John Cena or Hulk Hogan?

Alright guys i'll solve this right now. I'm a 90%er. so my opinion is weighed more. First off i didn't watch wrestling till November before the edge vs John fued. And that fued made me start watching. Before I watched wrestling I could have named 4 wrestlers. 1. Hulk Hogan 2. The Rock 3. Steve Austin 4. Chris Jericho and maybe Sting.
If you think John Cena isn't anything other than a remake of Hulk Hogan you are wrong. Sorry. the catch phrases, match style, super amazing ability to overcome the odds. John is hulk hogan. John does have my respect for the fact he appears to be a great guy. But then again i don't think i have liked his promos ever. I don't like that he comes out and acts like a 14 year old kid making 'funny jokes' then suddenly....SERIOUS SPEECH about passion and never surrendering. same thing every time. Right now alone i'd rather watch Hulk Hogan on TNA. That's ignoring the amazingness that is nWo stuff which is way more exciting out of context on youtube than anything on wwe right now.(CM punk is good.) Did you see the promo he cut with sting in his office?Those 2 guys are as good as ever and that is in a whole different league than john cena. Hulk hogan has character development? In wrestling? John cena? Military rapper 14 year old kid with high school football coach speeches. Gold? Nope. Easily goes to hulk hogan. He's literally an icon world wide. No comparison.
As a child of the 80s, Hulk Hogan all the way.

It's been how many years since Hogan has been the "it" guy and he's still known world wide? A few months ago he was on American Idol & the place went CRAZY. Hulkamania has staying power.

People need to stop complaining about the 5 moves of death by any superstar. Hitman & Flair did them as well. And most importantly pro wrestling is fake it isn't really fighting, it's just for entertainment value. It'd be like complaining at an action movie isn't realistic enough, it's not really suppose to be.

Cena will have his place in WWE History, no doubt about it. But there is only one Hulk Hogan.

Not only did Hulk Hogan play the ultimate hero, he was able to play the ultimate villain as Hollywood.

Hulk isn't ruining TNA at all. And mostly he needs a paycheck like everyone else. Though I personally think Hogan would be best at doing one appearance a year at Wrestlemania.
Well If it's " Who's bigger? Hulkamania or Cenation ", then you have to go with Hulkamania. It''s just simply bigger and more phenomenal.

But If you ask who do I prefer as a wrestler, I'd say Cena for obvious reasons.

If the question is about who's the bigger superstar, then again You have to go with Hogan. Hogan was there when the time was perfect and people were there for him. I don't know if it's luck, better timing or talent, but Hogan is the bigger star and probably the biggest ever.( Rock and Austin are the only contenders.)

Who's the better man in life? How the hell could I know.
I see Lil Jimmy's mommy let him hop on the interwebz and he's in search of the CeNation....

john cena is the man like i said before even noobs have heard of that guy

Go ask the average person on the street to name a pro wrestler. Just walk up to someone and say "hey what's the name of a pro wrestler?" 99% of the people you ask will say either Hulk Hogan or The Rock. Not John Cena. John?

second did u even watch wcw in 93-95 the boos hogan got were HUGE

Umm Hogan wasn't in WCW in 1993, he didn't join WCW until mid 1994 and was instantly over. The "huge" boos he got were a result of WCW touring in the south AKA NWA country AKA Flair country. He was the yankee face of the yankee promotion up north on THEIR turf. It's apparent you weren't even alive at the time so stop talking about something you weren't even here for.

average mic skills

One of the best. Hulk Hogan was given 30 seconds to 2 minutes to get a match over and sell it, kid. Cena gets 10 minutes and the only ones giving a shit are the CeNation.

huge ego he didnt create wwe no no no vince created wwe if there wasent hogan then someone who had name recongnition would have been the hulk

Which is why Ultimate Warrior, Lex Luger, Ahmed Johnson and John Cena have all been so huge, right? There's a reason Vince has been trying to replicate Hulk Hogan for the last two DECADES kid.

without vince hogan would not be where he is,

LMAO, so utterly clueless. Hulk Hogan was one of the biggest names in wrestling before he even set foot in the WWF. In fact he was such a big name he was drawing crowds of 40,000+ in every territory he ever went to and so incredibly huge Japan was willing to make him a WHC and fulltime performer over there, an honor given to VERY FEW.

The fact of the matter is without Hogan the WWF would be on a historical DVD produced by Jim Crockett Promotions who would still be the #1 promotion in the business. Vince McMahon Jr would be another name in a long line of failures in the business waxing poetic and making excuses. Hulk Hogan made the WWF, and Sylvester Stallone, Vern Gagne and THE FANS made Hulk Hogan.

he betrayed the wwe not one but twice.

Ummm the wrestling industry is a business. In 1993 the WWF decided they were going with smaller guys thanks to the steroid trials and didn't give him a new contract. He went to Hollywood to start a new career. WCW came calling, the WWF didn't. He made a personal and business choice to continue his career. The same thing with TNA. They offered him a contract, Vince was too busy trying to get Cena and Orton over to do so. That isn't a betrayal, that is finding new employment. One of these days you'll go to high school, find a part time job and find out how the business world works.


Wrong. So. Much. Fail. Go watch his matches from Japan and the AWA.


Spoken like a clueless mark that has never actually watched any of his matches.


Which had zip to do with WCW's death, sorry kid just because the WWE creates a DVD saying something and a fellow mark on the internet posts it as fact doesn't mean it is.

The truth of the matter is he SAVED WCW from a certain death in 1994 and took it from a company that was drawing ROH(That's Ring of Honor, a small Indy promotion) type numbers to the #1 promotion in the WORLD. Yet again, stop talking about shit you know nothing about. Fact: Thanks to Bill Watts and Jim Ross WCW did one day long pretape per month in front of 50 fans at Universal Studios Florida before Hogan arrived. Fact: Thanks to Bill Watts and Jim Ross nosediving WCW into the dirt the average attendance for a house show was 250-500 people. Fact: In Hogans first few months in WCW they went from crowds of 200-500 to crowds of 5,000-10,000 and within a year from pretapes at Universal Studios to Live Nitros in front of 10,000+ people in various venues.

