John Cena vs Hulk Hogan

Who would you want to win?

  • John Cena

  • Hulk Hogan

  • I could care less who wins.

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No, it isn't. Watch Hogan's stuff from Japan and tell me that Cena is a better wrestler than Hogan. The fact is that Hogan watered his stuff down in America.

Alright. But I'm going by what I have seen. I saw the "watered down" Hogan, so that's what I'm going by.

I got a better idea, kid. Why don't you shut the hell up and let people post where they feel like it.

Why are you so harsh? Maaybe if you were nicer to people and had a discussion instead of a fucking fight, you would have friends....

By the way: I'm not a Cena lover. Just cause I'm a girl, does not mean I love Cena do death like other girls. I just thought that Hogan vs Cena would be pretty good. And, if you don't think so, well, I could care less.
hogan WAS the meal ticket then, but you know who is now? CENA, now i hate cena just as much as a lot of other people, im right there chanting "Cena Sucks" but you can NOT deny that he sells just as much shit as hogan did, brings just as many people in the arena, and is carying the PG era just as hogan did. and as i said, warrior was the only one then who had the LOOK Cena has, but if he had the work ethic and professionalism that Cena has? no way in hell he woulda "taken the torch back"

Hogan was, by far, a bigger draw than Cena ever was. Why cant you see this? No way Cena goes over.

and dont bitch about me bringin other shit up to back up my point, were you not the one bringing up Hogan in Japan and shit? yeah, you were. you were talking about shit pryor to WWF, yet i talk about something outside of it and you go all pissy?

I did that to prove he is a better wrestler than Cena, idiot. Not to make it a reason why he would go over Cena.

By the way, Hogan is not my favorite. Nor do I think he is the best wrestler ever. Your ignorance blinds you. But, I can sit back and look at things from a perspective that you can't, obviously.
Alright. But I'm going by what I have seen. I saw the "watered down" Hogan, so that's what I'm going by.

Ignorance is not an attractive trait. If you are going to say Cena is waaaay better than Hogan, you better know what you are talking about. Thanks. Cena is better than what we see every Monday, but in no way is he better than Hogan.

Why are you so harsh? Maaybe if you were nicer to people and had a discussion instead of a fucking fight, you would have friends....

Why was I so harsh? Unless you run this place, I take offense to anybody telling me where I can and can't post. Also, friends are for real life. Not some invisible being that may or may not be there.
I did that to prove he is a better wrestler than Cena, idiot. Not to make it a reason why he would go over Cena.

wow you ignore things more than george bush! i showed how Cena was a better wrestler than Hogan, did you show any evidence on how he wasnt? no. you just said "no he's not. idiot" have to resort to the insults, which REALLY got you no where in this. you give me Hogan's BEST wrestled match, and i cant give one, two, maybe even 3 Cena matches that top it. and i dont mean matches like "Hogan vs Andre" because from a wrestling stand point? that was not a "best wrestling match" it was a historic one yes, but without "The Slam" it was nothing more than any other Hogan Andre match.
lol o god this would be a disaster wouldnt it lol. ok here we go. the funny thing is you could bump the ppv price up to $70 and people would still buy it. you wouldnt need much build up. people all over the world would be talking about it. then its time for the match. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz they do the same exact thing. im guessing it would be cena dominating the match and then hogan hulks up and wins. actually i know that would happen. or else hogan wouldnt agree to the match lol hahahahahahahaha
ahh but you see, this is about Superman Hogan in the WWF, so, this video does not stand up as evidence, otherwise i can pull the Cena pre-WWE tapes.

SO, try again, gimme one hogan match IN the WWF, that was a "great wrestling match" and i cant give one, two, maybe even 3 Cena matches that top it.
ahh but you see, this is about Superman Hogan in the WWF, so, this video does not stand up as evidence, otherwise i can pull the Cena pre-WWE tapes.

SO, try again, gimme one hogan match IN the WWF, that was a "great wrestling match" and i cant give one, two, maybe even 3 Cena matches that top it.

you give me Hogan's BEST wrestled match, and i cant give one, two, maybe even 3 Cena matches that top it.

