Jeff Hardy Shoots on CM Punk

I think the funniest part about this is that Jeff Hardy thinks he made CM Punk.

CM Punk was world champion back when Hardy was jobbing out to Umaga every week, and aside from that, faces don't put over heels, heels put over faces. Jeff Hardy didn't reach his "megastar" status until the day Punk cashed in his money in the bank on him. CM Punk made Jeff Hardy.

and why is Matt even talking? I'll be a world champion before he ever will. It's kind of ironic that he's bringing up Lita out of nowhere and talking about how she's emotionally needy and latches on to people.

To be fair though, I was never a Hardy mark. I thought they were both two (at best) semi-talented guys with the queerest gimmick who just got lucky.
OMG! Most of you guys are idiots I swear! This whole thing was a work! If you guys honestly followed Matt you guys would know Matt likes to stir up controversy because controversy attracts attention. If you guys did follow Matt you guys would know that Matt had did a youtube video entry on Lita a while back saying Lita had came to Matt asking for some advice and that they were still close. It wasn't a cry of attention saying he wasn't over Lita, no nothing in that video said anything like that. So everything get your facts straights. The fact is something happened with CM Punk and Lita about the same time one year ago and it was just stuff to add on take a shot at CM Punk. Second the whole deal with Jeff, if you guys would take time to notice CM Punk was not seen and considered mainevent even though the guy was extremly over and a great wrestler people did not see him as a note worthy world champion up until his fued with Jeff Hardy. I didn't agree with it because CM Punk is a great wrestler and could cut an awesome promo but he did not rise to fame until after the Jeff Hardy fued. And CM Punk kept on taking hits on Jeff for it. So no I don't see any reason as to why Jeff shouldn't be mad. It's been known that Matt creates videos to further his media attention but people mistake it and get negativity towards it. So all you guys who bash on the video look up the facts before u guys start taking shots of your own idiots I swear!
OMG! Most of you guys are idiots I swear! This whole thing was a work! If you guys honestly followed Matt you guys would know Matt likes to stir up controversy because controversy attracts attention. If you guys did follow Matt you guys would know that Matt had did a youtube video entry on Lita a while back saying Lita had came to Matt asking for some advice and that they were still close. It wasn't a cry of attention saying he wasn't over Lita, no nothing in that video said anything like that. So everything get your facts straights. The fact is something happened with CM Punk and Lita about the same time one year ago and it was just stuff to add on take a shot at CM Punk. Second the whole deal with Jeff, if you guys would take time to notice CM Punk was not seen and considered mainevent even though the guy was extremly over and a great wrestler people did not see him as a note worthy world champion up until his fued with Jeff Hardy. I didn't agree with it because CM Punk is a great wrestler and could cut an awesome promo but he did not rise to fame until after the Jeff Hardy fued. And CM Punk kept on taking hits on Jeff for it. So no I don't see any reason as to why Jeff shouldn't be mad. It's been known that Matt creates videos to further his media attention but people mistake it and get negativity towards it. So all you guys who bash on the video look up the facts before u guys start taking shots of your own idiots I swear!

For it to be a work, CM Punk would have to be in on it, and they'd have to be working for the same company. You see, a work is where they do something to further an angle but there is no angle because they work for different companies. This is just The Hardy's bitching and trying to get attention and making themselves look like assholes
In his latest video Matt Hardy says, "and hopefully it won't take a year for this footage to be found," which may be of interest to those obsessed with timelines. I just do not get the big deal here, especially in kayfabe. So some people are saying OMG Jeff Hardy is not a role model for kids and I do not like him anymore. Isn't that exactly what his heel turn is about trying to accomplish? Another thing I do not understand is that no one said a word about this stuff when the WWE was pushing someone they had both fired and suspended for drugs as a role model for kids. Now TNA pushes him as a heel and they take flak for his drug history, which all came prior to joining the company. I found the video quite amusing. Anyone trying to say it is anything more than that needs to get better acquainted with reality.
Oh wow and you guys wouldn't be mad if the company you guys loved ever since you were little found reasons to constantly bring up your past mistakes and second haven't you guys learned from Matt's videos Matt will do things just to stir up attention it doesn't mean that they were drunk or anything because the media is all negative based I'm just saying get your facts straight before you guys start ranting on when you guys don't know all the facts
Cm punk will get the last laugh when tna goes belly up and those two losers are unemployed. I didn't really care for Cm punk's straight edge preaching on smack down but hey and least what he does is legal. I guess you can do what you wan't when you have no shame in anything
How many chances does that sum'bitch want?

