Jeff Hardy and His "Condition"

At this point, I'm really not going to bother quoting you. It just makes my head hurt. Why should I believe the report? How's about a better question; why should I believe Jeff Hardy? Seriously, exactly what about Jeff Hardy has been remotely believable in the past ten years? Has he done anything to even earn the benefit of the doubt?

I'll spare you the thinking; the answer is no, he hasn't done anything for me to believe in him, whatever damage control his inner circle will likely do, or whatever mark fans wants to defend him. He hasn't done anything except get carried for good feuds with CM Punk and Triple H, and put himself in a position to face heavy drug trafficking charges.

Christ, seriously, I'm tired of talking about Jeff Hardy. I've said it before, I would greatly appreciate it if he made like Heath Ledger, who he's trying so hard to mimic now, and off himself.
I don't like being overly redundant, but....

Damn, I suck at this.
Give the belt to AJ pronto.
The guy is born to be the face of TNA and I was always of the opinion that Immortal vs Fortune would have been enough to get TNA through most of the year.

Without the TV title now, they could easily find a way to book him asa fortunate champion. Book a three way with Hardy, AJ and Morgan and have AJ "accidentally" get the belt. Immortal go potty, Flair's leads Fortune through a face turn and each of the members get titles. Immortal recruit to oppose them and ultimately fail. It could be booked through the next six months if done well.
This is beyond smart. Hell, it might even get me to tune in eventually.
However, it's smart, so I believe the best way to respond to this logical, smart idea is by copying something out of context from another poster and using it here (since it's the same opinion I share).

I don't like being overly redundant, but....

On the subject on AJ being professional, wasn't it being reported he was having a massive strop at the way he was being used a few years ago (can't quite remember the details)

Yeah, because this measures up to Jeff Hardy being suspended for drug use or being on trial for drug possession/trafficking. Jeff doesn't get the benefit of the doubt, seeing how he's a colossal fuck-up and all. Neither man draws great ratings, but A.J. is much, much better, in every way imaginable, at this point in his career.
At this point, I'm really not going to bother quoting you. It just makes my head hurt. Why should I believe the report? How's about a better question; why should I believe Jeff Hardy? Seriously, exactly what about Jeff Hardy has been remotely believable in the past ten years? Has he done anything to even earn the benefit of the doubt?

I'll spare you the thinking; the answer is no, he hasn't done anything for me to believe in him, whatever damage control his inner circle will likely do, or whatever mark fans wants to defend him. He hasn't done anything except get carried for good feuds with CM Punk and Triple H, and put himself in a position to face heavy drug trafficking charges.

Christ, seriously, I'm tired of talking about Jeff Hardy. I've said it before, I would greatly appreciate it if he made like Heath Ledger, who he's trying so hard to mimic now, and off himself.

You just proved my point. You're questioning the legitmicay of the report because it doesn't imply Jeff Hardy was on anything, but if it said he was, what are the odds of you taking it as truth??? You seem to be sure he's on something (maybe he is, maybe he isn't) and anything that challenges that you meet with skepticism.

You don't like Hardy fair enough, some people don't, but to say the guy should die is a bit much. I don't like Abyss, but I wouldn't want the guy to die.
Unless you're a 14 year old fangirl, Hardy's not going to touch you. Best to give up now and save yourself some disappointment.
You just proved my point. You're questioning the legitmicay of the report because it doesn't imply Jeff Hardy was on anything, but if it said he was, what are the odds of you taking it as truth??? You seem to be sure he's on something (maybe he is, maybe he isn't) and anything that challenges that you meet with skepticism.

I'm sure he's on something, because he has a past history of this shit. How hard is it to understand?

You don't like Hardy fair enough, some people don't, but to say the guy should die is a bit much. I don't like Abyss, but I wouldn't want the guy to die.

Fine. Be engulfed in flames. That any better for you?
So did Shawn Michaels, does that mean if he's acting funny he's on something???

Oh great, here we go with this one. Don't worry, you're not the first to use this little crutch.

Why should I believe Shawn Michaels? Because he's made a change in his lifestyle, and is very outspoken about it. And he isn't the only one, plenty of people have come from Shawn's past to talk about how much he's matured. Bret Hart being one, Sunny another, I could really go on, but you'd still be fucking clueless.

Jeff Hardy has made absolutely no bones about the fact that he doesn't care about his impending charges. He's the loser who will go smoke before he has his probation meeting. Jeff Hardy has done absolutely no mental or spiritual changing, and if he has, no one's said a damn thing.

So you see, you're really grasping at straws here. Accept it. Jeff Hardy is a shit wrestler, and a shit human being
So nobody feels like bringing up that time overseas where Ric Flair got HBK off the wagon?
Why should I believe Shawn Michaels? Because he's made a change in his lifestyle, and is very outspoken about it. And he isn't the only one, plenty of people have come from Shawn's past to talk about how much he's matured. Bret Hart being one, Sunny another, I could really go on, but you'd still be fucking clueless.

