Will the Hardy Boyz Never Learn?


I've been reading through the news items on the WZ home page and saw this article. http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/article/video-jeff-hardy-actually-tases-matt-hardy-reby-sky-130989

I had to watch it as I wasn't sure I could actually believe the title of it. But it was correct, Jeff Hardy does indeed use a taser on both Matt and a clearly terrified Reby.

Matt and Jeff both laugh as Reby screams while, and after she gets shocked, with neither of them showing any concern for her.

Not long after this video was posted, the following artle was posted. http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/art...deo-after-negative-comments-about-jeff-131023

In this video, Matt explains that he is pulling the video due to people making 'judgemental' comments about his brother. He also goes on to say that Jeff has been sober for months, and that this video was filmed for an upcoming episode of the Hardy Show, and that they were playing a drinking game.

So, if I've got this right, Jeff celebrates being sober for months by getting drunk and using a taser on people. Yeah, cos that makes sense, especially as his legal issues are still not sorted.

What are your opinions on the lastest farcical development from the Hardy Boyz?
jeff clearly was drunk. they can't take that one back. when you drink, you sometimes fall back into the drugs because you just don't care at the moment. but i don't know if he was high on anything.

as far as the video, i don't think it did anything to show Impact that neither hardy has grown up. if anything, it continues to show just how stupid jeff is.

and for god's sakes put on a shirt dude. you're not that guy who was flying off ladders back in the late 90's.
I like the title of this thread but what exactly do you think they should learn? They're not too old fora little horseplay, and I doubt this will have any impact on his legal issues whatever those are.

And I don't feel bad for Reby Sky either. I've used a taser on myself before and its really not the kind of thing that leaves you forever traumatized.

The Hardyz are fine, but the WrestleZone paparazzi will report it every time Jeff Hardy blows his nose and make it sound evil. It'd really suck to have these dirtsheets reporting on me all the time. No privacy.

Have a nice day everyone!
I like the title of this thread but what exactly do you think they should learn? They're not too old fora little horseplay, and I doubt this will have any impact on his legal issues whatever those are.

And I don't feel bad for Reby Sky either. I've used a taser on myself before and its really not the kind of thing that leaves you forever traumatized.

The Hardyz are fine, but the WrestleZone paparazzi will report it every time Jeff Hardy blows his nose and make it sound evil. It'd really suck to have these dirtsheets reporting on me all the time. No privacy.

Have a nice day everyone!

AMEN Brother! A Frickin' Men! They are having a good time in the house. He's drunk so what. He is a grown man and if they want to taser each other so what! I feel like Tasing something right now! World is filled with too many haters.
Ok, here's my thoughts...

For starts, this looks like any other "wild and crazy" Youtube video that's posted to get a reaction. I lump it in with the kids doing crazy skateboard stunts that usually result in broken bones, busted out teeth, and lacerations requiring 50 or more stitches to seal up. To that end, it's a "dare" video to be sure.

Here's the problem... The Hardy's (and presumably Reby Sky) are not kids anymore. They shouldn't be posting "reaction videos" on Youtube in order to solicit oohs and aahs. This might have flown 10+ years ago when both Matt and Jeff were much younger and presumably much less wiser. However today, it just seems sad... it's as if they're screaming "hey, somebody notice us please!" just like, right, immature little kids who either don't know any better or can't conceive the potential outcome of their actions.

Trust me, I totally get that the Hardy's are "edgy" and "cool" man, but as you get older some things need to fall to the wayside. In short, these "kids" need to grow up a bit. Jeff is almost 34 years old and potentially facing jail time for not only having illegal drugs and non-perscribed medications, but having the quantities necessary for a distribution charge. Matt seems a bit better off "stability" wise, but is quickly heading towards 40 himself. You'd think based on those two factors alone, the Hardy's would be a bit beyond doing stupid Youtube stunts. But alas... here we are.

I suppose in the end this is just Jeff "living for the moment" and Matt being cold blooded. Whatever. All I can say is that it's a good thing no one involved got seriously hurt. The grace of God prevailed when things like maturity and better judgement couldn't or wouldn't.
Well, Jeff's life is clearly a mess as shown with his last in-ring apperance, and legal battles.. I just think the youtube video in question is not that bad.. It's not like they held this poor girl down and relentlessly tasered her over and over untill she passed out.. They were having fun, and getting drunk.. Yeah you COULD question weather jeff should be drinking or not, but remeber his problem has been drug addiction, not alcholism..

