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Hulk Hogan comments on Edge's retirement

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well if i see that you have a large resume of the same books that i have read of philosophers, then why dont you take hogans tweets as a whole and figure out the context of what he was trying to elaborate. With all do respect Sir i see that based upon your comments that i have read, it seems that your anti Hogan, and if you dont like some one then naturally your first thought of reading ones message is negative. If i were you i would step out side of your self as a nutural " corner" and look at the negatives and positives and the background from where the statements is coming from and its source so that you can make a better judgment upon the statement. made.

I did take his tweets as a whole. I took the first three when they were published, then I had 9 hours to react to it before he clarified his statements. He hasn't apologized for his statements and in my opinion, he should. I don't even care if its the half assed "I'm sorry for those whom I may have offended" that those in the political world excel at.

Now as far as Flairbeing quite in the last couple of years, well in my memory serves correct didnt Ric Flair have a mug shot done and was even reported on WWW.TMZ.COM while his employemnt with TNA thus recently. No that to me does not see to be keeping one self clean and keeping ones self quite.

Forgot about that. I knew there was something I should have remembered before I walked into that trap. Yes. Drunk driving is bad, sadly way too commonplace, but very bad. And now that i've been called out on it, I'm not going to forget that (on top of all the things I do remember him doing from the 70s and 80s and 90s). Thank you for the reminder .

On Tyson, the last fight tyson had was 4 years ago and he was very out of shape and as some of you would say about hogan " a shell of a man that one was, way past his prime" and that pretty recent. i mean tyson after 1990 encounter with Buster Douglas was no longer in his prime and yet fought for 17 years past his prime. Also on tyson criminal record, didnt he just 1 and a half ago knocked some security officer or some paperazzi guy out. I mean a year 1/2 is pretty recent.
Yeah....Tyson has a criminal record. By the way, you forgot to mention that he bit a guys ear off. Since filming the Hangover, Tyson has mellowed himself out.

IN TERMS OF HHH, the reason why triple hhh can still go cause he is over a decade and a halk younger then hogan and hhh slowed down the act like 4 years from a full time wrestler to only wrestling like 5 to 10 times a year. and 4 yaers ago hhh was in his late 30s but hogan in his late 30s was still carring the wwf on his shoulder. Now on taker, the reason why he could still but BARELY can do a match cause he has not had the injuried like hogan did, i mean taker did have his orbital bone broken twice and a recent surgery on his should but nothing as serious as ones with hogans , fake knees, hips, 9 huge back sugeries in 2 years, a broken orbital bone from his jeski accident, torn back muscle from the wrestlemania 3 match with andre, and a torn up bicep on his right arm. so as you see hogan has had more sugeries and injuries then taker and hogan is 10 to 11 years older then taker. and 11 years does make a difference.

This is comparing apples to oranges. HHH is younger now, but at his age he was a better in ring worker than Hogan was at the same age. And taker's injuries may not be the same variety as Hogan's but as proven by what's happened to Edge: An Injury is an Injury. Yes, I agree that the injuries Hogan suffered limited his mobility in the ring. But how is it any wrestler's fault what injuries they suffer and how long they are able to stay in the ring?

One could also make the argument I touched on that no one was ever really allowed to go over him cleanly and thus there were no stars to take his place when he needed time off. That's not necessarily Hogan's fault, its just a fact of the booking. Having those four or five guys you mentioned vying for the top spot, to me, kept the product more interesting unlike Hogan being on top for 5 years. And before you say it, I realize the E is doing the same thing with Cena. But that's getting severely off topic.

Correct, you just assumed I was an idiot. That's making an assumption you know all about me. So how does what I've typed have anything to do with Machiavelli, or Shakespeare? Nothing. Just appeared like you needed to take a dig. Feel free to clarify that if I misunderstood you...

One thing is to not like one person , but like him or not, you still have to respect for what he did to a form of entertainment that brough all of us here together in these forums. because if it werent for hogan making and saving wrestling so many times in the last 30 years, we would not have a wrestlezone foums, wwe, tna, nwo, dx and everything that represnts modern wrestlin. while in the attitude era there was 5 guys who carried the wrestle banner Austin, rock, hhh, taker and kane, but in the golden era wrestling and wwf was on the top of only one guy to carry the heavy load by him self and that man is HULK HOGAN AKA TERRY GENE BOLLEA FROM AUGUST GEORGIA. and that is what ppl are forgetting. HULKAMANIA WILL LIVE FOR EVER. HULK HOGAN I WAS BORN A HULKAMANIAC AND I SHALL DIE ONE AS WELL.

I'm not going to argue the What If scenario because that could just go back and forth forever. There's always a chance someone else could have filled the void had Hogan not been the standard bearer for professional wrestling, but there's no way to argue how that would come to be so I leave it at that.

I do indeed respect what Hogan did for the wrestling industry and the doors he unlocked for modern wrestling. Doesn't mean I have to like him at all. That does not mean I'm a Hogan hater. Simply means that at this particular moment, I really don't like him because he has a direct filter to the world's populace through twitter and he didn't think through how his statements could be interpreted and he backtracked and did not apologize for the comments he made about Edge. That's really it. There's nothing more nefarious going on than that.

