IC25 and NorCal Go To Smackdown - Part 1 and 2



when that happened I wa slike "KB is gonna dig that"
Funny story, I wanted to do this one! But we didn't have room, and by the time we got outside we'd forgotten.

Pretty please with sugar on top for next time. It will be the best thing ever.

I did mention wanting to get out to the UK and meeting some members of that contingent, especially you.

But with all due respect, we didn't want to discuss the forums that much. It wasn't "IC and NorCal - two moderators chilling." It was Chris and Adam, at Smackdown. Though we do call each other "NorCal" and "IC."

Yay mee.

And lmao, I'd call you IC/NorCal too. But you all have to call me Becca.
So on Tuesday, April 28th, the Wrestlezone Tag Team known as Irish-Canadian25 and Mighty NorCal had their second rendezvous - this time a Smackdown taping at Madison Square Garden. ECW and Superstars as well!

For IC25, this was old hat. Been to MSG some 12-15 times. A few hockey games, a few concerts, a house show or two.

But the coolest part of this for me was actually NorCal. The fact that he'd never been to NYC, Times Square, or MSG. Seeing his face in absolute awe of "The World's Most Famous Arena" was a really neat experience. Great to see him so jacked up for this.

I seriously was. Hence me talking about it constantly, leading up to this.

Since this was our second time meeting, there was no awkwardness. We greeted each other like 2 old college buddies with a cordial handshake / hug thing. Then I got to meet his Air Force roommate A.J.; an equally awesome, funny, and laid back gentleman.

There wasnt at all. Matter of fact, I was just gonna go for the cordial handshake, and IC would have none of it, and wrapped the NorCal up in a legit man hug. Its cool.

AJ is awesome. My one and only, true best friend. me and THAT damn dude, have an insane amount of stories together

The experience with NorCal are always cool because, unlike his WZ persona, he is a true gentleman in real life. Even addressing the clerk at the GNC at NY Penn Station as "ma'am" after each statement or question.

dont be ridiculous. I said "BITCH give me my MOTHERFUCKING DRINK and shit!!!" those were my words. :shifty:

Incidentally, GNC is where we had our first meal of the night, and loaded up on Red Bull, 6-hour energy, etc. We wanted to be fired up for the event ahead. We also found AJ a smoothy - apparently his mission in life. To each his own.

I had 4 hours of sleep, and a 3 hour drive. Im not gonna pretend. I was totally fucking knackered the whole damn night. I already spoke on AJ's smoothy searching. that kid LOVES his candy, and smoothies. Needless to say, I make fun of him a lot.

Following dinner at GNC (NorCal and I have both added 10-15 lbs of muscle since we last hung out, so dinner at GNC came naturally), we hung out on the steps of the arena so NorCal could comment on how many attractive females hung around NYC. He then told me "but I'm a taken man now" and proceeded to tell me about his girlfriend. During all of this, I texted Becky, who shot NorCal an e-hug. Aw.

to this end, I have to say. The pictures likely dont do it justice. IC is fucking huge. Built like a damn Gorilla. Im not used to not being the scariest guy in the group, but holy fuck. Rest assured, I was feeling like we would likely have a night that didnt involve someone starting shit with us :lmao:

Outside of MSG, and NYC in general. Holy SHIT man. Me and AJ started keeping track of time, how long it took between the passing by of a girl that I would totally bang the brakes off of.

2 minutes was our record.

After my obligatory spitting on the NY Rangers mural by the entrance (I believed it would curse then for their game 7 vs Washington that night, it worked AND it backfired), we went inside prior to the opening of the doors.
drunken fans yelled out "Cena Sux" NorCal and I channeled our inner SlyFox and chanted back "He Draws Money! He Sells Merch!" Feel free to sig this, Sly.

That was awesome. I wish me and AJ wouldve joined in. A guy from NJ, a guy From California, and a guy From new Orleans Louisiana spitting on NYC, and the rangers. Next time. We can take a pic like the infamous heel Hart Foundation one.

Yea, we were ripping asses as SOON as we heard the Czena sux stuff. lulz

Here's a really neat part of it all - NorCal and I had enough to discuss outside of Wrestlezone, that it wasn't until hour #3 at the event that we even discussed any of you, or any "business." We did breifly discuss a few of you, our mutual adoration for KB, our mutual disdain for 48.7, Luther's adminning, etc. It didn't last long, though it did remind me to text Chris Cash to let him know we were at the MSG event.

that WAS very cool. I said it "oh yea, and btw, we are like on a forum together and..."

and the we talked buisness a bit. It was truly only for about 15 minutes, until we stepped foot into the hallowed halls. Epic.

