I Don't Get Christian

I think Christian can have a great match with anyone. He includes the crowd with his matches which is key to being and staying over and he gets his opponent over in the process. The important thing about Christian is that he's reliable. Like someone already said he doesn't do drugs, he doesn't miss any shows, and he's very respectful and he likes helping the younger talent and doing business. It's very rare to find someone that will do business even if they don't benefit from it, most guys get a big head when they've been there so long but Christian has stayed humble and he is consistent with his matches. I don't really understand why you hate him so much. Maybe you should let go of all your hate, it leads to the dark side!
Personally I don't mind Christian being on TV. Now that I actually feel a need to watch the Diva title matches, I needed to figure out a new time slot to take my bathroom breaks, and Christian fits the bill. Maybe that's why he does that peering at the crowd shtick; he's counting how many people file to the exits.
I dout some of you are adults seriously. I look at these comments and shake my head. Christain is so much like Y2J to a lesser degree.
Christian consistently puts on great matches with anyone and you want to talk about believability instead of what you watch wrestling for, which is great matches. CM Punk certainly looked believable fighting Brock Lesnar alright.

You criticized his whole offensive moveset but only pointed out two moves out of his repertoire. So the Spear and the Unprettier are terrible moves, what about his other moves? They are certainly believable as it involves striking attacks, agility and non lifting moves like his Tornado DDT. Hell the Unprettier is not even the worst finisher in WWE today. WWE is filled with bad finishers on their roster now with Dolph Ziggler's Zig Zag, Damien Sandow's whatever finisher he's using and John Cena's freaking fireman's carry. The Spear shouldn't be a finisher of his I'd agree with you for that.

As for his charisma? Christian had rarely been given much high profile stuffs to work with and despite that he's managed to gather pretty decent reactions week in and week out. Other wrestlers in his position? They get crickets like The Miz. He's also great on the mic and besides his look there isn't much flaw with him. If anything he's been really underrated because he's always compared with his successful tag team partner Edge.

If Christian is in the WWE title picture or going into the main event of Wrestlemania maybe your argument might hold water, but right now he's doing an extremely good job in a lower profile position so why the animosity?
Posted this in the spam zone, here it is again:

Christian is absolutely BOOORING now. I loved his work before he left for TNA but ever since he came back, as a face he bores me to freakin tears. Nothing about him stands out. He does that lame clapping that every face does and it's annoying. He needs to be a heel, not because ALL HEELS ARE AWESOME, but because at least as a heel he was that whiny douche that stood out because of it.

Also what I don't get is how he's being booked to go over so much younger talent when before he got injured he was being treated like a loser. It's inconsistent and at this stage he isn't main event material and he needs to just put people over.
This is, by far, the funniest topic starter I've read. I don't agree with most of it, but it's hilarious nontheless

While he may be a good worker, he isn't a BELIEVABLE worker. I don't think you have to be 6'4, 250 to be believable. Punk is believable. Bryan is believable. Christian is not. Skinny, no muscle definition. Doesn't look like he could kick your ass. And his offense is fucking RIDICULOUS. A spear? Seriously? I'm supposed to believe this scrawny motherfucker can keep people down with a SPEAR? I get that it's a tribute to his "lifelong best friend", but he shouldn't be pinning anyone with it ever.

Christian is small, but his whole character and being as a wrestler is dependent on him being wily, and the commentators mention that a lot. He isn't big, and he is incredibly skinny for someone who isn't wrestling with cruiserweights all day, but his wit transcends that. And honestly, his spear credibility is hurt by his size, but he executes it better than Edge did. It looks a lot more stiff and violent, maybe because him being smaller gives him the leeway to do it without crushing the other guy. Plus, you can hear the clap of contact, which Edge never did often enough.

Which brings me to the fact that his primary finisher, the Unprettier Killswitch is the WORST fucking finisher of all-time. It could logically be countered by just pushing him out of the Goddamn way. But I guess I'm just supposed to believe that Christian's little twig arms are strong enough to force his opponents head first into the ground.