I loved Hogan growing up. I loved him during the Monday Night Wars when he was Hollywood. I marked the hell out for him when I went to the Nitro taping in my hometown. But ever since the Jeff Jarret/Russo debacle for the title, my opinion of him has been slipping. Whether that's fair or not, it's the truth.
I think it wold have better if Hogan had just said, ' Sorry to see him retire, I wish Edge the best, he was a great guy.' I mean what should Edge do, should he work till his 61 like Rick Flair taking bumps till he's dead ? End up like many performers with broken bodies, drug addicted, dead etc ? There are many performers who transition to normal reasonable meaningful lifes after their careers, but there are also those who don't. The man wants to walk, and live some kind of normal life after he's done wrestling. He's sacrificed his body and more for a career many will never have. If he wants to move on, he doesn't need to ask any ones permission, or need any ones approval to do so.

I have no idea what Hogan said, but anything longer than, ' wish him the best' or similar sentiments, was not appropriate.
you know after rewatching it i gotta say I don't think Hogan ever saw it for himself or heard Edge's speech, which is too bad because the whole twitter thing would have never gone down the way it did. Had Hogan seen edge's speech I can't see how he could be anything but touched when Edge mentioned him as one of his inspirations. The original question itself was kind of loaded too as emphasis was put on the medical clearance part more than anything.... so to those i've been arguing with about it (domo and others) I apologize since I don't think Hogan's comments were coming out of a place of malice or anything. It was just a poor attempt to answer a fan's question when he should have gotten the whole story first haha damn kind of did the same thing myself.
First off dip shit you put so many words in my mouth, it's ridiculous. I simply stated my opinion on what Hogan said as a wrestler about another wrestler. I also said I don't care what they do in their personal life. Your the one that brought up their personal lives moron. I don't have any idea why your implying I like the entertainment part more than wrestling. I agree with you that it is and always be wrestling. I think it's ******ed the WWE wont call it wrestling anymore.

I don't need a fucking ****** like you setting me straight on the wrestling business. I know the difference between the characters and the men that portray them. I never said a word that I know them personally. I have met both of them, but I don't know them. You go off on a long rant about shit that has nothing to do with anything I said.

Calling him a class act for how he handled his retirement in no way implies I know him. Whether you believe it's a work or not doesn't mean shit to me. I called Edge the wrestler a class act, but anyone except you. Could tell that speech was coming from Adam Copeland the man the portrays Edge. Applauding him for that means I am a fan of his nothing more. Just like you defending Hogan so much and taking remarks against him so personally makes you a Hogan fan.

Not a thing I said in my first post wasn't true I respect both men as wrestlers. And on some level as a real person for things like their charity work. That doesn't mean I don't know there's a difference between their characters and them as men. So calm down and after you take Hogan's dick out of your mouth. Keep it shut and quit pretending you know what I think or know about wrestling.

I don't see where anything here I said shows me having a bias towards Hulk Hogan, I am just calling something like I see it. And what I am calling you and so many of these other cunt idiot marks out on is that you actually put stock and give a shit what someone is saying on a social networking site like Twitter. And I never defended a single thing Hogan said, you go and find a post where I cry foul in Hogan's favor. And yes you are right I am a Hogan fan, but not a Hogan mark, trust me there's a big difference.

But yeah you stupid fool go and find ONE post in this whole thread about Hogan shooting on Edge's retirement where I actually defend him. Go ahead, I challenge you to do that. Like I told you in my last post genius watch out for where you shoot your ammo because you're ricocheting.

Again bossman, I'm sticking to what I am saying here, focus on what you see on the weekly wrestling shows, this bullshit you hear from people on Twitter is just that bullshit. I never defended a thing Hogan said because I am indifferent to it, what I am defending though is the good sense and taste of a wrestling fan that enjoyed the artform before it started breaking the fourth wall on a constant basis. Things have gotten so bad with social networking and the internet that when someone like Terry Bollea who I already labelled as a crusty old fart and idiot several posts ago in this thread starts posting rants on Twitter it then becomes hard to tell if he's kayfabing it or not.

Like I was saying you turd snap, I am not defending what Hogan said I don't care personally speaking. I am merely defending the point that an old school fan is not going to care about the stupid shit that goes on with these stupid social networking sites. We all know Hogan is at a low point in his career and will say anything to get attention whether I agree with it or not is not is neither here nor there.

So yeah the first thing you need to do is evaluate why you watch professional wrestling in the first place. Your primary concern should be the televised product not the tabloid bullshit side of things. So before you go and call me a mark "Mr. My Panties Are All Tied In A Bunch Because Of Hogan's Twitter Rant", do remember to think that you're getting all upset about what someone said outside of the confines of the wrestling presentation than within it.
I did take his tweets as a whole. I took the first three when they were published, then I had 9 hours to react to it before he clarified his statements. He hasn't apologized for his statements and in my opinion, he should. I don't even care if its the half assed "I'm sorry for those whom I may have offended" that those in the political world excel at.

Forgot about that. I knew there was something I should have remembered before I walked into that trap. Yes. Drunk driving is bad, sadly way too commonplace, but very bad. And now that i've been called out on it, I'm not going to forget that (on top of all the things I do remember him doing from the 70s and 80s and 90s). Thank you for the reminder .

Yeah....Tyson has a criminal record. By the way, you forgot to mention that he bit a guys ear off. Since filming the Hangover, Tyson has mellowed himself out.