Fact: Hulk Hogan was such a huge name when he turned heel in 1996 newspapers, radio stations and the fucking 5 o'clock news were ALL covering it as a HUGE NEWS STORY. WCW offices were bombarded with phone calls from angry and sad fans alike for WEEKS after that heel turn. Good luck with Cena EVER being that important.


You mean like having a top heel job to a cup of water? Or maybe you mean taking a young guy on the brink of getting over and pairing him with a 45 year old woman? Oh I got ya, you mean his suspending the top heel after a great promo so the top babyface in TNA can come out and defend the heels honor. Ooops, my bad, that's the WWE's current storylines. I forgot, TNA's are actually good.

And ruining TNA? Really? Thanks to Hogan TNA went from a promotion of young guys putting over Booker T, Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett to young guys actually getting a push and established as the faces of TNA. They went from a ******ed ring and ECW 1995-2000 level TV production to professional TV production.


Hey Eugene 2.0, Hogan wrestled ONE match in TNA, a year ago. He isn't "wrestling", he is portraying an evil heel commissioner.


Really? More passionate? Really? The Raw roster does what, four shows per week? Raw then three house shows leaving Cena three days off per week to handle his business? Let's compare to the 1980's WWF and Hulk Hogan, all before you were even alive...

In the 1980's you ran 28 days on per month, leaving 2-3 days off. Here's how it went for Hogan. Day 1: Go to TV studio in that town for interview, head over to Make-A-Wish, then off to the radio stations for an interview, maybe head over to an elementary or middle school for a meet and greet, catch a workout at the gym afterward, head to arena and prepare for the nights match. Repeat 26 more times that month. On day 27 head to the studio for a 18 hour day of TV tapings, interviews and promos for the next months worth of shows. Rinse repeat month after month, year after year. Oh and lucky you Hulk, we have this commercial or TV special for you to do, take your 3 days off this month and head to L.A. to film it.

Hogan wasn't passionate? Give me a fucking break. 1985-1991. What does that mean? Those are 6 years of Hulk Hogans life he poured into the goddamn WWF. He didn't get three days off each week to hang out with his wife at home. He didn't get to have most of the day to relax before a show, they didn't have widespread cable TV nor computer technology to promote the product, guys had to make commercial spots for each town they would be in and do the local TV and radio circuits. Hogans, Savages and Warriors jobs were a 16-20 hour day 250 day per year job. Not passionate my ass he was such a huge name he could have named his demands in any other promotion and made millions.

That isn't to take away from John Cenas hard work but know what the hell you're talking about next time.


Must be why they could barely draw 1/4 the numbers Hogans feuds drew. Nor will anyone remember them(or give two shits for that matter) a decade from now.
Overall, I would say Hogan is more important. Inside the ropes Hulk Hogan is way more important and respected. John is not my favorite wrestler but outside of the ropes I have massive respect for John Cena. Hogan is a jerk in real life, John is not. Hogan is a legend in wrestling, John is not
They're both huge names and they have done a lot for the business. They were also both very well rounded wrestlers. But when it comes down to personal preference, I'll take a Cena match over a Hogan match any day of the week. There's just something about Cena's matches that make them more enjoyable to me. Maybe that has something to do with me seeing more of him, I don't know. But that man can tell the story of a match like very few others, and I never fail to be captivated by what he's doing.

Hogan also had a very specific style of promo that he cut as the superhero, whereas I feel Cena is less limited and more versatile on the stick. Cena can do comedy, he can do serious, angry, pumped up, whatever. He does it all and, to me, does it all convincingly. Hogan was convincing too, but it was usually all the same, at least while he was playing a babyface.
First of I would like to say that comparing Hogan and John Cena is like comparing apples to oranges. When Hogan came into the business most people thought wrestling was real. There were multiple major promotions that people went from because of various reasons (more money, don’t like their current boss, not getting the push they feel they deserve etc.)

With that being said Hogan NEVER betrayed WWF(E). It was common practice to go from promotion to promotion. If that was the case every wrestler and every promoter betrayed each other. Wrestlers came and went, furthermore some were traded to other promotions to get new people. I mean seriously how many times can you fight/wrestle the same person before people get bored. Remember WWF wasn’t multibillion dollar promotion that it is today. When it was starting to get stale you couldn’t just shuffle the roster around like they do today with the drafts.

I know someone is going to say Austin/HHH/Rock/Michaels fought each other multiple times and it never got bored. Which is very true, however the Attitude Era was all new. It was something that people never saw before, therefore every Monday night was something special.

Now to the actually question of who I think is better or who do I prefer. I love/hate them both for various reasons. Since I’m an 80’s baby I remember when Hogan all the Wrestlemania’s. I loved them to death. When I watched them over now, they are soooooooooooo boring. But like I said wrestling and the business were different back then. They truly built up everything for the pop finish. They don’t really do that now, but it doesn’t bother me because the business is different.

I love Hogan because he is the Jordan of the business. Yes there were greats before him, but there will never be anyone else like him. You can try to recreate him characters like the Ultimate Warrior and Goldberg. It will never happen though. Now when I say recreate I mean it as someone who you plan to carry your company for the next 10-15 years even if they don’t have the title. Hogan owned the 80’s and mid to late 90’s (approx 10-15 years). However I hate the person that Terry Bolea person. I was taught as a kid that you should enjoy famous people for what they do, but just ignore them when they talk.

I love John Cena the person because he seems legit, but so did Terry at the time. John Cena the wrestler however annoys the hell out of me because he screams I’m trying to recreate Hogan. All the PG rated stuff doesn’t bother me because that is how professional wrestling was before the attitude era. He is the archetype good guy. He is too perfect. No one can truly live up to the standards that his character portrays. That’s what I loved about Hollywood Hogan. He bashed the 80’s version of himself. He made jokes about the saying your prayers and eating your vitamins. Everyone is flawed and people bash John once his true flaws are shown. As a Superstar your life is under a microscope and people will judge him for every little thing that he does wrong. People are idiots and they can’t separate wrestling from real life.

