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Hulk Hogan comments on Edge's retirement

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Guys are dying of pain pill addictions and others can't even walk after they leave the business all because they're "too tough" to leave when its time. What an asshole.

I guess he's just jealous that Adam Copeland has other possibilities out there for him than being Edge. Between the car crash lawsuit and the divorce from Linda, he's got to be pretty much out of money. Hollywood definitely isn't calling.

But hey, Rent-A-Center will always need a pitchman, right? :lmao:
if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago

Has hogan finally lost it? Hogan and flair needed to retire about 15 years ago, and really? Hardy? How hard is he on the Hardy boy's dick right now? Considering that they would have only been wrestling for 3 years if they retired 15 years ago. Andre is dead, hmmm strange by some sources if he is talking about Arn anderson 15 years was basically his whole wrestling carrier. Tully and paul were both in for a long ass time, but he is really just name dropping now. Henning is dead to Hogan?

Hogan is fucking loony

but I don't know Edges working environment because they are a media company not a wrestling company. HH wrestlers work hurt!"

That's why Hulk's wrestling company is going down the fucking shitter. It's fucking funny how he bashes Edges "working Enviroment", when he along with 3/4 of that fucking Tna locker room come from that "working enviroment". Hulk Hogan you are a fucking joke, shut up you old man.
What I was getting at was the people I named minus Edge have had to retire from the ring and one Tom Billington is in a wheelchair...

Tom Billington deserves every misfortune that's been thrust upon him in life. Other than being great in the ring, that man has absolutely no redeeming qualities.

If you don't believe me, read his own book.
i find this digusting on hogans part i have lost any and all respect i still had for him because of these comments Edge HAD to retire because if he kept wrestling he could have ended up being paralizied! hogan is a asshole now and he used some horrible examples of people....i mean hennig is dead and hogan himself can barley stand anymore hes had so many back surgeys sad to see Edge retire he will always be 1 of my favorites ever
Tom Billington deserves every misfortune that's been thrust upon him in life. Other than being great in the ring, that man has absolutely no redeeming qualities.

If you don't believe me, read his own book.

I have to agree. Dynamite Kid was a great wrestler but just a miserable fuck in life outside the ring.

This is Hogan being Hogan. If the self serving douche did half the stuff that Edge did in the ring he would have retired twenty years ago. But as far as Hogan goes, SSDD. I would lose respect for him but I pretty much lost respect for him many, many years ago.

Funny that he already has back tracked some.
Hulk Hogan's comments were pretty stupid in this day in age.... 10 years ago, everyone would of been jumping on the band wagon calling Edge a wuss for even doing this.

However, it's now ten years later. Serious neck injuries and head injuries are major issues. I mean, if Brett Farve is in decent shape 5 years done the road, I'll be shocked. Edge did the right thing. He has a good amount of money. Smart with his money, and is a talented person who can find work at other realms in the world.

Hulk Hogan's comments aren't naive, they come from a grizzled warrior if you will. His body has been torn up, and he only has one way to pay his bills, and it's this business. Let's face it. He was a meat head with a good look, and hasn't looked back since. He came from those old 70's and 80's mentalities, where if you can walk, you can wrestle. It sucks for guys like Flair and Hogan cause they will be in wheelchairs real soon. It will be really sad to see those guys in that form.

But, in addition... TNA, tell your fucking employees to quit tweeting! You're having employees say the stupidest things on this program, and it makes you look like a moron. One of your top employees looks like an idiot now, cause he is expressing his tough guy opinion on the situation. Cancel all their twitter accounts, or get more people hating your product.
The good thing about Adam is he isn't a social media guy. He hates Twitter and all that stuff and only emails the odd time. Other than that he doesn't use computers. So chances are he won't ever read what Hogan actually said only if someone tells him about it. And when he is told he won't go online and spew his feelings on the matter because he is a classy guy. :worship:
If Hogan listened to the fans, he would have retired 15 years ago. There is working hurt, and working until you cripple yourself. Numbness in the arms is not something to just plow through. He had a great career, made enough money to be comfortable, had a great match at WM to close out his career...I have no idea why Hogan even thought it was his place to comment. I guess controversy = cash.
If it is a work let it be a work, this is what makes hogan an even bigger noob. Why when someone want's to retire we have to go through this whole fair well tour bullshit. If Edge said that's it I'm done lets come up with a way I can get out without the damn tour, then let it be that way. Why open your mouth after the guy who once again mentioned your name.

