Jenks' Cell

I'm watching Jersey Shore in 15 minutes. I'd start a live discussion but I'm guessing everyone's seen it already.
You'd start a live discussion..but you'd be the only one in it.

I'm posting this in response too the "Greatest/Favorite Wrestler" thread.

Greatest Wrestler of All Time: "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan
Favorite Wrestler of All Time: Sting

Notable Favorite Wrestler's in chronological order The Ultimate Warrior, Bret "The Hitman" Hart, The Rock, Mr. Anderson.
Tonight, as I sit here nekkid in the dark, I've been thinking about things and I just want to say that I'm glad we have guys like John Stewart, Keith Olbermann, and Bill Maher who are always there to put old, rich white men in their place.
I Need Help

Ok, I have a dog, but it's not really my dog, it's a family dog. It's a year old, german shepherd/hound mix. I think the main reason we have it is for security and just a want for a dog. TH
^computer like refreshed on me as I was typing(I can't edit posts.)

Like I was saying, the problem is no one takes care of the dog and disciplines her. She went to obedience school and it did shit all. The dog digs everything up in the backyard and I seriously believe she is trying to migrate to China.

The dog is not my responsibilty, but I sort of want to train her. And by "no one takes car of her" I don't mean she's neglected. She's well fed and spoiled, but she's allowed to run rampant.

Anyway, does anyone have any tips on how to train a dog? The dog is very aggressive(not vicious) and everyone else has seemed to have given up on making her an obedient dog, but I think she has a lot of room for improvement. Aren't german shepherds suppose to be very smart/amazing type dogs.

We have a big backyard so people feel she doesn't need to be walked as she probably gets walked every two weeks or so. I'd walk her, but I don't like the idea of freezing my ass jogging and then having to walk the dog seperately. I've tried walking her and jogging at the same type but she stops every few seconds and she's just an all around pain in the ass.

So, anyone have any advice?
Oh no it was just an idea that I would like to see. Considering you two are the only active prisoners, it would be nice to see this.
Nah, I rather not do a competition. I'm going to be more active discussing wrestling. I suck at making opening posts though so when ever the next wrestling related thread opens, I'll be on top of it like flies on shit.

I know J4L has made some good ones. Only reason I don't discuss WWE more is because it's so predictable i.e.

"What do you think happens between Cena/Miz at and after Wrestlemania?"
(What I want to happen)After Cena wins the title, something happens involving The Rock where Cena turns heel.
(What will probably happen) Cena wins the title and continues to be the same old Cena.
If things go any further between The Rock and Cena, Rock will probably be the heel.

I always know that no matter what, Raw is going to revolve around Orton/Cena. I'm not as sour as I had been about the whole situation if The Rock does remain involved some how.
The Truth Is Out There

And the news covered it as well.

Anyway, don't get the wrong idea. I don't believe in this stuff, I just like checking this stuff out once in a while. I like to keep an open mind. There's so many freaking galaxies, I'm sure there's some sort of advanced life forms. Like if fish can live under water, I'm sure it's possible their could be a species that lives in super cold temperatures or is capable of living in a type of world we could not. But for them to travel light years or survive on our planet ...

The point is I'd think it's pretty possible something exists .... out there.
Aw, Xemnas created a UFO and aliens thread in the cigar lounge(I think that's where it is.)
I was going to create a UFO and extra-terrestrial thread in the prison, but like always, I have trouble thinking what would be my best opening post, I rather write the thread title and wait for someone passionate about the subject, that I can reply too.

Like is the thread going to be about posting videos of UFO's and we might comment on the vid, or can people really spark good discussion of extraterrestrials.

There are a few subjects I'm sure people would love to discuss, but they're difficult for proper non-spam discussion unless you know a shit ton about the subject.
A guy named Davi wrote this in the cigar lounge. I really enjoyed it because this is exactly same way I feel about the situation.

