Kofi won't be WWE Champion, because he is BLACK!!!

gully side adidja

Pre-Show Stalwart

I like inflammatory threads because they get people motivated and fired up to respond. However .... fair warning to all that post in this thread. There was some massive cleaning up of posts done because of inflammatory comments to each other or posts that were off-topic. There were tons of warnings and infractions issued, and we had a couple bannings.

So, with that being said, keep all posts on topic with what you currently see going on in the WWE today with your own eyes, as it appears to Black workers in the WWE. You can feel free to discuss what you see occurring outside the WWE in the media, but ensure that if you wish to discuss that, then tie it in with the WWE when making your arguments.

Yes i said it, and it is the truth!

When have you ever seen a full black person be wwe champion, booker t does not count because at the time his gimmick was impersonating a white king, and the rock is not full black(his samoan heritage was played up), i think if they had a black champion representing the wwe kofi or whoever, wwe could get negative feedback from it, and might not appeal to most of america, black wrestlers in the wwe always have the ''so close yet so far'' thing going on, bokker t as himself lost all matches there, mvp could have been champ(during a before his mini feud with orton last year), he never won it, r truth was tna champion and is over with wwe fans, he hasn't even had a sniff yet, and shelton, who is one of the better wrestlers in the wwe, has not won it neither,whereas green wrestlers like sheamus, and lesnar's first reign, have won it, of course not all black wrestlers can win it, as some are just not good enough, but kofi and others i have mentioned definatley could have been good champs if given a chance, especially kofi, but it won't happen.

thoughts on this, and PLEASE don't mention the ecw title because it is NOWHERE NEAR being As prestigious or important as the wwe or world heavyweight title, OPINIONS PLEASE!!!
bobby lashley was the last black champion besides booker that I can remember in wwe . wwe has always been sorta racist to me . ex. ron simmons never got the tittle in wwe but wcw gave him the world title . When it comes to a african american becoming champion in wwe it was because they had no other chance where in wcw n tna there not afraid to put the belt on any1 size or color
Mark Henry was ECW champion not too long ago, even though it is the ECW title, it's still considered a major, and I am going to forget I read you asking for it not to be mentioned because even if most of us think it's a joke it IS a major title. Yes he did get it because of the incident with Michael Hayes, but Hayes was suspended for 60 days iirc.
I don't believe that it is a matter of race for the WWE. For me, Kingston is in a very similar position to John Morrison, and I can see them both being world champions within the next few years.

If this is not the case, and only Morrison has become world champion within the next few years I can see your point, but other than Booker T, possibly Lashley and Benjamin theres been no stand out black altletes in the WWE.

I could see your point regarding MVP, but that is mainly based on the face he is an awful face character. I mean this last year he's done nothing. Ship him back to SD! as heel, and give him a large push, thats what I think anyways.
Lol wow, your entire middle paragraph was written in one sentence. A little hard to read, maybe use a full stop sometimes? :)

Okay. Let me first say that I'm not a racist, just to get that out of the way.
With that being said, I absolutely hate race wank. Especially when little things get massively blown out of proportion and everything is blamed on race.

Let's first of all look at the current roster of WWE's 3 main brands.
How many Superstars are there? When you go to wwe.com and look at the Superstars section, you come to the conclusion that there are about 100 (94) Superstars listed.
Now, how many Superstars with African American decent are there? I would say about 12 (correct me if I'm wrong).
Looking at that, we know around 13% of the WWE Superstars are BLACK as you call it. I find your definition kind of odd, saying that The Rock doesn't count because he's not 'full black', but whatever let's just play along.