Hogan is still getting paid for likeness rights by the WWE. Even if his name gets mentioned he gets paid.
not even reading all the bullshit that'll most likely be said in here...i'm getting straight to the point. I think hogan's comments were misconstrued and understood as something he didn't say. somehow his initial tweet was totally taken as a statement which he didn't make....which makes this whole thing mind blowing to me

Of course they were. Here, let's again put them in context.

Twitter user jays712: Edge retired tonight. Looks legit too. Can't get medical cleareance for neck injury. Any thoughts on him?

Hogan responds: if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago

Continued: but I don't know Edges working environment because they are a media company not a wrestling company. HH wrestlers work hurt!

Part 3: What about Foley! I bet EDGE still wants to keep wrestling,he's one of the boys big time!!! HH

Translation: Wrestlers have worked injured for years, BUT I don't know Edges situation because WWE is considered a media company and no longer a wrestling company. Wrestlers work hurt. However I am sure Edge WANTS to keep wrestling and he's one of the boys. In other words he's tough and good people and I respect him.

Typical WWE Fanboy spin: Hogan trashes the shit out of Edge.

User Only_1Abz asks him: whats your take on your former WWE tag team partner Edge retiring?

Hogan: my take is with a unfixable neck injury it's over ,but he's one of the boys and it will be hard to keep him down,he's 4life HH

Part two: I'm not saying anything bad about Edge but he's a real wrestler,Stone Cold and Cena had neck surgery and u couldn't stop em,Or Edge it's in

Part 3: Edges blood,he lives for this business he's a real wrestler,he a lifer,he's one of the real boys,he's hard to hold down,that's all. HH

Translation: If his neck injury cannot be fixed his career is over, but if not he's one of the boys and may come back. (Sounds to me like he's unaware of the extent of Edges injury and may not have even watched Raw)

WWE Fanboy translation: Oh oh, he's backtracking.

User kartikaitha: U seem to be angry with edge decision to quit. Is that because he is ur good friend or just hatred?

Hogan: i don't understand you saying I'm mad,it's going to be interesting to see how he handles his wrestling life after some time HH

Translation: I'm not mad at Edge, it'll be interesting to see his wrestling career in the future. (Again, all signs point towards Hulk Hogan having not even seen the segment and being unaware that Edge is retiring over a recent injury)

Amazing how that full context works, isn't it? When you read what was actually asked to him to kick it off it kinda makes sense, doesn't it? Well maybe not to those that bash him for anything they possibly can but someone without an agenda it certainly makes sense to. A fan tweets to him Edge is being retired because he broke his neck and can't get cleared. Hogan says wrestlers have injured themselves and made comebacks but who knows now that WWE is an entertainment company now. Hogan proceeds to continue answering questions under the assumption that what was tweeted to him was factual(Edge is being retired because he broke his neck and can't get cleared) and not only puts Edge over but says he'll make a comeback after getting it fixed.

Man what a piece of shit that Hogan guy is, I mean doesn't he sit down and watch his competition?! That fucking asshole, he should have been watching and knew Edge was retiring because of his previous injury. How dare he answer the fans question going off what fans were telling him happened. :rolleyes:
If it is a work let it be a work, this is what makes hogan an even bigger noob. Why when someone want's to retire we have to go through this whole fair well tour bullshit. If Edge said that's it I'm done lets come up with a way I can get out without the damn tour, then let it be that way. Why open your mouth after the guy who once again mentioned your name.