This is comparing apples to oranges. HHH is younger now, but at his age he was a better in ring worker than Hogan was at the same age. And taker's injuries may not be the same variety as Hogan's but as proven by what's happened to Edge: An Injury is an Injury. Yes, I agree that the injuries Hogan suffered limited his mobility in the ring. But how is it any wrestler's fault what injuries they suffer and how long they are able to stay in the ring?

One could also make the argument I touched on that no one was ever really allowed to go over him cleanly and thus there were no stars to take his place when he needed time off. That's not necessarily Hogan's fault, its just a fact of the booking. Having those four or five guys you mentioned vying for the top spot, to me, kept the product more interesting unlike Hogan being on top for 5 years. And before you say it, I realize the E is doing the same thing with Cena. But that's getting severely off topic.

Correct, you just assumed I was an idiot. That's making an assumption you know all about me. So how does what I've typed have anything to do with Machiavelli, or Shakespeare? Nothing. Just appeared like you needed to take a dig. Feel free to clarify that if I misunderstood you...

I'm not going to argue the What If scenario because that could just go back and forth forever. There's always a chance someone else could have filled the void had Hogan not been the standard bearer for professional wrestling, but there's no way to argue how that would come to be so I leave it at that.

I do indeed respect what Hogan did for the wrestling industry and the doors he unlocked for modern wrestling. Doesn't mean I have to like him at all. That does not mean I'm a Hogan hater. Simply means that at this particular moment, I really don't like him because he has a direct filter to the world's populace through twitter and he didn't think through how his statements could be interpreted and he backtracked and did not apologize for the comments he made about Edge. That's really it. There's nothing more nefarious going on than that.

I loved Hogan growing up. I loved him during the Monday Night Wars when he was Hollywood. I marked the hell out for him when I went to the Nitro taping in my hometown. But ever since the Jeff Jarret/Russo debacle for the title, my opinion of him has been slipping. Whether that's fair or not, it's the truth.

well just becuase he did not clarifiy what he said until his third tweet posting does not give ppl the right to go top of him like he is some terriorst, or what he said was way out of line. I mean what he said about John Graziano was a bad thing on which later on he appoligized for, not what he said about Edge aka Adam.

About flair you also forgot that he was behind paying taxes 3 times. the 3 ppl who payed it off for him was david crocette in 1985, Vince mcmahon in 1992, and Bob Carter, Dixies Carters Father in 2010, cause as well all know dixie uses her fathers money for big time sititations. The times where flais takes his pants off in the bars and shows his bare butt in them in front of crowds of people. AND NO HOGAN DOESNT DO THAT. The only reason why hogan shoed a vid of him self in the bathroom of the hosprital was becuause he was heavil sedated with drugs to keep is freshly done sugery in less of a pain.

about Hogan Jobbing, they tried to give the ball to other wrestler like warrior , goldberg, and the rock. but it s not hogans fault that with thse threes reains was just a fash in the pan and do you remember not even 7 months after warrior had the title they had to take it away cause ratings, and merchandise sales were falling, that why they gave the ball to slaughter for like 4 months then at wrestlemania 7 HOGAN THE SAVIOR got the belt back and ran with it for 8 months until undertaker showed up. what about goldberg and his title rein he could not even keep the belt 6 months cause like warroior did to wwf was happening to wcw, that why kein nash took the belt away from gold and gave it back to hogan. same as the rock at wrestlemania 18 hogan storyline did the worse thing to the rock as a hell like the truck and ambulance thing and yet when mania rolled around the rock was booed and hogan was cheered for 20 plus standing ovations that was never done before in wrestling history. so dont blame hogan on his populairty and dont balme out fellow fans for all those yaers who chanted even the heel hogan for minutes at a time.

No i never said you were an idiot, And true behold, i believed that because of you current disliking of hogan would cloud up your judgement call on his statment a point to them in a negative context. Its natural if you dont like a person its only natural to assume what ever they say is negative.

now with comparing HHH ang hogan, when hhh started he was in perfect condition but maybe you didnt know this but hogan in his first try out had his leg competely snapped by his trainer hiro matszuda, and from then on in he was nover the same on that leg ever again and that even before he became pro and he still fells that injury to this day but meanwhile HHH was coming in almost injury free. and two the only real injusry that hhh ever suffered was the quad tendom in his knee butwhen that happend atleast hhh was a season verteren and world champion allready. so off the start hogan was wasy more injured then HHH at his start, and like i said hhh had 4 guys to share the burden of the wwf but hogan did it by him self.

your saying that vince could have picked anybody to play the role of hulk hogan other then terry. Well its like saying do you think i could have been a better Vito Corelone then Marlon Brando In Godfather, I dont think so. Its up to the person and his interpretation on the character to bring it to life that the performer captivates the crowds and not everyone has that, and terry had it. Its very togh to fill a void left from a great especially in the height of HULKAMANIA.

well i am just going up what you and other posters staes cause anything that hogan does most of you blow it way out of proportion but if it were to happend with austin or some like him most of you would keep it as silent as possiable due to a very pro wwe vince mcmhaon enviroment around here.

and just becase of Russo and Jeff Jearrett did to him in wcw was not hogans doing, it was their doings, so why penilize on Bollea on some thing that was not his doing.
well just becuase he did not clarifiy what he said until his third tweet posting does not give ppl the right to go top of him like he is some terriorst, or what he said was way out of line. I mean what he said about John Graziano was a bad thing on which later on he appoligized for, not what he said about Edge aka Adam.