He's been arrested countless times in the past for drug and alcohol related issues, but TNA still let that piece of shit represent their company? I really don't see why he isn't in prison. I've said it time and time again, Jeff Hardy doesn't deserve anymore chances. He's had one too many.

See in the background of that video, Matt's sat there just eating his meal? Unintoxicated? Being mature? That's an alright guy right there. Jeff Hardy is nothing more than a washed up, has-been, fucked up, immature waste of space. Taking shots at CM Punk? Seriously, was he hoping that Punk found out and gave him some shit back? Really, grow the fuck up.

He walks around like he's God almighty, intoxicated with some powder or liquid everytime we fucking see him and he's still allowed to walk around willy-nilly and represent his company like he's never done anything wrong? God, this is why I don't watch TNA.

Why should I sit down and watch a product that is represented by a walking criminal stoner? If anything, Jeff Hardy isn't helping TNA grow, and he's certainly not giving Wrestling as a whole a brilliant name. If TNA realised that then they wouldn't have even re-hired him. It's all about "Immortal".

I hope TNA get their arses in gear, I really do. Either that, or they're going outta' business, and they're going outta' business real fast.
Jeff hardy is TNA's biggest Asset he is the reason why TNA has evolved into total Impact this just proves hardy is a bigger heel then MIZ, or any other heel outthere. i mean come on doesnt this just draw your attention? But honestly if he would have done a shoot on some1 from TNA it would have been better since he could have actually sold a fued where the two wreslers would have a match. and why is hardy going after punk when he is injured?? i think hardy is high
He's been arrested countless times in the past for drug and alcohol related issues, but TNA still let that piece of shit represent their company?

Are you saying you cannot count to one? Strangely I might believe that in your case. Does Randy Orton have a squeaky clean history? Not exactly. While CM Punk has his cult following (especially on the internet), it is hardly news that he has rubbed many veterans the wrong way. If he hadn't then he probably wouldn't have been put in purgatory like he has been lately. Not sure why people keep acting like Hardy put this out there on purpose.
Are you saying you cannot count to one? Strangely I might believe that in your case. Does Randy Orton have a squeaky clean history? Not exactly. While CM Punk has his cult following (especially on the internet), it is hardly news that he has rubbed many veterans the wrong way. If he hadn't then he probably wouldn't have been put in purgatory like he has been lately. Not sure why people keep acting like Hardy put this out there on purpose.

Might have known that the 'blindest TNA mark on WZ' would come along and bash my opinion and obvious facts, so I'll humour you.

Did I say Randy Orton had a perfectly clean history? No.
Did I say that I like Randy Orton OR compare Jeff Hardy to anybody else in WWE? NO.

I don't see why you're so quick to defend Jeff Hardy. I was a Jeff Hardy fan once, but that was before he started being a complete idiot and using drugs, getting arrested, not showing up for events, leaving, returning etc. Why companies waste their time with somebody like Jeff Hardy, I'll never know.

He might be a good worker, but when he isn't working he's a complete asshole. Why make videos like he does? All he's doing is showing how immature he is and giving both his company 'that he so dearly loves and respects' and the Wrestling industry a horrible name.

It's about time people faced facts and saw Jeff Hardy for what he really is. A washed up, drug addicted criminal.
yeah so if im not mistaken.. im pretty sure this video was made about 6 months ago, because me and my friend have ran accross this video before.. and this is not when jeff hardy was champ.
You people are silly. This was a WORK! That is TNA's style- they do a work interview, but add some shoot elements and guess what? You guys fall for it every time.
Might have known that the 'blindest TNA mark on WZ' would come along and bash my opinion and obvious facts, so I'll humour you.

Did I say Randy Orton had a perfectly clean history? No.
Did I say that I like Randy Orton OR compare Jeff Hardy to anybody else in WWE? NO.