Hogan is still getting paid for likeness rights by the WWE. Even if his name gets mentioned he gets paid.

This. Thanks for bringing this up. Edge was always one of those guys who had nothing but good things to say about Hogan no matter what terms he was on with Vince. Edge became 10 times the wrestler Hogan ever was, yet he never stopped paying respect. I mean Edge idolizes the guy!

It takes a special kind of jerk to go on Twitter and bury a younger guy who puts you over all the time.
Of course they were. Here, let's again put them in context.

Twitter user jays712: Edge retired tonight. Looks legit too. Can't get medical cleareance for neck injury. Any thoughts on him?

Hogan responds: if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago

Continued: but I don't know Edges working environment because they are a media company not a wrestling company. HH wrestlers work hurt!

Part 3: What about Foley! I bet EDGE still wants to keep wrestling,he's one of the boys big time!!! HH

Translation: Wrestlers have worked injured for years, BUT I don't know Edges situation because WWE is considered a media company and no longer a wrestling company. Wrestlers work hurt. However I am sure Edge WANTS to keep wrestling and he's one of the boys. In other words he's tough and good people and I respect him.

Typical WWE Fanboy spin: Hogan trashes the shit out of Edge.

User Only_1Abz asks him: whats your take on your former WWE tag team partner Edge retiring?

Hogan: my take is with a unfixable neck injury it's over ,but he's one of the boys and it will be hard to keep him down,he's 4life HH

Part two: I'm not saying anything bad about Edge but he's a real wrestler,Stone Cold and Cena had neck surgery and u couldn't stop em,Or Edge it's in

Part 3: Edges blood,he lives for this business he's a real wrestler,he a lifer,he's one of the real boys,he's hard to hold down,that's all. HH

Translation: If his neck injury cannot be fixed his career is over, but if not he's one of the boys and may come back. (Sounds to me like he's unaware of the extent of Edges injury and may not have even watched Raw)

WWE Fanboy translation: Oh oh, he's backtracking.

User kartikaitha: U seem to be angry with edge decision to quit. Is that because he is ur good friend or just hatred?

Hogan: i don't understand you saying I'm mad,it's going to be interesting to see how he handles his wrestling life after some time HH

Translation: I'm not mad at Edge, it'll be interesting to see his wrestling career in the future. (Again, all signs point towards Hulk Hogan having not even seen the segment and being unaware that Edge is retiring over a recent injury)

Amazing how that full context works, isn't it? When you read what was actually asked to him to kick it off it kinda makes sense, doesn't it? Well maybe not to those that bash him for anything they possibly can but someone without an agenda it certainly makes sense to. A fan tweets to him Edge is being retired because he broke his neck and can't get cleared. Hogan says wrestlers have injured themselves and made comebacks but who knows now that WWE is an entertainment company now. Hogan proceeds to continue answering questions under the assumption that what was tweeted to him was factual(Edge is being retired because he broke his neck and can't get cleared) and not only puts Edge over but says he'll make a comeback after getting it fixed.

Man what a piece of shit that Hogan guy is, I mean doesn't he sit down and watch his competition?! That fucking asshole, he should have been watching and knew Edge was retiring because of his previous injury. How dare he answer the fans question going off what fans were telling him happened. :rolleyes:

