lita chould be leaving


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Trish Stratus and Stacy Keibler aren't the only long tenured WWE Divas leaving the company. Lita plans on leaving WWE very soon as well.

Lita's WWE contract is expiring in the next month or two and there are currently no negotiations taking place for a new deal. There is no negativity within the company as she isn't missing any shows, nor is she refusing to do anything on television.

Lita is looking to get into acting, although not necessarily at the big-time level like several other of her wrestling peers. Lita's had several strong years financially (usually in the $450,000 range), not to mention that she's never lived extravagantly and thus she can go a long time without having any financial issues.

Also, the company would welcome her back with open arms should she ever decide to return. Internally, the feeling regarding her potential return to the company is good. There is a good chance that she will return to WWE sometime down the line, although she's expected to be gone for quite some time.

Wrestling Observer
Fuck!I love Lita..She can wrestle..What would happen with her and Edge?I dont think the lita thing is true..WO have lied about a couple of other things as well..
DUDE ARE U SERIOUS?!!!!!!!!! I can't believe Amy is already leaving like Trish will b in Sept.I'm so going 2 miss her!!!!!!!!!!!!
hopefully this is just a rumor,, but really there is no point in lita anymore if she's not wrestling
That's kinda true but I do hope she leaves Edge that way mayb she can b put back with Team Xtreme that way it can b the three of them as a team again.It would b nice to see Lita back with the boys with her as their manager
No Trish,Lita or Stacy!!!! 3 of the top wwe divas
Next thing you know, Victoria will be leaving and we'll have to settle with bra and panties match every week! I hope this is just a rumor because I would miss Lita so much.

Flames Out
I totally agree he bra and panties matches are getting boring nowadays.I think wwe should think of good matches for the divas and let the divas who know how to really wrestle go for the women's title.
Me 2 I hope this is totally a rumor.I would b really sad if Lita had to leave the wwe if she is going to pursue acting like Trish and Stacy.

It also would be really cool for Lita to come back with Matt and Jeff for Team Xtreme and for all of them to kick butt!!!!! They would so rule if they could also bring Matt and her back together as a couple since after all they are friends again and I'm glad they're not fighting anymore like they used too. ^_^ I do hope and pray it will b the three of them together again!
True but with Lita and Edge...She doesn't really do much but manage for him all the time.I think it's time for her to break out of her shell and start competing again like she used too.^_^
I mean with Lita managing Adam(Edge) for so long,I don't think she'll ever have a chance to do anything anymore and she doesn't get to get to do anything fun.For once I think the creative writers should either let her wrestle against Trish or any of the diva's for the women's title or reunite her with Team Xtreme maybe for one last ride and let her enjoy her life before she leaves the wwe.Eversince her injuries,she hasn't been able to do much and now that she's fine and recovered,it's time for her to dig deep down in her heart and let her do what she loves best which is wrestle.
I'd rather see her wrestling than managing, she had a unqiue style that you don't see much in women's wrestling now a days.

Flames Out
She needs to be like the high flying divas she once was when she used to b with Essa Rios.Man she used to have such wonderful abilities in the ring day in and day out she brought so much to the table yet she had the moves.Her style was so perfect and crisp at the same time. She could be the most dominant diva to be able to get the women's title too. She never was able to give up and she loved to wrestle.

And now eversince she is with Adam and after her neck injury,it's like so boring seeing her with him all the time and she never gets to wrestle like she used too.I think the creative writers are using the Lita/Edge angle to much it's starting to make people yawn and say boring.

For me,I want her to break away from Edge and make it into the women's division with the rest of the divas.Plus people want to see her true colors back in the ring.It would too be nice to see the old clothes she used to wear instead of those new clothes she wears day in and day out to the ring whenever she accompanies Adam to the ring.
ive been a true Lita fan since her debut in 2000.

and wherever she goes, i go. whether it be her heel turn to leaving the WWE.

with that said, if Lita leaves the WWE, i do too.

the womens division would be a joke without her.
I totally agree the women's division would be a big flop if Lita and Trish leave after their contracts expire.
Awwwwwwwww man this totally stinks all the girl's are leaving the wwe to pursue acting and after Lisa's(Victoria's) Knee.
ugh...seems like WWE is getting worse and worse...

but its not like Victoria really appears on RAW much.

if she wouldnt really affect WWE much.

but if Lita leaves...the WWE is gonna go bad. its gonna get boring (in the womens division) and less and less viewers...

i wont be a WWE viewer if Lita leaves.

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