Wrestlemania 27 - Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio - World Heavyweight Championship

At this stage in proceedings I'd be quite shocked and rather disappointed to not see Captain Charisma added to this match. His matches against Del Rio over the past few weeks have been very impressive, and they're just showings of what could be a fantastic WHC match at Mania. You'd have Edge and Christian in there who we already know have great chemistry, and a big upcoming star in Del Rio who has proved that he can work well with both of the two men I mentioned. If he's added to the match, it definetely has the potential to go down as one of the best triple threat matches of all time. It's not like it would be a random addition either; Del Rio took Christian out for 6 months, Christian has 2 clean victories over Del Rio, and I wouldn't rule out a possible heel turn for Christian to further spice up the intensity of this match. Obviously Mania is just around the corner, but even if Christian is added in late, the storyline behind the match will have already been written.

Please, please make this happen. :worship:
70% of wrestlers according to the Royal Rumble promos go on to win the championship at Wrestlemania. Now the odds are in the favor for Del Rio but history itself does not bode well for the superstar. Last year at the Rumble Edge ended up winning the Rumble after making a return to the WWE. His Wrestlemania match was against none other than Chris Jericho. We all thought it was going to be Edge who came out with the title but no it was not. This year it is Alberto Del Rio's turn to try and test his luck after winning the Rumble. I believe Edge will win because last year he did not get his win and they will do the same to the up and coming Alberto Del Rio.

If you just open your eyes and read the results for Elimination Chamber you will know that Christian has returned to the WWE. And not only did he return but he returned to the aide of Edge after an assault by Del Rio. I don't care if this match ends up being a Triple Threat Match or a one on one match Christian WILL get involved in this match somehow. Why? Because Alberto Del Rio tried to end Christian's career. Now it is Christian's turn to ruin Del Rio's mania moment. It would make perfect sense as instead of hurting Del Rio physically he can hurt his repuatation in the WWE. (In a way). Last year another foreign superstar tried to make a name for himself at Wrestleania, his name was Sheamus. And if anyone has anything of a memory they would know that Sheamus lost to Triple H. Same thing this year? My guess is YES! Also isn't it a coincidence that Edge and Christian were one of the only tag teams to maintain their title at back to back Manias? I think Edge will win his title.

Edge is the Ultimate Oppurtunist. He will find any way to win. He is by far the more established star and he knows how to win on the big stage. He also knows how to beat any superstar given the right tactics. He beat Kane after getting Paul Bearer killed. Who says Edge can't do the same to Ricardo Rodriguez. As Edge is the ultimate oppurtunist he can clearly find a way to win this match.

Del Rio may say it is his destiny. I think not.
70% of wrestlers according to the Royal Rumble promos go on to win the championship at Wrestlemania. Now the odds are in the favor for Del Rio but history itself does not bode well for the superstar. Last year at the Rumble Edge ended up winning the Rumble after making a return to the WWE. His Wrestlemania match was against none other than Chris Jericho. We all thought it was going to be Edge who came out with the title but no it was not. This year it is Alberto Del Rio's turn to try and test his luck after winning the Rumble. I believe Edge will win because last year he did not get his win and they will do the same to the up and coming Alberto Del Rio.

A valid point but I don't know if WWE is that ******ed to have FOUR back to back Royal Rumble winners lose their match at WrestleMania. First Cena, then Orton, then Edge, I don't think WWE will do it a fourth time. If they do, then it's just going to further drop that statistic and every time that percentage goes down, people will have more and more doubt about the winner's chances at WrestleMania.

Although I think it's a bad thing, it could also be a good thing. If it looks like there is not much of a chance, statistics wise for a superstar to win a match then if they do win, it makes them look even better which I think is what WWE is going to go for with Del Rio. They will have him win, making his win look even more impressive as it will have taken 4 Wrestlemania's to get a RR winner a World Title win.

There is no doubt in my mind that Christian will have some sort of involvement in the match as he's been involved in the build up, it would make no sense for him to have no presence in the match at all.


1. He will not turn on Edge but rather accidently costing him the match somehow and then EDGE is the one who turns heel on Christian later on. Or,

2. Christian does turn on Edge because Christian has had Edge's back, but Edge couldn't do the same for Christian.

Either way, Del Rio will be the new World Heavyweight Champion, but you already knew that.
It almost seems to obvious that Christian will turn heel and cost Edge the title. I really wish they would of just thrown Christian into the match in a triple threat. Who knows if he will ever get a chance to headline Wrestlemania again. I really hope that they throw us some kind of curve ball during this match or Cena's match. Even keeping Christian face would suffice me as a wrestling fan. :)
I don't buy this whole ADR being ready for a main event at Mania, especially for the WHC.

This fued has been awful, I don't even feel like I care about it at all. ADR's push has been good, and he seems very in tune with what he's supposed to be doing, but by no means does he seem ready for the WHC. If he wins it probably won't go over well, but what do they care anymore?

