"I don't get Christian"- Spam Zone Version

So do you mean to tell me clapping is some unique trait? People clap in tag matches all the time to get their partners up and the crowd all riled up, usually when they're in holds.

Who cares that being a face is what got him over? He's clearly not very over anymore, and he hardly even has a gimmick now besides asking for one more match which I'm not sure even counts. Like I said and you failed to address: NOTHING about him stands out.
When he claps does he get a reaction? Does the audience clap? Yes, they do.

Therefore it works, regardless of your dislike of it or otherwise.
When he claps does he get a reaction? Does the audience clap? Yes, they do.

Therefore it works, regardless of your dislike of it or otherwise.

Was I arguing that it doesn't work? No, I was arguing that there's nothing he does that makes him stand out. And it doesn't.
I stand corrected.

Did anyone hear that massive fucking pop when Christian appeared on screen last night? Or the crowd saying his stupid "one more match" catchphrase along with him?

Me either. So, I WAS wrong. Sorry, Kofi. You are more over than Christian.

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