I do agree with you. The Unprettier (fuck Killswitch) sucks in general, and looks even worse when someone Christian's size tries that shit. I feel like anyone could easily break out of that, no matter how tired or stunned they are. Christian's biceps look like mine when I was 16. He's not one to pull arm moves off.

I've watched Christian's entire career, save for TNA, and the "Captain Charisma" name fits about as well as nicknaming Batista "Tommy Technical".

Nah, he has charisma. It works better when he's a heel, but its there. Rock is the king of charisma and he acknowledged it back in '03

The average fan doesn't really give much of a shit about Christian. Sure, they like him fine, but is he really missed when he isn't around? Nope. Christian could disappear from WWE tomorrow and only the IWC would care.[/QUOTE]

Well, he's an upper midcarder whose spot is easily filled. I'll admit that he can take a break and no one would be checking for him, but during his long absences his absence is felt when the midcard needs a fresh face.

He's over like Kofi Kingston is over.

I would argue that Kofi is more over than him. Compare their live ovations.

I've never seen anything special from Christian on the mic. He's made a career from riding on his far superior tag team partner's charismatic coattails.

He had a talk show segment (before Edge, might I add). They don't give those to people without mic skills. Edge is the better superstar, no doubt, but Christian has made a name for himself outside of him.

This notion that Vince "hates" Christian is funny to me. I have no doubt that he doesn't see money in him. Because THERE ISN'T. But someone Vince "hates", he sure hovers around the title picture an awful lot for someone that isn't all that over.

Christian holds his company down when needed. When Edge retired, he filled the WHC void before we were stuck with ADR all day. When WWE needed Flair, he did the tradeoff even though he can't stand TNA. He is a consistent performer as well, so Vince doesn't hate him. He just doesn't need to be a permanent main eventer

I equate Christian to Rey Mysterio. Good worker. Terribly unbelievable offense. Both rewarded with undeserved runs on top because their best friends died/retired. At least the fans gave a shit about Rey, though.

Rey had 3 world title runs. The first one was kind of sympathy, but give him his credit that he accomplished a lot outside of that. Besides, if WWE really wanted to ride Eddie's death, they would've given Chavo a world title (do not pull the WWECW title on me). In the same vein, Christian had his sympathy run, but when it ended, the fans got so monumentally pissed that he had to get the strap back, albeit shortly.

If I can say one thing about Christian, it's that his entrance music fits him perfectly. It's annoying, lame, it sucks, and if I never heard it again, I would be totally great with that.

His entrance theme now is unremarkable. The Hollywood Blondes version he used before he left for TNA was awesome.
I like Christian. I don't see him as anywhere near main event material. I never have. But I like him. I HATE his entrance music. Its stupid.

Comical Heel Christian was my favorite. You know, the "AT LAST YOURE ON YOUR OWN!!!!" Era.

But I'll take him with his crap entrance music as long as they don't try to shove him in the main event.
Right now he could do with, at the very least, a hungry contender challenging him for the title, a string of successful defenses will elevate him and the title, showcasing both is key, he doesn't need to be working the top names as all he'll be doing is jobbing
Christian's a very vanilla dude, he's got no real edge or anything that would make him stand out from a crowd, not overly tall, average looking and hasn't got huge muscles, but that's what works for him. He's recognised as a guy who's done many things before and as someone who can hang with anyone in a match - that's all he needs to be. That way he can be put anywhere on a card and still be expected to not get slaughtered by his oposition, which is something wwe lacks right now so he's a good commodity to have around.

He's not the best around and he never was going to be, but he's still above average in most ways, which is why he gets treated as such by the IWC - he's earnt it over the years.