How do you know if he watches it or not, Dont makes assumptions based on what you think. He was just comparing edge's track record of being a tough guy that does not give up easly, and comparing him to other big named wrestlers like austin and angle. so that clearly states that hogan had respect and admiration for edge and that he was criticisizing the new wwe policy and not EDGE.
Not spamming but domamania, fenris has a sarcastic smiley after that statement. Thats what i mean by people misunderstanding posts and not fully reading posts. Ive been a victim of stupid people on here because they half read a post.Then go off on you or spam the red rep button because they only got 1/4 of what you were saying. But if you in fact laid a non biased argument or situation out and only read the bad parts your doing yourself and the poster a disservice. Hes defending hogan sir or maam.
Hulk was right on the money with this stuff. All of you ppl make excuses for Adam Copeland because he cried for you on tv. To you people claiming the WWE docs wont clear him , thats a flat out lie. The reality is Adam Copeland never had a good body and he isnt the most healthy guy and he broke down because he didnt pay the price in the gym. He started in 96 with WWE and it took him 10 years to get a wwe world title run. He wasnt Elite. The reason he retired is because hes not in love the buisness. He chose to quit and take his ball and go home.
How do you know if he watches it or not, Dont makes assumptions based on what you think. He was just comparing edge's track record of being a tough guy that does not give up easly, and comparing him to other big named wrestlers like austin and angle. so that clearly states that hogan had respect and admiration for edge and that he was criticisizing the new wwe policy and not EDGE.

Orton, thanks for the kind words.

Dom, i'm not bashing Hogan, read the whole post. Let me backtrack for a moment, let's say he DOES tune in and watch. Why as an employee of TNA would he admit to watching the competition each week? They're trying to make the TNA product appear better THAN the WWE product. So even if he's watching I wouldn't expect him to mess up and admit to it.

That said, in that very same post you quoted I already stated he put Edge over REPEATEDLY as tough as hell and gave him respect. You're going after the wrong guy, you basically agree with everything I wrote. The point of what I wrote is as Orton said, to out shit journalism for what it is. He was asked questions and answered based on what the question stated, that Edge broke his neck and was retired because he can't get cleared to wrestle.

Read the whole thing next time bro. ;)
Orton, thanks for the kind words.

Dom, i'm not bashing Hogan, read the whole post. Let me backtrack for a moment, let's say he DOES tune in and watch. Why as an employee of TNA would he admit to watching the competition each week? They're trying to make the TNA product appear better THAN the WWE product. So even if he's watching I wouldn't expect him to mess up and admit to it.

That said, in that very same post you quoted I already stated he put Edge over REPEATEDLY as tough as hell and gave him respect. You're going after the wrong guy, you basically agree with everything I wrote. The point of what I wrote is as Orton said, to out shit journalism for what it is. He was asked questions and answered based on what the question stated, that Edge broke his neck and was retired because he can't get cleared to wrestle.

Read the whole thing next time bro. ;)

My appologies to you. THE reason why i went over board cause on this form and every other forum , youtube, and facebook there have been so many haters talking out of their buts instead with their minds. and i have bbed reading these negative comments towards hogan and its not right, i mean not to you Fenris but to the hogan haters , UNLESS YOU HAVE DONE WHAT HOGAN HAS DONE FOR THE INDUSTRY OR ATLEAST TRIED TO THEN DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. cause to say you can swim the ocean and actually swim the ocean are two different things.

So Feneris, My most sincere appology. and let ppl like us fight for the truth and not what some sites spooen feed to us wrestling fans biased anti hogan statments, and ppl like us do our own research.
What sucks and is heartbreaking about the whole thing is knowing how much Edge looked up to Hogan. Hogan was the reason Edge was in the business and to belittle him at a moment when Edge just had his livelihood and passion taken from him is just cruel. Even Matt Hardy had positive things to say and if anyone could have came off as callous it is him. Hogan is just a miserable human being nowadays and it's sad to see.
What sucks and is heartbreaking about the whole thing is knowing how much Edge looked up to Hogan. Hogan was the reason Edge was in the business and to belittle him at a moment when Edge just had his livelihood and passion taken from him is just cruel. Even Matt Hardy had positive things to say and if anyone could have came off as callous it is him. Hogan is just a miserable human being nowadays and it's sad to see.