No I know about Michaels turning his life around, I'm not clueless

Jeff Hardy has made absolutely no bones about the fact that he doesn't care about his impending charges. He's the loser who will go smoke before he has his probation meeting. Jeff Hardy has done absolutely no mental or spiritual changing, and if he has, no one's said a damn thing.

So because Hardy or anybody else hasn't said anything, he can't have changed

So you see, you're really grasping at straws here. Accept it. Jeff Hardy is a shit wrestler, and a shit human being

I wouldn't say he's a shit wrestler he's alright (not great), as for him being a shit human being, I haven't met him so I can't comment.

Anyways we can pick up tomorrow, I'm tired and off to bed, we shall debate more tomorrow.
No I know about Michaels turning his life around, I'm not clueless

Just a Hardy mark then. Cool.

So because Hardy or anybody else hasn't said anything, he can't have changed

No. Because he's been fired from two companies because of drugs, has an upcoming court case for drugs and appears to be on drugs is why I doubt he's changed.

I wouldn't say he's a shit wrestler he's alright (not great), as for him being a shit human being, I haven't met him so I can't comment.

Good choice.
After reading this entire thread, two of my lists have changed.

1) Alex-A is the 2nd most blindest mark on here, just below shattered dreams.

2) Chilean Cole Miner is my 2nd favourite poster ever, just below Milenko.

I swear to God that if CCM isn't an authority figure on these forums this time next year, I'll give you my word that I won't come on these forums again.
Oh really?

Let's take a look at the numbers, shall we?

3/4/10 1.14
2/25/10 1.14
2/18/20 1.23
2/11/10 1.19
2/4/10 1.18
1/28/10 1.38
1/21/10 1.26
1/14/10 1.26
1/4/10 1.45 (Monday Night 3-Hour Live Special up against Raw)

12/31/09 0.7 (New Year's Knockout 4-Hour Special)
12/17/09 0.99
12/10/09 1.01
12/3/09 1.17
11/26/09 0.9
11/19/09 1.14
11/12/09 1.08
11/5/09 1.24
10/22/09 1.10
10/15/09 0.94
10/08/09 1.0
10/01/09 1.1
9/24/09 1.0

Then of course, there's the move to Mondays, which nothing could have gone right for, but I'll add it too, because it is important

4/19/10 1.0
4/12/10 0.78
*4/5/10 0.85 (TNA Moves to 8 PM EST)
3/29/10 0.56
*3/22/10 0.86
3/15/10 0.85
*3/8/10 0.98 (TNA Permanently Moves to Monday)

Now here's Hardy

1.4 rating for 10/14 (Remember, after 10/10/10, so there's that)
1.2 (rounded up from 1.15) for 10/21
1.13 rating for 10/28
1.15 rating for 11/4
1.15 for 11/11
1.07 for 11/18
.85 for 11/25 (In all fairness, that was Thanksgiving)
1.01 for 12/2

You know what tells me?

1. Hardy and Styles are doing roughly the same
2. You're full of shit

That right there is ownage.
Let's just say Hardy was just tired this weekend and there were no substances of any kind involved. From the evidence we have, we can't really make a determination anyway, though based on his past, no one can be faulted for thinking the guy was drunk or high. Regardless, he is the TNA Champion. He is, more or less, the face of the company. He is also currently being prosecuted for those possession and trafficking charges mentioned several times in this topic.

The defenders keep saying this is all blown out of proportion or it's a work or whatever. These charges are serious and it's not like they're secret or anything. They're public records anyone can find by looking up the the docket of the Superior Court of Moore County. And this isn't like Jeff got caught with a baggie of weed in his car. Police found 262 Vicodin pills, 180 soma pills, 555 milliliters of steroids, residual amounts of cocaine, and some paraphernalia in his house.

If you're TNA, this is not what you want your champion to be doing. If something like this happened to a political candidate, they would be forced to drop out of the race and the party would have a major publicity crisis. If this were a doctor or lawyer or something like that, they'd be immediately fired and may lose their license. Even athletes in other sports would probably get suspended for pulling this crap. No, it's not like Jeff is out robbing convenience stores, but considering most of the world takes drug trafficking pretty seriously, it's not like being a wrestler gets him a free pass. Even actors like Robert Downey Jr. (who is incredibly talented in his profession, I'd say moreso than Jeff in his) pretty much disappeared from Hollywood until he got clean.

Yet somehow, even though Jeff has a court date on Wednesday (unless it gets continued again) and most jobs would see this sort of charge as warranting getting fired, Jeff is still TNA Champion. Unlike most lines of work, pro wrestling has the luxury of deciding exactly what happens next. There is no reason Jeff should currently be holding the title and no way he should be anywhere near it until this is resolved. He probably shouldn't even have a job, considering his stunningly bad track record when not being constantly looked after. No one wants to see the TNA Championship vacated because its holder is incarcerated. Jeff can always win it back if the charges are dismissed. Just get it off him before something bad happens.