These numbers speak for themselves, really.
There simply aren't as many black wrestlers in the company.
And there are even less of them who are WWE/World Heavyweight Championship material.
Now you could argue that WWE doesn't employ people because they're BLACK!!11, whatever. Until you have a full on proof, I will not believe it.

i think if they had a black champion representing the wwe kofi or whoever, wwe could get negative feedback from it, and might not appeal to most of america

Why do you think so? America has a Obama as a president and while there might be racists who don't like it, I don't think that applies to most of America. Or do you think that Obama is not 'full black' either? Hmm.
And why might WWE not appeal to most of America? Because Americans can't relate to someone who is black? Because most people in America are racist?
I would very much like to know what makes you come to this conclusion.
I find it rather amusing that according to you, booker t doesn't count because the character he was PLAYING was similar to a "White" king. ( he played a king with a royal English accent, how this leads you to think he's trying to be White baffles me! :s) he's still African American, he still held the world title and main evented a wrestlemania. As for kofi not being champ because he's black, why bother pushing him? Why bother giving him a feud with orton? He's talented that's why, not because they feel the need to because he's black. High flying world champs are rare in wwe, black or White, they have to bring something else to the table, hbk - charisma, rey, jeff, Eddie - fan connection. Kofi still has to prove himself but I believe he'll get there.
No, it's not beacuse of the race thing. I can see WWE has put Kofi in with the big dogs, but IMO he's not ready. Again it's not becuase he's black its becuase he's up and coming. Hell, maybe he'll win the Royal Rumble go 2 WM 26 destroy sheamus and give him about 3 1/2 month reighn then drop it to someone like Morrison...IMO thats what should work
Can we please stop with threads based on race? It's really fucking stupid. Obviously if WWE are pushing Kofi against Randy fucking Orton, they want him to be successful. Not to mention there was a report circulating not so long ago saying that the main reason Kofi was chosen for a push was because Vince wanted a black wrestler to be a top guy. Now, call me crazy, but wouldn't that imply that he's probably going to be champion at some point?

The reason a black wrestler hasn't won the WWE title yet is because none of the black wrestlers in the WWE are good enough. Shelton Benjamin is essentially an IWC beloved spotmonkey. R-Truth is a song, with no apparent talent. MVP has gotten shit. None of them deserve it, get over it. Unless you're saying they deserve a title because they're black, which is pretty racist in itself.

Also, how the hell does Booker not count? Are you talking about black wrestlers or people who act black? So fucking what if his gimmick was white royalty? He's still black!

Kofi is probably going to win a world title. And if he doesn't win it, Ezekiel Jackson might. I'm telling you right now, there is going to be a black world champion within the next 2 or 3 years. To say otherwise is incredibly stupid, looking at how Kofi has been pushed and how Zeke has been pushed on ECW.
This is absolute crap. You cant say Booker T doesn't count because he was represting a white king. How the fuck do you know he was trying to be a white king? Are you saying all kings are white? Then you are being racist. IMO a king is a king, a Asian, Aboriginal person would do the same. Bobby Lashley was champion, so was Henry. Do not blame this on the race, because that fucking pisses me off.

Name one decent black person that could actually wrestle in the WWE and wasn't a champion? Does Kofi really count, yes he has shown signs of improvement over the last couple of months, but you cant just give him the title in a crowded world title scene there is now. Kofi, if he has proven himself, and is ACTUALLY GOOD ENOUGH, will get a world title. But I personally do not see it happening.
If you're gonna say Booker doesn't count because he was acting white then we'll have to say John Cena counts as a black champion as he acted black.

But i don't agree with that. Booker was a champion, lashley would have been if he'd stayed and i'm pretty sure kofi will be in the future. If the wwe is racist why do they bother having Kofi, Shelton, R-Truth, Mark Henry, MVP etc. why not just release them all?
Ok so you're saying that because Booker wasn't all "Yo yo yo, I'm gonna shoot you dead" that he doesn't count as a black champion? Isn't that kinda racist? And if that is how you're describing the color black, then have you not noticed that John Cena has only been the face champion on Raw for about 3 years now?

IMO, Kofi's not that great of a wrestler. Sure, he's flashy and has the excitement behind him, but his in ring performance is very limited. Besides, you don't hear other races like Asians going "Oh Yoshi Tatsu isn't champ because he's Asian."

Seriously dude, it's not a race issue at all.

MVP, if you ask me, is the best candidate to be the next black champion though. All he needs is more demension to his character, which is hard to do in WWE nowadays with all of these cookie cutters.
Originally posted by gully side adidja

Yes i said it, and it is the truth!