In conclusion Hogan is Jordan and Cena is Lebron (I would say Kobe, but that remains to be seen). Are they both great in their own right? Yes! Is one better than the other? Maybe. John hasn’t been in the business long enough to say. He came in the business knowing the wrestling was scripted. While Hogan came in thinking it was real.

Just some side comments. What is the Passion that everyone speaks of? He is the number #1 in the only major promotion. No offense to any TNA fans, but TNA is #2 and they aren’t even close to #1. They were just a glorified independent a few years ago. Now they are a glorified WCW, but I still watch it because I’m a fan of professional wrestling. Back to John, the #1 guy is always passionate. Was Hogan not passionate? Was Flair not passionate? Working your butt off to get money for the company and yourself isn’t passion. That is called doing your job.

Someone who is passionate about the business is someone who is a jobber, but they stay with the company any way. I would say Matt Hardy had more passion then Cena just because Matt Hardy started as a true jobber. He was one of those guys who didn’t have a theme song. The ones that when you seen Hunter Hearst Hemsely (not Triple H) come down and poor Matt Hardy is already in the ring without a theme song. You are like this is going to end fast. But once again the business was different then. They didn’t pay you to get your training. You paid someone to train you.

HBKNEVER, I mean NEVER received an offer from WCW. Marty and Vince had problems and Marty was trying to convince Shawn to leave. Marty promised Shawn that they could get more money in WCW, but never actually received an offer. When HBK found out that Marty was trying to leave without an offer he told him that he wasn’t leaving a job without a guaranteed job. So he stayed with Vince and the rest is history.

No one could have done what Vince and Hogan did together. If you take either one of them out of the equation and it most likely would have failed. I mean let’s look at something’s.

Austin + WCW= Mid carder

Austin + ECW=Steve Williams. He was his true self at ECW, however if he would of stayed. He would have been just another ECW wrestler. Why you ask? Because ECW was equivalent to a dead in job. People spent their best years in ECW so when ECW failed their best years were already gone. Therefore they didn’t have much to give to the WWE truthfully. FYI I’m a HUGE original ECW fan. I’m just telling the truth about their business though.

Austin + Vince=Well we all know.

Mick Foley + WCW=Jobber to the Stars. Did he win titles? Yes. Where they tag titles? Yes!

Mick Foley + ECW=Mick Foley. See Austin above

Mick Foley + Vince=Well we all know. Mick couldn’t get over until he started doing the comedy. People liked tortured soul Mankind, but the masses loved Mankind/Mr. Socko.

Bret Hart + Vince=Hall a Famer

Bret Hart + WCW= a joke

I can keep going with the likes of Kurt Henning, Ted Debiase, Kevin Nash (Nash was a jobber in WCW for years before the NWO), same for Scott Hall but he was a Jobber to the Stars. Triple H was a jobber in WCW. Jericho/Eddie Guerro (sp)/Beniot were all mid carders. I can go on forever, but I will stop now.

One last thing before I stop. Hogan isn’t the only wrestler that buried other wrestlers. It is still a common practice today. I’m pretty sure John Cena does it also. Everyone wants to be the number one guy and who can blame them. No one competes to be number 2.

Ok I lied. Final thing I promise lol. The fingerpoke of doom did not make the downfall of WCW. I was watching at the time and it was more of a shocker than anything. I don’t know of anyone that said, “That’s it I’m not watching anymore.” Most people were like, “DID you see that?” Bischoff giving the results hurt more than anything. Because I turned the channel (just like millions of other people) to see if he was right.

If you read all of this you are just as insane as I am for typing it. I’m sorry about all the misspellings and grammar.
Hogan was the benefit of timing. Super talented as far as being able to do little things when working an audience. The way he looks around, almost calling for help when he's down (watch him if he's ever down in a test of strength). So I wouldn't say he has more ability than Cena. Had Superstar Billy Graham came around 10 years later when Vince started buying everyone, he would be who we talk about, same for Cena if he was born 25 years earlier.

Cena CAN work in the ring. He can do chain wrestling, he choses not to because it doesn't fit his gimmick. Even with a simple style, he tells great stories. Cena is smarter on the mic, although I appreciate a classic cocaine-driven 80s Hogan promo.

I'd say Cena has more passion for pro wrestling than Hogan. Hogan had more passion for Hogan. I don't hate Hogan as much as other people, and I see Cena's character as genius (working heel to the smarks, face to the marks, the first of his kind in this modern era where a straight "heel" will get cheers and boos).

First of I would like to say that comparing Hogan and John Cena is like comparing apples to oranges. When Hogan came into the business most people thought wrestling was real. There were multiple major promotions that people went from because of various reasons (more money, don’t like their current boss, not getting the push they feel they deserve etc.)

With that being said Hogan NEVER betrayed WWF(E). It was common practice to go from promotion to promotion. If that was the case every wrestler and every promoter betrayed each other. Wrestlers came and went, furthermore some were traded to other promotions to get new people. I mean seriously how many times can you fight/wrestle the same person before people get bored. Remember WWF wasn’t multibillion dollar promotion that it is today. When it was starting to get stale you couldn’t just shuffle the roster around like they do today with the drafts.

I know someone is going to say Austin/HHH/Rock/Michaels fought each other multiple times and it never got bored. Which is very true, however the Attitude Era was all new. It was something that people never saw before, therefore every Monday night was something special.

Now to the actually question of who I think is better or who do I prefer. I love/hate them both for various reasons. Since I’m an 80’s baby I remember when Hogan all the Wrestlemania’s. I loved them to death. When I watched them over now, they are soooooooooooo boring. But like I said wrestling and the business were different back then. They truly built up everything for the pop finish. They don’t really do that now, but it doesn’t bother me because the business is different.