hogan was not as you would say belittling him. he was saying that if edge was from another company and or era he would have not retired , due to the new policy that wwe- ENTERTAINMENT HAS.
That was a total dick move by Hogan. Edge has given everything for the WWE. I don't get it does he think Edge isn't a real wrestler because he doesn't want to be crippled? I think he's just jealous that Edge was smart with his money and can retire at 37. He wont be broke down and still wrestling in front of 500 people at 57. That's not a stab at TNA I have some respect for TNA. I lost respect for Hogan years ago. Edge is a true class act Hogan is a douche bag.
Sigh, time has passed Hogan by so bad. Even if he really didn't mean what he said(I doubt that he wasn't talking shit), everytime he gets on twitter he has to apologize like 1 hour later for whatever he said. Man used to be my hero, but you can't ignore the mounting pile of shit in his yard.
I am geeting really up set here and every other forum / face book pages on all the hatred on Hulk Hogan.

He was just stating current policy on the WWE not talking bad about Edge. he was saying that if Edge worked under the old WWF days or any other company he would have been able to work under what he has now. He is bad talking the new WWE policy not Edge.

Further more, Hogan was the reason why Edge became a wrestler in the First place....

One last thing, Vince Mcmahon built Titan Towers on HOGANS BLOOD. Hogan carried the wcw and wwf on his shoulder for many years, and paved the way for guys like Austin, taker, hhh, micheals, rock , cena, and etc. What you haters said that what hogan has been doing for the last 4 years in ruining his legacy and doing some very bad thing well i will tell you this much, Hulk is an angel compared to the the things that Micheals , Bischoff and ulitmatly Vince Mcmahon Jr and what they did to many ppl back stage and in their personal lives for practically their whole careers.


Yes he did build modern wrestling. So....your point?

That doesn't excuse the fact that Terry the person (not Hulk the character) is a terrible human being for saying those things. How does Terry the person tweeting "if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago" not throw Edge under the bus for being a pussy? How is that does that show it's a comment against the WWE and not Edge as a performer? It doesn't and good luck trying to convince anyone otherwise. That was aimed directly at Edge.

Also, Hogan can't ruin his legacy right now because he's working on a product no one in the mainstream knows even exists.

THE reason why i went over board cause on this form and every other forum , youtube, and facebook there have been so many haters talking out of their buts instead with their minds. and i have bbed reading these negative comments towards hogan and its not right, i mean not to you Fenris but to the hogan haters , UNLESS YOU HAVE DONE WHAT HOGAN HAS DONE FOR THE INDUSTRY OR ATLEAST TRIED TO THEN DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL.

Hulk Hogan the character is fine. You are not separating the character with the man. Terry Boella the human being is a bastard and he's done nothing since leaving the WWF the first time to prove that to me otherwise. This is the latest example of Terry being one of the most horrible human beings in the wrestling industry.
That was a total dick move by Hogan. Edge has given everything for the WWE. I don't get it does he think Edge isn't a real wrestler because he doesn't want to be crippled? I think he's just jealous that Edge was smart with his money and can retire at 37. He wont be broke down and still wrestling in front of 500 people at 57. That's not a stab at TNA I have some respect for TNA. I lost respect for Hogan years ago. Edge is a true class act Hogan is a douche bag.

Oh a rather selective memory we have don't we? Look man, if you want to talk about the personal life of wrestlers here and the things they say and do, that "class act" you're applauding happened to be sleeping around with another dude's woman, not that I really give a fuck or anything, but if you want to start talking shit about stuff like people's words and actions outside of the ring, I'd do my homework first...

Yes he did build modern wrestling. So....your point?

That doesn't excuse the fact that Terry the person (not Hulk the character) is a terrible human being for saying those things. How does Terry the person tweeting "if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago" not throw Edge under the bus for being a pussy? How is that does that show it's a comment against the WWE and not Edge as a performer? It doesn't and good luck trying to convince anyone otherwise. That was aimed directly at Edge.

No he was stating that in his era where the policy was almost non existant where there almost were no reguations, that edge would have continued. Terry The person is a good man he is just misunderstood and his statements are rerouted because the wrestling media is so pro wwe and mcmahon that what every they could find of Bollea they swerve it all around and make him look bad cause they are jealous.

