IC25 and NorCal Go To Smackdown - Part 1 and 2

So, lemme tell you about my salad...

Ive been waiting for the official appreciation thread :lmao:

We didnt really make fun of him, so much as looked at him in bewilderment. Neither AJ or myself have any sort of experience with salad. I fucking HATE salad in fact

ECW got kinda blah after a while. We did notice two things - 1) Ricky Ortiz sucks, and 2) nobody cares about Evan Bourne until he hits the high spot. Ah, the curse of the spot monkey - if you're not jumping and flipping, you're not getting a crowd reaction. Nobody made a sound during his match until he hit the shooting star press. THEN, people went wild.

the above was quoted directly from The NorCal. I mentioned how the place was graveyard quiet until Bourne ascended the ropes. the SSP wasnt particularly impressive either.

Chris Jericho came out to a chorus of boos, except NorCal and I, cheering wildly. Especially me, as the world's biggest Jericho fan. Funny thing happened - the crowd in our section and the section near us, well, they turned on ME for cheering Jericho so fervently. So I, not being outdone, gave it right back. Cupped my ears telling them how quiet they were, prompting them to boo me - and Jericho - louder. Drew the ire of several fans. A 9-year old kid a few rows up looked up at me and said "Jericho sucks." Shit kid and his Hardy gloves. I looked back down at him without missing a beat and simply replied "YOUR FACE." He then ran to Daddy.

and THIS ladies and gentleman. Was when I thought it was gonna be ON. Even my roomate looked over and was like "you motherfuckers are gonna start a riot" it wa sliterally the entire section VS me, IC, and Jericho. they chanted against our chants, and booed, and jeered us. Hilarious. When IC screamed in the kids face, I wa slike "yea, its over"

Smackdown was a great show. We all really thought Punk was cashing in MITB. Morrison vs Benjamin was servicable, though I had to walk poor NorCal through the match. He learned a thing or three. We also chit chatted about the tournament a bit in between matches.

now THIS is ABSURD. No. I walked IC through why Morrison is a terrible worker. Also, the crowd had no idea what was going on. A "lets go shelton" chant occured at the beginning of the match, and Morrison got a VERY luke warm ovation after the win. It wasnt til the Jericho-Morrison scuffle later that everyone knew the deal. After that promo, IC was phsyced up beyond belief over it, and was punching me and shaking me like a baby, so that I would acknowledge what had happened. I was indifferent. I sneeringly remarked "oh well good, maybe Jericho can teach Morrison how to work a half competent match.

Which is another awesome thing. Me and IC are THAT comfortable hanging out with each other, that we bust each others chops quite a bit. Just like old college buddies, like he said.

Yes, folks, Diva dance offs = BAD IDEAS. However NorCal seems to enjoy going places with me, because with me as his wingman, he gets hit on a lo. First he gets "Fuck Me" eyes from Missy Hyatt at Fan Slam, and then the indie chick asks him for a good-faith throw down. He resisted, because a) he has a girlfriend now, and b) she was a quasi-dyke.

Honestly, if I was single, I would just walk around with IC everywere. For whatever reason, when ever I am with him, I get hit on WHILE im with him, and the night before (I was propositioned by bi sexual strippers outside of Wafflehouse the night before this)

"B" may or may not have been right. She wanted to have a "little celebration party" after winning her first title the night before. Right.

The Punk / Edge match with Umaga's run-in got the crowd pretty fired up, but then Cena's music hit. Place went BALLISTIC. Batista the same deal. Even Orton got a mixed pop. The dark match main event was SICK, with Rey working much of it for the faces. Every finisher was hit, including a nice Jericho Code Breaker on Rey off the top rope.

this doesnt even come close to doing it justice. During the Cena entrance, both me and AJ did a totally perfect proper military salute back at Cena, and IC sorta stood there staring and says "that was cool"

during Batista's entrance. Holy shit. Muscles were flexed, voices were lost, chests were punched, sweat was flowing. Fucking crazy.

no bullshit. Ortons pop may have been pop of the night. Holy fucking SHIT it was loud.

The dark ME was probably the best live match I have ever seen. Fact. everyone played their roles PERFECTLY. Only blemish was Cena totally botching the RKO. it looked outrageously phony.

