IMPACT Wrestling LD for 06.21.12 is LIVE!

I like the fact that there is a girl this time in the Gut check angle. I hope they also see a tag team down the road.
Also, i'd like for them to separate OFN and Gut check so i can look forward to
1st week - Set up a ppv
2nd wee;- OFN
3rd week Gut Check
4th week Go home for a ppv
I really hope they stop the live Impacts by September so I'll have a reason to go to the house show. I'm not paying to see the D team guys with an six Knockout tag being the main event.
I love this whole AJ is distracted angle. This is the most interesting the AJ/Daniels feud has been in a good two years.

Best story since the "Why'd I get fired when I'm better than you!?" angle.
I love this whole AJ is distracted angle. This is the most interesting the AJ/Daniels feud has been in a good two years.

Best story since the "Why'd I get fired when I'm better than you!?" angle.

I agree, but they lose me on the part where this feud has been going on for two years, especially when that's just this part of it.
I agree, but they lose me on the part where this feud has been going on for two years, especially when that's just this part of it.

I like it, honestly. It's got an old school feel to it where feuds didn't just run from Pay-Per-View to Pay-Per-View. I really dig these long-term feuds that run into years.

I mean how long did Sting and Flair feud for? How long did Hogan and Sting feud for? Hart and Lawler? Hart and Michaels? Years and years and years.

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