Jesse Sorensen Released from TNA

Yet I am quite certain I used to throw rocks at your head in all those old LDs in which you went on about TNA's unsuccessful status on account of the company 'failing to grow fast enough'

Where those comments wrong?

No I still stand by those comments as I don't think they're growing nearly well enough to validate their costs and efforts. If their owners are happy (which I have no reason to assume whether they are or aren't) then they're doing well enough, but based on the reports I've seen and common sense, it would seem like they're putting in a lot of effort for not much payoff.
Not that simple. It's about cost effectiveness. If Main Event costs three times as much as Women's United Soccer Association to air, it has to draw three times the viewers, depending on the time of broadcast.

My feeling on Main Event is like professional American football, television stations purchase it at a loss from the shows themselves but make up for it by drawing viewers in to their other shows. In Main Event's case I assume that they did business with WWE just to get people to know that their network even existed. Ion and WWE may have never had any intention of making this a long term program (beyond a year or two).

Given how low Ion is on the cable spectrum, I can't imagine Main Event would need that strong of a performance to be near the top. It's a lot of reruns of network shows like Without a Trace, Criminal Minds and NCIS plus a Canadian show called Flashpoint.

I don't have cable and I have Ion. I am guessing ME is their #1. Iif it's already paid for, it is highly doubtful that they could scrap it and find something to make them more money. If it is paid for it is going to cost them more money to find something else.
How can a show that is a success be less successful than a show that is unsuccessful?

Reconcile please.

Quite simple: Main Event has little effort put into it and does well. Impact has a lot of effort put into it and does only a bit better. Also both shows have different goals: one show's goal is to be the flagship show of a company, the other is to be a supplement.

Main Event does what it's supposed to, as does Impact. However, Impact could likely do just as well with a lot less money put into it, which would make it more profitable, which would make it more successful no?
Thought the kid had a good dollop of potential. He was a natural athlete and managed to flow with the action very well considering, and this is the kicker, he was only about 21 years old when he was on tv. Very impressive and his return was a natural story, so it's a shame but considering relevant news, not a great surprise.
Impact could likely do just as well with a lot less money put into it, which would make it more profitable, which would make it more successful no?

More successful. I didn't think you considered them successful to begin with. I'm becoming increasingly lost.

Tell you what;

Main Event
ROH Wrestling

Which of these broadcasts were/are successful and which were/are unsuccessful?
More successful. I didn't think you considered them successful to begin with. I'm becoming increasingly lost.

Tell you what;

Main Event
ROH Wrestling

Which of these broadcasts were/are successful and which were/are unsuccessful?

I'd consider all of the WWE shows to be successful given that they're either on TV for years on end or still on but not on TV. As for a TV broadcast they might not have been successful but they are overall.

Impact is a success but it could be much moreso.

Which ROH show do you mean? The original or the current?
Gelgarin doing his best Sly impression today.

As for a TV broadcast they might not have been successful but they are overall.

I have to say, in terms of making a viewpoint clearer, this may be the worst sentence you have ever written. Let's keep it to simple yes no questions.

Over the past ten years, which of these broadcasts have been successful;

Main Event
ROH Wrestling

And again I have to call you back to you simultaneously claiming that TNA Impact is successful and unsuccessful. These terms are in binary opposition to one another. One statement must, at the very least, be another example of misspeaking.
The shows that are produced using television production values and then placed online are not a success. The only reason they keep making them is because they are obliged to by international television deals. E.g. WWE Heat was on British television until it ceased.
The shows that are produced using television production values and then placed online are not a success. The only reason they keep making them is because they are obliged to by international television deals. E.g. WWE Heat was on British television until it ceased.

Does NXT still run on TV over there?
So WWE Main Event is a more successful broadcast than TNA Impact?

I remember when Jesse Sorensen was on Main Event........or maybe when he signed a contract to be in the WWE, and they were going to put him on Main Event, but he signed with TNA instead......wait, NO! He was a commentator on Main Event...but....wait....what does Main Event have to do with Jesse Sorensen again?
I have to say, in terms of making a viewpoint clearer, this may be the worst sentence you have ever written. Let's keep it to simple yes no questions.

Over the past ten years, which of these broadcasts have been successful;

Main Event
ROH Wrestling

And again I have to call you back to you simultaneously claiming that TNA Impact is successful and unsuccessful. These terms are in binary opposition to one another. One statement must, at the very least, be another example of misspeaking.

First off I'd like to make it clear that you manage to suck the fun out of discussions that have no such fun in them in the first place.

Moving on:

Raw, Smackdown, Impact - All successes for sure

WWECW - Somewhere in between leaning towards yes

Superstars - On TV less of a success, overall successful

Main Event - Successful for the most part but not much of a sample to work with

ROH - Still waiting on you to clarify which version you mean.
I remember when Jesse Sorensen was on Main Event........or maybe when he signed a contract to be in the WWE, and they were going to put him on Main Event, but he signed with TNA instead......wait, NO! He was a commentator on Main Event...but....wait....what does Main Event have to do with Jesse Sorensen again?

I'm not sure Bro.
I remember when Jesse Sorensen was on Main Event........or maybe when he signed a contract to be in the WWE, and they were going to put him on Main Event, but he signed with TNA instead......wait, NO! He was a commentator on Main Event...but....wait....what does Main Event have to do with Jesse Sorensen again?

Ahh; I can answer that one. Jessie Sorensen once had his thread hijacked by a discussion about WWE Main Event.

That's the connection that this discussion is build off of.
Surely appearing in as many countries as it does, vindicates their presentation? Would foreign markets have any interest in IW if it didn't have the likes of Hogan, Sting, Angle and Hardy?

How was the show doing when Hogan and Hardy weren't there yet?

That's an actual question and not sarcasm.

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