IMPACT Wrestling LD for 10.20.11 (everyone read first post)

Can I ask why? I mean it's a wrestling storyline so there has to be some sort of match payoff. That said, we're talking about a guy who was a referee getting focused on (and you know this story will get focus since Eric Bischoff is involved in it) rather than using that time to focus on wrestlers in the company.
I may be wrong here but I think Little Bish was always gonna be a wrestler and the ref thing was just to get people used to seeing him. I can't judge his wrestling seeing how I haven't seen it but if he turns out to be shit I'll admit to being wrong.

I just like the way they're building it up
It would make more sense if he DID help Immortal all along but he never did. Immortal barely wins matches and the kid certainly didn't help them win any. Thus, was he ever REALLY a heel? I mean Bischoff says he was with them all along but did he ever really DO anything?

Same issue with Hogan. He NEVER showed any signs of.......the title match was 1:20? Hardy vs. Sting was longer.
I may be wrong here but I think Little Bish was always gonna be a wrestler and the ref thing was just to get people used to seeing him. I can't judge his wrestling seeing how I haven't seen it but if he turns out to be shit I'll admit to being wrong.

I just like the way they're building it up

He does look built like a wrestler but he's going to get a chance to get so much time now because of his dad, and he'll get those chances over guys who have been working way longer than him. I'm just not sure I care about a Bischoff and son feud.

On another note..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA
Oh yea, for sure. That show was a complete fucking abomination

For sure, and imagine how people like me feel that think James Storm is quite overrated by the IWC. I literally can't stop laughing though. Angle can kick out of everything that Roode gives him but he goes down to 1 superkick? hahahahahah

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