All in all, the event was a blast, and yet another successful representation of WZ Forums by NorCal and I. We hope sooner or later we can get Shocky in for one of these events, as well as RVDGurl, Eternal Dragon (when of age) and several others. Until then, we'll gladly carry the flag and remind you all that making friends on the internet is not as creepy as you think.

It was more than a blast for me. Guys, I grew up SO damn poor, and watched SO much big things transpire at MSG. Hogan, Hart Vs Hart, just so much. I never in a million years pictured myself in NYC, watching a live WWE event, in fucking Madison Square Garden. The whole day, and evening was just utterly sublime for me, and I am so thankfull that we have a guy as open minded and cool as IC to hang with someone from the site.

I would truly like to get as many of you fuckers together as possible for a WZ weekend. a big event, hotels, pajama hop, the whole thing.

Me and IC get along DAMN well, and are participating in a charity weight lifting event together soon. Meeting folks of teh internetz isnt so bad guys. Specially when they are damn good people.
It was more than a blast for me. Guys, I grew up SO damn poor, and watched SO much big things transpire at MSG. Hogan, Hart Vs Hart, just so much. I never in a million years pictured myself in NYC, watching a live WWE event, in fucking Madison Square Garden. The whole day, and evening was just utterly sublime for me, and I am so thankfull that we have a guy as open minded and cool as IC to hang with someone from the site.

I would truly like to get as many of you fuckers together as possible for a WZ weekend. a big event, hotels, pajama hop, the whole thing.

Me and IC get along DAMN well, and are participating in a charity weight lifting event together soon. Meeting folks of teh internetz isnt so bad guys. Specially when they are damn good people.

This is exactly why NorCal is one of the most respected posters on the Forum.

Well done guys, for an awesome review.
Me and IC get along DAMN well, and are participating in a charity weight lifting event together soon. Meeting folks of teh internetz isnt so bad guys. Specially when they are damn good people.

Indeed, you guys make the common misconception "peoplz ovErZ teh inTerNetz aRez BaD" look wrong.
We did indeed!
I need to step my game up then :glare:
to let you all know, I thought IC's mouth was gonna get us into a fight at least 3 times. Words cant really convey how hostile things felt during the Jericho episode he spoke of. The whole section of the crowd were literally booing, and chanting directly against US.
I know that feeling. Try going to Morgantown, Cleveland, or even Cincinnati for a football game.
I need to join you on an outing someday.

Perhaps you could join Ricky, Shocky, perhaps Will, Lariat and Sly and myself at Mania 27.

ah thanks for the invite guys. :suspic:

Anyways, I enjoyed the read.
Sounds like a great time. I haven't been to a wwe event since the summer. And yea I asked if they had any non fatty foods at a concession stand and all I got was a weird look. Salads for the fucking win.
The only thing those pictures are missing is lube. So gay, man, so gay. I could never been seen with you two. You'd never get me to pose with you. Never, ever, ever.
Y'know Norcal, there were people looking at you as those pictures were being taken. You were in public. I hope you're ashamed.
I'D be looking at you if I saw some strange men in shirts with no sleeves posing together.

God, I'd look so normal with my regular shirt that I'd have had the urge to alter it. I'd have to rip of the sleeves, I'd then look like a female tennis player.

Irish, if you read this, that tattoo is awful. I feel like I should get a design for you just so it's covered up.
thats how it works Jake. one person tears the sleeves off, and its just male nature to rip YOUR sleeves off. Its just the way of the world.

Also, Um jake. we were at a wrestling show. In wrestling shirts. Uh, I wasnt too worried about looking/being cool. So the ambiguos pictures were a certainty
thats how it works Jake. one person tears the sleeves off, and its just male nature to rip YOUR sleeves off. Its just the way of the world.

Seems like Irish is easily influenced. I'm not, you'd never get me to rip off my sleeves.

If I was that may inclined I'd just wear a vest.

Also, Um jake. we were at a wrestling show. In wrestling shirts. Uh, I wasnt too worried about looking/being cool. So the ambiguos pictures were a certainty

Cool was always out of the question but If I can look normal at a wrestling show, then so can you.
I once had a wrestling shirt. It was my morning shirt. Never, ever wore it out. Not even to wrestling shows. Not even to TNA.

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