I mean if I were his publicist I would be scolding both of them for putting this shit on the internet, but I'm just a fan, and honestly I can't say tasing each your friends isn't something I haven't screwed around with when I'm drinking.. It's not like jeff and matt are 18, they are grown adult men, they can do whatever the hell they want.. Frankly it looked like they had a good time
I've been reading through the news items on the WZ home page and saw this article. http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/article/video-jeff-hardy-actually-tases-matt-hardy-reby-sky-130989

I had to watch it as I wasn't sure I could actually believe the title of it. But it was correct, Jeff Hardy does indeed use a taser on both Matt and a clearly terrified Reby.

Matt and Jeff both laugh as Reby screams while, and after she gets shocked, with neither of them showing any concern for her.

Not long after this video was posted, the following artle was posted. http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/art...deo-after-negative-comments-about-jeff-131023

In this video, Matt explains that he is pulling the video due to people making 'judgemental' comments about his brother. He also goes on to say that Jeff has been sober for months, and that this video was filmed for an upcoming episode of the Hardy Show, and that they were playing a drinking game.

So, if I've got this right, Jeff celebrates being sober for months by getting drunk and using a taser on people. Yeah, cos that makes sense, especially as his legal issues are still not sorted.

What are your opinions on the lastest farcical development from the Hardy Boyz?

My opinion is that you are grasping at straws. They were having drinks and did something that you'd see on any given episode of Jackass. It's not like they were doing blow and playing russian roulette...

OK, a "clearly terrified" Reba Sky? Give me a fucking break. It's called "being coy", and women do that all the time. If she was terrified, I don't think she would have been smiling the whole time and held her arm out to be tased.

A 'drunk' Jeff Hardy? No, that's just Jeff Hardy talking like he thinks is cool. There's no slurring going on, no unsteadiness, his eyes don't even wander; at best, he's got a light beer buzz.

Matt saying Jeff has been sober for 'several months' is a bit of a lark, however. Victory Road was three months ago, the whole world knows he wasn't sober then, and it's a bit of a stretch to call three months "several".

Folks are practically begging to jump all over Jeff. Wait until he actually does something stupid again, I promise you that you'll get your opportunity.
All I can say is that it's a good thing no one involved got seriously hurt. The grace of God prevailed when things like maturity and better judgement couldn't or wouldn't.

Yes, it is a good thing that noone was seriously hurt....by a taser. It's a little known fact that tasers kill 2.5 million people annually. The Hardy Boys and Reby Sky were very fortunate to escape with their lives. :rolleyes:

And you're right about god as well. He was obviously watching over these poor, troubled people on this particular day. Alcohol is as evil as heroine, and tasers are deadlier than chemical weapons. :rolleyes:
I don't really care what people do in their personal lives. So what the brothers & their friends do isn't really any of my concern.
The funniest part of the video is Jeff acting as if he’s street, LOL. Here you have an North Carolina ridge runner country hillbilly, who’s clearly under the influence on moonshine and oxycontins, surprised he didn’t break out the banjo and have a Ho down, but let’s leave Matt’s girlfriend out of it… LOL no really it was funny didn’t mean the hate haven some fun with it..:lol:
I thought the whole thing was hilarious, and it's typical that the Hardyz were part of it. I really wish they didn't show it on video, now that everybody can make fun of them, *SIGH* oh well.

Dear Kurt Angle,

Jeff Hardy has been clean for a month? You just lied again. :disappointed:
To those who refer to this as something the Hardys are doing in their private life: WRONG. When they film stuff like this for an episode of their little Tv show, and release it on the internet, it cannot possibly be considered private and therefore must bear the brunt of public scrutiny.
The fact that the Hardys think filming their drinking games is remotely entertaining is quite beyond me. I saw a video of Matt and Shane Helms shooting on people etc a while back, where they all banged out shots while they sat there talking shit, and it was lame. I got bored and turned it off when Matt's glazed eyes started to make watching a drunk man rant about the job he just quit just seem sad and more to the point, something that shouldn't be in the public domain. 'Have some respect for yourself, you look like a fool' I thought.
I guess for me, I simply don't find the Hardy boys entertaining, especially outside of a wrestling broadcast and I understand that that makes it hard for me to find any merit in videos like this.