I don't see why you're so quick to defend Jeff Hardy. I was a Jeff Hardy fan once, but that was before he started being a complete idiot and using drugs, getting arrested, not showing up for events, leaving, returning etc. Why companies waste their time with somebody like Jeff Hardy, I'll never know.

He might be a good worker, but when he isn't working he's a complete asshole. Why make videos like he does? All he's doing is showing how immature he is and giving both his company 'that he so dearly loves and respects' and the Wrestling industry a horrible name.

It's about time people faced facts and saw Jeff Hardy for what he really is. A washed up, drug addicted criminal.

I must agree with your comments. You back everything up with great points.

WWE brought back Hardy in 2006 because they thought he was a changed man. He's an incredible wrestler and he could've been the next face of WWE. Jeff Hardy was also a merchandise seller the way John Cena was. How many kids can you count wearing Hardy armbands? But he had one flaw and that was being a drug addicted psycho.

Jeff Hardy left WWE for one reason. DRUGS! He lied about leaving the company because he had more time to play with his band and do art while jumping ship to TNA. He joined TNA because TNA doesn't have drug tests.

Right now, in TNA's current state, they should be more worried about drugs than concussions. But thats not going to happen because Jeff Hardy, in their minds, is a huge draw. This gives Jeff Hardy a great advantage to be a star and do drugs at the same time. I love TNA, but I don't like Jeff Hardy or Fatt Matt. TNA needs to push stars they make themselves.

ONTO THE VIDEO: Jeff Hardy was acting very immature in that video. He seemed high also. He claims to have made CM Punk a star... I don't think so. CM Punk was way over with his new gimmick. He was great on the mic and very good also, in the ring. Jeff Hardy's promo would be crap if they weren't saved by CM Punk's intelligent words. If anything, CM Punk made Jeff Hardy a star. Jeff Hardy fingers CM Punk in the video, which was very... uncalled for. He mocks WWE by bragging about TNA being able to do it but not WWE. I actually don't see the point in it.

I wish TNA would just release that drug addict already. He actually might face some time around December. He's actually getting charged with Drug Trafficking, which is a very major issue in the United States today. I honestly Jeff Hardy goes to prison and hopefully go to rehab. He needs to shape up, because he honestly needs to shape up to become a potential star. The man's an athlete.

You people are silly. This was a WORK! That is TNA's style- they do a work interview, but add some shoot elements and guess what? You guys fall for it every time.

Please tell me your source if you think your so smart. Please tell me where the evidence is if this is a shoot? Why is Matt Hardy there? He's definitely not in TNA right now. Please tell me how you know this?
Rammsteinerteen, my sources are the same sources that you have that tell you that Jeff went to TNA solely because of drug issues. Or perhaps the same source that told you that he was high during the video. He didn't look high to be. His eyes were not bloodshot and he seemed very focused. He mumbles because he has a southern US ACCENT. I'm guessing that you guys haven't been around a bunch of drug users. Sad that I have.

And all one has to do is, I don't know, watch TNA. Their interview style is very similar to old WWFs and WCWs, where they ALWAYS reference old real life events that happened outside of the wrestling ring. They want attention. They wanted this talked about. And like the marks the IWC so derides, you all fell for it immediately.
My thoughts on the video.

With Matt, pathetic. Give it up bro, your relationship with that woman ended around 5 years ago. Let it go. With Jeff, I mean the guy is definatly on something ( not coke. He seems to out of it to be on coke, the ay he was acting i wouldn't be surprised if he was snorting herion) but where he is wrong is where he said he made punk. Wrong buddy, the writers made punk. You were just the guy they used opposite him in the feud. Did it work better because of your polar opposite views on life? Definatly, but Hardy certainly did not make punk.
You people are the saddest groups of jackasses i've ever heard of. Is this what wrestling fans have become? Wimpy little girls who think being a straight edge PG loving goofball is the way to be in life. I swear some people have lost touch with reality this past decade. Jeff Hardy is a real person, CM Punk is a phony. Punk's message has nothing to do with reality but you people digest it like truth because WWE told you to. Pansy ass babies here. I can't believe 17 year olds are 'astounded' and 'disgusted' by Jeff Hardy. First off, Jeff Hardy has never been a big deal so who cares what he says. And second, he's speaking the truth and not some PG motivated classy bullshit nonsense WWE uses to their sell their product to dorky teenage straight edges.