I love Hogan because he is the Jordan of the business. Yes there were greats before him, but there will never be anyone else like him. You can try to recreate him characters like the Ultimate Warrior and Goldberg. It will never happen though. Now when I say recreate I mean it as someone who you plan to carry your company for the next 10-15 years even if they don’t have the title. Hogan owned the 80’s and mid to late 90’s (approx 10-15 years). However I hate the person that Terry Bolea person. I was taught as a kid that you should enjoy famous people for what they do, but just ignore them when they talk.

I love John Cena the person because he seems legit, but so did Terry at the time. John Cena the wrestler however annoys the hell out of me because he screams I’m trying to recreate Hogan. All the PG rated stuff doesn’t bother me because that is how professional wrestling was before the attitude era. He is the archetype good guy. He is too perfect. No one can truly live up to the standards that his character portrays. That’s what I loved about Hollywood Hogan. He bashed the 80’s version of himself. He made jokes about the saying your prayers and eating your vitamins. Everyone is flawed and people bash John once his true flaws are shown. As a Superstar your life is under a microscope and people will judge him for every little thing that he does wrong. People are idiots and they can’t separate wrestling from real life.

In conclusion Hogan is Jordan and Cena is Lebron (I would say Kobe, but that remains to be seen). Are they both great in their own right? Yes! Is one better than the other? Maybe. John hasn’t been in the business long enough to say. He came in the business knowing the wrestling was scripted. While Hogan came in thinking it was real.

Just some side comments. What is the Passion that everyone speaks of? He is the number #1 in the only major promotion. No offense to any TNA fans, but TNA is #2 and they aren’t even close to #1. They were just a glorified independent a few years ago. Now they are a glorified WCW, but I still watch it because I’m a fan of professional wrestling. Back to John, the #1 guy is always passionate. Was Hogan not passionate? Was Flair not passionate? Working your butt off to get money for the company and yourself isn’t passion. That is called doing your job.

Someone who is passionate about the business is someone who is a jobber, but they stay with the company any way. I would say Matt Hardy had more passion then Cena just because Matt Hardy started as a true jobber. He was one of those guys who didn’t have a theme song. The ones that when you seen Hunter Hearst Hemsely (not Triple H) come down and poor Matt Hardy is already in the ring without a theme song. You are like this is going to end fast. But once again the business was different then. They didn’t pay you to get your training. You paid someone to train you.

HBKNEVER, I mean NEVER received an offer from WCW. Marty and Vince had problems and Marty was trying to convince Shawn to leave. Marty promised Shawn that they could get more money in WCW, but never actually received an offer. When HBK found out that Marty was trying to leave without an offer he told him that he wasn’t leaving a job without a guaranteed job. So he stayed with Vince and the rest is history.

No one could have done what Vince and Hogan did together. If you take either one of them out of the equation and it most likely would have failed. I mean let’s look at something’s.

Austin + WCW= Mid carder

Austin + ECW=Steve Williams. He was his true self at ECW, however if he would of stayed. He would have been just another ECW wrestler. Why you ask? Because ECW was equivalent to a dead in job. People spent their best years in ECW so when ECW failed their best years were already gone. Therefore they didn’t have much to give to the WWE truthfully. FYI I’m a HUGE original ECW fan. I’m just telling the truth about their business though.

Austin + Vince=Well we all know.

Mick Foley + WCW=Jobber to the Stars. Did he win titles? Yes. Where they tag titles? Yes!

Mick Foley + ECW=Mick Foley. See Austin above

Mick Foley + Vince=Well we all know. Mick couldn’t get over until he started doing the comedy. People liked tortured soul Mankind, but the masses loved Mankind/Mr. Socko.

Bret Hart + Vince=Hall a Famer

Bret Hart + WCW= a joke

I can keep going with the likes of Kurt Henning, Ted Debiase, Kevin Nash (Nash was a jobber in WCW for years before the NWO), same for Scott Hall but he was a Jobber to the Stars. Triple H was a jobber in WCW. Jericho/Eddie Guerro (sp)/Beniot were all mid carders. I can go on forever, but I will stop now.

One last thing before I stop. Hogan isn’t the only wrestler that buried other wrestlers. It is still a common practice today. I’m pretty sure John Cena does it also. Everyone wants to be the number one guy and who can blame them. No one competes to be number 2.

Ok I lied. Final thing I promise lol. The fingerpoke of doom did not make the downfall of WCW. I was watching at the time and it was more of a shocker than anything. I don’t know of anyone that said, “That’s it I’m not watching anymore.” Most people were like, “DID you see that?” Bischoff giving the results hurt more than anything. Because I turned the channel (just like millions of other people) to see if he was right.

If you read all of this you are just as insane as I am for typing it. I’m sorry about all the misspellings and grammar.

First off, I don't think Hogan thought wrestling was real. Most people knew it was fake, they were just more hush hush and thinking "maybe it's not" in the back of their minds.

Second, Hogan wasn't the first at all. He was a recreation of Superstar Billy Graham, Superstar wasn't in his prime when there was a proper vehicle to spread his image to the masses. Ventura in a way too.

I don't think Cena is supposed to be Hogan. Yea, in that "babyface flagship of the company in a PG era" kinda way he is. However, I think people are thinking the comparison is too strong.

Oh, and Cena sure as hell isn't LeBron James. LeBron James is a quitter and a choke artist. Cena does what he's supposed to do and makes the most of it, and does all the appearances, and puts on a good face for the company. Cena is more like Dirk Nowitzky, underappreciated, not as flashy as some guys, damn good.

"Someone who is passionate about their job is a jobber" see, this is a crock of shit to me. You're saying that Cena isn't passionate as Matt Hardy because he's more successful? That's stupid, that's like saying I try harder when I play baseball than Alex Rodriguez because I'm not as good. Cena has a TON of passion for wrestling. Batista, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, these guys all left when they were on top. It's not this easy life being on top. He has a TON of pressure. Most guys wilt under pressure, most guys can't handle getting done with a show, beaten up because you had to bump around the most because you're in the main event and that's what you do. Then go to a hotel, sleep 4 hours, get up, take a 4am flight, do a 6am radio show in the next city, meet a cancer kid, go to the show and get your shit down, get your ass kicked, and do it all over again. Sure he's making a ton of money and sure he's getting put over and made to look like a million bucks, but to be a top guy, you MUST have passion. To be the top guy for as long as Cena has, I don't doubt he has as much passion as a guy like Matt Hardy.

