Jericho VS Edge - World Heavyweight Championship

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This wrestlemania is looking like fucking epic win for everyone. I can't wait for this match Especcially if Edge is a complete face by WM, I have been waiting for the day that Edge wins the big one as a face rather then a heel forever. I know this is the only way They would of made sense with Jericho and edge but still it pretty much sucks that Jericho will only have the belt for a month (if edge wins).
I don't quite get why people are saying Christian should be thrown into this? Jericho and Edge have hated each other ever since Jericho was drafted to Smackdown, save the few weeks when they were tag champs together. It was clear that they did that to build a programme between them, probably for Summerslam, then Edge got injured, and bang, even better, Mania. Christian joining the match would be pointless and stupid, before you even throw in the fact that he is nowhere near over enough to be main eventing Mania. Don't get me wrong, I like Christian, I really do, but this seems to me to be a case of the IWC overstating where their guy should be on the card.

Anyway, mini-rant aside, I've been waiting for this one. I'm usually really bad at predictions, but when Jericho drafted to Smackdown I called it for Summerslam, the minute Edge got injured, I called it for Mania. Originally I thought it would headline (like a lot I felt that Sheamus would retain and face Triple H) but I can live with it not. I hope HBK-Taker goes last as I really want to enjoy this and if Shawn's career has just end (yeah, yeah, I know) I will be an emotional mess!

On 99% of cards you could name this would be a banker for MOTN. It's got its work cut out to achieve that, but it should be special, it really should.

As for a winner, well the smart money says Edge, but I'm not ENTIRELY sure. I certainly don't think it's a foregone conclusion, which always makes a match that bit more special. And the promo work leading up to this should be off the charts. Smackdown in 20 minutes, can't wait, hope Jericho is as excited as he was on Monday.

So yeah, looking forwards to this, looking forwards to Mania, it could top X-Seven, it really could
I'd rather Jericho retain, not only to make sure the title isn't changed quickly but to make this fued last longer, it has the makings for possible fued of the year and I don't want it to end at Wrestlemania
It's all about the numbers, it's simple:

You know those little "Did you know?" facts that show up 2x every week on RAW and Smackdown!? Well, one of the most common ones has something to do with Royal Rumble winners going on to win the WWE or World Heavyweight championship 70% of the time in the last decade. Count back 10 years, to 2001. The year before that (2000) won't count as part of the last decade's Royal Rumble/Wrestlemania anymore. Who won the 2000 Royal Rumble? The Rock. Did he win the title at Mania? No. With Edge winning, this brings that number up to 80%, making a Royal Rumble win more credible.

Prediction: Edge.
What I see happening is Christian winning the MITB. Then Edge winning the WHC from Jericho. After the match Captain Charisma decides to cash in his MITB and wins his first WHC.
Christian turns heel, and starts a feud with Edge, his storyline brother.
Christian is in desperate need of a push after being on ECW. He has never won the WWE or WHC before. And this could be a great storyline.
This match for one will be an instant classic in my view!

Who do i see winning? EDGE! Who would i prefer to win? Y2J!

Both these guys are transitional champions, they hold the title just for storyline purposes and they usually lose it at the end of the storyline. The reason why i see edge winning here is because he is the face in this storyline and has just came off of injury. Vince usually lets the babyfaces have their moment at mania and i see nothing different coming from this match.

It was way predictable and EVERYONE saw it coming, but who cares!!! This match has the potential to be the best on the card, with exception to HBK and Taker II.

This match has been built since Edge's injury, which makes it even more exciting. Now when it comes to who will win, I'm hoping to see the Y2J victory, because Jericho NEEDS a longer reign as champ. And, Edge and Jericho can continue their incredible feud to Summerslam, which is when Edge should win.

Bottom line, this may be the match i'm the most excited for, and this is the first time in a long time that I can't wait until a WWE ppv!!!
I think they will give it to Edge but I would like to see Jericho retain just to keep the feud going. Although if Edge won and ended up fueding with Punk that would be awesome.
For me it don't matter who is going to win because I am a fan of both of them. But If I did have two choose. I'm going with Edge winning it and finally have a nice long title run possibly til SummerSlam. The reason why I choose Edge he has the most built up and actually has never gone to wrestlemania and win the world championship yes he has gone as a champion but he never really gone to wrestlmania as a Royal Rumble winner.
Wow. This Wrestlemania really could be something. There are quite a few matches that I could see as going on last. I doubt this one will but I would love for this to go on last. They are certainly able to go out there and put on a fantastic match and even though they won't close Mania they will still put on a fabulous performance, thing is though I feel the fans would be burnt up and not as lively seeing as it would mean going on after HBK vs Taker' and I think that would effect the overall match like it did with Orton and HHH. This will match of the night in my opinion but with Cena and Batista in a match and HBK and Undertaker in a match you never know.