When have you ever seen a full black person be wwe champion, booker t does not count because at the time his gimmick was impersonating a white king, and the rock is not full black(his samoan heritage was played up), i think if they had a black champion representing the wwe kofi or whoever, wwe could get negative feedback from it, and might not appeal to most of america, black wrestlers in the wwe always have the ''so close yet so far'' thing going on, bokker t as himself lost all matches there, mvp could have been champ(during a before his mini feud with orton last year), he never won it, r truth was tna champion and is over with wwe fans, he hasn't even had a sniff yet, and shelton, who is one of the better wrestlers in the wwe, has not won it neither,whereas green wrestlers like sheamus, and lesnar's first reign, have won it, of course not all black wrestlers can win it, as some are just not good enough, but kofi and others i have mentioned definatley could have been good champs if given a chance, especially kofi, but it won't happen.

thoughts on this, and PLEASE don't mention the ecw title because it is NOWHERE NEAR being As prestigious or important as the wwe or world heavyweight title, OPINIONS PLEASE!!!

Let me ask you one question, did you think one bit before you pressed the word post?

I was actually laughing on the floor laughing at the Booker T comment. So the 5 time WCW champion when he was not the king does not count I presume? And a gimmick takes someones race away from them? LMAO. Relay. How can you even agree with that yourself? Just because he is acting white does not mean shit. Do I relay need to post a photo?

It is not a thing to do with race. WWE has some talented wrestlers of both races and I am sure they will be utilized properly. I love Kofi. I see a young Rock type thing myself with the Orton rivalry, but what has race got to do with it? He is a fucking great wrestler! That is it. MVP may not be a world champion, but I like him, a lot, but maybe his under utilization is because of crowd popularity or some shit, and that is just a suggestion. Are you calling all of the fifteenth thousand people there racist?

I think Kofi will get a world title in the next two years, and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin, but his immense talent in the ring. Because that is what they are being paid a lot of money to do.
Yes i said it, and it is the truth!

It isnt though, is it? Ron Simmons. There you go, thread. Well, now you will say "NO!!! WWE CHAMPION!!!" Uh, well, your sorta all over the place in this post as to which fucking title you mean, so figured I would just throw it out there.

When have you ever seen a full black person be wwe champion, booker t does not count because at the time his gimmick was impersonating a white king, been good champs if given a chance, especially kofi, but it won't happen.

How the fuck do you figure that? Are you a fucking moron? What becuase he didnt talk like an idiot, and run around eating fried chicken and drinking grape soda, he is automatically impersonating a white king? Becuase he didnt talk like a fucking fool, and used proper english? It was a midevil king gimmick, and to say it had anything to do with skin color is literally one of the dumbest fucking things ive ever seen written on this site.

So black people cant use proper english, and be royalty? What sort of a fucking racist are YOU?

mvp could have been champ

:lmao: fucking when?? Are you on ecstasy? Fucking really? Oh, do you mean when he turned face and got less reaction that fucking Gial Kim? He isnt even close. Never has been.

r truth was tna champion and is over with wwe fans, he hasn't even had a sniff yet,

likely becuase he is a comedy character, and a shit worker. Jus sayin. But hey, why acknowledge shortcomings, when we can just whine and cry about race, and blame it on that, right?

shelton, who is one of the better wrestlers in the wwe, has not won it neither

actually was fucking awfull before this summer. Improved yes? World champion, you must be smoking crack. Shelton gets fuck all reaction. You want people to give a shit about your champion. See ; Cena, John.

Its not the WWEs fault no one gives a shit about Shelton. I guess the WWE Universe must jus be hatin on the black man too, huh?

lesnar's first reign

BROCK FUCKING LESNAR is your example here ??? :lmao: :lmao:

Check this out. Brock Lesnar was pushed to the moon in the WWE for the same reason he was in the UFC.

, but kofi and others i have mentioned definatley could have been good champs if given a chance, especially kofi, but it won't happen

isnt he receiving a ME push right now?? Takes SOME time, fuck he only debuted two years ago. He lost one fuckjing no 1 contenders match, holy shit man. Ive never SEEN people turn into such crybabies so fast over one damn match. Is the Rumble REALLY the show you wanted him getting his big shot at anyway?

thoughts on this, and PLEASE don't mention the ecw title because it is NOWHERE NEAR being As prestigious or important as the wwe or world heavyweight title, OPINIONS PLEASE!!!

