Jeff Hardy and His "Condition"

JicKie "FalKon" Mames;2651209 said:
I don't know what he did to warrant the "inability to compete" thing at Final Resolution, but with his current lifestyle wrestling for TNA I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff Hardy actually develops a mental condition at some point.

Should've stayed with the WWE. He would have been John Cena's successor.


Oh... You're quite serious. Hardy and Cena are the same age. Absolutely no way to waste someone like John Cena on Jeff Hardy. At all.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;2651209 said:
Should've stayed with the WWE. He (Jeff Hardy) would have been John Cena's successor.

I think successor is a bit strong. As the Cole Miner pointed out, they're about the same age. Also, I'm not sure WWE viewed him as a stable enough human being to be their top face. He was great as the #2 face, but if he fucked up, no big loss, they still had Cena.
TNA will wish they stripped him of the title sooner when either: A. He shows up wasted again at another show, or B. He gets convicted of drug charges later this week.
Give the belt to AJ pronto.

Thank you. I believe the exact words I used in the Hardy thread were, and I quote, "And to think, AJ gave up his push for this". If you really think about it, he did. Under this new construction, he should be the man who took the title from RVD/ whoever the fuck was in that triple threat. But noooo, Hardy's a bigger star, because CM Punk and Triple H carried his self loving ass through a good run in 2009.
The guy is born to be the face of TNA and I was always of the opinion that Immortal vs Fortune would have been enough to get TNA through most of the year.

Without the TV title now, they could easily find a way to book him asa fortunate champion. Book a three way with Hardy, AJ and Morgan and have AJ "accidentally" get the belt. Immortal go potty, Flair's leads Fortune through a face turn and each of the members get titles. Immortal recruit to oppose them and ultimately fail. It could be booked through the next six months if done well.
The guy is born to be the face of TNA and I was always of the opinion that Immortal vs Fortune would have been enough to get TNA through most of the year.

Without the TV title now, they could easily find a way to book him asa fortunate champion. Book a three way with Hardy, AJ and Morgan and have AJ "accidentally" get the belt. Immortal go potty, Flair's leads Fortune through a face turn and each of the members get titles. Immortal recruit to oppose them and ultimately fail. It could be booked through the next six months if done well.

Man... I hate to say it, because in theory that does sound good. But in reality, that sounds a lot like NWO Hollywood VS. NWO Wolfpac. And frankly, TNA doesn't have a draw like Goldberg right now to ease what would be an oversaturation of the Immortal/4Chan storyline
I should have been more specific... during the time that John Cena was tied up with Nexus, Jeff Hardy could have taken over his role and be his successor until he returned to action. They would have drawn higher than with Randy Orton in the picture.
Chilean Cole Miner continues to kick all sorts of ass.

I'm shocked there aren't more Hardy white knights in this thread.
Reason Hardy is world champ instead of AJ is Hardy is more well known and more likely to bring in viewers (how many that may be)

On the subject of his condition, it seems to be all speculation, he didn't look like he was on anything when I watched the Final Resolution match.
Reason Hardy is world champ instead of AJ is Hardy is more well known and more likely to bring in viewers (how many that may be)

On the subject of his condition, it seems to be all speculation, he didn't look like he was on anything when I watched the Final Resolution match.

Right, because he's doing fucking miracles as it as champion. :rolleyes:

Face facts; Jeff Hardy makes for a shit champion. Pure and simple. He made for an ok chase when he had that whole "Grab the brass ring" shit, but that's because he was working with one of the best workers of all time in Triple H, and was under Vince McMahon's heavy monitor. Otherwise, he really has no appeal to him. Not a damn bit.

Some of the shittier defenses I've seen so far.

Being someone who works in the medical field, I can tell you that there are a LOT more drug addicts who take prescription drugs then there are people "buying 8 balls of coke on a street corner". How many millions of people in this country take take "happy pills" so they can feel good about themselves and "make it through the day"? There is ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE in being addicted to "street drugs" and being addicted to "prescription drugs". Drugs are drugs, period!

