, oh shit what was that i believe it was, Wasnt it, Oh shit it was damm who woulda thought, And yes she did have a segmant on confidential where she gave a tour of her home aswell. YOu seem to forget that Barking like a dog was a STORYLINE, And i have never said that lita was a **** because of her ONSTAGE antics, But i was stating that she seems like a fair REAL LIFE ****e to me, Which is probably the basis for her wwe Charicter, OH what tell me that vince didnt make her and edge go together cause of what happened in a real life situation. No im not comparing 30 years to 6 title reigns and i would never take away moolahs 30 year run she is the personifercation of what is indeed a legend in wrestling. But that being said no matter what way u look at things Trish stratus will still have a place in history as being 6 time wwe champion the MOST BAR NONE in wwe female wrestling And i would love for you to prove that wrong. And just so u know IN WRESTLING the people in the back determine how much time a match will go for or around abouts, So to those who say that oh lita went 10 minutes with Chyna FUCKING WOW omg lets give her a trophy because the guys in the back told them to put on a 10 minute match, How fucking stupid can u be FLAMES, ARMYBRAT and YOU ^^^^^^. oh and as for beating guys yeah beating up spike dudley does not count and we all know what happened to lita in that match she got her **** ass knocked out. And please no one would ever buy a dvd for a 2 minute clip of lita interacting with her brothers and sisters down at the dog farm so stop diluting urself.
grungy72 said:
IS 100% Stratusfaction, Not a DVD that Trish is solely the basis for, oh shit what was that i believe it was, Wasnt it, Oh shit it was damm who woulda thought, And yes she did have a segmant on confidential where she gave a tour of her home aswell. YOu seem to forget that Barking like a dog was a STORYLINE, And i have never said that lita was a **** because of her ONSTAGE antics, But i was stating that she seems like a fair REAL LIFE ****e to me, Which is probably the basis for her wwe Charicter, OH what tell me that vince didnt make her and edge go together cause of what happened in a real life situation. No im not comparing 30 years to 6 title reigns and i would never take away moolahs 30 year run she is the personifercation of what is indeed a legend in wrestling. But that being said no matter what way u look at things Trish stratus will still have a place in history as being 6 time wwe champion the MOST BAR NONE in wwe female wrestling And i would love for you to prove that wrong. And just so u know IN WRESTLING the people in the back determine how much time a match will go for or around abouts, So to those who say that oh lita went 10 minutes with Chyna FUCKING WOW omg lets give her a trophy because the guys in the back told them to put on a 10 minute match, How fucking stupid can u be FLAMES, ARMYBRAT and YOU ^^^^^^. oh and as for beating guys yeah beating up spike dudley does not count and we all know what happened to lita in that match she got her **** ass knocked out. And please no one would ever buy a dvd for a 2 minute clip of lita interacting with her brothers and sisters down at the dog farm so stop diluting urself.

First of all don't call me stupid, dumbass, second of all - what are you talking about???? How does beating Spike Dudley not count???? Are you high????? He's a great wrestler in my eyes, and Lita beat him fair and square. She was never knocked out in the first place. There's a reason why they gave Lita and Chyna a ten minute match and Trish and Chyna a four minute match, because Lita is obviously the better wrestler. You don't know Lita in real life, so you don't get to call her a ****e or a ****. Have you ever talked to her, or met her?? No. So you don't know, I know for a fact that she's very nice in real life and not at all like you're describing her. Just because Trish is a six time Women's Champion (which is decided backstage) doesn't mean she makes the best female wrestler. No dobut Trish can wrestle, and I respect her a lot but, if you based wrestling talent off of championships than Hulk Hogan (who has 15 World Titles) would be one of the greatest wrestlers of our time (based on wrestling talent, not hype), and we know he's not. A lot of the times Trish won the Championship because there was no one else there to fight her or win it (like at NYR 2005).

Flames Out
Im pretty sure lita hasnt been injured for the last 6 years so ur theory goes right out the door about trish only being a champ because there was no one else. LOL well what u got next, Lita was the first person to compete in a falls count anywhere including the moon match ?? Yes i have met her actually and umm pfft hahaha. I didnt even talk to her i had to line up with my bro to get her fucking autograph I snobbed the fucktard off she talked to my bro with that stupid ass voice LOL her lame attempt at being nice was not that great at all. See now in a way hulk hogan was the best wrestler see during his 15 title reigns he changed the face of wrestling, Which did make him one of the best wrestlers, Sure he wasnt Technically gifted but he is this sports biggest star and as such has an amazing number of title reigns to show. Same with Trish she is the wwes biggest female star of the last decade hence she has been the flagship female wrestler. BOOO yeah shot down again
Lita has been Injured in the past 6 year she poped her knee at Surivor Serise 2005 in a match aginst trish. And Trish is not as big a draw as you think she is at wrestlmania when she faced Mickie James she was booed and people were channting Mickies Name. So trish is not the top diva.
grungy72 said:
Im pretty sure lita hasnt been injured for the last 6 years so ur theory goes right out the door about trish only being a champ because there was no one else. LOL well what u got next, Lita was the first person to compete in a falls count anywhere including the moon match ?? Yes i have met her actually and umm pfft hahaha. I didnt even talk to her i had to line up with my bro to get her fucking autograph I snobbed the fucktard off she talked to my bro with that stupid ass voice LOL her lame attempt at being nice was not that great at all. See now in a way hulk hogan was the best wrestler see during his 15 title reigns he changed the face of wrestling, Which did make him one of the best wrestlers, Sure he wasnt Technically gifted but he is this sports biggest star and as such has an amazing number of title reigns to show. Same with Trish she is the wwes biggest female star of the last decade hence she has been the flagship female wrestler. BOOO yeah shot down again

Oooooooooo wow, you met her for like five minutes- so that must mean you know everything about her. Please, if you hate her so much why did you wait in line to meet her anyway???? You can't base talent on just winning championships. Bad wrestler can get championships (Just look at Cena lately). Trish is a good wrestler, but not because of how many championships she's won. Same goes for Lita. And Lita has more injuries than out of any other women in the WWE right now. Her neck injury kept her out for a year and a half, her knee just about the same time, and she's had loads of other injuries over the past years. I agree Trish is the biggest star, but she isn't the best wrestler. Lita is better. So is Molly Holly, Ivory, Jacquline, etc.

