Leore: True Confessions

Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend
Leore said:
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
uh oh he's mooody

Steamboat Ricky says:
hey dewey

Leore said:
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
whats up
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
shit i mean im n
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
im not dewey bro
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
its coco
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
we never had this conversation

Steamboat Ricky says:
because i mostly don't care either way

Leore said:
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
oh phew
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
so u can keep my secret
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
it feels good letting it out
Leore Riven - The Real Deal says:
all those dumb-whitted dumbasses dont realize i am Dewey Cox
Will someone just ban Dewey Cox already? Not because I care if he's an alter or not, just because it'll save everyone pointless drama.

Good lord. Grow up already. Who really gives a fuck?
And I'm not so sure that Dewey is Coco. This very well could be Leore trying to screw with the forums from afar.

So, don't take this the wrong way, Dewey. In fact, please use this as an opportunity to clear your name.

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