IMPACT Wrestling LD for 10.20.11 (everyone read first post)

Oh and the highlight of this entire show was the part where D'Lo Brown and Al Snow came out to separate Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy, and then they got in each other's faces and D'Lo did his trademark head-swag thing. I marked like a bitch just for him doing the head -swag. D'Lo, that dude fuckin' rules. Talk about criminally underrated.

When I watched that last night I got out of bed cheering lol.
Would you mind explaining why AJ vs Daniels stole the show for you?
Sure. It was a passion-fueled blood feud spilling over in a manner that involved murderous rage rather than the dime-a-dozen table/ladder spots which we'd seen plenty of earlier in the evening. Personal investment in what's happening in the ring with an accentuated juxtaposition to the other gimmick matches on the card is a win for me. All things considered, it just checked my box.
Watching the rest of Impact now. I liked the promo segment between Roode/Angle/Sting/Storm, but man, opening your show with a fucking FORTY FIVE MINUTE LONG PROMO is not exactly starting off the next year of angles for TNA on a good foot. Promo was pretty good but man, so much unnecessary parts, they could have cut out large chunks of the entire Dixie speech (or scrapped it altogether) and been much better off. You should never have your WRESTLING show open with 45 minutes of promos and no actual wrestling, that's just shit.
It's an improvement over last year's post-BFG show that nailed the full hour.

Also doesn't help that when they did finally have a match, it was the women.
It was better than the BFG match. Tara and Brooke's ass shots helped.
Sure. It was a passion-fueled blood feud spilling over in a manner that involved murderous rage rather than the dime-a-dozen table/ladder spots which we'd seen plenty of earlier in the evening. Personal investment in what's happening in the ring with an accentuated juxtaposition to the other gimmick matches on the card is a win for me. All things considered, it just checked my box.

Great explanation of the match. I agree with you somewhat, but I thought that the finish hurt it because of those very things you just said there. Much like the Roode/Angle contest, it was a great match, with a shit finish. This was supposed to be the big blow-off for Daniels and AJ, right? I mean, it obviously isn't and they're going to have more matches in the future, but it SHOULD have been, just like Roode should have beaten Angle, because BFG is supposed to be their big climax show where all of the major things go down and set the tone for the next year. After AJ and Daniels trying to murder each other for 15 minutes, having Daniels scream "I quit!" like a coward and run off, while awesome from a heel standpoint because it makes you hate his guts, was just contrived and only served one purpose; to make sure the feud isn't over yet. Left a bad taste in my mouth. The work was solid, the story was great, the booking sucked a big fat massive cock though in my eyes.
Would you guys do Storm/Roode right away at the next PPV or would let it build more and save that match for later?

I would let it brew for a few months. Really build the tension between the two. I would have Storm defend the title a few times against the likes of Anderson, Morgan, RVD and maybe even Hardy before facing off with Roode. The tension will be building throughout these defenses between the two, but I would hold off a feud until Storm has been really established as champion.

Still think Bully Ray is a legitimate option. Fortune/Immortal heat.

That would rule. But it will take a little time to build him back into a contender after losing the Anderson at BFG. But I'd love to see that match.
Personally I didn't particularly like AJ/Daniels except for the ending. It was so refreshing to see heel mentality actually come across in the finish.
Great explanation of the match. I agree with you somewhat, but I thought that the finish hurt it because of those very things you just said there. Much like the Roode/Angle contest, it was a great match, with a shit finish. This was supposed to be the big blow-off for Daniels and AJ, right? I mean, it obviously isn't and they're going to have more matches in the future, but it SHOULD have been, just like Roode should have beaten Angle, because BFG is supposed to be their big climax show where all of the major things go down and set the tone for the next year. After AJ and Daniels trying to murder each other for 15 minutes, having Daniels scream "I quit!" like a coward and run off, while awesome from a heel standpoint because it makes you hate his guts, was just contrived and only served one purpose; to make sure the feud isn't over yet. Left a bad taste in my mouth. The work was solid, the story was great, the booking sucked a big fat massive cock though in my eyes.
I didn't think Angle-Roode was a great match and I felt their ending was by far the stupidest of the night. You could see Angle was hurt so it was moronic to do the turnbuckle run spot if he had to stop and climb gingerly. He should have worked around the injury, not through it. The German from the top got very little reaction for such a big spot and straight up looked like Angle doing a moonsault rather than Roode throwing him. It was finisher-heavy with almost no convincing near falls and didn't have the emotion that AJ-Daniels did to make up for the lack of real false finishes. The finish was especially bizarre: Why go with the rope-leverage spot if you're going to make it look like the Angle Slam beat Roode straight up? Why do the arm-under-the-rope spot when you already have those two conflicting factors muddying the waters? I have no problem with Angle winning. I actually commend them for that. But the execution was soft. AJ-Daniels, on the other hand, was almost pitch-perfect.

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