iMPACT! v. Monday Night RAW II: March 8th 2010

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
According to a report on ImpactWrestling, following the 1.5 cable rating the January 4th episode ran, SpikeTV has agreed to schedule another live TNA broadcast to run head-to-head with Monday Night RAW on March 1st.

According to news correspondent Devin Cutting, Spike TV has scheduled a second Monday night TNA iMPACT episode on March 1 from 9-11p.m. EST head-to-head with WWE RAW.

I for one couldn't be happier, as I feel a second go-around with the live broadcast will really give them another push in the right direction seeing as the kinks and fears of the first live broadcast with Hogan's debut are now in the past. They've had a PPV since the event and have now begun to build legitimate story lines to carry through to March 1st, and on top of everything, Cheech & Chong are scheduled to guest host RAW that night.

Seems to me like TNA is taking another calculated risk here, and if you ask me, they've chosen the right date to do so. Going up against washed up pot heads will give wrestling fans yet another reason to tune into the alternative.

Your thoughts? Concerns?
It seems to me that TNA's already pulled out all of the stops for competing against the WWE on January 4. On January 4, they brought in:

*Jeff Hardy - Nowhere to be seen since then. In limbo with court cases, won't be popping up again anytime soon
*Shannon Moore - Worthless to the company without Jeff Hardy.
*Scott Hall - Apparently so embarrassed by his body that he won't wrestle and shows up wearing sweatshirts fat guys at the gym would wear.
*X-Pac - Pretty sure he's high on something whenever he appears on Impact.
*Val Venis - At least in good shape, but the fans are rejecting him.
*Orlando Jordan - Sucks.
*The Nasty Boys - Looked terrible in their first match back, have no interest being in the ring.
*Ric Flair - Basically pissed all over what he and HBK did at Wrestlemania. Is now guiding AJ Styles to becoming the new Nature Boy.

Since that point, they brought in Kennedy, who is a one trick pony and is just another guy. Brian Kendrick is also just another guy.

This is a mistake. They spent 6 weeks writing that last show, and I'm one of the few around here who doesn't think that show was great. I'm not hating on TNA, but when you have SIX WEEKS to put together a show, it needs to be really fucking good and memorable. It was just a regular show of Impact stretched another hour that was more about shock value than putting on a good wrestling show. They also had three months of hyping up Hogan, and they got a 1.5, which was up .4 points from what their average rating was at that point.

How are they going to shock the fans this time? They want to be an alternative to the WWE, which isn't going to get done when you keep calling out the competition and pushing WWE rejects. TNA should be promoting the hell out of their homegrown guys. The ex-WWE guys that have nothing left to offer should be putting them over, so they can really create stars. They have no big names left to woo. RVD seems very unreceptive about going to TNA, and Goldberg has no reason to.

Furthermore, the WWE is always at its best when they're in the middle of the Road to Wrestlemania. Who would want to watch AJ Styles awkwardly trying to be what Flair was when Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon will be in full force by that point? There is going to be a major build for the WWE Title match, and there is going to probably be some build going on between HBK and The Undertaker. John Cena will be there this time too.

It's not a good time for TNA to try to challenge the WWE in March again. Not when they're going to be in the thick of building up to Wrestlemania. The WWE can go ahead and move Cheech and Chong if they really wanted to. The Rock is very receptive about doing a guest hosting spot on Raw. Maybe Vince pulls that card out for March 1.
I'm looking forward to it. It is ballsy to put it on in March though. It's a good thing they didn't put it on the 15th when Austin is scheduled to guest host. They can always replace Cheech and Chong, but I don't they will. I don't think Vince will sweat anything. I hope TNA can put on some quality matches, because they have used up most of their surprises. I don't think the January 4th Impact had horrible matches. The Knockouts tag was good and Angle vs. AJ was a classic. Even though they gave it away for free.

RVD has warmed up to TNA, but I doubt we will see him. It will probably be someone like DDP or Honky Tonk coming in for a surprise showing. I wish for the best, but I don't think they can draw the same number like last time. I think Raw will probably bring out Bret Hart for a special appearance again.