NorCal and I just cheered EVERYONE. Jack Swagger especially. Though Dreamer didn't get the "Hometown Hero" welcome I'd expect. A few people chanted "E-C-Dub," myself included, but there were so many little kids there who'd have NO CLUE what that meant.

When people started the "WHAT?" thing after each Swagger statement, I calmly suggested to them (at 200 decibels) that it's time to move on because that was 8 years ago.

NorCal popped mega hard for Swagger, duh. I even did the chest pound thingy.

Also when IC started shit talking everyone for saying "what" that marked the first time of the night that I thought IC's mouth might get us attacked by a large number of people
Damn IC... you are fucking swole dude. Never knew it. And that is one kick ass shirt you're wearing. I had the 'Monday Night Jericho' shirt (you know... the Nitro one)
back in the day.

Anyway, awesome to hear you two had a great time. I haven't been to a show since 2006, and before that was all the way back in 2000. But they are definitely a blast.
I need to join you on an outing someday.

Perhaps you could join Ricky, Shocky, perhaps Will, Lariat and Sly and myself at Mania 27.
NorCal said:
The pictures likely dont do it justice. IC is fucking huge. Built like a damn Gorilla. Im not used to not being the scariest guy in the group, but holy fuck. Rest assured, I was feeling like we would likely have a night that didnt involve someone starting shit with us

I may be a big dude, but NorCal is CUT. A Tatoo blogger walked up to him outside MSG to ask if he could take some tat pics and get the history of NorCal's ink. Well, NorCal seized the opportunity to remove his shirt. TRUE STORY.

And so wonder they didn't go two minutes without a hot girl walking by, 'cause NorCal - muthafuggah's got a six pack.

I've never been in a fight in my life, since 4 years of wrestling doesn't really count, and I'd still never fuck with NorCal.
I may be a big dude, but NorCal is CUT. A Tatoo blogger walked up to him outside MSG to ask if he could take some tat pics and get the history of NorCal's ink. Well, NorCal seized the opportunity to remove his shirt. TRUE STORY.

And so wonder they didn't go two minutes without a hot girl walking by, 'cause NorCal - muthafuggah's got a six pack.

I've never been in a fight in my life, since 4 years of wrestling doesn't really count, and I'd still never fuck with NorCal.

aw. *blushes*

Yea, I forgot the tattoo thing. how fucking ODD was that "hey can I use you for my website"

IC told the guy "well if you want a pic of his bicep you had better stand back and use the wide lens"

Awesome review guys. Sounds like you two had loads of fun. I knew NorCal was fairly ripped, but I never noticed how fucking big IC25 was. It's a shame I'll never experience a live television taping in my life. Vince doesn't film in Australia, for some unknown reason.

Two things.

1st: Irish, I see NorCal has taught you how to properly wear a shirt.

2nd: I never thought I'd say this, but NorCal.. you look like Morrison compared to the Triple H-like guns IC is sporting. Irish, when the fuck did you put those on? I'm pretty sure they weren't in your last outting together.

I need to join you on an outing someday.

Perhaps you could join Ricky, Shocky, perhaps Will, Lariat and Sly and myself at Mania 27.

Where is Mania 27 going to be held? WTF, that's like 2 years away..
Nah Will, you speak the truth. Thats why when I named IC and myself "power and glory" I said HE was definately the "power". not becuase im better looking. but becuase he is just way bigger than me :lmao:

im the one with the 27 pack and the hip "V" though. so UH.....and stuff...
Roughly two years away, it's possible a savings for it could be started. But tickets for Mania's go quick. Like, 60 seconds quick.

Edit: Let us not forget, how could we all be guaranteed sitting next to each other.
Alright dammit, I will adress this, since it seems to be such a source of mystery LOL. The conversation about WZ lasted all of 15 minutes guys, really. covered was...

Becca is gonna mark out, and bug the hell out of IC for the pictures

We were glad Will seemed to be in a much better, happier, less combative space these days, I mean since he came back

I was going to allow Luther a chance to show he could handle, and deserved ADMIN

KB is the man

We really hope we can get Shocky out to an event, becuase we both adore and respect him

...and thats it. thats it.

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