This whole situation with Jeff Hardy has been blown out of context. This "report" never even cited what, if anything, Hardy did that was "so bad". It just stated that officials were thinking of stripping him of the title... Why? What did he do? Did he lose to Morgan? No... Nobody has said a damn thing about what Hardy supposedly did. Why is anybody taking this seriously?

I am pretty skeptical of this whole thing. Not because its another random sourceless "exclusive" from dirtsheets but because if he was that messed up how did he show essentially no sign of it during the match? If he was in that bad of shape I find it hard to believe there would not have been some signs. This whole thing just seems like an exaggeration based on questionable and/or misinterpreted information which everyone latched onto because it is the IWC obsession of the month.

My God, it's people like this that make me realize how Hitler came to power; make morons feel united, and manipulate them.
Right, because he's doing fucking miracles as it as champion. :rolleyes:

Face facts; Jeff Hardy makes for a shit champion. Pure and simple. He made for an ok chase when he had that whole "Grab the brass ring" shit, but that's because he was working with one of the best workers of all time in Triple H, and was under Vince McMahon's heavy monitor. Otherwise, he really has no appeal to him. Not a damn bit.

I did point out 'however many that may be', whether that be 1 person, 10 or 100, odds are Hardy is more likely to bring in viewers than AJ
I did point out 'however many that may be', whether that be 1 person, 10 or 100, odds are Hardy is more likely to bring in viewers than AJ

Shits weak, man. That's pretty much saying, yeah, you're right, Hardy's not a draw, but technically I'm right.

Ratings since 10.10.10 have been, mind you, not rising, but keeping a standstill. Really, how many viewers is he actually gaining?
Shits weak, man. That's pretty much saying, yeah, you're right, Hardy's not a draw, but technically I'm right.

Ratings since 10.10.10 have been, mind you, not rising, but keeping a standstill. Really, how many viewers is he actually gaining?

More than AJ would've on his own
Have Sting, Angle, Foley, and RVD not provided enough evidence that "names" aren't going to do TNA's ratings a whole lot of good? Do we really need more proof?
More than AJ would've on his own

Oh really?

Let's take a look at the numbers, shall we?

3/4/10 1.14
2/25/10 1.14
2/18/20 1.23
2/11/10 1.19
2/4/10 1.18
1/28/10 1.38
1/21/10 1.26
1/14/10 1.26
1/4/10 1.45 (Monday Night 3-Hour Live Special up against Raw)

12/31/09 0.7 (New Year's Knockout 4-Hour Special)
12/17/09 0.99
12/10/09 1.01
12/3/09 1.17
11/26/09 0.9
11/19/09 1.14
11/12/09 1.08
11/5/09 1.24
10/22/09 1.10
10/15/09 0.94
10/08/09 1.0
10/01/09 1.1
9/24/09 1.0

Then of course, there's the move to Mondays, which nothing could have gone right for, but I'll add it too, because it is important

4/19/10 1.0
4/12/10 0.78
*4/5/10 0.85 (TNA Moves to 8 PM EST)
3/29/10 0.56
*3/22/10 0.86
3/15/10 0.85
*3/8/10 0.98 (TNA Permanently Moves to Monday)

Now here's Hardy

1.4 rating for 10/14 (Remember, after 10/10/10, so there's that)
1.2 (rounded up from 1.15) for 10/21
1.13 rating for 10/28
1.15 rating for 11/4
1.15 for 11/11
1.07 for 11/18
.85 for 11/25 (In all fairness, that was Thanksgiving)
1.01 for 12/2

You know what tells me?

1. Hardy and Styles are doing roughly the same
2. You're full of shit
And who was AJ fueding with at the start of the year?? Kurt Angle a recognisable name, that I dunno might have helped bring in those ratings :shrug:

Oh, you've got to be shitting me. I want you to read real closely here; This isn't about AJ Styles, so much as it is about fucking Jeff Hardy being a shit champion. I argued that AJ would be a better choice as champion, because, you know, he's actually professional. You argued with some bullshit logic about Jeff Hardy bringing in more viewers. I brought conclusive evidence that in spite of having a mega angle involving all of the major names of the company, Jeff Hardy is pretty much doing just what AJ Styles did as champion, if not a little worse.