I am excited about it though. Whether people like the show or not, it really brings out the best in TNA and WWE when they go head to head.
Well, this episode of iMPACT! also marks the official movement of the show to Monday nights on a permanent basis according to this:

A permanent timeslot for the show hasn't been confirmed as of yet. However, one major drawback is that iMPACT! is going to be taped most of the time at least for the time being. It's being said as of now that episodes for iMPACT! on Mondays will be taped on Tuesdays. Personally, with iMPACT! not being live every week, I think it could really water down the show. Instead of potentially stealing viewers from Raw, all viewers would have to do is head online and read the iMPACT! spoilers as they do now. In a way, this can really take away the whole choice aspect of iMPACT! moving to Mondays.
It might be the end of TNA if it is permenent. The only thing that I would e excited to see out of them was bringing in new stars. Now that they blew that open, what now? I am getting bored orlf Raw but I have no reason to switch over to TNA.
Well, this episode of iMPACT! also marks the official movement of the show to Monday nights on a permanent basis according to this:

A permanent timeslot for the show hasn't been confirmed as of yet. However, one major drawback is that iMPACT! is going to be taped most of the time at least for the time being. It's being said as of now that episodes for iMPACT! on Mondays will be taped on Tuesdays. Personally, with iMPACT! not being live every week, I think it could really water down the show. Instead of potentially stealing viewers from Raw, all viewers would have to do is head online and read the iMPACT! spoilers as they do now. In a way, this can really take away the whole choice aspect of iMPACT! moving to Mondays.

Jesus Christ, if this is permanent and they're starting it in March, when the WWE is in the thick of the Road to Wrestlemania, this a terrible decision. All eyes are going to be on Raw during the entire month of March and for the first couple weeks of April. It's not even going to be close as far as ratings go, especially on March 15 when Stone Cold Steve Austin is hosting. The WWE doesn't really need to move Cheech and Chong on March 1 now. Sure, if they pulled The Rock out on that night, it would drive some nails in their coffin, but TNA would turn it into something like, "OH THEY'RE RUNNING SCARED 'UP NORTH'!" Plus, it would make it seem like the WWE sees TNA as a threat, at which they shouldn't at this point.

Here's what Meltzer posted on The Observer:

I’m not sure when the announcement will be officially made, but the decision has been made behind the scenes that Impact will be going to Mondays full-time.

The time of the change is at this point expected to be early March. We don’t yet know whether it’ll be from 8-10 p.m. or 9-11 p.m.

As things are planned right now, they will be taping every other week, doing Monday and Tuesdays with the Tuesday show being taped for the next Monday. Because of occasional odd number of weeks between PPVs, it’s possible there would be times they would either tape three shows or come back with a taping where they’d fly people in just for one live Monday. From a cost standpoint, it would be so much less expensive, and TNA is a company that still needs to watch its budget, in that situation to do three weeks at a time. This harkens back to the original days of Raw where they would do three weeks of tapings, with the first show live and the other shows taped. There was never a time period where live vs. tape made a difference in the ratings, but the 90s are very different than today.

The feeling is that the Thursday ratings are not as important as building a base for the Monday switch, because the whole nature of the ratings change at that point. From there, the shows will be micro-analyzed for minute-by-minute patterns and trying to time hot segments when Raw is in commercial breaks, figuring you can hit viewers switching away. TNA drew a bigger audience on Jan. 4 than it ever had for a Thursday show, but it was also the most publicized show in company history. But as a test, it did seem to show there was more potential for growth of the audience and product interest running on Monday, as well as increase the profile of the company with the idea they are going head-to-head with WWE.

My guess would be they would do what is currently planned with going live on alternate weeks for a little while. If the ratings for the taped shows were significantly down, that would be a sign they need to go to live every Monday. I would expect them to, on the taped show, maybe not show key segments with angles to the studio audience with the idea of keeping them getting out on spoilers if they believe it’ll hurt ratings. To me, I wouldn’t even worry about spoilers and such because in the big picture it doesn’t matter statistically, but when you’re in the wrestling Internet bubble, it’s a big thing.

As noted here from the start, those close to Hogan noted from the time he signed that part of the deal was a commitment from Spike to go live on Mondays, so this has been something at least heavily discussed and to a degree, in the works, since October.

