I'm stepping down as mod

Without knowing why, should Polley be in Prison?

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What the fuck does that have to do with saying the things he said?

I know it may be a stretch for you here Ricky, but try to at least understand what we're talking about. No one is saying anything about spam, we're talking about the Polley bitching, and the things he said.

Or, perhaps you condone racist and sexist comments like he made? Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of a good joke, but there's a difference between a joke and the bullshit he was saying.

Trying sticking to the topic. Maybe I'll take you seriously for a change.

And the plot thickens...
What the fuck does that have to do with saying the things he said?

I know it may be a stretch for you here Ricky, but try to at least understand what we're talking about. No one is saying anything about spam, we're talking about the Polley bitching, and the things he said.

Or, perhaps you condone racist and sexist comments like he made? Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of a good joke, but there's a difference between a joke and the bullshit he was saying.

Trying sticking to the topic. Maybe I'll take you seriously for a change.

I don't need to stay on topic, Sly. With your crap spam rules, staying on topic is only recommended...not a requirement.

To reach this level of hostility, you should have taken more time to develop it. It also would have helped if you had feigned carrying it on in the board.
You have no idea how long this has been going on, although with Ricky still bitching about the spam policy, which has obviously worked given the increased traffic, should give you a clue.

I get that you think we're joking with you, and whatever. Think we're playing, or think we're serious, I don't care. My point has been made, and my goal has been accomplished.

People quit sucking Polley's dick, and that's the way it should be.
Why is Justin still complaining in this? This argument is about people that actually do something useful around here.

He has over 2000 posts, been here for nearly 3 years and yet he hasn't done anything useful? I don't get it. Someone needs to get a clue.
I don't need to stay on topic, Sly. With your crap spam rules, staying on topic is only recommended...not a requirement.

Whatever Ricky. When you quit sucking Klunker's dick (or he quits sucking yours, however you do it), let me know.

I liked you so much better when you were capable of independent thought, instead of just always siding with Klunker, and always siding against me. So, basically before you became a wrestling mod.
Yes Becker, because you obviously know everything there is to know about this place.

DAMN you're an idiot sometimes.
I love how this is no longer about the shit that's been going on with Polley all week, but just KB & Ricky v Sly with Lee just stood in the corner.
you said something useful... He's been of the most active members of this forum and you do that shit to him... It is laughable. Someone should get a fucking clue. You talk about someone being on a "high" horse. I question you sometimes. You aren't one to speak...
Becker, don't you have a stupid football argument to lose somewhere? Let the big boys do the work while you go play somewhere.
I love how this is no longer about the shit that's been going on with Polley all week, but just KB & Ricky v Sly with Lee just stood in the corner.
It's because I'm right, and even if they think I'm right, it still pains them to say it.

The fact is that Polley throws a temper tantrum, says inappropriate things (he even had me defending HBK-aholic for fuck's sake), and is now "stepping down" after basically being told he was no longer welcome.

We auto ban people for what Polley said, and he doesn't even get Prison? That's bullshit. They know I'm right, and it just kills them to admit it.
Why is Justin still complaining in this? This argument is about people that actually do something useful around here.

Yeah cause making a fake e-fed is really doing something "useful", seriously how the fuck are you even a G-mod?!? what in the blue fuck have you ever done to deserve it, and what purpose was their to add you as a six G-mod in the first fucking place, what the other five were to busy actually having a fucking life to do that oh so demanding job of modding a Wrestling forum, I assume that's what you wanted now go ahead and give my infraction for flaming in a section that allows flaming, fucking clown shoes:icon_rolleyes:
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Whatever Ricky. When you quit sucking Klunker's dick (or he quits sucking yours, however you do it), let me know.

I liked you so much better when you were capable of independent thought, instead of just always siding with Klunker, and always siding against me. So, basically before you became a wrestling mod.

Why would I side with you when you are always wrong? Not just some of the time...ALWAYS. I sided with you one time, and I felt DIRTY afterward. I will NEVER make that mistake again. Becoming a wrestling mod opened my eyes to how you have greedily and self-righteously held the forums hostage. Well, news flash:


Kindly shut up, sir.
Yeah cause making a fake e-fed is really doing something "useful", seriously how the fuck are you even a G-mod?!? what in the blue fuck have you ever done to deserve it, and what purpose was their to add you as a six G-mod in the first fucking place, what the other five were to busy actually having a fucking life to do that oh so demanding job of modding a Wrestling forum, I assume that's what you wanted now go ahead and give my infraction for flaming in a section that allows flaming, fucking clown shoes:icon_rolleyes:

You know you've got a little drool on your lips there.
a good comeback. You really got him there.. Justin is crying now.. deep depression, I am here for ya bud...

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