And the responsible thing to do once you realize you've started a mini firestorm is to apologize. And I'm not jumping on him like a terrorist. I'm jumping on him like an athlete who doesn't think before he tweets. Just like TO, Chad Ocho/Johnson, Lebron James, or any other athlete who tweets before they think. It is irresponsible use of social media and you have to be aware when you put anything out to the world and your name is attached to it, there are consequences and you are responsible for your words. He said what he said, and now he is being held responsible for it by everyone save for his fans who think he can do no wrong.

About flair you also forgot that he was behind paying taxes 3 times. the 3 ppl who payed it off...
We get it. No one is as pure as Hogan. Hogan and Flair are two different people. They have different vices. Moving on.

about Hogan Jobbing, they tried to give the ball to other wrestler like warrior , goldberg, and the rock. but it s not hogans fault that with thse threes reains was just a fash in the pan and do you remember not even 7 months after warrior had the title they had to take it away cause ratings, and merchandise sales were falling, that why they gave the ball to slaughter for like 4 months then at wrestlemania 7 HOGAN THE SAVIOR got the belt back and ran with it for 8 months until undertaker showed up. what about goldberg and his title rein he could not even keep the belt 6 months cause like warroior did to wwf was happening to wcw, that why kein nash took the belt away from gold and gave it back to hogan. same as the rock at wrestlemania 18 hogan storyline did the worse thing to the rock as a hell like the truck and ambulance thing and yet when mania rolled around the rock was booed and hogan was cheered for 20 plus standing ovations that was never done before in wrestling history. so dont blame hogan on his populairty and dont balme out fellow fans for all those yaers who chanted even the heel hogan for minutes at a time.

Warrior is a fuck up, he always has been he always will be. By the point Goldberg got the belt, the momentum was already shifting back to WWE because of guys like SCSA who when put head to head against Hogan and WCW, he out sold them. And did you really just call the Rock a flash in the pan? Hmm interesting. What happened between Rock and Hogan was special and awesome. And it happened because people like you cheer Hogan no matter what. Is that a testament to Hogan's legacy? Sure is. But does it prove my point that you're not seeing why so many people are viewing what he said in a way you're just apparently not capable of seeing? Sure does.

No i never said you were an idiot, And true behold, i believed that because of you current disliking of hogan would cloud up your judgement call on his statment a point to them in a negative context. Its natural if you dont like a person its only natural to assume what ever they say is negative.
Much like its natural that if you like someone there's always a reason and an excuse for it. And your judgement is just as "clouded as mine" is at that point because you won't or can't see how negative those words were.

now with comparing HHH ang hogan, when hhh started he was in perfect condition but maybe you didnt know this but hogan in his first try out had his leg competely snapped by his trainer hiro matszuda, and from then on in he was nover the same on that leg ever again and that even before he became pro and he still fells that injury to this day but meanwhile HHH was coming in almost injury free. and two the only real injusry that hhh ever suffered was the quad tendom in his knee butwhen that happend atleast hhh was a season verteren and world champion allready. so off the start hogan was wasy more injured then HHH at his start, and like i said hhh had 4 guys to share the burden of the wwf but hogan did it by him self.

Yes, I and everyone else knows that Hulk Hogan's trainer broke his leg. The reason he did it was he hated the way Hogan looked (pretty boy in it for the wrong reasons) and was teaching him respect. He learned the lesson, and he impressed Matsuda. Are you saying you expect Bill Demont to break every rookie's legs on Tough Enough so they go through the trial by fire that Hogan went through?

your saying that vince could have picked anybody to play the role of hulk hogan other then terry. Well its like saying do you think i could have been a better Vito Corelone then Marlon Brando In Godfather, I dont think so. Its up to the person and his interpretation on the character to bring it to life that the performer captivates the crowds and not everyone has that, and terry had it. Its very togh to fill a void left from a great especially in the height of HULKAMANIA.
That is not what I said. What I said was someone else would have filled the void. I didn't say someone else would be Hulk Hogan. I said someone else would have filled the void. Would they have done it as well as Hogan? Who knows because we're talking hypotheticals and there is no real answer. But since it's a hypothetical, you can argue that someone else could come along and become a bigger star than Hogan was in the 80s.

well i am just going up what you and other posters staes cause anything that hogan does most of you blow it way out of proportion but if it were to happend with austin or some like him most of you would keep it as silent as possiable due to a very pro wwe vince mcmhaon enviroment around here.

mmmm I love generalizations.

and just becase of Russo and Jeff Jearrett did to him in wcw was not hogans doing, it was their doings, so why penilize on Bollea on some thing that was not his doing.
Because before that, I didn't know about his back stage politiking. Once Russo did what he did, I learned that Hogan only did business for himself and buried everyone else around him. And since you're too clouded in your love for Hogan, you won't ever see it the way I do. I'm glad once you learned of how toxic a backstage area he created in WCW you can still support him. I can't do it anymore.
I don't see where anything here I said shows me having a bias towards Hulk Hogan, I am just calling something like I see it. And what I am calling you and so many of these other cunt idiot marks out on is that you actually put stock and give a shit what someone is saying on a social networking site like Twitter. And I never defended a single thing Hogan said, you go and find a post where I cry foul in Hogan's favor. And yes you are right I am a Hogan fan, but not a Hogan mark, trust me there's a big difference.

