Great explanation of the match. I agree with you somewhat, but I thought that the finish hurt it because of those very things you just said there. Much like the Roode/Angle contest, it was a great match, with a shit finish. This was supposed to be the big blow-off for Daniels and AJ, right? I mean, it obviously isn't and they're going to have more matches in the future, but it SHOULD have been, just like Roode should have beaten Angle, because BFG is supposed to be their big climax show where all of the major things go down and set the tone for the next year. After AJ and Daniels trying to murder each other for 15 minutes, having Daniels scream "I quit!" like a coward and run off, while awesome from a heel standpoint because it makes you hate his guts, was just contrived and only served one purpose; to make sure the feud isn't over yet. Left a bad taste in my mouth. The work was solid, the story was great, the booking sucked a big fat massive cock though in my eyes.