UFO Sightings: People are kooks. I don't believe that any alien civilization that is advanced enough to travel to the Earth would bother. We simply don't have the necessary technology to be interesting to them. We would be one of the planets designated by the mythical Star Trek Prime Directive. That is, if any alien life is even advanced enough to travel the stars, which I highly, highly doubt. (More on this later)

Extraterrestrial Life: It has to be out there. If the universe is infinite, and ever expanding, it would be a statistical impossibility for similar sets of circumstances that led to life on Earth to have never occurred anywhere else. The same rough equivalent gases, in the same mixtures, the same elemental compounds that formed the planet the correct distance from the sun, and all that. When you have an infinite universe, it simply must have occurred elsewhere as well, probably many times. However, those statistically virtually guaranteed life forms have only had approximately the same amount of time to develop and evolve as we have. I find it highly unlikely that any of them could have advanced significantly far enough along to enable them to travel the stars without it being a long term multi-generational type situation. However, if they are going to invest in the sheer amount of time in building a multi-generational universe crossing space ship, wouldn't they want to maximize the usefulness of such an undertaking? IE, they probably aren't going to slum around wasting resources going to Earth to watch us only get as far as the moon, being completely incapable of interstellar travel. They are going to have the technology to scan us from very far away, and would thus know to more or less ignore us, as we have nothing to offer them. They will skip Earth in search for greener pastures. We simply aren't advanced enough to be remotely interesting to such a species.

HOWEVER. If there is no life on other planets, anywhere else in the universe, think about the implications of that. That in a universe that is infinitely large, and infinitely expanding, that life has only ever occurred once, and for what in universal terms, is a very short period of time. Given the vastness of the universe, we would be an impossible anomaly. With the odds of 1 vs. infinity, you would have to conclude that the natural state of the universe is death...or, more accurately, the total lack of life. Yet, here we are, we exist, in complete defiance of the universe. If we are alone, we are UNNATURAL. But if we are unnatural, how can we exist without someone else causing us to exist? Simply put, if Earth stands alone in the universe, as the single beacon of life in an infinity of death, we must have been purposefully put here, in spite of the universe's natural inclination towards death. But, if we were purposefully placed here, who, who is not us, could have done so? There is only one answer. The only one who could possibly be powerful enough to create life in a universe of death is one who is greater than the entire universe, someone who exists outside of the universe, who is not beholden to it's rules. Why, I bet that someone who is powerful enough to flat out ignore the laws of space and time to put us here, where we clearly do not belong, is even powerful enough to create a universe...hmmm.

Some may want to assume that I am arguing that they are opposites, but they are not. The existence of alien life on other planets does not prove God does not exist. However, the complete lack of alien life anywhere else in the universe would prove God must exist in order for us to, because of the sheer impossibility of it all. 1 chance out of infinity are simply not odds I would care to take, unless I knew it was rigged.

I was discussing this same thing with Hamler yesterday, since he said he was an atheist.
If you are an atheist, you must believe that there is other advanced life somewhere out there because it would be impossible for their not to be, scientifically.

But, if their wasn't other life out there, us being here would be an impossibility therefore we had to have been created by some entity we probably aren't even capable or fathoming/imagining.

To bad we might never know of other extraterrestrial civilizations, due to distance/time.
Then again, maybe it's a good thing. If they were like humans, they'd undoubtedly want to start shit.

Start spouting shit off like "Fuck Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan, Gremlack IV is the greatest wrestler in the entire universe. He is 1000 miles tall, can run a light year in 1.21 jigga watts, and cut a better promo then the likes of any great human leader."
I know, right.

I sort of like it this way. And sort of don't.
If it was just me in here, I'd probably start really posting about wrestling a lot.
When this place is active, no one really cares about discussing the wrestling posts.

So hey, how do you like being on the outside? I bet it's great that you can actually have sex with women now, instead of pretending with J4L.
Jenks, just a thought. You said when the next Wrestling Thread's came about, you'd get on them and post.
I've made 3 Today, you could get on them :)

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