But yeah you stupid fool go and find ONE post in this whole thread about Hogan shooting on Edge's retirement where I actually defend him. Go ahead, I challenge you to do that. Like I told you in my last post genius watch out for where you shoot your ammo because you're ricocheting.

Again bossman, I'm sticking to what I am saying here, focus on what you see on the weekly wrestling shows, this bullshit you hear from people on Twitter is just that bullshit. I never defended a thing Hogan said because I am indifferent to it, what I am defending though is the good sense and taste of a wrestling fan that enjoyed the artform before it started breaking the fourth wall on a constant basis. Things have gotten so bad with social networking and the internet that when someone like Terry Bollea who I already labelled as a crusty old fart and idiot several posts ago in this thread starts posting rants on Twitter it then becomes hard to tell if he's kayfabing it or not.

Like I was saying you turd snap, I am not defending what Hogan said I don't care personally speaking. I am merely defending the point that an old school fan is not going to care about the stupid shit that goes on with these stupid social networking sites. We all know Hogan is at a low point in his career and will say anything to get attention whether I agree with it or not is not is neither here nor there.

So yeah the first thing you need to do is evaluate why you watch professional wrestling in the first place. Your primary concern should be the televised product not the tabloid bullshit side of things. So before you go and call me a mark "Mr. My Panties Are All Tied In A Bunch Because Of Hogan's Twitter Rant", do remember to think that you're getting all upset about what someone said outside of the confines of the wrestling presentation than within it.

OK, it's time to be men here and quit with the childish name calling. Which I admit I'm just as responsible for. It's been well established by both of us that we're both true wrestling fans. Maybe you weren't defending Hogan. Just like I didn't bring in his personal life in my first post.

I just don't get how you say stick to wrestling on TV and don't worry about what they say on Twitter. Yet your on a wrestling forum blasting people for their opinions on what he said on Twitter. Why do you go on forums and wrestling sites? If you stick to watching it on TV.
OK, it's time to be men here and quit with the childish name calling. Which I admit I'm just as responsible for. It's been well established by both of us that we're both true wrestling fans. Maybe you weren't defending Hogan. Just like I didn't bring in his personal life in my first post.

I just don't get how you say stick to wrestling on TV and don't worry about what they say on Twitter. Yet your on a wrestling forum blasting people for their opinions on what he said on Twitter. Why do you go on forums and wrestling sites? If you stick to watching it on TV.

Actually dude, I think your reply owns and I am not kidding. I just get frustrated with internet forums and talking about wrestling on them, I mean I know it's an irony that I am using an IWC forum to make fun of the IWC. But I just miss the old days of the business where we never gave a shit about who these people are off camera and all that stuff.

But I'm a dinosaur at times about the way the business runs and I have to remember sometimes that the social networks like Twitter and the internet itself factor in greatly to how this stuff is seen today.

I just long for an outlet here on the internet that's a little more relevant to the kayfabe part that's why I do my best to stick to threads related to that aspect, but sometimes because I just get a little frustrated with the tabloid aspect of pro wrestling I tend to spout off sometimes. Hell, maybe more than I should.

But hell dude, I think we've come to an understanding on both our parts with this.
And the responsible thing to do once you realize you've started a mini firestorm is to apologize. And I'm not jumping on him like a terrorist. I'm jumping on him like an athlete who doesn't think before he tweets. Just like TO, Chad Ocho/Johnson, Lebron James, or any other athlete who tweets before they think. It is irresponsible use of social media and you have to be aware when you put anything out to the world and your name is attached to it, there are consequences and you are responsible for your words. He said what he said, and now he is being held responsible for it by everyone save for his fans who think he can do no wrong.

We get it. No one is as pure as Hogan. Hogan and Flair are two different people. They have different vices. Moving on.

Warrior is a fuck up, he always has been he always will be. By the point Goldberg got the belt, the momentum was already shifting back to WWE because of guys like SCSA who when put head to head against Hogan and WCW, he out sold them. And did you really just call the Rock a flash in the pan? Hmm interesting. What happened between Rock and Hogan was special and awesome. And it happened because people like you cheer Hogan no matter what. Is that a testament to Hogan's legacy? Sure is. But does it prove my point that you're not seeing why so many people are viewing what he said in a way you're just apparently not capable of seeing? Sure does.

Much like its natural that if you like someone there's always a reason and an excuse for it. And your judgement is just as "clouded as mine" is at that point because you won't or can't see how negative those words were.

Yes, I and everyone else knows that Hulk Hogan's trainer broke his leg. The reason he did it was he hated the way Hogan looked (pretty boy in it for the wrong reasons) and was teaching him respect. He learned the lesson, and he impressed Matsuda. Are you saying you expect Bill Demont to break every rookie's legs on Tough Enough so they go through the trial by fire that Hogan went through?

That is not what I said. What I said was someone else would have filled the void. I didn't say someone else would be Hulk Hogan. I said someone else would have filled the void. Would they have done it as well as Hogan? Who knows because we're talking hypotheticals and there is no real answer. But since it's a hypothetical, you can argue that someone else could come along and become a bigger star than Hogan was in the 80s.

mmmm I love generalizations.