Get over yourselves people you aren't astounded or disgusted with Jeff Hardy. You simply just hate TNA and want it to go away so you attack your perceived enemy.
You should state how threatened you feel before you post, just so we can all see
how unobjective you all are from the get go. I hope Jeff Hardy shoots some more,
it's about time wrestlers were being real and call out the bull that's been holding
back wrestling entertainment for over half a decade now.
Do you think that this was leaked or inadvertantly posted, and now that the Hardy's are embarrassed or something like that? Music was ADDED to the video, and also it was edited before it was posted.

I'm just in amazement, at how it's so fucking easy to work people up into a frenzy these days. Jericho said it best on his twitter account a couple of months back, when he mentioned the internet is full of sheep. Easily offended, defensive, emotional, and totally gullable. Believe it or not, this is the ENTERTAINMENT business. Whether it's "real" or not is not even of concern. Controversy sells, and this is just to garner attention, and NOTHING more. Stop looking so fucking deep into everything. Whether it gets attention outside of the YouTube video is what we should be discussing.

"Oh he's on drugs"

"Matt should get over Lita"

"Jeff is not better in the ring than Punk"

"What an embarrassment"

"I used to look up to them" - you're an ass if you look up to wrestling characters. That's like saying, "I looked up to Jack from Titantic." Grow the fuck up.

It is unbelievable how much emtion you're all spilling on these forums discussing this topic, when it is just done and posted to garner attention. Attention, attention, attention, attention. You watching it, means they are thus far successful. Let's see if it turns into more television views.

Just like matt and jeff, we the IWC are allowed to say, to rant, to bitch no matter what!!!, i just hate this kind of response. Look pal we all are entitled to say what we want, if you dont like it then gtfo man.

Internet is a free land my man, i still think jeff is a druggie no good for nothing, who shouldnt have that title belt, and matt is eat a lot resented "because punk got my ex" piece of garbage, its my opinion, and im stick to it no matter what.
Someone doesn't know what Straight Edge actually is. "I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't do hard drugs." That, according to Minor Threat, is the full definition of "Straight Edge." And, being credited as the founders of this subculture, and the coiners of the term, I give that band a great deal of clout as to what it actually means.

When other things are taken into account, such as prescription medications and caffeine, that takes the discussion to a sub-subculture called "Hardline." Hardline is the very militant version of Straight Edge, the followers of which not only abstain from any and all drugs, but also (sometimes violently) insist that others follow in their example.

Put simply, CM Punk's face persona is Straight Edge. His heel persona is Hardline. His face persona is also said to be, more or less, his real life personality.

Now, going to the main topic at hand. That video was disgusting. In its simplest interpretation, that video is just plain unprofessional and immarture. Then, you go one step farther, with Jeff's claims that Punk is on Ambien. (Which, for the record, is not a violation of Straight Edge, provided that it's prescribed by a doctor, and taken as directed by said doctor.)

I'm Straight Edge, but not a "Hardline Edger"
But thank God somebody with a brain decided to point this out, took the words right out of my mouth.

As for the video/comments...
I don't know if its been stated before but ny the visual look of Jeff this had to of been shot around January of this year. Its not really hard to tell with his physical actions that he's on something. This can't be an act because quite frankly we all know that isn't the Hardy's strong point. Jeff may still be on the drugs and probably is, regardless the comments were unprofessional and will shed a bad light on TNA. I doubt Dixie cares though. If Jeff had still been with WWE and this video became known i'd say a suspension of something bigger would of happened. In TNA Jeff will probably be hit on the nose with a rolled up newspaper and told no.

I'm not the biggest fan of the Hardy Boyz... never actually have been as singles competitors. But for Jeff to claim he made CM Punk is a joke. Punk was getting huge reactions in ECW, and wasn't booked strongly in his first WHC run as a face. Punk and Triple H made Jeff Hardy a main eventer when he didn't deserve it.