I gave you his best wrestled match. You refuse to watch. That's not my problem. You can post his matches against Angle and Shawn, and they would fail in comparison to the match I posted. If I were you, I wouldn't want to see the match I posted either. Hell, his match with Savage is better than Cena's match with Shawn. Go ahead and tuck your tail between your legs and refuse to lose. I can see why your rep is red.
I gave you his best wrestled match. You refuse to watch. That's not my problem. You can post his matches against Angle and Shawn, and they would fail in comparison to the match I posted. If I were you, I wouldn't want to see the match I posted either. Hell, his match with Savage is better than Cena's match with Shawn. Go ahead and tuck your tail between your legs and refuse to lose. I can see why your rep is red.

well if i saw that it wasnt a WWF match OBVIOUSLY i watched it dumbass. and i've seen the match before too, followed hogan's career as well, BUT, that was not the question asked, i asked you if you could name one under the WWF banner, and you couldnt.
and actually the rep thing (which has NO meaning) is red from attacking Cena in past posts when people say he's the best ever and all that shit, because he's not IMO, and also for my Sig, not from backing down from someone who cant admit when they're out of excuses so they start attacking instead. attack all you like, bring up every name in the book, it aint gunna change the fact that you couldnt supply any proof. Hogan has lost, Accept it, and move on to the next thread
Hell, his match with Savage is better than Cena's match with Shawn.

Are you high on weed?

Shawn Michaels made Cena look good. That's pretty damn good to me.
You can't compare Hogan vs Warrior to Cena vs HBK and say Hogan vs Warrior was good.

And, wanna stay on topic? Or would you rather just trash talk every single person who disagrees with you?
well if i saw that it wasnt a WWF match OBVIOUSLY i watched it dumbass. and i've seen the match before too, followed hogan's career as well, BUT, that was not the question asked, i asked you if you could name one under the WWF banner, and you couldnt.
and actually the rep thing (which has NO meaning) is red from attacking Cena in past posts when people say he's the best ever and all that shit, because he's not IMO, and also for my Sig, not from backing down from someone who cant admit when they're out of excuses so they start attacking instead. attack all you like, bring up every name in the book, it aint gunna change the fact that you couldnt supply any proof. Hogan has lost, Accept it, and move on to the next thread

Which I did. See the part where I said "Hell, his match with Savage is better than Cena's match with Shawn"? I didn't think so.

Are you high on weed?

Shawn Michaels made Cena look good. That's pretty damn good to me.
You can't compare Hogan vs Warrior to Cena vs HBK and say Hogan vs Warrior was good.

And, wanna stay on topic? Or would you rather just trash talk every single person who disagrees with you?

Learn to comprehend princess. When we were mentioning Warrior, we were talking about Hogan passing him the torch and how that ended up. We were not talking about his match at Wrestlemania VI. But, yes, Cena needs someone to make him look good. Hogan didn't when he needed too. Proof?
Which I did. See the part where I said "Hell, his match with Savage is better than Cena's match with Shawn"? I didn't think so.

yeah, i did see it, but i couldnt stop laughing. Cena vs Angle, Cena vs HBK on Raw, Cena vs Benoit well, just named 3 that WRESTLING wise were better. now if you want entertainment wise, thats a different story.
I have NEVER hated on Cena simply because he does exactly what the organization wants him to do....sell merchandise and get kids to watch. As for Hogan, he's always been incredibly selfish. Always. He is well known for holding people down and ruining others' careers for the sake of his own.

With that said, i still wouldn't care about this match. In fact, I don't even think I'd bother reading the results for it.
im only 14 just joined today and every1 says the kids love these guys i hate them they both cant wrestle. As to who id cheer for i wouldnt cheer for any1 but since its a question ill answer cena ,as cena would need a win. I sort of answered the 3rd question there, cena will win.

As to what match i say last man standing both are similar there always getting beat up then make the come back.
As to what match i say last man standing both are similar there always getting beat up then make the come back.

as long as Cena doesnt pull out the Ductape again. haha. has to be one of the funniest endings to a match ever, and how much heat would he get if that were Hogan he did it to? wow, just think of the backlash
1) I would cheer for Hogan. Hogan was a hero before being hero was cool.

2) I would make a TLC match. So that Hogan can sell one chair shot for the whole match before hulking up.

3)Cena wins. Hogan goes for his legdrop, counts 1-2-3 but :wtf: this is a TLC match! Cena applies his Attitude Adjustment out of nowhere and defy the odds again

(Thats another thing i don't understand, although he has been winning for years, i wonder how come he is never the favorite, he is always defying odds, but keep that for another thread)

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