If TNA goes 8-10 p.m., it wouldn’t shock me to see Raw go three hours. USA has wanted Raw to go to three hours, but I think Vince & Stephanie (and actually this goes for about 70% of the people I’ve spoken with who really know wrestling on both sides) have said that in a perfect world, the perfect length for a wrestling TV show is 90 minutes. Two hours drags in points and one hour today is too short. But television isn’t structured in a way where you can easily do 90 minute prime time shows, and certainly not on USA network, so two is clearly better than one. I think we’ve seen three is worse than two, but WWE is extremely protective about Monday nights and USA network probably isn’t familiar with whatever lessons there were when Nitro moved from two to three hours, which was a positive in the ratings early on but turned out quickly to be a negative.

Not too many people are going to want to watch Impact on Mondays if it's taped, unless there's something that's "can't miss". TNA caters to the internet fans, when they should really only represent a minor piece of the puzzle. Those internet fans are going to read the spoilers online, and base their decision to watch on that. Furthermore, anything really important is going to happen on the live show, which is basically TNA saying "watch us once or twice a month!"

It's cost-effective sure, but when you're trying to start a war vs. the giant, it's not smart to run a taped show vs. a live one.

Plus, a three hour Raw would really benefit the company by letting the neglected members of the Raw roster basically have a chance to appear on TV each week. There's plenty of time to fill for the guest host stuff and matches.

Also, NOBODY should be calling this the Monday Night War.

It's the Monday Night Conflict.
If they move iMPACT to Monday nights on a permanent basis, but don't go live, they're dead. It will be a dismal failure if they try this. I think it's a big gamble and a big leap of faith going head to head with the giant as it is, but if RAW is live and iMPACT is pre-recorded, they're screwed.

Because as JACK-HAMMER already said, people will simply check out the spoilers online, and if they like what they read, they'll tune in for sporadic glimpses of the action, which will pose no threat whatsoever to WWE. Or they won't like what they read, because they have no interest in seeing the Honky Tonk Man or the Nasty Boys, and they'll tune TNA out altogether.

Time to shit or get off the pot here. Either wage the war, go head-to-head on a live basis and live or die by the decision, or don't make the move at all. A lukewarm assault will only yield limited results, and they'll begin their downward spiral into further oblivion.
Terrible timing to make this permanent move in terms of trying to pull away Raw fans. The road to Wrestlemania 3-month span usually features the E at their best, and it'll be hard for me to ignore the WM builds in order to watch Impact, which in my opinion had its first weak show of the new regime last week. We'll see how it all pans out, but I just see this move making more sense after Mania.
WWE's product has been garbage for a long time now and from reading these boards the WWE fans want something exciting and new. Well now you have it on Mondays with TNA Impact. Who cares if its the road to wrestlemania? If your storylines, and talent doesn't matter what time of year it is. Time for TNA to take over, cross the line, or get left behind.
Im rolling on the floor laughing at this dumb decision. TNA would stand a better chance if they moved to tuesday nights to go head2head with ecw. hogan must have somethng really good planned for that night to do anotha monday night show. in order for wwe to bury tna and get huge ratings is to have anotha 3hr raw and have a pre-wrestlemania draft which would b awsum!
WWE's product has been garbage for a long time now and from reading these boards the WWE fans want something exciting and new. Well now you have it on Mondays with TNA Impact. Who cares if its the road to wrestlemania? If your storylines, and talent doesn't matter what time of year it is. Time for TNA to take over, cross the line, or get left behind.

There's nothing exciting or NEW about TNA. It's the same shit we've all seen before and it's not even done well. I think long term TNA's going to find that this is a very bad business decision. They're so focused on competing with the WWE and trying to be something they just aren't right now that they're going to do it at the expense of their long term success. What they need to focus on is their own product and making it the best product they can, something different and interesting. They need to focus on building their audience more so, because they're not going to be competing with the WWE and when the momentary push of Hogan's era runs its course quickly they'll be left with nothing but a sinking ship.
I'm excited to see how this does. TNA has been pulling in pretty good ratings since the 4th, so there's a pretty good chance that they'll have another increase in viewers for this show, and afterwards.

