IMPACT Wrestling LD for 06.21.12 is LIVE!

Is it just me, or is this chick awful at keying moves together?

She's terrible. Absolutely terrible. Back to OVW. She needs a ton of work.

Also, LOL @ Pope starting at Jeff Hardy's eyes because they're closed like he's confused why there are eyes still staring at him. :lmao:
I like it, honestly. It's got an old school feel to it where feuds didn't just run from Pay-Per-View to Pay-Per-View. I really dig these long-term feuds that run into years.

I mean how long did Sting and Flair feud for? How long did Hogan and Sting feud for? Hart and Lawler? Hart and Michaels? Years and years and years.

Yeah Macho/hogan, Piper/Hogan, Rock/Austin, I liked those feuds that were LONG..
I like it, honestly. It's got an old school feel to it where feuds didn't just run from Pay-Per-View to Pay-Per-View. I really dig these long-term feuds that run into years.

I mean how long did Sting and Flair feud for? How long did Hogan and Sting feud for? Hart and Lawler? Hart and Michaels? Years and years and years.

Sting and Flair had their first match on March 27, 1988 and their last on March 26 of 2000 so 12 years, but there were some LONG gaps in between there. Hart and Shawn as singles were for about five years. There's a difference between a recurring rivalry and feuding with the same guy for this many years, especially when it's almost been since the inception of the company. Also other than Bret/Shawn, most long term rivalries didn't have a weekly TV show with top level talent on them. This feud gets a lot more exposure.
Sting and Flair had their first match on March 27, 1988 and their last on March 26 of 2000 so 12 years, but there were some LONG gaps in between there. Hart and Shawn as singles were for about five years. There's a difference between a recurring rivalry and feuding with the same guy for this many years, especially when it's almost been since the inception of the company. Also other than Bret/Shawn, most long term rivalries didn't have a weekly TV show with top level talent on them. This feud gets a lot more exposure.

I dunno, dude. I see it like TNA's Michaels/Hart. I know it's not on the same level, but it's of the same character. Two guys who (kayfabe) legit think they're better than the other and are willing to prove it.

Then you throw in Joe/Kaz every so often to mix things up a bit.
I dunno, dude. I see it like TNA's Michaels/Hart. I know it's not on the same level, but it's of the same character. Two guys who (kayfabe) legit think they're better than the other and are willing to prove it.

Then you throw in Joe/Kaz every so often to mix things up a bit.

It would help a bit if Daniels, you know, won once in a awhile.
I like the idea of having everyone face each other once a lot. Last year the amount of matches people had were all over the place.

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