I am predicting Edge to win but I would prefer Jericho to win as Jericho deserves a really good reign and Edge would probably lose it a month later.

I am really looking forward to this match.
I am very psyched for this main event. These are two of my favorite WWE superstars today. (along with CM Punk) I think edge will win, but i think jericho has a legitimate shot to win. I think that Christian cashing in mitb would be epic. I also think that he could cash in on jericho too, with it either resulting in a face vs face feud between edge and christian due to edge being slightly jealous. Edge wouldn't be out and out betrayed by christian but could still lead to a program between the two.
two great wrestlers and has the potential to be match of the night. Im tipping edge in this one as he deserves t be the champion after all the rehab and hard work he has put in to get back to the main event where he belongs.
I say that Jericho Wins, I like Edge alot, I like his new "Fear the Spear" play hes putting on and he always has good matches and couple that with jericho's abilities in the ring, And the fan reaction to the good guy, bad guy ploy should make to be an awesome match. I just think edge takes it at Extreme Rules because Jericho Just won it and should've had it sooner so let him hold it for awhile, and let edge have his glory later.

Someone Mentioned Christian Winning Money in the Bank, but i think an Awesome Epic Story would be for Kane to win, Undertaker defeats Michaels again to continue the streak (though im a HUGE HBK fan and really if anyone beats taker i think it should be HBK) but say Undetaker Wins Kane Cashes in his Money in the Bank because why not, Nothing bring Joy to the Undertakers Dark Heart anymore other than Fighting his Brother, Kane Hits the Tombstone but "Ohhhh, Yes Yes Yes" Paul Bearer Comes out One More time with the Urn, Undertaker Kicks out sits up and Goes on in some form or another to defeat Kane and Continues the Streak in Dramatic Fashion against Unsermountable odds.
This match should be the last match, this is something I have been waiting for ever since the interview of Jericho bashing Edge about his injury.

This match needs alot of build to it, as do the other matches because it has Edge- a great power wrestler and Jericho- a great wrestler all together.

They are both good on the mic and need some more time on the mic to get this feud more built.
If this match didn't have a title on the line, I'd root for Edge all the way and get his revenge on Jericho. Jericho is what a 5 or 6 time champion, and Edge is a 9 time champion. That said, I want Jericho to retain here. I want him to have the long title reign that he deserves. I want that for Edge at some point down the road, but I'm going with Jericho is a great technical contest that has the potential to steal the show.
Well, I think Chris Jericho deserves to hold the title until after 'Mania.

BUT, how cool would it be to see this match close 'Mania.

Jericho turns up the heat on this week's sure and watch the closing segment!!!

Chris Jericho won several internet wrestling polls this year...again!!!

Edge is white hot off a surprise I expect a classic match from these
two at 'Mania!!!

Prediction: Jericho retains...unless this match goes on last!!!
I think we've all been waiting for this match ever since edge tore his ACL. I think this match could really steal the show from the Michaels Vs Taker. Edge And Jericho have both been around for quite some time now and Jericho doesn't seem to be slowing down. Edge on the other hand Is looking quite good even after months of being sidelined.

I would rather see the Taker-HBK match go last instead of this one. Simply because I feel that that match is more Important to This Years Wrestlemania the Jericho vs Edge
Y'know, for this to be a World Heavyweight title match, its not getting the attention it deserves. This match seems to be a bit overshadowed by other matches such as Hart/McMahon and Michaels/Taker. Hell even the Cena/Batista seems to be gaining more interest and momentum than this one.

Im sure they'll put on a great match because its in their blood to perform 110% especially at Mania.

Most likely Edge will win because this Mania marks 20 years from when Edge was in attendance at Mania 6 in 1990. So this will be special for him and it'll be his night.

We'll also get to see if he's fully healed from his injury. Because if he's not, he'll lose the title right away.
Y'know, for this to be a World Heavyweight title match, its not getting the attention it deserves. This match seems to be a bit overshadowed by other matches such as Hart/McMahon and Michaels/Taker. Hell even the Cena/Batista seems to be gaining more interest and momentum than this one.

Im sure they'll put on a great match because its in their blood to perform 110% especially at Mania.

