I'm stepping down as mod

Without knowing why, should Polley be in Prison?

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Tell me oh Carnac, what rules did he break to warrant that?
You don't consider the comments he made about HBK-aholic, not to mention the general whining and complaining to be "breaking the rules"? Aren't you the proponent of "ruining enjoyment" or "mod discretion" or whatever the other one was you were using the other night?

Like I said earlier, it's one thing to make racist and sexist jokes, it's a complete other to make comments like he did. And when his comments have me actually defending HBK-aholic, I think that says enough.
Bar Room, or Board Room? Too many BR's on this board.

And that's also, if this is real, a -very- bad excuse to fall back on regardless KB...I mean, you do realize that right?
Because a rules a rule, you can't say you're Lax with it on one person then turn around and hammer someone else for the same thing later. If he can get away with something, everyone can get away with something. I won't pretend I know what's going on, or even that I fully believe this is real. Its quite entertaining to say the least, but I digress; I'm just saying, a rules a rule and you cannot sit there and say "Oh, well, we're lax on the rules so its cool." when it IS the rules, and you cannot change that and its your job to uphold the rules no matter who breaks them, or what they are. If you don't like that, you need to step down.
Well, like I said; did you mean Board Room or the Bar Room? You never answered at the question ya know.

And even then, general rules should STILL apply. Its either a rule or it ain't.
I think the real issue at hand here is should I now be made a mod. Yes, yes I should. Well thank god we solved that one!
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you could all read TM House 3 with IC and Luther as guests and comment on it if you are all so bored?
If this isn't a work, then...

1) Why is PWC still a mod?

2) Why haven't we seen IrishCanadian25 chime in on this?

I don't think ICs been online.

Also do you realise how long it takes him to sort things out? I was without WZCW creative access for a week before he did something. Polley will not be a mod when IC comes back online, that's why NoFate007 was made wrestling zone mod.
That's stuipd. Either way, if/when IC returns if this isn't a work (well, if it is, he'll keep playing along) I'm sure he'll shut this away fast. Personally, I think its a bad idea. Hmmm...I'll toy with posting something later in relevance to this.
So as usual this crap appears when I'm not actually around to defend myself. Nice of you to stand up and actually say things to my face instead of waiting until you know I've gone before you start your usually snide comments about something that I told you I wasn't going to justify to you anywhere, let alone in public.

Ricky and KB, if you had problems with the things I said, you know damn well you can address me in private.

Thanks guys, nice to know the help I gave you starting out was all appreciated. Sly, well to be honest, I never really expected better of you to begin with, once as arrogant ass, always an arrogant ass
If this isn't a work, then...

1) Why is PWC still a mod?

2) Why haven't we seen IrishCanadian25 chime in on this?

I'm still a mod because I told IC to give me time to clear things up in private and he obliged. Had I known Sly and his cohort were deciding to have fun slandering my name, I'd have left and been done with it

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