IMPACT Wrestling LD for 12.01.11

At least they kept each segment long enough to see them all in bikinies, but not long enough for the angle to become stupid.
Great little dynamic. A heel in what basically is a handicap match. I can't wait for Roode vs AJ at Final Resolution
I might shell out some money for the ppv. I haven't ordered a ppv since wrestlemania 22. time to close my stream and pay for a show that seems worthy of my money. Originally I had thought of ordering BFG but none of the matches really caught my eye
I really enjoyed the show tonight, but two things are painfully obvious right now:

1. Austin Aries is in desperate need of competition. A returning and familiar face would really help TNA and the XD right now. As much as I like Kash, he's not a good face and this feud is going to be short-lived or will end up in a three-way match again with Sorrensen who's yet to really blow off his feud with Kash.

2. The tag division is officially in the shitter with Devon/Pope as the #1 contenders.

Otherwise I dig it. Glad to see Hardy back in the main event.

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