Most likely Edge will win because this Mania marks 20 years from when Edge was in attendance at Mania 6 in 1990. So this will be special for him and it'll be his night.

We'll also get to see if he's fully healed from his injury. Because if he's not, he'll lose the title right away.

That's the problem with have 2 wrestling shows a week, 2 hours each. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times....the brand split needs to end now and merge into one 3-hr Raw. This will give them time to hype all the matches and create more interesting feuds instead of the same ones over and over.
They can still have Smackdown to build up their younger stars...but Raw has always been the flagship show and that's where ALL the big names need to be.
Edge/Jericho match would have no problems being hyped up if they were given time...a 3 hour Raw would fix this.
Well I hope Jericho wins this match because he needs a title reign longer than 35 days. But if any one has noticed that from wrestlemania 20 on up the world heavyweight championship has changed hands so from that I'm not sure if Jericho will keep the title. But even if Jericho loses the title this should be a great match. Then that will also make edge a 6 time world heavy weight champion surpassing triple H's 5 time world heavyweight championship reign.
I know a lot of people assume Edge will win if the match goes on last but I still think even if it does go on last Jericho will win because want Christian to win MITB and cash in on Jericho after the match. The reason why is because a lot of people think he would cash on Edge at some point or on the night but that wouldnt make sense because there isnt even any jealousy or anything between them, It would make more sense for him to cash on someone he has a story history with like....Jericho, It could even lead to a triple threat ladder match at extreme rules between Edge, Christian and Jericho. Although it is very very unlikely its possible. But based on Vinces hatred for Christian he would cash it in and lose. Or worse not win it at all.
The way these two mens feud has been built up over the last few weeks on Smackdown has me wondering. Jericho has looked weak on every Smackdown since and gotten one upped by Edge at every corner. General wrestling booking 101 says Jericho should retain here. Plus add in the fact that while Edge hasn't won at the last three Wrestlemanias, he was undefeated at Mania before that. Jericho on the other hand has only won at two wrestlemanias in his career. Wrestlemania 17 and 25 and at 25 he got knocked out by Mickey Rourke afterward. On the flip side everyone says Edge needs the big face win with the title and I tend to agree and he did get pinned last year at Mania by Cena. All of these factors have me completely flabbergasted as to who will possibly win at Wrestlemania it should be a great contest.

Who I think will win: Chris Jericho
Who I want to win: Edge
This one has me unsure. On one hand, a triumphant return at the royal rumble, followed by a rumble win typically signals a title win as well. On the other hand, in general, edge typically has been getting the upper hand on jericho when they face off or at the end of "surprise attacks", which typically signals an upcoming pay per view loss.

All things considered though, I think it makes more sense (not that decisions are made by sense and logic) to have jericho retain because if he loses, what else is there for him right now on smackdown?

I also think it's interesting that right now edge is being portrayed as this dominating character who has jericho worried. However, edge's persona for a long time has been a champion who is incapable of winning or retaining the title on his own--he has needed outside interference, hawkins and ryder, or vickie stepping in, or something along those lines. Now it seems as though we are supposed to forget all that and now it is jericho who seems incapable of winning a match without help.

Anyways, all that aside, I would go with a win by jericho, but not a clean one. Maybe his nxt protege involves himself and jericho retains that way.
Considering the whole buildup has basically revolved around whether or not Edge can spear Jericho, I certainly wouldn't call it great, but it has been entertaining enough. People have been clamoring for this feud for awhile and it certainly hasn't been disappointing by any means.

I think it's likely that Edge will be the winner here. He recently came off a major injury, so his popularity is higher than it's ever been. Plus, Jericho is rountinely given these month or 2 title reigns, because he isn't a "true" main eventer, even though he's quite good. Should be a very good match. I don't think these 2 are capable of great, but it's highly unlikely to be a stinker.
Y'know, for this to be a World Heavyweight title match, its not getting the attention it deserves. This match seems to be a bit overshadowed by other matches such as Hart/McMahon and Michaels/Taker. Hell even the Cena/Batista seems to be gaining more interest and momentum than this one.
I think this speaks volumes for the quality of the card that a WHC match can be so underated. At the same time, this match is in safe hands as we all know these two will put on a clinic. Yes, Taker/HBK and Hart/McMahon will steal the headlines, as will Cena/Batista but we all know that this match will be a good solid wrestling match.
I would love to see both Batista and Jericho retain but, traditionally, the faces go over, so I would rather see Edge go over if it meant Batista won. Either way, I see this feud continuing till at least Extreme Rules, but I can see this match stealing the show.

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