WWE fans have hopefully started to see the good in TNA, and will hopefully tune in for this. TNA has a bit of an edge here, knowing that Austin is hosting on the 15th, and won't be pulling out a huge gun like they did with Hart on the 4th.
I've got to give it to Dixie Carter and Eric Bischoff, if they go through with this, they actually got guts. The problem with this is will this work. Will the wrestling fans that use to watch the WWE during that period just to see how Wrestlemania is shaping up going to switch to watch what's going on in TNA? I doubt it. The WWE is doing some of his best work during this time period. The road to wrestlemania as always been the most compeling part of the WWE season just by the storytelling and just wondering who going to wrestle who and what's going to happen between those guys before wrestlemania. Nobody can compete with the WWE during that period. I hope TNA realise this because this is a huge risk to go head to head with Raw especially if you don'T have an hour in advantage like you had the last time and it probably be a bet that TNA will lose unless the WWE does slip on a banana peel which i really doubt they will.
There might be a few problems as things at least appear to have changed. I've read on a number of sites, and for instance, that Spike has changed its tv schedule again and it reports that iMPACT! is airing on Thursday, March 4, 2010 instead of going against Raw on the 1st. In the place of iMPACT! on the 1st is a show called Playbook.

Now, this might simply be something that Spike has done at TNA's request so that TNA in and of itself can announce the show airing on the 1st and Playbook might just be a temporary place holder. If that is indeed the case, then TNA really should have some sort of commercial airing for this coming week's episode of iMPACT! or Tenay and Taz need to be spouting off about it every chance they get. If the story is legit, then it could also mean that negotiations for another live edition of iMPACT! against Raw have hit a snag.

Either way, there hasn't been even a fraction of as much buzz about this as there was for the show on January 4th. March 1st is only three weeks off so if iMPACT! goes next week without bringing this up, I think it's a safe bet that it's not gonna happen.
If they are serious about this and REALLY want to be competition to the WWE, then move IMPACT to monday nights permanently but not only that, you also need to make a statement on March 1st if that's really going to happen and i doubt it will. They need to get out of the IMPACT zone in Orlando and go to a small arena where they would look like a big deal. TNA have the tendency to not learn from their mistakes, They've been doing the same mistakes for years now. They bring in a big name wrestler hoping he can get the company some ratings he fail and then wonders why he fail and sign another big name get hoping he going to bring ratings.

I always said that TNA look like a minor league promotion and even with all thoses big name guys like Hogan, Flair, Sting, Angle, Foley and Nash, they still look like a minor league promotion because the tape their show in front of give or take 500 peoples in an amusement park studio, so anyway you look at it, even if it disguise with all these big legends, it still look like a regional promotion. So if they want to be a threat the the WWE in the long run, they need to move out of that studio and go back the arena system even if they go back to the Asylum in Nashville, it's still a better place to be then the Impact zone and it will make them look a lot more like a major promotion.
All I can say is that it is about time people realize what a disaster this is shaping up to be on the TNA side. Before Jan 4, everyone was jumping up and down saying how this was the start of the Monday Night Wars again and saying how scared WWE should be because of the product they have been giving (which I disagree with anyways). But since Jan 4, the ratings of TNA have pretty much went back to what they were and the show itself apparently hasnt gotten any better. I have tried to watch, but its too painful for me. But Ive seen countless postings of people saying how disappointed they have been with TNA lately.

If in fact that TNA goes live March 1, it will be a failure. Like several people have said already, WWE will be well into the Road to WrestleMania. Most of the feuds for WM will be going very strong by then.

Not only that, TNA hasnt been promoting the event like they did for Jan. I wouldnt tune into TNA anyways, but for anyone who might...what reason do they have that night. Tune into a show that hasnt been getting any better or tune into a show that usually has its best stuff around that time of the year...I think the choice is pretty clear.
There might be a few problems as things at least appear to have changed. I've read on a number of sites, and for instance, that Spike has changed its tv schedule again and it reports that iMPACT! is airing on Thursday, March 4, 2010 instead of going against Raw on the 1st. In the place of iMPACT! on the 1st is a show called Playbook.

Now, this might simply be something that Spike has done at TNA's request so that TNA in and of itself can announce the show airing on the 1st and Playbook might just be a temporary place holder. If that is indeed the case, then TNA really should have some sort of commercial airing for this coming week's episode of iMPACT! or Tenay and Taz need to be spouting off about it every chance they get. If the story is legit, then it could also mean that negotiations for another live edition of iMPACT! against Raw have hit a snag.

