The Wrestling Wars Podcast with NorCal, KB and Ty Burna

On break this week as I am working roughly 19374347 hours this week at my job.

We shall return May 25th, with the first of probably 3 or 4 podcasts that ill drop that week alone. NXT Takeover review, WWE Payback review, the start of NFL division previews with TY, and Hopefully an MMA episode with JMT!!

We will make up for the missed time!!!
Gonna be podcasting my ass off this weekend.

Nailing down a MITB preview show for sunday morning, working on nailing down the much anticipated Barbosa episode, and will be recording a show solo (if I can figure out how) for a special presentation

I will be highly impressed with anyone who makes it through both of episodes 13 and 14. Not that they are bad by any means, they are actually probably my best performances as a host, and the best shows we have done content wise. They just uh....yea, you will see. LOL

Episode 15 is my best attempt at a retrospective of the life and legacy of Dusty Rhodes.
Half-way through episode 13... this is really good stuff.

I don't want to out who Peter Crawford may or may not be just in case it's supposed to be kept confidential, but if he is who I think he is, I had no idea he was so accomplished. I'm very, very impressed.
Half-way through episode 13... this is really good stuff.

I don't want to out who Peter Crawford may or may not be just in case it's supposed to be kept confidential, but if he is who I think he is, I had no idea he was so accomplished. I'm very, very impressed.

I thought we all are supposed to know who he is based on the fact that he is the resident Ancient History buff on this site
Барбоса;5227429 said:

That's what I figured. :lmao:

Great stuff, man. Again, truly impressed with your knowledge and accomplishments. I also deeply respect how you haven't gone out of your way to make sure everyone here knows what you've done, and just the fact you're a nice, humble guy.

I thought we all are supposed to know who he is based on the fact that he is the resident Ancient History buff on this site

Well I think it was the first time Norcs referred to his guest by their real name, which is what caused the confusion for me. I also just had no idea Barbosa had published work out there.
Yea I went that route bc i wanted to put over all the stuff he has out for sale.

Add to that the fact that he is already "in the public eye" so to speak so there was no reason to not put the name out there on-air
That's what I figured. :lmao:

Great stuff, man. Again, truly impressed with your knowledge and accomplishments. I also deeply respect how you haven't gone out of your way to make sure everyone here knows what you've done, and just the fact you're a nice, humble guy.

Thanks a lot.

I must say that I enjoyed the podcast immensely. Norcs knows his stuff too. Glad to hear that others are liking it too.
Барбоса;5227447 said:
Thanks a lot.

I must say that I enjoyed the podcast immensely. Norcs knows his stuff too. Glad to hear that others are liking it too.

I reeaaaaally wanted to be on that podcast with you, but Norcal has a thing against threesomes for some reason.
Actually my two experiences with said activity were rather positive.

Podcast with the three of us? Sure if we are gonna do a fucking 12 hour telethon for charity or some shit :lmao:
I'll get it in there on one of them.

I thought u would enjoy the insider nod that the ending song of ep 13 and the open of ep 14 gives. Recognize them, sir?

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