Occasional Pre-Show
At this stage in proceedings I'd be quite shocked and rather disappointed to not see Captain Charisma added to this match. His matches against Del Rio over the past few weeks have been very impressive, and they're just showings of what could be a fantastic WHC match at Mania. You'd have Edge and Christian in there who we already know have great chemistry, and a big upcoming star in Del Rio who has proved that he can work well with both of the two men I mentioned. If he's added to the match, it definetely has the potential to go down as one of the best triple threat matches of all time. It's not like it would be a random addition either; Del Rio took Christian out for 6 months, Christian has 2 clean victories over Del Rio, and I wouldn't rule out a possible heel turn for Christian to further spice up the intensity of this match. Obviously Mania is just around the corner, but even if Christian is added in late, the storyline behind the match will have already been written.
Please, please make this happen.
Please, please make this happen.