I can see how you put please in big caps, like begging, becuase that also proves this stupid ass theory totally wrong. Mark Henry was the face of a show, a world champ, and did a damn good job, along with a black valet.
Kofi Kingston will not be WWE Champion because he's too small, can't talk and has no gimmick/character. Not because he's black, it's 2010 let's put the race card away
This should be fun, Okay then first of all i am not racist, that is quite silly to suggest, what i mean is why wouldn't they let bokker win the title as his normal original gimmick instead of king bokker(a obviously white king, hence the english/british accent, because there are no black british kings FACT ), it seems some people are very insecure and touchy about race issues, relax, it's just a thread about a topic , i just find it a irony that wwe have not(exclude booker) gave a black guy the wwe title and i was wondering why.I also believe black wrestlers are talented to hold the wwe title why not?

and norcal you need to shut the fuck up and relax because you are being a idiot, acting immature, you are coming acrosss as racist, how can you say black people talk like fools huh? some black people speak broken english, that is how some black people speak, so they are fools for talking differently? i hope people read this.And is your opinion of all black people do is drink grape soda and eat fried chicken? man that's some ignorant shit.
This should be fun, Okay then first of all i am not racist, that is quite silly to suggest, what i mean is why wouldn't they let bokker win the title as his normal original gimmick instead of king bokker(a obviously white king, hence the english/british accent, because there are no black british kings FACT ), it seems some people are very insecure and touchy about race issues, relax, it's just a thread about a topic , i just find it a irony that wwe have not(exclude booker) gave a black guy the wwe title and i was wondering why.I also believe black wrestlers are talented to hold the wwe title why not?
OK you just need to be stopped. Your post is just nonsense. For you taking away anything from BOOKER yes its Booker not Bokker. "Maybe some of you guys may say something about my spelling. But he has done this the same way in more then one post" lol. If I have said it before though, I will say it a thousand times...You need to have patience for this type of thing for new champions. Kofi will get there but you have to give it time. Now stop throwing your 2 year old temper tantrum and relax.
and norcal you need to shut the fuck up and relax because you are being a idiot, acting immature, you are coming acrosss as racist, how can you say black people talk like fools huh? some black people speak broken english, that is how some black people speak, so they are fools for talking differently? i hope people read this.And is your opinion of all black people do is drink grape soda and eat fried chicken? man that's some ignorant shit.

As for this...I'm going to let Norcal show you how big of an idiot you are for doing that
This should be fun

Yes it shall, seeing as your the only one agreeing with what you said, I would like to see you get out of this.

Okay then first of all i am not racist, that is quite silly to suggest

Nope you said Black people cant be king. The reason put on his accent was because we wanted to act royal for his gimmick. Even John Cena would put on a accent for it, so I dont see were you are going with that.

I also believe black wrestlers are talented to hold the wwe title why not?

We just posted like 17 responses saying why they can be, like Kofi, they jsut need time and build. Which is hard when you have Cena, Orton,Edge in the main event then have shining stars like Ted Dibiase, Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison. I am not saying white people are better, I am just saying that these certain individuals are shining more than ANYONE in the wwe.

and norcal you need to shut the fuck up and relax because you are being a idiot, acting immature, you are coming acrosss as racist, how can you say black people talk like fools huh? some black people speak broken english, that is how some black people speak, so they are fools for talking differently? i hope people read this.And is your opinion of all black people do is drink grape soda and eat fried chicken? man that's some ignorant shit.

:lmao: :lmao: OMG I should sig this, did he really tell Norcal to shut the fuck up? hahha, or am I dreaming?
This is quite possible the stupidest post I've ever seen.

Why do some people insist upon attributing everything that they don't like or don't agree with to racism. News flash -- Booker T is black!!! As a number of people have correctly pointed out, if someone has to act black to be black then you couldn't find a blacker champ than John Cena. By the way, rap sucks!!! Which brings me to R Truth. His entrance music is stupid. If I understand that jibberish correctly, he claims that he's going to pop someone like a pimple. Idiotic!!! His moveset is athletic, but all that spinning in the air looks too fake. Shelton Benjamin is also very athletic, but he has about as much charisma as the aforementioned pimple. The problem with the WWE as it relates to its black performers is it misuses them in an effort to be too politically correct.