I'm hoping Jeff gets his stuff together and cleans up for the sake of his newborn(or soon-to-be born child) because he already has a courtcase for a stash house worth of drugs in his possession.

Matt who?
Honestly i'm very dissapointed in the hardys either way. Stupid either way if their drugged or shooting or attention grubbers. I looked up to them and they are just dissapointing everyone. Honestly would you see this in the wwe simply no. And if they did they would be suspended, fired, or fined. Tna better do something about this and should not hire matt hardy unless this is a set-up.
ok first thing i wnna say is that there making fun of cm punks ways? i find it stupid considering hardyz cant stop doin drugs for 1 month.

also i saw a documentry vid thingy on cm punk and when punk was little his dad used to come back from work drunk and beat his mom and stuff, and when punk was teenage he was a drugy until something happened i forget, kinda like shawn micheals story. so ya being straight edge pretty much saved punks life. so why does hardy have a problem with him following correct ways of GOD.
Lets talk about Matt Hardy first.

If anyone has seen one of his recent videos where he is not intoxicated then you will see how he really feels about Amy. The fat comments people are making on here are fucking ridiculous. Matt had a legit problem that made him overweight. I know this not because Matt hardy told me, but because if you look up his condition he had you would see what something like that would do to your body. He had to completely change his lifestyle and the way he eats his food. If you had a GF who cheated on you after being in love with them you would also go on rants when you are drunk if you still thought about that person. People are acting like 95 percent of America doesn't do what Matt Hardy does when that situation happens to them.

Now on to Jeff Hardy

Whoever released this video clearly had the intent on created controversy with the title being related to drug use. The fact is there is no proof and to me it looks like both Hardys are drunk. Anyways after Jeff Hardy was released by the WWE the company sent out CM Punk on live TV to bash and trash Hardy because of his drug use. How can anyone overlook this and act like what Hardy did on a video camera is completely out of line. Honestly who gives a fuck what Jeff Hardy or Matt Hardy have to. Everyone on here is acting like this was directed towards them or something. Last time I checked CM Punk doesn't post on these boards or anyone related to him. CM Punk and the WWE took the first shot back when he was released. Since we don't know the date of this video my guess it was made soon after that happened.

My Final Thought.

To me this looks like both Hardys are drunk at a waffle house at 5am. There doesn't seem to be any signs of drug use and if there is it is WEED which a lot of wrestlers and Americans in general either do or have no problem with it since it doesn't have negative effect on your body. Wrestling fans are just so touchy about everything it is scary. Like this one little video Matt and Jeff Hardy did is going to effect everyone's day to day life. Also stop being so sensitive over CM Punk. He is a fucking wrestler and just because he has a certain life style doesn't mean he is a nice guy in real life to people backstage. Grow up and move on from this because this will be a non story come next week.
This was pretty tasteless. I may not be straight edge, but if someone wants to be, who really cares? Pretty wild accusation for Jeff to say that Punk takes ambien without any proof.

I don't think Jeff was "faking" his high, because I've had my fun taking "pain medicine" before and the exact movements and actions Jeff was giving definitely showed the signs he was on something. He couldn't refrain from itching his nose, and he sounded really irritable and pissed off. Pain pills are great for doing those things.

I've never really cared for Jeff and especially Matt Hardy. I never liked Jeff's seizure motions he gives when he comes into the ring for his matches, nor that ridiculous face paint, he just doesn't look intimidating. He's terrible on the mic in my opinion. He has never been World Champion material to me. Like his brother Matt, he has never been anything more than a mid-card mid-title contender/champion, and even for Matt that's me being generous.

Last but not least Matt should not talk about CM Punk being emotionally unstable, as Matt has proven himself time and time with his ridiculous self made youtube videos that he has more problems than a mathbook.

They were a formidable tag team back in the day and honestly that's the way I'll ever look at them.
I think no matter what the circumstances, between Jeff, Matt, CM Punk, the video to me, is truly in poor taste. If there is bitter grapes, why air it? I can understand if you have some bad taste in your mouth from certain things, people from a past place, but why still keep re-hashing it over and over? I mean, unfortunately it seems to be a never ending cycle. With both Hardys, they do fine for a while, then go off the tracks. For a while, both held the longest grudge towards Edge, and Lita. Then all was peachy keen. There is a proverb that says "It takes a stronger man to let go of a grudge than to hold on to it." After some time, everything is good again, and all 4 of them are on speaking terms, and then later CM Punk and Lita are supposedly 'dating.' Then after Jeff leaves WWE, and rumors go on about Matt's weird behavior, and Punk's heel turn, real weird rumors start going on. This is when you start thinking "What is going on with Hardy Boys?"