Either way, there hasn't been even a fraction of as much buzz about this as there was for the show on January 4th. March 1st is only three weeks off so if iMPACT! goes next week without bringing this up, I think it's a safe bet that it's not gonna happen.


This is TNA's big failure. THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO ADVERTISE. Do they honestly believe that in playing these games of having their time slot temporarily held by another show just so they can make the announcement that it's going to bring in new fans? HELLO! The only people that will see it are the people already watching the freaking show.... It just makes you wonder if anybody in TNA has actually taken any marketing classes. I highly doubt any have.

If they were dead serious about March 1st, they would've started advertising on Spike IMMEDIATELY upon making the decision. But no, they'd rather hold off yet another week (or possibly longer, depending on the tapings schedule), so at the rate their going, the most time they have is less than 3 weeks, the least amount of time they have is 2 weeks. Considering TNA's past behavior regarding these events, they probably won't even announce it until the 2 week mark, and they will honestly believe it will make a huge difference. I firmly believe it won't make a lick of difference, considering my above point of advertising to the people that are already watching and the short time span they have to effectively garner attention with TV Commercials.

All these moves these idiots are making make absolutely no sense whatsoever. I've never worked in the wrestling industry, nor have I worked in Broadcasting or Marketing, but it doesn't take a professional in any of these areas to see that they are setting themselves up for even MORE disappointment.

Also, considering their ratings have been a constant slow slip since the 1st of January (Low mark 1.2, .3 higher than before-hogan era), this is no justification to give it another shot; it shows common fans are losing interest week by week, which also proves they are not doing many things right if they are losing viewers week in and week out.

TNA is just the biggest FACEPALM in the wrestling industry today. If this is what Hogan was talking about when he said "He's going to show everyone how the business is run", then I seriously am worried for the worthwhile talent being wasted away on a show that will never make it anywhere, ran by an egomaniac that obviously doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Also, if Bischoff has anything to do with these plans, it shows that the IWC has put WAY too much faith in him as a booker/creative/management type guy.

Ugh, TNA... just... Ugh.
SOmething strange happen to me last night while i was watching IMPACT, i thought i heard Hogan say that IMPACT was moving to monday nights starting march the 8th. That cannot be since they don't have great ratings right now. It most be a joke. There no way the peoples in charge of TNA are that stupid.

Sadly, i true and after watching last night IMPACT, i don'T understand how they will survive this. It not because the wrestling is not good because for the most part, the matches were very good except for the Angle/Daniels match. But it's because they put to many storyline in one program and don'T follow up on them during the show. For Exemple, just take the opening Segment with A.J styles and The Pope, Pope gets beat up by A.J. and Flair, they put his angle in a chair and stump on it, put Pope in the figure four and left him laying unconcious. Surely Pope most have a broken ankle or something but we never know because after they came back from the commercial break, they were already unto the next segment with was the knockout match and completly forgot to talk about it for the rest of the night. In the WWE they would have had Tenay and Taz so up on camera show a replay of what just happen and then have them said that they would give us an update on pope condition as soon as it was available, Then later in the night you would get yet another replay of the incident just so you don'T forget what happenned and then tazz and tenay would give you the update will the next match occurs.

So if TNA want to compete with the WWE, they need to stop thinking of IMPACT as a television show and stop booking your storyline has segment during the show because now they way they are doing thing, if you weren't watching IMPACT from the very beginning you probably not going to know that A.J attacked Pope in the opening segment or that Bischoff sent Foley shopping or that Daffney went completly Psyko because after the segment is over, they don'T mention it again and that'S o.k for some minor angle like the knockout angle but for some of the major one they need to follow up with more then one segment if they want to compete with wwe.
It might be the end of TNA if it is permenent. The only thing that I would e excited to see out of them was bringing in new stars. Now that they blew that open, what now? I am getting bored orlf Raw but I have no reason to switch over to TNA.