As someone has already pointed out, tasing someone is no different to anything that gets done on Jackass, but I feel that in the context of the Hardy situation, this is pretty stupid, and here's why:
Appearing drunk and messing around with a taser is not showing any respect to TNA or its fans following the incident at the PPV a few months back, and once again shows Hardy to be a risky proposition for a growing entertainment brand who do not need any more negativity from the same individual who has let himself and the company down so much. Whether this even gets noticed outside of wrestling forums or not, the point is that it could very well be the sort of thing that would discourage sponsors and advertisers from working with TNA, and if Jeff gave a crap about his fans and the other people at TNA, he would need to show that by avoiding such risks regarding his public image.

Finally, Jeff has substance abuse issues. To the person who said 'Jeff has drug issues, not alcohol issues', I must simply say that is a very naive statement. Nobody here is Jeff's doctor/therapist and nobody knows how Jeff's use of alcohol is related to his use of narcotics but Jeff himself. He may even hide lots of things from his brother, despite their obviously close relationship. I'm not saying that he does, just that you cannot assume that the public knowledge of Jeff's issues with drugs represents the full extent of his problems.
jeff hardy can do whatever he wants. he owes nothing to his fans.
i being a huge fan. i fell that too much pressure has been put on him and unlike other cash cow wrestlers, he never really got a heel turn until freaking tna gave him one. he can do whatever he fucking wants. i hope he is able to stay clean and give us a few more classics before he retires but if not he has given us his body and blood on more times than anyone in this thread ever will or would
Who cares? Look if somebody actually died in that video, fine be upset at what they did. Since nobody died whats the problem. Was it a stupid thing to do? Yeah maybe but its no different than shows that are on TV every week on channels like MTV and E.

"Survey says, One more for the good guys!!!" - Scott Hall
Congratulations to Jeff and Matt Hardy. Amazing job, fellas :disappointed:

I see these months off have treated Jeff well. Running around the house, hammered drunk, shocking folks with a stun gun. Class act, this guy. Honestly, I cannot believe anyone is entertaining the idea of bringing this guy back.

He is sober for months, right? That's the line they're feeding us? Ok, I'll buy into it, for the sake of further, pointless arguing. How does he celebrate his months of sobriety? By getting shitfaced drunk. Wow. That's always a good way to go.

Not only that, but brother Matt comes out, and pulls the Youtube video. Not because it clearly shows Jeff in a poor state. No, that would be accepting responsibility. He pulls the video because fans are "being judgmental" and acting "negative." Yes, blame the fans. Blame the internet. Place the blame anywhere but where it belongs.

This whole thing makes me sick, not to mention those sticking up for these people. Jeff has screwed his fans, countless times. He couldn't give a shit less about any of you, yet you constantly rush to his defense. Acting like battered women -- all of you.
Who cares? I'll tell you who cares, the state of North Carolina cares. Jeff is on thin ice as it is with this whole trial, he doesn't need a stupid video on the internet to hurting his case. Oh and for those of you who talk about the Hardys privacy, When did Youtube become privet?

The problem is most of us care about Jeff, and want to see him clean up his act. If Jeff had at least attempted to show the court that he was trying to change, and taking these charges seriously, they may have given him a little leeway. But all these videos they've been putting up has told the court, that he hasn't learned his lesson, and hes not taking this seriously at all. Maybe a few years behind bars will help him.

I like Jeff, his old school matches were some of the best tag matches ever. I don't want to see Jeff go to jail, but all these stupid videos are just hurting his cause. It's frustrating and upsetting to see a person you once respected fall so far, with no signs of turning it around.
You know one of these days, these two are gonna end up either killing themselves or someone else, I pray to god that when Jeff's trial actually starts, assuming it ever fucking will, that he's found guilty and locked up for a very long time, the doesn't care about anyone at all, not his fans, not friends, not even his own fucking family, yet we delusional Matt up on the internet constantly chastising everyone for not being supportive of Jeff, for pointing out that he has problems, and for being critical of his wrong doings, DUDE YOUR BROTHER IS A MASSIVE FUCK UP, HE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU, fucking open your eyes Matt, and just look at the fucker!!! Matt what you need to do is clearly get some help yourself, cause you are clearly fucked in the head as well, therapy isn't such a dirty word, it's ok to lay on a couch and spill your guts to a theripists who can help you take responsibility for you stupidity...