You're ripping on WCW a bit much. You used the examples Vince always uses to jerk himself off when talking about how he can spot talent. You can't lump the entire history of WCW into one group, so many different bookers, so many different directions they went. Vince didn't create the nWo. So don't act like WCW was this shithole. They beat Vince and made him change the way he did business.

I do agree that people are stupid. I wish more people could sit back and look at Cena and think "why"? Realize that unlike Hogan, he's not supposed to be this great all american guy, he's supposed to be John Cena. Who IS a good guy. A corny, cheesey, meathead. Some people (smarks) hate that, some people (marks) love that. Cena embraces it and runs with it.

Like you said though, it's two totally different eras. Apples and Oranges (which is what you said and then went on to say that Cena is a copy, which an orange is not a copy of an apple). Cena has two hats. He has to appeace the stockholders and general media and also do a good enough job at working the smarks that the pay to boo him (which they do). All Hogan had to do was be big and tan and be one hell of a babyface.

They have similar jobs, but so does every franchise guy. Sting did it, Rock did it, etc.
Cena marks and Hogan bashers make me laugh, it's really pathetic. Not even close, Hogan without a doubt. You've got the biggest name in the history of wrestling, and Vince McMahon's 2000's version of of Hogan.
Well, I am a Cena fan and I do like him more than Hogan. Both have been heroic top faces who constantly overcome the odds and had several long world title reigns. Cena is bette in the ring and on the mic than Hogan, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is better because no matter how much his fans like him Cena will never draw the way Hogan did. Hogan had better gimmicks and made WWE more mainstream attention which makes him better in the long run. When it comes down to who I personally like more then it is Cena because of his passion for what he does and how determined he is to prove the haters wrong.
Cena, with ease. I didnt like him as a kid, and like him less even now. Both are similar in that they were/are the unquestionable top face of their generations, but Cena is much more diverse. Further, I never saw Hogan as more then just an average wrestler, while Cena, despite the "Cena Sucks" chants, is a very good to great one. Cena's character has evolved over the years, entirely as a face. Hogan's character never did so until he turned heel. Cena didn't need a heel turn to freshen up his character in the way that he has. Cena is better on the mic then Hogan ever was. Cena never has, or never will, be the draw Hogan was, but he's darn close with relation to his merchandise sales. The things Hogan did he did better then anyone else in history, but those were a select few things. They were enough to carry a generation, but Cena has become the most complete and passionate wrestler of his generation, and possibly ever.
Well I will go like this

In the ring Cena is far more better wrestler than Hogan

On the mic I will go again with Cena . His promos with Edge,CM Punk, The Miz were awesome

On this one it's Cena again. He has been chosed as the most charismatic wrestler of the decade

And Cena wins again hire. He has alot more passion for the business than Hulk

With personality I will go with Cena again(for the first time i choose cena instead of another wrestler so many times)cause he has the better one.Just look at his make a wish record and the one Hogan has

So I prefer Cena instead of Hogan because I have enjoined some of Cena 's work especialy with Punk and his thugonomicks

I can see you're actually quite knowledgeable about the business and it's history. Some of the facts you quoted I recognized instantly -- from Hogan's book. It is with those facts I take issue with, not your entire post.

First, let me state that I believe Hogan to be the greatest wrestler of all time. He's vastly under rated as a worker (his matches all the way up until 96 were fair to good, some excellent). He was trained by Hiro Matsuda and learned his craft well.

His place as the biggest draw in the history of the business is set in stone, never to be eclipsed. While some of the numbers carry a little of WWF's need to inflate their numbers, there is little doubt that Hogan was the predominate force in drawing those cards.

Hulk Hogan did everything that was asked of him during his second, meteoric rise to the top of the wrestling business with WWF (after he beat The Iron Shiek at MSG).

What I do take issue with is that the NWA wasn't drawing prior to the arrival of the Hulkster. Often times, especially in certain markets, the NWA and Ric Flair would easily out draw Hulk Hogan and the WWF. Philadelphia was a city in the North East market that often saw NWA shows out draw the WWF despite the well marketed, better produced McMahon-run company.

Watts and Ross also had a bit of an "up hill climb" after the likes of Kip Frye and Jim Herd (one of my favorite signs ever -- "We've Herd Enough"). Watts was well on his way to establishing order among that chaotic locker room.

So, just to clarify, house show business was up prior to Hulk Hogan showing up. Hulk Hogan did impact WCW in a positive way and WCW probably wouldn't have been near the force it was without the Hogan heel turn and nWo, but WCW wasn't exactly putting the "For Sale" sign up just yet.

Oh, and to the topic: Cena is the best of the current crop. His ring work is fundamentally sound, his mic skills are the best in the business right now (clear, concise, doesn't stutter or stammer and has the inflection in his voice that resonates), and he has "the look." Still, right now, despite him being the face of the brand, it is the brand that draws the house. In the case of other greats (Hogan, Flair, Piper, Austin and Rock), they drew the house despite a brand (Austin/WWF and Flair/WCW in particular). So based on that, Hogan wins every day of the week, 3 X on Sunday.
I don't like either but....

In terms of who is bigger or has/had more of an impact, there's no question it's Hulk Hogan. Hogan is the most famous wrestler of all time and Hogan basically "made" MODERN Pro Wrestling. Without Hulk Hogan, there would be no John Cena (or Triple H or Stone Cold or The Rock, etc.).


Even though I'm not a fan of his, John Cena is much more tolerable and can actually put on a believable match. Cena is way better on the mic than Hogan ever was. Screaming about "pythons" and "take your vitamins" doesn't do it for me.

