A question for the De Facto leader of WZ.

Alright, so this was over three months ago and I continued on from this doing as I was doing. After this thread ended I had a wrestlezone trial to see if I should be released from prison. If you look at Sly's post in this thread, he never shuts the door or gives me a closed answer. He says that I leave then come back, which is why I stick around b/c I've only probably not logged in 25-30 days of being in here out of being in here 180+ days.

If the answer is "NO, you can't be let you" why even mention how active(or inactive) I am.
You're not getting out, unfortunately.

And Lariat would have made a shit admin.
Well Jenks, it is easy, call your mom, tell her that your IP provider is a shit and that "another one" is better.
You create a new mail, sign in and start all over again, if you are good people will notice, if you are a piece of thrash people won't care about you and you will be here again.

You are not getting out, just leave it already...
A lot of posters like you, its true but the big bosses don't and for the guys who his running a forum, it is actually a crap having one guy creating 30 new accounts, you should be glad for being in the Prison.

Start all over again, and be a good guy, people will notice
He never liked me either. He seemed like a dick and acted like it when talking with me at times. Just never liked him.

I also thought he was like an uber-D-Man. Every single thread he posted was about Stan Hansen or tits and it pissed me off.
Jenks, i think you just need to make a choice. Stay or go.

Keep doing what you have been doing & making posts to keep conversation alive in here. You arent completely shut off b\c alot of folks still travel in here for discussions.

Unfortunately KB\Sly arent letting you out anytime soon- if ever.

You have to quit with the multiple 'let me out' threads\posts. Even without a 'definitive' awnser, you have to know what the admins have meant by their response. That stuff just makes it worse.

Keep your head up & type your ass off b\c you want to. Talk about whatever is on your mind. But if your sticking around just to see if Sly\KB will bend & let you out- its not looking good.

You dont need their approval & definately dont need the greif. Do what you think is right. Stay b\c you want to, not because you think it helps your chances homie.
It's either that or be an ass kisser. Or realize that it's an internet wrestling forum and avoid making so much drama out of the littlest things.
It's either that or be an ass kisser. Or realize that it's an internet wrestling forum and avoid making so much drama out of the littlest things.

How about just following the rules, and taking responsibility for yourself?
i have to admit, i dont fully understand what ppl mean when they say that. im not the type who likes breaking the rules, bc i dont like being in trouble.

Grammar Jenks, this sentence should read:

I have to admit, I don't understand what people mean when they say that. I'm not the type who likes breaking the rules because I don't like being in trouble.

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