Because before that, I didn't know about his back stage politiking. Once Russo did what he did, I learned that Hogan only did business for himself and buried everyone else around him. And since you're too clouded in your love for Hogan, you won't ever see it the way I do. I'm glad once you learned of how toxic a backstage area he created in WCW you can still support him. I can't do it anymore.

so what your saying is that hogan aka Bollea is not allowed to make mistakes on his speeches and that the moment that he is misunderstood he is attacked real badly and his statmets are taken way ot of porportion. Unless your perfect and never made an error in your speeches and your completely perfect, well like the bible says, take the log off of your eyes first before taking the log off of some elses eyes. He does take responsibilty and appolgizes if he messes up exapmple the jon graziano statement, he appoligized--- the tsunami statment, he appoigized-- his last tweet he did clarify his thoghts on Edge Retiring. SO YES HE HOLDS HIM SELF RESPONSIBLE AND OWES UP TO HIM SELF AND APPOLIGIZES FOR WHAT HE DOES.

I never said that Bollea is 100 percet perfect, like you said lets move on.

actually your wrong about the goldberg situtation, the ratings started to fall because a month before ddp and goldberg fought for the title at a ppv in late summer early fall aol and time warner got control of wcw, now wehn goldberg and ddp were wrestling all of a sudden the programming was interupted cause it went up to its time limit at 11 pm and becuase of that the tv ppv fans never got to see the ending of that match, thus forth wcw had to give back million from that instance the majority of the wcw tv fans started to pull away from watching wcw tv product and that happend like in augst or september and then from there on in the ratings went down hill, now that was 4 to 5 months after SCSA won the title at wwf at the time. so for 4 more months after austin won the title wcw still was kicking wwf's butt in the ratings.

and no i my judgement is not clouded because i like Bollea, and to apporve that, i dont condone that he had sex with some one other then his then wife Linda. so your assumption of me on that is wrong.

also about hogan trainer. well let me let you in on some thing, The business was much tougher and more barberic to get in ncak in the 70s when hogan was breaking in that guys like hhh and in the 90s to today. you had to porve to the older wrestler that you were actually worth of getting one of their spots unlike today sant see that you have a great looking body and give you a pair of boots and say welcome in. it was tougher and more test were givin o see if you werethy or not more so then today.

well as in terms of stardom in the 80s, well like they say for Rocky Marciano i will say for Bollea-- let the record speak for its self

aslo about what he did backstage from 94 to 98 , well its not his fault that he brings legions of fana and was able to change the whols face of the company and brining in numbers and money to the compnay in almost Biblical Proportions.
Everyone can make mistakes, but when you do you own them and apologize. Simple as that. there was no apology just a clarification which doesn't cover an apology.

And since we both said lets move on, lets.
We're not going to see eye to eye on this so I'm done debating you. I'm leaving my argument like this: everyone is responsible for what they say, no matter their intentions. If they say something that is interpreted in a way that is offensive, the responsible thing is to clarify and apologize.
Everyone can make mistakes, but when you do you own them and apologize. Simple as that. there was no apology just a clarification which doesn't cover an apology.

And since we both said lets move on, lets.
We're not going to see eye to eye on this so I'm done debating you. I'm leaving my argument like this: everyone is responsible for what they say, no matter their intentions. If they say something that is interpreted in a way that is offensive, the responsible thing is to clarify and apologize.

I am glad that you can see, unless your name is God, then no one is perfect. Not even my self and i will admit that i have flaws, which human doesnt. But some times like in statements or in coversations, when you say some thing and the other person misuderstands you and or takes it a way that the statment was not meant to be taken that certain way, then you would clairfy your self in saying like" in other words " or some thing to clarify what you said. I belive that people misunderstood what hogan said and afetr he had got news that people misunderstood his first 2 tweets on Adams retirement then he clarified him self. The ony reason why some one should appologize is if they threatend, harrased, or offended some one, or if they make a statement and they abosutly have the intent on what they said in a negative way.

and yes i agree with you that EVERYONE is Responsible for what they say and do. But just as long as theri clarified like hogan or should i say Bollea had done then the issue should have been stopped right there instead of being blown out way out or proportioned. It was nice debating you.
Hogan belittling Edge for retiring early due to injuries is like Ali criticizing a boxer for retiring. Maybe Hogan wouldn't have needed a dozen back surgeries if he retired 15 years ago. Edge has accomplished everything in the business. Retiring healthy and young isn't a disgrace in my book.
Hogan belittling Edge for retiring early due to injuries is like Ali criticizing a boxer for retiring. Maybe Hogan wouldn't have needed a dozen back surgeries if he retired 15 years ago. Edge has accomplished everything in the business. Retiring healthy and young isn't a disgrace in my book.

but thats not what he meant.

and your saying that hogan is like ali. well why dont ppl like your self say the same for guys like flair, taker, and hhh. none of those three are in their primes any more and net even close to it either but yet is ok for them and not for hogan.

so Its ok for taker and hhh, on who allready has fought at wrestlemania 17 hog up and takes away a spot from younger talent such as seamus vs brian for the us title at wrestlemania 27. but its ok for them right? you ignorant wwe/ hogan haters just dont stop makeing your selves look more ignorant with posts like these cause apparantly your so brain washed with wwe spoon fed media that people like your self cant think on their own anymore:banghead:
Here's the thing. I am pretty sure that eventually Triple H and Undertaker will hang up their boots soon. We can't say the same for Hogan or Flasir apparently. Now there is no truth to this but I read somewhere that Hogan maybe thinking of entering a program with Anderson..if this is at all true can someone tell me why? What left does he have to prove. Also I think that it wasn't the Triple H/Taker match you should be griping at, it was undoubtedly the best match on the card. The match that should get the most heat in the world for dragging on for a half an hour is the Cole/Lawler match. That was a waste of air time that definitely could have been spent watching Brynan/Sheamus.