Hulk Hogan truly was a "larger than life" almost like "cartoon" character in the sense that his move set was ridiculous, and frankly, his matches were ridiculous but somehow I found myself entertained and pulling so hard for him to win.
First off The Rock or Stone Cold were not superman back in the day wrestling was realistic the rock or stone cold never took a beating for like the whole match and hit 5 moves to win nah and it's undertaker gimmick he was a deadman

Rock got hit by a truck (twice), fine the next show.

Hogan is more important to wrestling than anyone else in history. Though I like Cena more, Hogan is the guy that helped make the WWE into a monster. He helped make Wrestlemania, he helped make the WWE, he did basically made the WWE. Austin is behind him as Austin probably saved the WWE from going under but that is as close as anyone gets to Hogan. Cena hasn't meant nearly as much as Hogan, but then again, no one gets even close to Hogan.
Cena marks and Hogan bashers make me laugh, it's really pathetic. Not even close, Hogan without a doubt. You've got the biggest name in the history of wrestling, and Vince McMahon's 2000's version of of Hogan.
You have perfect in your sig. Don't act like you either were a child of the 80s or are a fan of that era. Hogan is not the biggest name in the history of wrestling. He's second to Austin and probably Rock now. Cena is extremely well known today. Hogan is very important, however he never elevated anyone else. Anyone Cena is in the ring with is instantly elevated and they usually stay that way unless they royally fuck up.

Don't act like Cena is a shitstain on the history of wrestling's underpants and Hogan is this giant mountain of importance.
Hogan! The fans turned on Cena in a few months during his first title reign. The fans stuck by Hogan until he was still a face in WCW. We all know what happen next. NWO.
This is hilarious watching all the tweens pretend like they know what they're talking about.

1. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant
2. Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage
3. Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior
4. Hulk Hogan vs. the Rock
5. Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon

Cena doesn't have a single match in his entire career that was more enjoyable, more epic, bigger spectacle, or more important than any of these matches. And I could have included more.

Mic Skills: Hogan talked, 99.99% of the audience cheered wildly and loudly. Cena talks and it's about 60/40 cheers to boos.

Charisma: Hogan is literally the most charismatic person in the history of wrestling. Nobody in the history of wrestling can control and audience and have them in the palm of his hand like Hogan. Even the Great One needed certain spots to get the crowd going nuts. Hogan would literally do it with a look to the side.

Passion: Hogan has done it for 30+ years, travel all across the country (including before his WWF tenure where he was working territories before making it briefly to the WWF, then to the AWA, then over to Japan, then back to the WWF.) Cena has never had to do anything like Hogan did when it came to paying dues.

Personality: It's funny that someone should mention that John Cena does all this Make-A-Wish stuff. He's the most requested celebrity of the last decade. Which is awesome. Too bad Hogan is the most requested the history of the organization and has "made" far and away the most wishes come true for sick kids. Even Hogan's biggest detractors acknowledge that Hogan truly loves his fans.

I'm one of the few adult males who admits to enjoying John Cena's work all around, but comparing him to Hogan is ludicrous. Hogan is just better in every facet.
This is hilarious watching all the tweens pretend like they know what they're talking about.

1. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant
2. Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage
3. Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior
4. Hulk Hogan vs. the Rock
5. Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon

Cena doesn't have a single match in his entire career that was more enjoyable, more epic, bigger spectacle, or more important than any of these matches. And I could have included more.

Mic Skills: Hogan talked, 99.99% of the audience cheered wildly and loudly. Cena talks and it's about 60/40 cheers to boos.

Charisma: Hogan is literally the most charismatic person in the history of wrestling. Nobody in the history of wrestling can control and audience and have them in the palm of his hand like Hogan. Even the Great One needed certain spots to get the crowd going nuts. Hogan would literally do it with a look to the side.

Passion: Hogan has done it for 30+ years, travel all across the country (including before his WWF tenure where he was working territories before making it briefly to the WWF, then to the AWA, then over to Japan, then back to the WWF.) Cena has never had to do anything like Hogan did when it came to paying dues.

Personality: It's funny that someone should mention that John Cena does all this Make-A-Wish stuff. He's the most requested celebrity of the last decade. Which is awesome. Too bad Hogan is the most requested the history of the organization and has "made" far and away the most wishes come true for sick kids. Even Hogan's biggest detractors acknowledge that Hogan truly loves his fans.

I'm one of the few adult males who admits to enjoying John Cena's work all around, but comparing him to Hogan is ludicrous. Hogan is just better in every facet.

You don't get it. Cena WANTS that 70/30 reaction. Shit man they've been talking about it on air for years now.

As for "match quality"? Are you fucking insane? Batista vs Cena was better than anything Hogan did. You're letting nostalgia get to you. Plus match "quality" is subjective. Objectively, they both got a lot of crowd noise in each match.

You use "Hogan getting cheers" as a sign he's better. However, if you put Hogan in front of an audience today, he'd get more boos than Cena. It's a different era. Cena works his era, Hogan worked his. Also you're kinda forgetting the whole early 90s part where Hogan DID get some unfavorable reactions. In fact, Hogan's ability to DRAW started to dwindle. Don't ever use "boos vs cheers" as a measure. That's downright stupid. Use "noise" and drawing ability. From about '93-Hogan's turn, his crowd reaction wasn't at all impressive.

You are the kind of poster I hate. Basically your mentality is "I want wrestling to be like it was when I first started and never change and nothing now will ever be as good as it was then".

O yea, Hogan vs Andre was epic, Hogan vs Savage was carried by Savage, Hogan vs Warrior was fucked up by Hogan because instead of a passing of the torch Hogan made it about him, and Vince vs Hogan sucked a dick. Who cares if it had a highspot and blood. That doesn't make it a good match.

Hogan did a lot of make a wish. However, it's all part of Hogan's image. Watch Hogan's little youtube "sad talk about Randy Savage passing" he says something like "I'd been trying to get in touch with Randy but he just wouldn't pick up" even after Savage is DEAD Hogan didn't want it to look like he did anything wrong. Hogan is a sack of shit.
Oh look, a fucking moron that doesn't know what he's talking about.