Unless I missed something, WWE only has two black heels -- Zeke and Alicia Fox. MVP could have been and should have been a mega-heel. Mark Henry is a great worker but looks like the Kool Aid guy in his ridiculous red face outfit. And they keep pushing Cryme Tyme down our throats and they SUCK!!! The Hart Dynasty are far better than Cryme Tyme. If WWE wasn't so PC they'd make MVP the focal wrestler of a black heel faction like the Nation Of Domination. Throw Henry, for muscle, and Cryme Tyme, because being thieving inner city thugs really isn't funny, behind MVP to support him and maybe they can get over like Ron Simmons helped get Henry and the Rock a decade ago.

If you want to whine and complain about the treatment black performers receive in the WWE, the misusing them all as faces is a far more valid discussion. Kofi Kingston is a good performer, an effective face, and if he works hard he may well one day be champ. If WWE drops the PC BS and utilizes black performers properly, Kofi could even headline Wrestlemania as a face against MVP as a heel.
If you're gonna say Booker doesn't count because he was acting white then we'll have to say John Cena counts as a black champion as he acted black.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I love this arguement! Brilliant.

To be honest, I don't think you can say there aren't any decent black wrestlers to hold the top title, since a wrestler is only as good as you book them. You could also argue that they can't be accused of tokenism and the black champs we have had have deserved it not simply becasue they are black.

IMO Kofi will be champion, he's talented and black and I think the WWE are under some pressure to crown a new black champ, if not then to retain some sort of demo.
It's a bummer you haven't really answered my post, but I have something else to ask.

what i mean is why wouldn't they let booker win the title as his normal original gimmick instead of king bokker(a obviously white king, hence the english/british accent, because there are no black british kings FACT )

So what do you think, what kind of a king should he have portrayed?
An American king? Oh, wait! I guess there never was a king in America.
Britain is the country that is associated with royalty, even nowadays. Seeing that, why would he not mimmick a British accent?

i just find it a irony that wwe have not(exclude booker) gave a black guy the wwe title and i was wondering why

Excuse me, but where exactly do you see the irony?

With the small number of black Superstars in the WWE, it's just not as likely that someone who is black is talented enough to hold the WWE/WH Championship. And saying that black people are talented enough to hold a title, well that's just a generalization.

It's like 'white people are talented enough to hold the WWE title' well duh, really? Why will Evan Bourne never be WWE Champion? He's white after all!!
I understand what u mean that kofi wont be wwe champion...I agree with you that in wwe we never seen a black champion as the face of the company. Kofi IMO looks like the one to defy that..The guy IMO has the smile of Magic Johnson and the short catchy name like Kobe Bryant and the ups like a Lebron James( sorry for the NBA comparison ala Jim Ross)..I love kofi but his moveset needs to have some tweeking if he wants to be a champ
Absolute bullshit. As people have mentioned, Booker T, Lashley and Mark Henry have all held major titles in the last 2 years. Ron Simmons never won the world title because he just wasn't a main event guy in WWE. They're not going to give him the title just because he's black, that WOULD be racist.

And your reason for disqualifying Booker T is absolutely deluded. Booker T has been black... pretty much all his life as far as I know!

They're pushing Kofi well, and as long as he continues getting over, he will be champ eventually. If he doesn't, don't be so bloody racist as to blame it on his skin colour.
This should be fun, Okay then first of all i am not racist
Clearly you are, as YOU'RE the one condemning a company ran by white folks for who they pick as their champion.

It's clear you are a racist, if you weren't, you'd understand that there HAVE been black World Champions, no matter how often you try to dismiss all of their accomplishments.

that is quite silly to suggest
No, it isn't.

what i mean is why wouldn't they let bokker win the title as his normal original gimmick
Because the normal original gimmick sucked monkey balls. It was old and stale, and to be honest, wasn't very good to begin with. Not to mention, that Booker had just won King of the Ring, and it was quite customary for a King of the Ring winner to refer to himself as a king.

instead of king bokker(a obviously white king, hence the english/british accent, because there are no black british kings FACT )
But, we're Americans, and our concept of king comes from Great Britain and their kings, and so when Booker assumed the ttitle of a king, he acted in the stereotype that Americans know as king.