TNA moving to Monday night.Eric Bischoff and Hogan what are they doing to TNA? I grew up on NWA later WCW, personally hated the WWF thought it was all about show. Then these same guys came to WCW and destroyed the company. I also spent time in Orlando when TNA was first gettign started they cared about their fand to the point where they would let you in the matches for free I no longer live in O' Town but its probaly changed quite a bit especially with Hogan and Bischoff. I also grew up with 4 fingers raised in the air when I was in most areana's love Flair and the Horsemen I looking at AJ Styles who I think is an excellent wrestler as well but brother you will never be Ric Flair, just be yourself cause you definitely got it as well.However once again moving to Monday night's what a mistake guys, I hear good things about ROH cause TNA has sold out, just like WCW back in the day. @ maybe 3 years there want be a TNA any longer and that sucks, just like McMahon. Hogan is probaly secretivly working for the dude or something.
WWE VS TNA .....well all wwe's viewers are abunch of lil kids and people who wish they was *** boy cena wwe has 6 good guys,punk,hhh,hbk,mystreio,r-truth,and matt hardy..TNA's whole roster are better wrestlers than wwe's talent the knockouts are better than cena and id rather watch scott halls drunk ass fall all over the place then see cena and bret hart anyday......

i think bischoff and hogan may be goin in the wrong direction but at least we got options now on mondays if this was wwf vs tna 2002-09 itd be the shit but who knows i just hope hogan dont kill tna and hope this wakes vince up and go back to havin some attitude. TNA all the way!!!

You my friend obviously have no concept of what wrestling these days is. Scott Hall hasn't been a draw, let alone reliable in about 10 years. Regardless of your opinoin on Cena, he busts his ass every time he goes out and is one of the highest selling talent they have had since the attitude era. Tna does have great wrestlers, but WWE has just as many. Jericho, Punk, Edge, HHH( who is one of the best wrestlers ever whether you like him or not), HBK, Orton, DiBiase, Kingston, Morrison, Truth, etc. Talent wise they really are equal but WWE knows how to market them better and continue their storylines. Im glad there will be a Monday Night War again, but unless TNA changes the way they structure their product, it won't be much of a war.
The bottom line on the upcoming Monday night wars is that is good for EVERYBODY. We all love wrestling regardless of how stale either product might get from time to time, I mean lets face it, you could be one the greatest and most creative minds in the business as a writer but nobody is perfect. Everybody goes through slumps in life, have a 2nd 'credible' choice to watch is great. I honestly just hope that we don't have to see hogan or flair for that matter wrestle much, and quite frankly the whole eric bischoff playing the bully role and taking up so most of the airtime is played out as well.
After watching the latest version of TNA, they can't be serious to think that they will bring any worry to Vince and the WWE what with the story lines they they are coming up with.

1. Hogan and Flair wrestling again. First these two should have been sent to pasture long ago. Plus from the word of Hogan, "I won't climb back in the ring again" and yet a month after he shows up he's wrestling again. Seriously??? Come on?

2. Seriously, Abyss??? He's the guy to carry on the mantle of Hogan???

3. Angle and Anderson over a Dog Tag?

4. Nash and Young vs. the Band? Please Hall can barely walk, nuff said

5. And the best for last, Bischoff. Bischoff vs Foley and dressing him up? Bischoff and Jarrett, the catering and janitor?

Is this really what Jarrett and Carter think is going to topple the king WWE? These story lines are so dated that even Mae Young thinks they are too old.

TNA's best story lines are Wolf teaming with Styles, Rob Terry vs BI. It's funny the lesser stories are far better.
Are you kidding me TNA is making a very STUPID mistake broadcasting on mondays. Everybody knows more people will watch Raw than TNA. Raw will finally get a 4.0 rating, TNA will get a 0.5 rating. If you like TNA and WWE your most likely going to watch WWE. TNA will never last now!

Rko 4 Life:worship:
I don't like this "Monday Night Wars" one bit, I watch both iMPACT and Raw respectively and im fond of the talent on both shows, but now i am puzzled to what show i watch because on TNA we have amazing talent like Kurt Angle and Sting and the Pope but on WWE we have John Cena and Edge and HHH but loads of people dont have a clue what to watch so its pointless going to monday nights when we could watch both :wtf::shrug:
Well, I normally enjoy looking at TnA, but apparently these aren't these aren't the ones I'm thinking of. I'm watching the reigning Monday Night Wars champion, because he has a better entrance theme and a good storyline going for him. I don't pay much attention to this new guy who wants his title, and I won't this Monday either.

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