Christian as his manager, or partner or a member of his new stable by helping him beat Edge? I can dig that...But again, does anyone buy ADR as a stable leader? He could I guess run the stable like JBL (bought people to look after him and run SMACKDOWN) that'd be kind of cool, I guess.

I'm just not buying ADR as ready, as sad as that is I just don't buy this match. I hope Edge pulls it out, but I see that as unlikely.
Yea, just not really too personally interested. Edge isnt interesting if not put with the right opponet, and having a character like Del Rio's being a challenger is kind of a weird build. I wouldnt be too overly shocked to see Del Rio pull off the upset though, and will probably put on a decent match with Edge.

Should end up being solid, doesnt feel like a big deal though. Add christian and make this a ladder match, THEN your cooking with grease. Not for a Mania ME you say? Eh, itll be the undercard one, which makes it open to them basically doing whatever with it. May as well make it all it can be.
This feud has been so great. Del Rio has been impressive every week ever since his debut and has gotten pushed to the top following his Royal Rumble win. I feel bad for Edge that he never wins world title matches at Wrestlemania, especially last year, but Del Rio needs the win here. The last time a Royal Rumble winner won their world title match was in 2007 with the Undertaker facing Batista. Del Rio needs to win because not only will it establish him at the top, but it will also bring back some of the prestige that winning the Royal Rumble has lost in the past 4 years. Christian will likely get involved. Perhaps a heel turn on Edge to get Del Rio the win, leading into a triple threat between the three at the next PPV. I’d be all for that!

Alberto Del Rio will win the World Championship.
I'm not looking forward to this match very much due to how Edge has regressed over the past few years. Del Rio is a good wrestler but this match will probably appear worse than it actually may be through minimal fault of his own. I fully expect Christian to turn heel and cost Edge the belt. Del Rio wins.
Should be a good match, and I fully expect ADR to win. There's obviously a purpose to Christian being in Edge's corner, and I expect him to interfere and cost Edge the title, leading to a triple threat at the next PPV. It's been a good enough build so far, both have looked strong at certain times, and Del Rio has really stamped his authority recently, showing he can defeat Edge at Mania. They should work well together, Edge is a great performer, and Del Rio is developing into a very credible in ring performer. The match will get 10 minutes or so, though I wouldn't mind it going on longer. I say Del Rio to pull out the win after an interference/distraction from Christian.
This should be a good match. Edge is damn good in the ring, and ADR is an interesting character to say the least. It's just been a weird build to it. ADR was on a roll, and all of a sudden Christian reappears. Christian all of a sudden dominates the #1 contender weekly, and he's left off the card completely? I'm not sure I understand that entire thing.

I'm heavily leaning with ADR to win the match, but you never know with the WWE and it's inability to book heels to win world titles at Wrestlemania. This feud could drag on for a few months before ADR ultimately wins the world title.
This match should be interesting. Del Rio seems to be everyone's favorite to win this, so I'm picking the opposite. Del Rio has skyrocketed to the top very quickly, winning the biggest Royal Rumble in WWE history. Edge, is a 11 time World Heavyweight Champion. It seems as if Wrestlemania this year is all about the established vs. the unestablished but I just can't see every unestablished superstar winning at 'Mania. I see an Edge win but that's most likely due to the fact I'm a blind mark. Alberto Del Rio just doesn't seem to work too great with anyone not named Rey Mysterio. Even his match with Daniel Bryan was a little boring. With Christian in Edge's corner, I could see a heel turn. But I'm pulling for Edge. However, an Alberto Del Rio win won't bother me too much.

Hamler's Prediction- Edge
Honestly, the feud is a big let down to me. It has massive potential, but it just seems very poorly built.

The feud has revolved around Christian for awhile, yet he isn't even in the match. The time should have been used on Edge and Del Rio to help build more heat towards the feud, instead of using it for a potential future feud.

The outcome of this match really revolves around Christian, if he makes his way into the match as a manager of some sort I see Del Rio winning because of a Christian Heel Turn. If not, I think Edge will get the clean win. Del Rio has been pushed to quickly in my opinion for him to get a clean win on Edge at Mania for the title.
It's interesting how different the opinions here have been. Some people think the feud and build have been crap but the match will be good anyway, some people think the build has been solid, it's a good mix, and this feud definitely has walked the line between mediocre and good, and the markier (not necessarily smarkier) you are, the more you'll like it.

Fans of Edge, like myself, love nearly anything the guy does and his emotional involvement in this feud has been second to none. ADR fans will like how dominant he's looked over the past few months and how he really does look set to fulfill his destiny. And fans of Christian will obviously love this feud because he's finally in the World Heavyweight Championship picture, even if he's on the outside looking in.

