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Hulk Hogan comments on Edge's retirement

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The majority of these comments are pretty pathetic.

First of all, who the hell cares what anybody else thinks? Especially about something that has absolutely nothing to do with you.

Secondly, how can you even tell what Hogan meant through gargled "tweeting"? It was nearly impossible to depict feeling, emotion, and meaning of written text before ebonics and nonsense language took over - let alone after it.

Why jump to conclusions? It looks like he was making a genuine gesture over his feeling that Vince is trying to do away with the "wrestling" business and head into "entertainment". And even if it's not - who cares!!

I've seen some replies on here scolding Hogan for "not knowing how significant Edge's injury is" and how dare he jump to conclusions. Well why is it ok for you to do so?

I try not to comment on any of these types of things because, in my experience, they are always taken out of context and manipulated to stir up controversy - because as Eric Bischoff once described "controversy creates cash".

- Prime

It might have been taken out of context....but lets face it, Hulk Hogan isnt someone who shys away from giving his opinion, no matter what other people might think of him afterwards. Also if he is saying wwe is taking away from the wrestling part of the industry and focusing more on entertainment, i must say thats pretty damn ******ed. Thats coming from TNA where most of their impact shows are promos, bringing in members of the jersey shore, (before wwe did mind you) I mean TNA USED to be more about wrestling before hogan got there. So hogan shouldnt say anything about wwe, maybe when their ratings go up, he can talk. In conclusion, Hogan is an ass clown.
Edge basically took years off himself for the stunts he did. He worked his ass off to make great moments and matches for the fans.

Rammsteinerteen, i can agree with that statement but what about Jeff Hardy? He took the same bumps that Edge did. So from this standpoint Hogan said what he said, because Jeff Hardy (when all his issued are resolved) he might still wrestle in TNA. Look i respect Edge for what he has done throught his career and of course we don't know the seriousness of his injuries, but still Hardy did take the same bumps and might still be able to wrestle ( after all his issues are over).
not even reading all the bullshit that'll most likely be said in here...i'm getting straight to the point. I think hogan's comments were misconstrued and understood as something he didn't say. somehow his initial tweet was totally taken as a statement which he didn't make....which makes this whole thing mind blowing to me
A work? Really?...Really? Have you missed his speech? Didnt you see his emotions? If this was a work, hell he should talk to Spielberg how many Academy Awards their movie should get!

To any of those thinking this is work, should it turn out like you said you can give me your adress and I will wash your car and take your trash out for 1 year without payments!

The way this went down with all the talk and all the pictures, all the guys and divas (heel or face, who cares?) united to pay him respect this COULD be work...if it was TNcrAp. They have a history in such cheap "storylines".

Yes, Hogan is right that WWE is headed to Entertainment rather then Wrestling. But hey, ~3 to 4 ratings vs. 1....hmm, guess which company is state-of-the-art?

I dont agree with those that all of a sudden never liked HH since Hulkamania is a Legacy but Dude, take your money and open a beach bar in Bora Bora but stay away from public to save whats left of the Icon Hulk Hogan!

Like someone mentioned (but its fitting): And I quote.....you know your role, and shut your damn mouth.
I did think that Hogan will receive good amount of heat for his comments.

Now I believe everyone is misunderstanding the intentions of Hulk Hogan. Not everyone is supposed to be having the same thoughts as you do.

Hogan is the person that went out in the ring with a lot of injuries and in his life, he might have heard many many comments by Doctor that going in the ring is no more safe for you. He is just giving his opinion based on his experience. Now ofcourse, nothing that he has suffered is close to Edge's condition. He also mentioned Stone Cold Steve Austin. It is a widely known fact that he broke his neck and after that he was reduced in the in-ring capacity and could have suffered hugely if he went out there. And yet he did.

This however, does not change the fact that what Edge has faced is a much severe condition. And actually, he has already done what Stone Cold did!

He broke his neck 8 damn years ago! He has given us 8 damn years after that injury and with a little limited in-ring performance. This is the time that he MUST retire. Even if he wants to get back in the ring, no one should allow him to.

But there is no reason to hate on 'Hogan by believing that he is trying to degrade Edge.
I agree with everything Hulk has said............. The surgery that Edge got is no different than any other surgery than many, many wrestlers get and still wrestler for years or even to this day.....

In Hulk Hogans day the operation would have been more severe and he is prob right they would have still wrestled especially if they were champion.

Edge has toyed with retirement and that was all to set up this STORYLINE...... There is no way that he is retired but I do like what WWE is doing especially if this gives a chance to a younger wrestler especially Cody Rhodes.

ITS A STORYLINE.......... Why would they show Edge talking with Cena backstage.......... Its been done before and you guys get fooled every time!
all i can say is wow just wow did u not see cena mouth are you leaving and edge nodded cena and edge im sure are friends so ya please stfu and on topic HOGAN = the biggest asshole in the world
Damn, these comments show ecactly what I've always said about hogan, he's a worthless piece of crap.. He only cares about himself and not anybody else or even the business that made him. I'm glad Edge is listening to the doctors and retiring while he still walk out on his own 2 feet.. Hogan is a crippled broken down piece of shit.. Maybe the day he is finally carried out on a stretcher for the final time, he will realize what he's become.. Hope Edge enjoys his retirement, he's earned it..
Dear Hogan defenders,

How? How can you defend this? I know what he posted later to backtrack what he said 10 hours after he threw Edge under the bus...There's no defense of this.