And get the real belt back. I'm waiting for the one he currently wears to summon a Zord during an episode of Impact.
1. Hardy and Styles are doing roughly the same
2. You're full of shit

That's one way to look at it, the other is that the TNA faithful don't mind either as champion, and just tune in each week like it's routine; that neither one of them are able to draw in new fans, i.e. higher ratings. The fact that said ratings become rather stagnant before and after 10 10 220, barring the couple shows before and the one after it (Which had the allure of HYPE) shows that it's most likely just the same group of people tuning in constantly. I'm sure when Matt jumps to TNA (if you don't think he is, you're a fucking lemming) the ratings might jump by 1-2 tenths, and then slowly dwindle back down as the piqued interest dies out completely.

I can't see anything short of Batista debuting, with a new finisher to the degree of literally and graphically shoving someone's head up his ass and doing some 1 1/2 rotation, 540 degree slam from double stacked ladders to actually bring the ratings above a 2; too bad he'd be called a talentless spot monkey for pulling that off
That's one way to look at it, the other is that the TNA faithful don't mind either as champion, and just tune in each week like it's routine; that neither one of them are able to draw in new fans, i.e. higher ratings. The fact that said ratings become rather stagnant before and after 10 10 220, barring the couple shows before and the one after it (Which had the allure of HYPE) shows that it's most likely just the same group of people tuning in constantly. I'm sure when Matt jumps to TNA (if you don't think he is, you're a fucking lemming) the ratings might jump by 1-2 tenths, and then slowly dwindle back down as the piqued interest dies out completely.

I can't see anything short of Batista debuting, with a new finisher to the degree of literally and graphically shoving someone's head up his ass and doing some 1 1/2 rotation, 540 degree slam from double stacked ladders to actually bring the ratings above a 2; too bad he'd be called a talentless spot monkey for pulling that off

1. If Matt Hardy causes ratings to increase, I will probably die of shock. I'm talking even a jump from 1.0222 to 1.0223. Matt is beyond useless.

2. Having Batista would not be enough for TNA to hit the 2.0 range. Not even close.
I can't see anything short of Batista debuting, with a new finisher to the degree of literally and graphically shoving someone's head up his ass and doing some 1 1/2 rotation, 540 degree slam from double stacked ladders to actually bring the ratings above a 2; too bad he'd be called a talentless spot monkey for pulling that off

Still better than the rope-shaking roid gorilla that he is. If he isn't heel, he isn't relevant
Right, because he's doing fucking miracles as it as champion. :rolleyes:

Face facts; Jeff Hardy makes for a shit champion. Pure and simple. He made for an ok chase when he had that whole "Grab the brass ring" shit, but that's because he was working with one of the best workers of all time in Triple H, and was under Vince McMahon's heavy monitor. Otherwise, he really has no appeal to him. Not a damn bit.

Some of the shittier defenses I've seen so far.

My God, it's people like this that make me realize how Hitler came to power; make morons feel united, and manipulate them.

Just because people like Jeff Hardy doesn't make them idiots. I didn't see them write he was a good wrestler.
I don't even think Eddy should receive the sympathy he got. Nor Umaga, Test. I don't sympathize with someone who willingly makes a choice like that, and put's themselves in that position. As much as they may seem harsh, and as much red rep as I'll get, it's true. Jeff, just like the rest, doesn't deserve to have his name celebrated when he dies.

Also, I realize; Eddy tried to clean himself up. Great. It was still his decision. His call to begin the drugs. Free. Will. You make a choice. You suffer the consequences

Now, this is a little much, but if you feel that strongly against drugs I can't argue with that. I also am a proud supporter of Benoit to this day, just so you know.

Jeff Hardy "The Anti-Christ of Wrestling" finally starts to entertain me and not constantly piss me off getting pushed down my throat and I hear this? Yeah, the main event sucked at FR. It's just this character was something I could get behind. It's better than being mad when I see him botch and then harp on it for days at a time. Anyways, I wouldn't feel sympathy for him if he died... I haven't cared about him much over his career or enjoyed a bunch of his matches. It will be just a hole that TNA has to fill. It may be a rather huge hole if it's soon... but if they can get the Anderson and probably the upcoming feud with RVD out of the way first it would be a less of a blow.
So Hardy acting this way makes him still a good idol to youngsters then? So why does he feel the need to talk smack on CM Punk?? Who cares if Punk even does Ambien?? I'm sure Punk could produce a legit prescription where as Hardy has already had three strikes on his toked up ass. His condition isn't anything to do with drugs, its actually called STUPIDITY...and thinking he can get away with doing it over and over again, and his family and friends are the ones dumb enough to keep enabling him by saying " are the star, let's keep you in the spotlight, and let's reward you with a top spot in a different wrestling organization" So one company ends up realize probably what a liability he is (although talent can take you so far...) but then you have to cut your losses,
Its a risk, and thats the bigger picture. WWE had conditions and rules that Hardy had to abide by, TNA does not. Its being said that TNA staffers are "keeping an eye on Hardy". What the hell does that mean? They're watching to see if his speech starts to slur, or if he's taking pills? That alone should be reason enough to take the damn title off of him. If he needs watched like a child constantly, hes certainly not capable of carrying a company as their world champion.

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