The fact that you think him being black should exclude him from acting the same way as a white man should once again shows just how racist you are.

it seems some people are very insecure and touchy about race issues
This is just too funny considering YOU are the one who brought it up.

i just find it a irony that wwe have not(exclude booker) gave a black guy the wwe title and i was wondering why.I also believe black wrestlers are talented to hold the wwe title why not?
That's a great point if you ignore Bobby Lashley and Mark Henry.

Speaking of racism, you're obviously accusing the WWE of it, so let's just set you straight, shall we? You do realize that "black people" are not the only type of different race, correct? Bill Goldberg (Jewish) Batista (Greek/Phillipino), Rey Mysterio (Hispanic), Great Khali (Indian), Pedro Morales (Hispanic), Iron Sheik (from Iran), Yokozuna (Samoan), The Rock (Black/Samoan), Eddie Guerrero (self-proclaimed Latino), and Sheamus (Irish) are all former World Champions who represent various ethnic groups. To call the WWE racist is just absurd.

and norcal you need to shut the fuck up and relax because you are being a idiot, acting immature, you are coming acrosss as racist, how can you say black people talk like fools huh?
You're making yourself look dumb. Norcal was saying that, just because Booker didn't play to the common stereotype of black people in wrestling (see: Cryme Tyme), didn't make him any less of a black man.

some black people speak broken english, that is how some black people speak, so they are fools for talking differently?
Yes. Because "broken english" is just that...broken. Is it really that hard to learn how to speak properly? And that has nothing to do with being white or black, it just has to do with having a little bit of knowledge and pride in how you speak.

Anyone who speaks "broken english" is a complete fool.

i hope people read this.And is your opinion of all black people do is drink grape soda and eat fried chicken? man that's some ignorant shit.
Again, he was saying that just because Booker didn't play to the stereotype of a black man, it didn't make him any less black when he won the World title.
Okay then first of all i am not racist, that is quite silly to suggest,

YOU are the one who suggested simply becuase Booker wasnt using steretypes, speaking proper english, and was royalty, that he was "acting white" which is some of the most racist shit ive ever read on this forum. Whats wrong with the accent? Are there no black british people? Ill ave to ask Jake and Sam on that one...:shrug:

what i mean is why wouldn't they let bokker win the title as his normal original gimmick instead of king bokker

Maybe becuase it wasnt over, and King Booker was? Oh, yea man, I dig ya. Totally should have won the title in the same gimmick that had him jobbing to the Boogeyman, totally wouldve worked.

how can you say black people talk like fools huh?

I didnt, you fucking simpleton. I said why did Booker have to be impersonating a white person simply becuase he wasnt talkig like a fool. Are the only colors that exist on the earth black and white now?

some black people speak broken english, that is how some black people speak, so they are fools for talking differently?

If its on purpose? Absolutely

And is your opinion of all black people do is drink grape soda and eat fried chicken?

No, im well aware that in addition to those activites, they also buy rims, and impregulate women.
Absolute bullshit. As people have mentioned, Booker T, Lashley and Mark Henry have all held major titles in the last 2 years. Ron Simmons never won the world title because he just wasn't a main event guy in WWE. They're not going to give him the title just because he's black, that WOULD be racist.

And your reason for disqualifying Booker T is absolutely deluded. Booker T has been black... pretty much all his life as far as I know!

They're pushing Kofi well, and as long as he continues getting over, he will be champ eventually. If he doesn't, don't be so bloody racist as to blame it on his skin colour.

Nah, I always thought Booker could change his skin colour between black and white whenever he wants. Of course he has been black his whole life!

I still don't see why Kofi should be champ. Too me he would be a Jeff Hardy champ, someone who gets it mainly because they are megaly over with mediocer skills. And yes Jeff was my favourite wreslter but come on, he wasn't the best in the ring or on the mic. He started growing tho just before he left which is a plus, but the point is, I cant see Kofi being one.

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