IC25 and NorCal Go To Smackdown - Part 1 and 2

When i returned and informed IC about the indy wrestler thing, he had this COMPLETELY indifferent look on his face and says "oh yea, well thats a given"

On the point of the smoothie...

We had stopped at one of the mega rest stops on the way to NYC, on the NJ Turnpike, and AJ thought he was gonna get to have a smoothie at one of the resturants, but the machine was broken, and he was very dismayed about that for the rest of the day, until we found a place he could get one. IC and myself chastized him mercilessly about it
The moral of the story is: you gotta get jacked up if you want to get jacked off (or somesuch sexual activity)

Picture request for next time ^ :)
to let you all know, I thought IC's mouth was gonna get us into a fight at least 3 times. Words cant really convey how hostile things felt during the Jericho episode he spoke of. The whole section of the crowd were literally booing, and chanting directly against US.
to let you all know, I thought IC's mouth was gonna get us into a fight at least 3 times. Words cant really convey how hostile things felt during the Jericho episode he spoke of.

Because people are stupid enough to fight the 2 of you? Have you seen you 2?
I never said I was SCARED.

I thought to myself "yea, shit wont actually GET crazy. Look at us. No one will actually DO something..."

and I was right.
And you couldn't talk about meee?

I did mention wanting to get out to the UK and meeting some members of that contingent, especially you.

But with all due respect, we didn't want to discuss the forums that much. It wasn't "IC and NorCal - two moderators chilling." It was Chris and Adam, at Smackdown. Though we do call each other "NorCal" and "IC."
although IC does all he can to call me "adam" every oppurtunity that presents itself. I can tell he feels weird us calling each other our "kayfabe" names

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