Hogan is a douchebag with a severe case of foot in mouth syndrome. Everything that dude says is just garbage. He hasn't been relevant for years and isn't even in a wrestling role. He just likes to stir shit to keep himself in the spotlight for as long as he can. I mean seriously, at the very least we can say that taker/HHH never tried to rock the boat with stupid comments like the ones that Hogan made.
Here's the thing. I am pretty sure that eventually Triple H and Undertaker will hang up their boots soon. We can't say the same for Hogan or Flasir apparently. Now there is no truth to this but I read somewhere that Hogan maybe thinking of entering a program with Anderson..if this is at all true can someone tell me why? What left does he have to prove. Also I think that it wasn't the Triple H/Taker match you should be griping at, it was undoubtedly the best match on the card. The match that should get the most heat in the world for dragging on for a half an hour is the Cole/Lawler match. That was a waste of air time that definitely could have been spent watching Brynan/Sheamus.

Hogan is a douchebag with a severe case of foot in mouth syndrome. Everything that dude says is just garbage. He hasn't been relevant for years and isn't even in a wrestling role. He just likes to stir shit to keep himself in the spotlight for as long as he can. I mean seriously, at the very least we can say that taker/HHH never tried to rock the boat with stupid comments like the ones that Hogan made.

But Hogan is not a full time wrestler nor he intends to be anymore, nor the main event or close to it. also we were talking about the big league wrestler who carry a lot of weight in the product not lawler and cole who both as in wring personell are just a flash in the pan, and no i am not talking about the old school lawler of 30 years ago i am talking about the current broadcasting lawler. hogan knows that he has nothing left to prove, but you dont see hhh or taker have need to pay all the money to their ex wives which hhh doesnt have cause he only married once,unlike hogan has to with like 40 thousand a month to linda and a 60 million dollars lawsuit that still stands in the balance cause of the accident of nick and john.

SEE MOST OF YOU TALK CAUSE YOU DONT KNOW THE CURRENT FINANCIAL POSITION HOGAN IS IN HIS PERSONAL LIFE, like they say the trobles of a pan would only be known to its cover. Hogan knows that both of his kids are not making the big bucks to support them selves and he knows that he ex wife linda was a complete **** from the time they got married, even linda's mom warned hogan not to marry her daughter linda, cause she knew her daughter was after the money and was a complete **** as you guys see.
so unless your in hogans shoes and know the problems on what he has been going through the last 4 years, then just keep you mouth shut. Its a lot easier as a fan or as a person who just knows what you seee on the outside but its harder being the person going through all the crap.

also your saying hogan is a duche, well when you reach his level and went through 35 years of bullshit, busting his body, paving the way for all the mega stars after him, reached the age he is in, i think that has earned him the right to say WITHIN REASON what ever the hell he wants to. SO UNTIL YOU STEP IN HIS SHOES AND DONE WHATEVER HE HAS DONE, DONT TALK THE TALK AND GO WALK THE WALK. PERIOD END OF STORY.
Is it our fault that he never taught his children proper home training? It is not our fault that Nick Hogan is a dumbass that willingly put his life and the life of his friend in danger. Honestly the Hogans had that one coming. I mean your son get pulled over multiple times for speeding, yet instead of being a good father and stripping him of the keys until he learns to drive like a normal human being this asshole turns a blind eye. He acts like Nick's goddamn best friend and enables him. No one told him to put his life out there in a fucking reality show for the world to nitpick. Seriously, who the hell are you to judge her and call her a ****. Have you met Linda? I think that you are so quick to jump up and defend him based on how he ran "wild on you" back in the 80's. People only see Hogan the All American Wrestler and refuse to see him for the sad individual that he truly is. I respect Hogan for everything that he gave wrestling but he does not need to make comments that obviously put him in a bad position. My God somebody get their damn people some managers so they know what the hell to sya so they stop making asses of themselves. He is getting to be just as bad as the Honky Tonk man. It seems like everytime this dude opens his mouth he should be punched in it.
Is it our fault that he never taught his children proper home training? It is not our fault that Nick Hogan is a dumbass that willingly put his life and the life of his friend in danger. Honestly the Hogans had that one coming. I mean your son get pulled over multiple times for speeding, yet instead of being a good father and stripping him of the keys until he learns to drive like a normal human being this asshole turns a blind eye. He acts like Nick's goddamn best friend and enables him. No one told him to put his life out there in a fucking reality show for the world to nitpick. Seriously, who the hell are you to judge her and call her a ****. Have you met Linda? I think that you are so quick to jump up and defend him based on how he ran "wild on you" back in the 80's. People only see Hogan the All American Wrestler and refuse to see him for the sad individual that he truly is. I respect Hogan for everything that he gave wrestling but he does not need to make comments that obviously put him in a bad position. My God somebody get their damn people some managers so they know what the hell to sya so they stop making asses of themselves. He is getting to be just as bad as the Honky Tonk man. It seems like everytime this dude opens his mouth he should be punched in it.