You don't get it. Cena WANTS that 70/30 reaction. Shit man they've been talking about it on air for years now.

Cena doesn't "want" those reactions, Cena has to take them because those are the only reactions he can get, and it's better than nothing.

As for "match quality"? Are you fucking insane? Batista vs Cena was better than anything Hogan did. You're letting nostalgia get to you. Plus match "quality" is subjective

So you say I'm "fucking insane" for saying Hogan's listed matches were better, then you say "match quality is subjective." Brilliant stuff here. And either way, 20 years from now, every one of those matches I mentioned will be more remembered, more talked about, and more important to wrestling history than anything Cena does, ever.

Objectively, they both got a lot of crowd noise in each match.

That's like saying "Vince McMahon and Bill Gates are both worth a lot of money." Well yeah, technically that's true, but Bill Gates is worth several billion and McMahon is not. Hogan's reactions were 5 times as loud as reactions Cena gets.

You use "Hogan getting cheers" as a sign he's better. However, if you put Hogan in front of an audience today, he'd get more boos than Cena. It's a different era. Cena works his era, Hogan worked his.

Except HOgan did work those crowds, and still got louder cheers than anything Cena has seen, and he did while working against the Rock. How is Cena doing in terms of getting cheered over the Rock?

Also you're kinda forgetting the whole early 90s part where Hogan DID get some unfavorable reactions. In fact, Hogan's ability to DRAW started to dwindle. Don't ever use "boos vs cheers" as a measure. That's downright stupid. Use "noise" and drawing ability. From about '93-Hogan's turn, his crowd reaction wasn't at all impressive.

Oh, so after 10 years at the top of the card, his reaction started to slip a little. Well, let's see, Cena lasted, what, 3 years before he started getting these mixed reactions? You're doing great here, though, really stout argument. :rolleyes:

You are the kind of poster I hate. Basically your mentality is "I want wrestling to be like it was when I first started and never change and nothing now will ever be as good as it was then"

Wrestling now isn't as good as it was then, or as good as it was in the Attitude Era. WHich you can tell by things like, ya know, money, PPV buys, ratings.

O yea, Hogan vs Andre was epic,


Hogan vs Savage was carried by Savage,

Laughably stupid.

Hogan vs Warrior was fucked up by Hogan because instead of a passing of the torch Hogan made it about him,


One of the most epic matches in history and one of Warriors highest regarded matches (which Hogan carried him to), but yeah, totally fucked up. Oh, you're good, you.

and Vince vs Hogan sucked a dick.

A match even renowned Hogan hater Dave Meltzer couldn't take a shit on, and yet here you try.

Who cares if it had a highspot and blood.

People who enjoy good wrestling matches and when these things are properly worked into the context of said matches/feuds. That's who cares. But handicapped people like yourself probably don't care.

That doesn't make it a good match.

No, being a good match makes it a good match.

Hogan did a lot of make a wish. However, it's all part of Hogan's image.

Is that right? You discovered this...through your own personal investigation? So Hogan is SO devious that he just gives up hours, days, weeks of his time to go and visit sick kids and cheer them up purely for his image. So why has nobody else done it as much? Why do even the most ardent Hogan detractors in the business admit that Hogan is good with the fans, including Bret Hart once writing "if there's anything true or real in the wrestling business, it's Terry Bollea and his fans." What do they know, though? TWJC: The Beginning is the expert here, folks!
Oh look, a fucking moron that doesn't know what he's talking about.

Cena doesn't "want" those reactions, Cena has to take them because those are the only reactions he can get, and it's better than nothing.


So you say I'm "fucking insane" for saying Hogan's listed matches were better, then you say "match quality is subjective." Brilliant stuff here. And either way, 20 years from now, every one of those matches I mentioned will be more remembered, more talked about, and more important to wrestling history than anything Cena does, ever.

That's like saying "Vince McMahon and Bill Gates are both worth a lot of money." Well yeah, technically that's true, but Bill Gates is worth several billion and McMahon is not. Hogan's reactions were 5 times as loud as reactions Cena gets.

Except HOgan did work those crowds, and still got louder cheers than anything Cena has seen, and he did while working against the Rock. How is Cena doing in terms of getting cheered over the Rock?

Oh, so after 10 years at the top of the card, his reaction started to slip a little. Well, let's see, Cena lasted, what, 3 years before he started getting these mixed reactions? You're doing great here, though, really stout argument. :rolleyes:


Wrestling now isn't as good as it was then, or as good as it was in the Attitude Era. WHich you can tell by things like, ya know, money, PPV buys, ratings.


Laughably stupid.


One of the most epic matches in history and one of Warriors highest regarded matches (which Hogan carried him to), but yeah, totally fucked up. Oh, you're good, you.

A match even renowned Hogan hater Dave Meltzer couldn't take a shit on, and yet here you try.

People who enjoy good wrestling matches and when these things are properly worked into the context of said matches/feuds. That's who cares. But handicapped people like yourself probably don't care.

No, being a good match makes it a good match.

Is that right? You discovered this...through your own personal investigation? So Hogan is SO devious that he just gives up hours, days, weeks of his time to go and visit sick kids and cheer them up purely for his image. So why has nobody else done it as much? Why do even the most ardent Hogan detractors in the business admit that Hogan is good with the fans, including Bret Hart once writing "if there's anything true or real in the wrestling business, it's Terry Bollea and his fans." What do they know, though? TWJC: The Beginning is the expert here, folks!

Hogan got a bigger reaction than Rock because he was the old nostalgia guy, just like Rock is now. I guarantee that if Cena comes back in 15 years against whoever is the new top guy, he'll get the cheers.

Your only valid arguments are that he drew more, which he did. However, the WWE was the only show in town, no UFC, it was the first time, and it was a different era. You can't honestly say that you think that if Hogan existed today that he'd get the same reactions.