Hulk Hogan is Randy the goddamn Ram. He wants to die in the ring in a blaze of glory and he apparently thinks everyone else should too. I respect Edge more than ever for not trying to man up through this injury and saying he can do it. I'd much rather have Edge retire now, and live a healthy and fulfilling life than watch him embarrass himself for the next 20 years as he tries to hold onto the glory he once had.

I'll agree with what others are saying: Hulk Hogan the character I have no problem with. Terry the Man: Needs to shut the fuck up and not run at the mouth.
never liked hogan. hes never been able 2 wrestle, he ruined tna and has now given me and every other sane person another reason 2 loathe him. hope his back gives out on him next time he dus that stupid strut he dus.
Also I just noticed how can Hogan say something like this was Edge acknowledged him in his farewell speech?? He called him an all time great that he went go watch at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. Hogan should have been humbled when Edge said this not called him out when he knows nothing about the injury.I don't judge people often, but I'm sure tempted to with Hogan. :disappointed::disappointed:

i'm going to miss Adam. He was my favorite wrestler. :icon_cry:
i have always been a huge edgehead and this really pissed me off, bearing in mind hogan has apparently backtracked. hogan has zero class, and zero respect for any1 except himself, which is actually ok because any proper wrestling fan disregards everything he says as the babbling of an irrelevant, washed up, bitter old cunt. i have never been impressed with the quality of any of hogans matches which i have seen, just the same old shit everytime like watching a much much shitter version of cena. Edge has entertained us all for well over a decade with countless memorable moments and matches, Hogan has just irritated us in the same time span. he should show some repect to someone who earned Legendary status, unlike hogan who was just in the right place at the right time for the gimmick vince wanted at the time. Edge began at the bottom and worked his way to the top, all the time re-inventing and developing his character.

bottom line is Edge is a legitimate and genuine legend.
Hogan is a pathetic old man.
Not a fan of hogan or edge. I cannot speak to the state of mind the huckster was in hiwever, a twitter user myself i find that i can only put up part of a thought if im doin a tweet fast. Theres onky so much you can tweet at once. Sometimes ive made tweets and they were funny cuz i had to cut a bit out and it looked dumb,

One tweet was viewed as rock bashing but bein in a hurry and editing i had to edit quick and it came out wrong and im a big rock fan. I dont like the huckster hell i hate the guy sans when he was in the 1996 nWo. But i can see if he made a boo boo. A bad one yes but no ones perfect.

As much as i hate edge too i can respect and appreciate the hard work hes done and hes come a long way from that goof posing for cameras flashing and a punk who steals girlfriends to a legit champion. Much luck wished to copeland.
HH or Terry Bollea whatever you want to call him is what we call a prize plonker. Edge had the good sense to know when to retire unlike Hogan who can't see when to retire because he has an ego the size of Mars and thinks he is wrestling.
Hulk Hogan is an absolute JOKE!!!

This guy has done nothing for the business for like 15 years.
Refusing to put over Randy Orton and refusing to Job to HBK after HBK took the pin in thier first match

As far as Edge is concerned he is 20x the wrestler that Hogan ever was. Hogan was just in the right place at the right time during the wresting boom
What I was getting at was the people I named minus Edge have had to retire from the ring and one Tom Billington is in a wheelchair and that it was not a storyline if this is just a storyline WWE is doing I think it's sick and cruel and I believe it's not a storyline one Del Rio never attacked Edge nor Christian never came out and three Edge is on Smack down not RAW I know they had both brands on both shows that was just for The Wrestlemania build up and he is the Smackdown Champion well now ex champion for SD.
This is guy has done nothing good for any company after Nitro. With the exception of his match with the rock, he;s been as much of an embarrassment to wrestling as much as he helped it in the past. His in-ring work has always been minimal, the fact that he's delusional enough to compare himself to Edge's work ethic tells you something about his ego.
Thank God Hogan said these things. Adam "Edge" Copeland just ruined his credibility with this. Kurt Angle's neck was way worse than his and Kurt is still going strong and hes older than Edge. Suck it up and work hurt like wrestlers all claim is part of the biz. I dont care if he retires because hes been slacking for a couple years anyway.
Although it's ridiculous what he said, I don't know why this is what made people hate Hogan. Hogan has been a P.O.S. for a very long time.