Flames Out
IF lita has been injured the past 6 years and got her injury at SS 05 that means we are in the year 2011?? or are u also STUPID now given yes lita is an injury prone CLUTZ in the ring we all well know that.. But she has not been injured constantly for the last 6 years she has been around and stil creative did not see fit to put that title on her. Oh woa trish got booed at wrestlemania step back lol Lita has been boed to, And her boos lol were legitimatly because ppl hate that ****. BOO shit yeah
OH so if Lita has been injured for 6 years and has been wrestling for what 8 how the fuck can u call her a talented wrestler, U ppl must all be ******ed, And why may i ask is she so injury prone, Must a been her coming of her heroin use, Messes up ur body getting off it probs did tha same to her lol
I knew it- you are a dumbass!! I neve said Lita was injured for six years, when did I ever say that??? Lita has been injured for 2 and a half years, combining both her major injuries (the neck and the knee). She debuted in 1999, but she was wrestling and training before that in Mexico. WWE also fired a lot of the great female wrestlers they had (like Molly Holly, Gail Kim, etc), and Lita and Trish were the top female feud on Raw so when Lita got injured, guess who was left to take the title- Trish! Lita's never been on heroin you must be mistaking her for yourself. This isn't a thread where you make up bogus lies. By the way- this is wrestling, people injure themselves, maybe that's why she has so many injuries. It's just the two major ones that kept her out of wrestling for a while.

And on the note of Trish getting booed- she was face and you're not supposed to get booed when you're face. Lita is heel- so yeah she'll get booed! And you call me stupid.

Flames Out
lol still, Why then in the 4 years she wasnt injured why did she only have the title 4 months huh, Cmon sum it up for me, Well im waiting for a real answer to that one maybe one day ill get it. How can you be the best and not have anything to show for it?? all she has is that Charity to look after her brothers and sisters lol ,
What are you talking about??? I'm not saying Lita is the best of all time, I'm saying she's a great a wrestler and revolutionized the Women's Divison. It's your opinion if you want to say that Trish is better than Lita (just like it's my opinion that Lita is better than Trish) but, don't call her a **** or say she's on heroin. Those thing just aren't true. On another not Champioships don't define a wrestler, it's the wrestling itself that does that. Lita's got two Women's Champions, but I would call her a great wrestler even if she never won one because all of that stuff is decided. Don't act like a mark.

Flames Out
How the fuck did lita revolutionize anything, What by throwing some punches and landing a hurricanrana, A chick with no wrestling talent like Beuhlah could land one of those ffs, Moonsult i know for fact she wasnt the first female wreslter to do it, MAYBE IN WWE but noway in the world. Her punches look awarkward at best, Kicks are ok lol i dont think we need to comment on her suicide dives cause they are just ******ed LOOOL, so please inform me how lita revolutionized wrestling, My good old pall flammie
She revoultionized the womens divison in the WWE because she was the first women in the WWE to make high flying a big thing. Before her you didn't see women moonsaulting or doing flying hurruncaranas on males or throwing their bodies around doing risque spots. I'm talking about just strictly WWE here. You're twisting my words yet again. I said she revolutionized the women's division- and I meant in the WWE. I thought you'd figure that out since this thread is in the WWE forum.

Flames Out
I hope that maybe if Matt and Jeff do somehow go to Raw together if they planned on getting moved someday from SD,I hope they can reunite Lita(Amy) with them to become Team Xtreme for one last time.That would be awesome just to put her there before she does leave the company.It would be really nice to see the boyz back with Amy back in action with them! ^_^
:p I sent you a P.m so incase u didnt get it ill state the bulk of it here for ya, LOL I apologise for saying what i said about lita lol **** ho whatever i actually do think she is a good wrestler, not the best but not making her out what i said she was, Second i apologise for calling u stupid idiot whatever i may have said, 3rd lol im just someone who thanks to losing his job has to much time on his hands hahaha so forgive me 4 that and lastely You are pretty intellegent for a 14 year old when it comes to wrestling so yeah Congrartz to ya, U wont see me bagging lita no more i pretty much done with trying to entertain myself Cheers,
peace out........................Tim
Nah, it's okay. It's just a discussion. And I'm sorry for calling you dumbass. Truce!! Thanks for being so nice, btw!

Flames Out
Ya thanx Grungy72! ^_^ That's really nice of u to say something like that and Thanx for being honest and sorry if I too got mad at u and said stuff.
hahah nah nah just thought i would stop now b4 i got banned or made one of u fly toi australia and kill me or something. :p lita is skilled and yaeh it just looked like a good place to start trouble so i did hahaha but nah im done u girls rock lol thanks for being good sports dont worry about the name calling ;p
LOL, Yeah pretty much, guess i just broke charicter lol nah it seems peace and love has returned to the Wz universe

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