You are wrong if you don't think Cena wants the 70/30 reaction. It's impossible to be a muscular, handsome, family friendly babyface in 2011 without getting boos. So Cena works that reaction. It's only a bad reaction if people stop buying his merch, stop watcing his matches, stop showing up to show, and stop making noise.

As far as "epic meaningful matches" the ONLY 2 matches that Hogan has that are truly unforgettable are Hogan vs Andre and Hogan vs Rock. Those are landmarks. the others are your own personal favs. Cena vs Punk is one for Cena. How old was Hogan when he did all this? I'm pretty sure Cena is still in his EARLY 30s. So yea, he still has plenty of time. Cena has done more before 33 than Hogan did through most of his career minus the nWo stuff.

You say it's "laughably stupid" that I say Savage, one of the top 10 workers of all time carried Hogan. Hogan had one formula as a face. Cena has several. His 2007 match vs umaga, his hour long match vs HBK, his match tonight against Punk, all different, all told amazing stories in the ring.

Your name is "hulkamaniac" so you're bias. I am a Cena fan but I'm not a diehard. I own none of his merchandise.

You seem like someone who is letting nostalgia get the best of them. Read my sig, sounds like you.
Cena is a new version of Hogan. The original is better, 9999 times out of 10000.

Hogan's heel turn is the most talked about heel turn in pro-wrestling history. (Cena's will likely surpass that, but it hasn't happened yet.)
Hogan slamming Andre is one of the most memorable events in pro-wrestling history.
For 15 years, if you had one picture that encapsulated pro-wrestling as a whole, it was the Hulkster ripping off his shirt. It wasn't until the picture taken from the floor, of Steve Austin standing on the 2nd turnbuckle giving the crowd the finger was published that something else began to rival Hulkamania.

Cena? Listen, I respect the man more than I respect 95% of all pro-wrestlers out there. But he's got nothing on the Immortal. Yet. We're looking at Cena in a comparable position as Hogan circa 1986. Cena just battled CM Punk, in what to date is probably the match of his career. The guy still has a lot ahead of him, hell he's only a few years older than me. It's just too soon to talk about how he compares at all, because he doesn't.

There are comparisons to be made between the two, but in terms of what impact they've had on the business, what kind of memories they've made, and what their legacy will be. It's better to compare Hogan with Austin, because Austin probably only has a couple more tricks up his sleeve before he's done for good, and those won't be along the lines of Rock vs Austin @ WM19, it'll be more like Hogan vs Goldberg @ the Georgia Dome and Austin will fill Hogan's role.

Hell I wouldn't be too surprised to see Austin put over Andy at some PPV in the future.
Cena is a new version of Hogan. The original is better, 9999 times out of 10000.

Hogan's heel turn is the most talked about heel turn in pro-wrestling history. (Cena's will likely surpass that, but it hasn't happened yet.)
Hogan slamming Andre is one of the most memorable events in pro-wrestling history.
For 15 years, if you had one picture that encapsulated pro-wrestling as a whole, it was the Hulkster ripping off his shirt. It wasn't until the picture taken from the floor, of Steve Austin standing on the 2nd turnbuckle giving the crowd the finger was published that something else began to rival Hulkamania.

Cena? Listen, I respect the man more than I respect 95% of all pro-wrestlers out there. But he's got nothing on the Immortal. Yet. We're looking at Cena in a comparable position as Hogan circa 1986. Cena just battled CM Punk, in what to date is probably the match of his career. The guy still has a lot ahead of him, hell he's only a few years older than me. It's just too soon to talk about how he compares at all, because he doesn't.

There are comparisons to be made between the two, but in terms of what impact they've had on the business, what kind of memories they've made, and what their legacy will be. It's better to compare Hogan with Austin, because Austin probably only has a couple more tricks up his sleeve before he's done for good, and those won't be along the lines of Rock vs Austin @ WM19, it'll be more like Hogan vs Goldberg @ the Georgia Dome and Austin will fill Hogan's role.

Hell I wouldn't be too surprised to see Austin put over Andy at some PPV in the future.
I'm really glad you brought up the age thing. People saying Cena hasn't done as much as Hogan is like saying Albert Pujols hasn't done as much as Babe Ruth. Yea, but if you look at each in relative parts of their career, those numbers look a lot more favorable.

I think when we look back people will see Cena as a revolutionary character. Sure he's a lot like hogan in character, but how many characters work both smarks and marks? It's a new audience and WWE has really found something with this. Smarks LOVE to HATE him. I don't care if you think you don't like him because "HE IS TEH SUX AND DUZ 5 MOOVEZ" he can wrestle, he's proven that many times, he's had many great matches, and his match with Punk tonight was amazing. Amazingly worked by BOTH guys. In a way, Cena is the anti-hero of the anti-hero generation.
Cena is the anti-hero of the anti-hero generation.

LMAO I love that. I'm gonna have to steal that quote. That is so true too.

When Cena puts forth his best, he looks amazing. He phones it in a lot doing the whole '5-move' routine, but man, so did Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect & Shawn Michaels, so what? When you're working 300 days a year, that's bound to happen. The PPV's are a different story though, and Cena tends to (not always however) bring his A-game.

I feel bad for Cena the way he gets treated by Cena haters. It reminds me of Goldberg vs Lesnar. That match was doomed before the bell rang simply because the crowd was so bad, who could blame the guys for giving a sub-par match. They obviously let the crowd get to them and then said screw it, this is my last match, and then I'm out of here, they don't like me, so eff them. But at the start of that match it looked to me a LOT like Hogan vs Warrior, before the two lost all their passion for the match. Cena does amazingly well despite taking so much heat from fans. He's gonna have a blast as a heel, where making people hate him is his goal.
Hogan turned heel, something Cena didn't. I both know their the Supermen of the WWE but is this really a comparison. You're comparing the man who made wrestling mainstream to some guy in the 2000s who just happened to become the Face because he had a fake thug gimmick and was needed after Lesnar left.

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