Is There Need For A Prison?

I have never been so hurt before.

Well except you of course, and the rest of my fans. You ALL mean alot to me. I can't stress that enough. You just get what i'm about. Trust me, i'm a massive fan and have big respect. Posters like yourself SNS are the only reason why i still wander over to this site.;)
Efed was a good idea until you bailed, after making so many promises and hype threads. Milenko was right- your not The Rock. At least he is entertaining. Your persona has lost what little luster it had.

Besides, why would i be bitter? I was in it (you should pay attention)- & lost to Sam. (dont mind b\c its Sam- he is a great poster & funny as hell)

As far as the best thing all year? Hardly. Although your constant 'countdown to return' posts have been amusing. If you arent worried about this place, or dont care- why all they updates on when to expect your grand return? Someone cares more than they lead on? You seem to miss WZ alot more than it misses you.

Jenks is cool with me. He dosent care. Logs in whenever, states his opinion, goes about his business. He tore this place up & was a complete dick- but it was fun. He exchanged insults with some folks (including myself) & then realized attacking everyone wasnt the best course of action. So at least at the end of the day, Jenks is (IMO) a good addition around here.

That earns respect. Not making a huge deal out of yourself, promising a monumental comeback & then saying how much you dont care about this place. If you dont care, then why go to all the trouble? Just simply fade away. Bill Lesnar- the walking contradiction....
That all the great Bill Lesnar has to say? Childish insults just further prove how lackluster you really are.

The curtian was pulled on you long ago & in Wizard of Oz style fashion, you were shown to be a mere mortal. Just babbling to yourself in 3rd person. Your empty promises of leaving cuz you dont need this place, followed by countdowns and fizzled returns are as boring as a John Morrison interview.

But its ok. Your the great Bill Lesnar. Im sure someone, somewhere cares. Even Orlando Jordan has at least one fan, even if it is yourself...

Good day sir.
That all the great Bill Lesnar has to say? Childish insults just further prove how lackluster you really are.

The curtian was pulled on you long ago & in Wizard of Oz style fashion, you were shown to be a mere mortal. Just babbling to yourself in 3rd person. Your empty promises of leaving cuz you dont need this place, followed by countdowns and fizzled returns are as boring as a John Morrison interview.

But its ok. Your the great Bill Lesnar. Im sure someone, somewhere cares. Even Orlando Jordan has at least one fan, even if it is yourself...

Good day sir.

That's all i needed to say. I'm the best. My semen is accepted as currency in most of South America. One yoghurt pot of my sperm is what pays you and Jericholic through college.

Jokes aside...

The reason why my hype 'fizzled' is because of guys like you. Guys like you. Absolute nobodies. Posters that no-one gives two fucks about. Posters who do not have a valid opinion. Posters that are dull. Well i was surrounded by posters like you whenever i make my returns. Posters like you,numbers,stingers and every other drone number four. Every thread made in prison just had to have some sort of contribution from you lot. So basically the dullness of your kind rubbed off on my hype and ruined it.
Oh Bill, poor delusional Bill.... you sure do have jizz & cock on your mind alot. Guess it cant be helped down in the prison. Bill Lesnar- cocks 2 asses.

Son in case you havent noticed- there isnt a whole lot of traffic down here. Not much to spoil really.

Ya know, your comments just show how weak your character is. You say the 'boring' posters ruined it for you. Um, how many people hate Cena? Alot right? Does that spoil his fanbase or ruin his returns? Nope.

Hell more people get excited for seeing this guy than they do yourself:


There it is. At the end of the day people might not remember me or care when I leave here. So what. Its an internet forum.

So I will leave you to your adoring fans down here in the basement. I, unlike yourself, can travel to other parts of the WZ landscape.

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