Think of the WCW crap he pulled, think of the current TNA shit he's pulled, think of all the stupid twitter comments, think about how every match he had to be carried in, think about how he is extraordinarily unathletic, think about how everything was handed to him, think about how terrible of a father he is, and think about the things he said about the young man his son PARALYZED. Hogan is/has been fucking terrible for years, why is it all surfacing now from this? Hogan is a fucking terrible PERSON and IN RING PERFORMER and a fucking DRAMA QUEEN. He always needs the spot light, Hogan flat out sucks and he is one of those guys I have hated forever. He DID a lot for the business but he has also done just as much harm to the business and his own reputation

But really, Edge was a wonderful performer, 100x better than Hogan IN THE RING, and most wrestler for that matter. He also is apparently a hell of alot smarter than most.
I have to admit that I am a bit surprised by Hogan with these comments about Edge's retirement. You would think there was some animosity between the two. I expected comments like that from the Hardy losers.
I am geeting really up set here and every other forum / face book pages on all the hatred on Hulk Hogan.

He was just stating current policy on the WWE not talking bad about Edge. he was saying that if Edge worked under the old WWF days or any other company he would have been able to work under what he has now. He is bad talking the new WWE policy not Edge.

Further more, Hogan was the reason why Edge became a wrestler in the First place.

Also what upsets me is that i see all the anti Hogan fans saying that hogan should have jobbed to this guy and that guy and that he is just their for his ego and etc Well news flash, he did job to younger guys like over 15 times in his carrier ulike Shawn micheal at wrestle mania 14 wher undertaker back stage had to dicipline him can shawn did absolutly not want to job to austin.

One last thing, Vince Mcmahon built Titan Towers on HOGANS BLOOD. Hogan carried the wcw and wwf on his shoulder for many years, and paved the way for guys like Austin, taker, hhh, micheals, rock , cena, and etc. What you haters said that what hogan has been doing for the last 4 years in ruining his legacy and doing some very bad thing well i will tell you this much, Hulk is an angel compared to the the things that Micheals , Bischoff and ulitmatly Vince Mcmahon Jr and what they did to many ppl back stage and in their personal lives for practically their whole careers.

HH or Terry Bollea whatever you want to call him is what we call a prize plonker. Edge had the good sense to know when to retire unlike Hogan who can't see when to retire because he has an ego the size of Mars and thinks he is wrestling.

Hogan hasn't wrestled in over a year Einstein, check your facts next time before you go and say something that'll stick your foot so far into your mouth that it'll come out your backside.

Hogan can make a big enough idiot out of himself and doesn't need someone like you to do it for him. So yeah, your Hogan should retire argument when the guy has only wrestled one match in the TNA promotion shows how misled you are. If he was really planning on taking over the fed completely, he'd have been the champion by now.

For Christ's sakes go look up the word kayfabe in the urban dictionary, or is that something you'd rather not fancy, chap?
Thank God Hogan said these things. Adam "Edge" Copeland just ruined his credibility with this. Kurt Angle's neck was way worse than his and Kurt is still going strong and hes older than Edge. Suck it up and work hurt like wrestlers all claim is part of the biz. I dont care if he retires because hes been slacking for a couple years anyway.

You really are a fucking mouthy idiot. Edge has been hurting with injuries for YEARS. He's just come off a torn Achilles tendon and just had a neck fusion with the doctor saying that if Edge keeps on competing, he will die, if not paralyzed.
Thank God Hogan said these things. Adam "Edge" Copeland just ruined his credibility with this. Kurt Angle's neck was way worse than his and Kurt is still going strong and hes older than Edge. Suck it up and work hurt like wrestlers all claim is part of the biz. I dont care if he retires because hes been slacking for a couple years anyway.

hummm its not the same thing dude. Kurt Angle's injury might not have been as serious as Edge's injury. Yes they both had broken necks, yeah they both had the same operation but i get the feeling that Edge's injury is similar to what Arn Anderson went through. Remember Arn said that one bump could kill him, so i thinks its the same thing.

As for what hogan said i don't want to defend him, but what if he really thought that the Edge speech was not legit and then found out it was legit? Like i said in an earlier post, until i saw most of the Raw roster (heels and faces) say goodbye to Edge i didn't think it was legit.
Hogan and Edge have two different Era's of wrestling, come on the two were WWE Tag Team Champions together and Hogan talked shit about Edge.

The doctors told Edge he would end up in a wheelchair. come on Hogan if you were gonna end up in one you would stop too.

All these years Hogan has been a hero to me from the time I was a kid and now it makes me sick. Edge is a great wrestler and entertainer. I said it before in another post We haven't seen the last of Edge and i'm 100% sure he isn't going to TNA for spotlight time. He will be back in the WWE in some form.
So just because he had numerous back surgeries and hip surgeries, that he can say these things about Edge, who chose his own health and well-being and not risk permanent damage? Who the fuck does Hogan think he is, God? (not Flair)

I'm telling you, guys like Flair, Hogan, and any other wrestler who can't let go the fact that taking bumps and risking life in the ring can kill you. I understand they know the risks and how to bounce back from it, but when you get to the point of no return, you got to know reality for what it is. Edge had no choice but to retire because he doesn't want to risk permanent damage to himself, but Hogan thinks its just storyline? Fucking douche should check that segment again and see if its "just storyline". Just as I knew, ever since 2005, he sinks lower and lower into infamy.
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