I was satisfied but not blown away by the build, but I feel the heat in the feud. Everyone is calling for Christian to screw Edge, but I think we might not see that for many more months, sometime closer to Wrestlemania 28. I think Edge retains here.
This feud hasn't done much for me. Each week, Smackdown ends with, A. Christian pinning Del Rio, or B. Del Rio putting someone in an armbar. Sorry, but Edge running his fingers through his hair like a mad man, and Del Rio non-stop talking about his destiny just doesn't interest me.

The match should most certainly surpass the feud, but if not, I really don't care. I think the entire card is a bit underwhelming, in terms of build, but there are several matches which could turn into classics. I'm hoping this one proves me wrong, but it's going to take place somewhere toward the middle of the card, so it's really not a huge deal.
I just wanna see this match be over with. I like del rio and I like edge but this feud was just ok. In the end christian/del rio got more attention then edge/del rio. It was all over the place. I want del rio to win since well, Edge and his 11 title reigns is a bit much. Another match I look foward to seeing.
Del Rio's push heading into the RR was tremendous. I really enjoyed his promos and matches with the program surrounding his "destiny" and the mini-feud he had with Rey were entertaining.

The problem is that after ADR won the Rumble this angle with Edge has, for the most part, been ignored. And while I like Christian, bringing him into this angle is a mistake, IMO. It just muddies the heat between Edge and ADR, as they battle it out for the WHC. I think Christian would have been better used by inserting him into the championship picture coming out of WM rather than leading into it.
Looking forward to this. After a piss poor 2010, Edge has really been pretty decent so far this year. Del Rio has impressed me since his debut and I can't see this being anything less than a 4 star match.

Under no circumstances should Christian turn heel on Edge. Of course he should accidentally cost him the title, that goes without saying. But there should be no Edge & Christian feud until SummerSlam at the earliest. Not without Christian getting a title shot at Del Rio on PPV and the inevitable short tag title reign before he eventually turn s on Edge.
So I just had this idea about what could happen in this match.

A lot of people think Christian turning is a guarentee at Mania, but why cannot Brodus Clay turn on Del Rio. Wouldn' this help establish Brodus Clay and at the same time does not make Del Rio weak. I think that this match has something that is going to happen because each superstar competing in this match has someone ring side. But how shocked would everyone be if Brodus ended up getting involved in the match up. I think Brodus is a future main eventer just based on his overall ability so surely having him do something major at Mania could beneift him. Also it may be pure coincidence but Brodus is the only season to appear on T.V and he wasn't the winner. Maybe this was a long term plan after all. And to add to that Edge has been testing a submission finisher out recently so maybe Del Rio finds a way to get into a submission match at Extreme Rules much like Big Show challenged Cena to a submission match a few years ago. I think no matter what we will see some interference, but look for Brodus to betray Del Rio and stay heel.
As much as I hate to say it, I think Del Rio will take the world title home in this match. WWE wouldn't build him up to be the winner of the biggest royal rumble just to drop him into mid-card status or something like that. I feel he's been pushed far too quickly and would love seeing him lose this one.

The buildup has become kinda confusing though, too much attention towards Christian getting revenge on Del Rio since he returned. It would make more sense if he was added to the lineup but as it is, I bet Del Rio takes the title with him as much as I don't want it to happen.
LOL @ Edge destroying Del Rio's car.

Good to see him winning. I think it was too soon to push Del Rio and he can have the championship later.
Edge is a selfish, selfish, selfish jerk. Can't put over talent for once. Who has a put over? Undertaker?

Fire Edge... useless piece of shit who refuses to put young talent over.
Del Rio didnt get buried. He should thanking WWE for even letting him be in WHC at mania so early in his career. I knew it was too soon for him to win. Del Rio dosent need to win the strap so quickly. It's better to build him up as a legit contender instead of rushing him prematurely. This is coming from a guy who really likes Del Rio and is certain he will be champ in the near future. I just think he needs so more big matches on his resume. He should finish up his feud with Christian anyway, he hasn't beat him. Edge deserved to win anyway, the guy never gets long title reigns. The only thing that really sucks is this is hurting the royal rumble victory.
If anything, it will be entertaining to see how Del Rio responds to this loss. Keep in mind, Vince doesn't like Christian and wouldnt dare put him in a World Title match at mania. Backlash though, I expect the triple threat match where Del Rio wins the belt.
If anything, it will be entertaining to see how Del Rio responds to this loss. Keep in mind, Vince doesn't like Christian and wouldnt dare put him in a World Title match at mania. Backlash though, I expect the triple threat match where Del Rio wins the belt.

There is no more Backlash. Look at the PPV list. The first PPV after WM is EXTREME RULES.

Please, PLEASE, do some research before you post stupid things.

I do agree with you on Del Rio winning at Backlash. I can see Christian either unintentionally or intentionally costing Edge the title.

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