And you bring out that Styles only got ratings because of Angle? What about when that feud with Angle was done? What about when Angle was feuding with Mr. Kennedy.

Hardy marks, just stop. You're not going to prove Jeff Hardy is a good champion.
Okay I'm going to use a real life experience.

My friend is talking to me about how he's been watching WWE lately and I mention I've been watching TNA. He asks me 'What's TNA??', I say 'Its a different wrestling company ,they've got some amazing wrestlers who do crazy shit like MCMG, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles' He says 'I don't know any of these people, are there any people I know??'. I say 'Yeah, they've got Kurt Angle, RVD, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy's their world champion'. He goes, 'That sounds cool, I loved the Hardys and RVD, I'll probably check that out'

He told me after watching it he thought it was pretty good and he'd try and catch it a bit more.

So as I said before even if the number is small, Hardy is bringing in viewers that AJ probably wouldn't have brought in on his own.

On the subject on AJ being professional, wasn't it being reported he was having a massive strop at the way he was being used a few years ago (can't quite remember the details)
Okay I'm going to use a real life experience.

My friend is talking to me about how he's been watching WWE lately and I mention I've been watching TNA. He asks me 'What's TNA??', I say 'Its a different wrestling company ,they've got some amazing wrestlers who do crazy shit like MCMG, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles' He says 'I don't know any of these people, are there any people I know??'. I say 'Yeah, they've got Kurt Angle, RVD, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy's their world champion'. He goes, 'That sounds cool, I loved the Hardys and RVD, I'll probably check that out'

He told me after watching it he thought it was pretty good and he'd try and catch it a bit more.

So as I said before even if the number is small, Hardy is bringing in viewers that AJ probably wouldn't have brought in on his own.

On the subject on AJ being professional, wasn't it being reported he was having a massive strop at the way he was being used a few years ago (can't quite remember the details)

Did you notice the names I bolded there? My God, how ignorant of a mark can you be? Did you realize the first names you spewed out before you said Jeff Hardy was champion? God, it's not like any of those guys could have fucking swayed him.

Really, I wait ten minutes, and this is what you give me? A heartwarming tale of a rekindled love of wrestling? That's great. I have numbers and facts that back up Jeff Harsy is doing no better than AJ Styles as champion. Period. End of story. Now, unless you can come up with some number, kindly fuck off, or just admit you're a mark trying to make the case for your favorite pathetic druggie who's likely going to drop off the face of the earth in a few years.

By the way, what you're referring to is an interview where he said they wished they wouldn't have taken the belt off him. Yeah, real unprofessional there. Really anounts to coming to work either plastered or stoned. Allegedly.
Did you notice the names I bolded there? My God, how ignorant of a mark can you be? Did you realize the first names you spewed out before you said Jeff Hardy was champion? God, it's not like any of those guys could have fucking swayed him.

Really, I wait ten minutes, and this is what you give me? A heartwarming tale of a rekindled love of wrestling? That's great. I have numbers and facts that back up Jeff Harsy is doing no better than AJ Styles as champion. Period. End of story. Now, unless you can come up with some number, kindly fuck off, or just admit you're a mark trying to make the case for your favorite pathetic druggie who's likely going to drop off the face of the earth in a few years.

By the way, what you're referring to is an interview where he said they wished they wouldn't have taken the belt off him. Yeah, real unprofessional there. Really anounts to coming to work either plastered or stoned. Allegedly.

And he said how he had liked the Hardys and RVD, those were the names he mentioned back to me, it doesn't matter where something is on a list, if someone likes he/she/it they will remember it whether it be first, last or twenty fifth.

And the whole deal over Hardy's condition is all speculation, you yourself say he might allegedly have been on something, but you're not sure

Here's a fan report that says he was just tired, now (while this is a fan report) and you might go on about the legitimacy of it, would you say the say the same thing if the report said it looked like Hardy was under the influence???

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