You know fuck it, these are two of the few wrestlers (or people for that matter) that I could a report saying they're dead, and my thoughts would be "About fucking time" Fuck the Hardys, I hope the kill each other, if I'm a horriable person for say that then fine I don't fucking care anymore, Die fucking Hardys, Die!!

stupid fucking Hardy bitches...
There is a difference between doing what you want, and being a complete idiot. Look, do I think Jackass is funny? Sometimes, other times it's moronic. Let me take that back, everything they do is moronic, it just happens to sometimes be funny.

People saying, "They are grown men, they can do what they want and have some fun." Yes you are 100% correct, let them do whatever they want, they are ALLOWED to do whatever they want, so be it. But to act as though this isn't completely idiotic of them makes you, well, an idiot. Sure it might be fun to taze one another, get shitfaced drunk, etc. It's doesn't make it any less dumb. I'm not offended by what they did, nothing offends me, but it still just seems immature and stupid, PERIOD. How can that be debated?
Who cares? I care,alot of people care. To me it seems Matt & Jeff are just screaming for attention since nobody seems to want to give it to them. Maybe they should get out of Wrestling now and do something with Jackass. For anyone to say they don't care about two grown men acting like drunk idiots is just absurd.

I guess those stories that Kurt Angle saying Jeff has been sober for months has been Bullshit. Yeah good call on that one there Kurt. These are not the same Hardy Boys that I grew up watching and I don't need to see videos about their stupid little stunts.
This is nothing to get worked up over apart from his bad language. Wasn't Jackass one of the biggest shows in America at some point? To me it is just immature people being immature. Was it smart to post the video on Youtube? No, but I am sure the Hardy's knew it would provoke a reaction and just didn't care.

For me Jeff looked like he has lost the weight he had put on the last time we saw him, in fact his physique was the best I have seen him in a long while. Was he drunk or high? I really don't think so, he just looked like he was bored and entertaining the family with stupid shenanigans.

People saying he was smashed or off his face clearly have never done drugs or been pissed as he was in way to much control. Get of yourselves and get something better to do than rant about Jeff, you're as bad as the Wrestlezone main page.
I never said it wasn't stupid what they did, but for the love of god everybody does something stupid these days. So why are they( The Hardys) treated like members of Al-Qaida, while people like Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan and/or Charlie Sheen are treated like what they do is somewhat ok?

no one gives a shit about the hardys or their stupid show and the 13 yr old girls who used to mark for them are older and have moved on. put up a video and some might talk. take down a video and make one explaining why and suddenly its WZ headlines. leave the video up even after saying it will be taken down? well what more proof do you need that its a work?

here is the video matt supposedly was taking down....i guess he hasnt gotten around to it yet lol...

i love how hardy can take tons of drugs but cant take some criticism. they make themselves feel better by saying its just hateful and jealous people. bullshit. go to court you coward and face your charges. its the special celebrity treatment of 11 postponements that pisses people off.
The more I look at these two I cant help but think Dumb and Dummer.

Ok they have once more shown that they are assclowns and druken idiots so what else is new we have all known this for a looonnnnngggg time.

One poster said oh he is addicted to drugs not alcohol...ok let me put this simply an addict is an addict is an addict. It doesnt matter if you are addicted to one you better damn well bet you are easily addicted to other things as well be it drugs, alcohol, sex cigs you have an additive personality you are an addict end of story.

As for seeing it on Jackass....they call it Jackass for a reason becuse they do things only a dumbass would do and you are a dumb jackass for making them rich by paying for the merchandise and going to the movies to see it. They also have EMT's, Fire and Police and Stunt coordinators present to revew every stunt and assist if anything goes wrong. I highly doubt that the Jackwaggon brothers had that in place. It is a proven FACT and even Steve-O has said it a Tazer can easily send someone into cadiac arrest very quickly.

So Hi Im Jeff and Matt Hardy we are complete dumbasses and here is our **** Reby Sky. Enjoy our show.

Question why didnt Jeff Taze his wife?

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