Going on about finishers in wrestling is hilarious btw, there are so many finishers that people use that could be negated by standing still or by using an ounce of strength that it's not funny. The killswitch once it's being hooked is a lot more believable than, say, the RKO which does absolutely nothing. Seriously, all randy does is jump onto his back and that apparently knocks people out, at least with the killswitch Christian's falling onto his opponents head while preventing them from protecting it by holding their arms.
Christian is one of the best talents for consistency that WWE has right now. But he will never hold the WWE Championship (fantastic person to put the WHC on though). He's well-liked, respected by all, has matches that range anywhere from great to amazing with the entire roster. Because he cares. There are so many people that just stop caring once they get to the main event that it's refreshing to see Christian still give it his all from Superstars to Wrestlemania. He's a marquee name. He's someone you can put on that sign out there and, hey, while he's no John Cena, he can still convince you to buy a ticket, just because you know it will be a great show.

I will give you a pass on the Killswitch though. That move is horrible.

tl;dr - Christian is a very reliable guy who can work any disposition from any place on the card. Not many talents can do that (Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho are the only ones that come to mind off the top of my head).
Christian was much more entertaining in TNA on the mic, and in the feuds he was in. He could cut promos, and be funny. WWE does not put him in these situations or let him talk. Everything seems to be scripted for Christian in WWE and very bland. Of course, Christian prefers being in WWE over TNA. His Christian Coalition promos were entertaining I thought. He was a great heel in TNA in 2007.

Thought I'd bump this, as we got some good discussion going in this thread.

I personally don't see how anyone can hate Christian as much as the threadstarter does. What's not to like? He's great on the mic, amazing in the ring, all of his entrance themes have been cool, and overall he has had a highly entertaining career. Whether it be his time in one of the best tag teams in history with Edge, his initial solo run in WWE, when he went over to TNA, his return to WWE in ECW, his much awaited World Heavyweight Championship reign and subsequent show-stealing feud with Randy Orton, or his current run.... You cannot go wrong. It's all been very entertaining to me.

So the threadstarter might not "get" Christian, but what I don't get is how anyone can dislike him that much. He may not been as successful as Edge, but he's had a great career so far and I want to see more. He talks often of having that ONE MORE MATCH, and I'm 100% for it. Christian is someone who should have been pushed further long ago and still deserves it now. Regardless of if he is a face or a heel Christian remains one of the wrestlers I'll always be excited for every time he is in the ring. Seriously, what's not to get?
I like Christian, he is my avatar. And just like a fave of mine, Del Rio, he is solid and built to last.

In retrospect, I have essentially like what WWE has done with Christian his entire career, though most of it has been spent mid carding. Well, that has been to a great benefit for WWE and Christians own fans apparently. Christian is not a top draw, he is no Stone Cold or Rock (my barometers for achievement and other sorts of rasslin judgment), and I don't know for sure, but I do believe the position he has held throughout his WWE career has been for the best.

Sometimes a guy doesn't have to make it all the way to the top and stay there for him to be accomplished. There are many a wrestler, and Christian is apart of the few, who have maintained long and dignified careers by not having that attention or pressure put on them. And he has still managed to obtain a sizeable and perhaps loyal fan base.
I personally over the years have found Christian to be quite entertaining myself. To say he has no charisma is absurd.
The Killswitch may not be the best finisher in the company but it's far from the worst of all time. It's not even the worst current finisher.
The argument about him not being believable is ridiculous considering the whole point of professional wrestling is to get you to suspend your disbelief. If you're going to use that as an argument to hate Christian then the Rey Mysterio should probably be one of the most hated wrestlers of all time. I mean it's not really believable that he could hang with guys like The Undertaker, Big Show or Kane.
He's solid in the ring and as others have said he can put on a good match with anyone.
Do I think he should be the face of the company or even be WWE champion? No I don't. But I feel like he definitely deserves his place in the company and the respect that comes along with it. He's better than a lot of other workers on the roster.
This gets Rollins conflicted and in the end he starts to question the meaning of justice and if The Shield have now become the very machine they were fighting against. This leads to Ambrose and Reigns turning on him and a set up for a US title program between Rollins and Ambrose.

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