Then cut to after Matt's release, and he starts acting more and more odd, and bringing up old issues like Lita, again. I'm sorry, but I would be asking "Why are you bringing up the past if you are supposedly so over the past and ready for a new chapter?" He then creates an alter ego, named "MATTHEW HARDY." :wtf: Then he starts going off into the twilight zone basically. Then this video, I'm sorry, but I've always been told, "If you can't say anything nice about anyone, then don't say anything at all." Honestly, Matt and Jeff really shouldn't be throwing stones at CM Punk if those allegations are true. I really am quite saddened by this behavious, whether joking or not, is this what they want to convey to their 'fans' that its okay to call out someone and say "You're a druggy, and this person is a liar? Listen to us, because we're REAL role models." I'm sorry, but that kind of behaviour really makes me re-evaluate my thoughts on the Hardys in the first place. Honestly, whatever sour grapes may have gone down between them and Punk or whomever, you don't see the other parties making these videos and trying to act foolish and draw any unwanted attention to themselves, probably because the other parties are trying to take the high road and remain silent or ignore this kind of behavior. For that, I'd have to applaud the others that have been affected by this nonsense.
Here's my question, does anyone know just what the hell Punk did to them? I know he's dated Lita but, eh. I said this before, she ain't all that. Second, what the hell is the Jeff Hardy's problem with him? All they had was a feud together, right?
I'm Straight Edge, but not a "Hardline Edger"
But thank God somebody with a brain decided to point this out, took the words right out of my mouth.

Thank you for saying that. I actually picked up the Edge a little over 3 years ago, when I finally quit drinking. And, I honestly believe that it saved my life.

To the people who have a problem with the Straight Edge lifestyle, peace be with you. Actual Straight Edge people don't care what you do, so long as you don't hurt other people. Have as much booze as you want. Just, please, don't drive afterwards. Smoke as many cigarettes as you want. Just, please, don't blow the smoke in anyone's face. Straight Edge isn't about dicating what other people do.

The entire point of this lifestyle is that it's different than the prevailing lifestyle that exists in the world today. "CM Punk is a nerd." Why? Because he doesn't need to find peace in a bottle? Before I adopted Straight Edge, I was at the bottom of more bottles than I care to count. But, I decided, for myself, that wasn't the life I wanted. And, over these last 3 years, I've gotten into so many more things that I never would have even considered had I continued drinking my paychecks.

Don't get me wrong, though. I agree with you about those Hardline assholes. They need to shut the fuck up and learn to enjoy life. And, more than that, they need to stop trying to tell other people how to live their lives. They need to stop telling other people that the choices they make, with their own lives, are somehow wrong. Why? Because it doesn't adhere to someone else's beliefs?

Wait. Was I talking about the Hardline assholes who never stop bitching about people who use drugs, or the hardcore anti-Straight Edge people who never stop bitching about how other people being Straight Edge somehow infringes on their ability to get drunk? Because, honestly, it all sounds the same. Seriously, why do you people care whether or not CM Punk, or anyone else, for that matter, drinks? If I don't drink, guess what? That just means more Four Loko for you. (And, yes, I intentionally named the single most disgusting alcoholic beverage I could think of. I mean, I've never tasted it, but it smells like a mixture between unsweetened Kool-Aid and urine. How the hell can anyone stomach that stuff? No. Seriously, from the smell of it, one would think that it were a Fear Factor challenge.)

I guess that point of that matter is that we only get one ticket to the roller coaster of life. Why does anyone spend their time, as precious as it is, bitching and moaning about other people's choices? (Again, providing that they hurt no-one else.) Straight Edge does NOT make anyone better than people who aren't. People who aren't Straight Edge are NOT better than people who are. Why is that so hard to understand?

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