J4L's Prison (Cell) Thoughts.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Well, I wake up this morning to come to read up on Jenks' Trial, see if he managed to get out of here yet. Instead, I see a "Thanks for letting me out" Thread started by Macios. Seems that Jenks is still on Trial, but Macios got out last night. Big congratulations to him, he deserved out, then again, so does Jenks.

It seems though that for everyone we lose here, we get a replacement. Only recently, we were joined by the almost inanimate "The Encore". Since turning up here, I've only seen him about twice so far. Whether he has potential, I don't know. He needs to scrap the "Big headed" thing and just be himself. Maybe then, if he goes the right way, things could turn out better for him, he doesn't seem to liked right now.

Jenks should be out of here very soon, I saw by the weekend at the latest. His trial is going pretty well, he's got a good speaker in the form of Gelgarin. kb is being impartial, admitting that he thinks Jenks has improved, which is a good sign. I say good luck to him on getting out, he also deserves it.

Then on the 17th of April, we will be seeing the return of Bill Lesnar. Me and Bill haven't had the best of starts, we never got on or anything, but I'll be glad to see him come back. We need someone like him, a maniac, back around the Prison. Where he's been recently is unknown, but I'm looking forward to see him come back. He's gonna make some impact I tell you that much.

There are some people out in the Main Boards who will probably be joining us in the Prison if they step out of line. Disturbed, with the amount of times you've been banned, I am surprised you're not in here. If you end up joining us, I won't be surprised. Sorry, but I won't. Whether we get more guys coming in here soon though, I don't know. All I can say is, as long as they're willing to try and reform then I welcome them.

Finally, myself. I'm used to the Prison being pretty inactive at times. I can happily say that I don't feel like an outcast or outsider any more. I feel as though people are reading what I post, replying if they feel like it, which makes me happy. I must be heard by some people out in the Main Boards, who are reading and replying to me. Getting out of here hasn't been phasing me, so that's alright. It'd be nice to one day find my way out, no matter how long it really takes. But while I'm in here, I'm gonna make the most of it. I'm improving my posting as much as I can, trying to get better daily. Hopefully I am, I know I was pretty terrible when I started out.

Anyways, if anyone's got anything they want to ask me or say to me, go ahead. I'm open to anything.

At least you're getting discussion going in the prison. As for Ryder, you used to have your fair shair of grammar issues but you have improved by leaps and bounds. :)

I am still working on my grammar shit.
Well, I'm trying my best. My grammar and spelling have both gotten better since I started out here as well. But it's my posting that's improved tenfold, man, am I glad about that. At least in my eyes I've come a distance. Other guys might think I've got a way to go, but I'm good with that.
Man don't let your spelling and Grammar get you down. I have the worst on the forums at times, but I still get alot of respect. Just be a nice person and try to make friends. I for one would like to invite you to the Late night thread once you get out. Alot of good guys in there, along with a few others.

Jglass, Crock, Me, Sns, DirtyJose, Itgg, Doc, Jgku, Sj, Fred, Theo, Mozz and alot others. A few randoms will pop in for a few days, but we allways have fun. If you are out and can be on late at night on weekends, or on weekdays I'm sure we would love to have you. Just don't start shit with anyone, or try to act bigger than us.

We are a pretty good group of dudes, and we take care of each other. If you have problems when you get out, come shoot us a line. We for the most part help each other if we have problems. I found out thursday that a great friend of mine died, and I posted it up in the thread and I was bombarded with people trying to cheer me up. That's just some of what we do, We have Sns and Sj for the funny, Sns is a pretty chill dude but likes to voice his mind alot. Dirty is funny as shit, and most of us just bullshit. We are all pretty funny, but we just like to have a good time. Just look for it to pop up in the cage around the later hours and jump in. Have a good day J4l
Wow, thanks very much for the invite. I'll do my very best to be around Late at Night. I am when I can be. When I get out, I'll be sure to come and join you guys. I think you're all pretty cool in your own ways. Even Crock, who just likes to put me down is a great poster. But I don't let anyone get to me, so it's allright.

But yeah, definitely gonna come check out your late nights, that's for sure. Have a nice day yourself Unc.
Hey, Just been away for a few days thats all. It's not so much of a big headed thing in general, more along the lines of don't grab the bull by the horns or he will do some bi-winning. lol

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