Also, Hogan can't ruin his legacy right now because he's working on a product no one in the mainstream knows even exists.

Yes because Tna is still young, When he went to work for wwwf in 1979 it was an established comapny way back to capital wrestling from when Vince Jr grandfather Jess Mcmahon owned it, WCW was also an established company dating back to the NWA DAYS of lou thez. But because of the wrestling medias is so wwe biased and they try to sterre away with is hogan is working wth a farely unestablished farely new company compare to wwe and former wcw

Hulk Hogan the character is fine.You are not separating the character with the man. Terry Boella the human being is a bastard and he's done nothing since leaving the WWF the first time to prove that to me otherwise. This is the latest example of Terry being one of the most horrible human beings in the wrestling industry.

If Terry Bollea the man was so bad as you say he was, then he would not have jeperdiized his career in jobbing to ppl that half of them were not even worthy to job and giving millions of dollars to charities, and risk his 9 time back sugery, replaced hip, knee, and back torned muscle, to give his celebirty spot light in to giving the young tna wrestlers the spot light to become sucessful and giving us the fans another option of wrestling other then the same wwe programming thats been dominating since 2000. ie another battle in ratings that pushed wrestling in new heights in the 90s thanks to Terry and turner.
Oh a rather selective memory we have don't we? Look man, if you want to talk about the personal life of wrestlers here and the things they say and do, that "class act" you're applauding happened to be sleeping around with another dude's woman, not that I really give a fuck or anything, but if you want to start talking shit about stuff like people's words and actions outside of the ring, I'd do my homework first...


Look you Hogan mark I didn't say shit about Hogans personal life. I said he's jealous that Edge was smart with his money. I never mentioned shit about him banging his daughters friend or any other douche bag shit he has done out of the ring. I just bashed what he said online for the world to see. I too could care less what a wrestler does in their personal life.

Your right Edge has done some asshole shit too in his personal life. I called Edge a class act for the way he handled being forced to retire. You tell me to do my home work. Why don't you read what people write before bashing their post? Being broken down at 57 and still wrestling wasn't a stab at his personal life.
That doesn't excuse the fact that Terry the person (not Hulk the character) is a terrible human being for saying those things. How does Terry the person tweeting "if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago" not throw Edge under the bus for being a pussy? How is that does that show it's a comment against the WWE and not Edge as a performer? It doesn't and good luck trying to convince anyone otherwise. That was aimed directly at Edge.


It was NOT directed at Edge. During the Raw broadcast a fan tweeted to him asking his thoughts on Edge breaking his neck and having to retire because the Doctors won't clear him to wrestle. In a three part reply he simply said had they listened to Doctors those guys would have quit decades ago. He stated Edge was one of the boys(in other words their equal), that he wasn't sure what Edges situation was with the Entertainment field but wrestlers wrestle and he thinks if Edge can return he will be back.

Going off his Q&A Tweets it is clear to anyone looking he is/was unaware Edge retired from his first neck break. The question was worded to him like Edge just recently injured his neck and has to retire because Dr's won't clear him. OR that he thought someone was tweeting a storyline to him. Either way he proceeded to put Edge over as a tough son of a bitch who will make a return.

I know, I know, since it is Hogan he HAD to know it was legit, he HAD to have watched the whole thing and he's just being a dick, right? I mean it's Hogan afterall, so it's impossible he took the question at its word or mistook it as a fan asking about some WWE storyline going on. Nah, not at all. Unlike the rest of the world Hogan couldn't have taken something at face value, been unaware of the circumstances and answered a question that was based off of bad intel. Nah, no way.

Anyways those are the facts, not that it makes much difference. Matt Boone's agenda has already been spun into full force, Hogan just hopped on twitter and badmouthed Edge with one tweet. He wasn't being asked questions and he didn't proceed to put Edge over during the full course of events, nahh nothing like that.
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