No one is saying that its OUR fault for his kids Especially for Nick, cause brooke is in not that bad. There is some many things a poor father can do. A father can only do so much but then its up to the son to get his ass together and mature and own up to his mistakes. Plus Terry for much of his kids growing up was not with them that much because of his career of wrestling and being on the rod 300 times a year. so since he was absent do to his job, then the responsibility FALL ON LINDA AS THE PARENT ON SITE. there is even a youtube video of LINDA racing with brooke NOT TERRY So the person to blame on how the kids grew up in NOT TERRY WHO WAS ALMOST NEVER HOME , THE BLAME SHOULD BE PUT ON LINDA WHO WAS AT HOME MOST OF THE TIME. while linda was spending million of Terry's dollars on her bad habbits, she should have grown her children up with respect instead. For THE PERSONS OWN MOTHER TO WARN A FUTURE SON IN LAW ABOUT HER OWN DAUGHTER SPELLS VOLUMS FOR ITS SELF. AND as per his mouth in terms of speaking This is a free country and as long as he does'nt threaten, harass, sexually harass, racial slurs, religious slurs( micheal cole), then he could say what ever the heck he wants to. Its called the first admendment of the United States constituion.
He can say whatever he wants, but expect people to take offense and even let fists fly. You know you make a good point that the blame lies with Linda. If she knew that he was gonna be on the road 300 plus days of the year and chose to have children with him knowing they wouldn't have a stable home life. She is in the wrong too. I swear sometimes it just pays to use condoms or birthcontrol, fuck just keep your damn legs closed. This would solve a lot of the world's problems. Potentially smart people pushing out uneducated idiots that rise to a significant social standing and start fucking up the world one life at a time.
He can say whatever he wants, but expect people to take offense and even let fists fly. You know you make a good point that the blame lies with Linda. If she knew that he was gonna be on the road 300 plus days of the year and chose to have children with him knowing they wouldn't have a stable home life. She is in the wrong too. I swear sometimes it just pays to use condoms or birthcontrol, fuck just keep your damn legs closed. This would solve a lot of the world's problems. Potentially smart people pushing out uneducated idiots that rise to a significant social standing and start fucking up the world one life at a time.

well when Terry and linda got Married on December 18 1983, and i will tell you even this that the alchaol consumed at the weadding cost more then the ceromny its self that night, but anyway back to the point even at that time Terry was in a very Hot seat was was very much in demand cause not even 2 weeks later vince Jr called terry up and 2 days after terry signed up with then WWF so linda sorts knew what she was getting her self into. see from the time them meet at the Red Onion Resturant/ Bar/ Club of July 1981 to their mariage in dec 18 1983 she had 2 years to figure out what she was getting her self into.

Believe me i know more about Terry then even his distant relative know, I mean i even know what color underwears he wears, his favorite candy, his birth date, birth weight, his address at willadel dr. a clear description of his child hood home and etc. so now you know why i get so mad when ppl talk stuff about hoagn that i know for sure are false. i mean damn he had 3 shower heads in his master bathroom in his big house at willadel dr and he calles them the master of disaster. I as you would called it a Ultimate HULKAMANIAC.
I really don't think Hogan meant any ill words toward Edge. In context, it looks like Hogan's challenging Edge's heart for the business. All I think it was is a case of Hogan simply saying he's surprised Edge is heeding the doctor's advice instead of wrestling despite doctor's orders.

Edge looks up to Hogan... to me, if Edge doesn't think Hogan's comments were meant to be anything more than idle chat, then this should be a null subject. It's all in how you take Hogan. Some think he's a dick. Some think he can do no wrong. In this case, Hogan said what was on his mind and never considered how his words could be used.
Lance Storm weighs in

Q: I don't know if you've read this yet, but upon news of Edge's injury and retirement, Hulk Hogan tweeted some very disparaging comments with regard to Edge being a quitter. He pretty much said real wrestlers work hurt, and named a few of whom are in TNA or not currently affiliated with the WWE that continued to wrestle despite there physical well being at risk. Obviously his comments came off looking moronic and asinine; why would ANY human being continue to do something where they had a great chance of being crippled?! Lance, I would just like you're thoughts on why Hogan would publicly insult a man who grew up idolizing him? It's just a detriment to his personal character in the end, and he had nothing to gain in doing so.

A: You misread what Hogan intended and I don’t think Hogan fully understood Edge’s situation. Hogan is a friend of Edge’s and he was, in my opinion, intending to put Edge over. I think Hogan clarified his remarks later. I think this was more a case of Hogan misunderstanding the situation and not fully thinking out what he said before saying it. Hogan did not mean to insult Edge in any way here.

And Storm isn't a guy who's going to protect egos. He's pretty straight forward with his own opinions, even if I don't always agree with him.

The saddest part about this whole thing is that people used it to push their "I hate Hogan" agenda, and now that they've been repeatedly disagreed with, nobody will come in and apologize for saying hateful, ugly things that were based on their own assumptions and not reality. Ahh, the beauty of the Internet/Blogging age....
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