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Hulk Hogan comments on Edge's retirement

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I agree with everything Hulk has said............. The surgery that Edge got is no different than any other surgery than many, many wrestlers get and still wrestler for years or even to this day.....

In Hulk Hogans day the operation would have been more severe and he is prob right they would have still wrestled especially if they were champion.

Edge has toyed with retirement and that was all to set up this STORYLINE...... There is no way that he is retired but I do like what WWE is doing especially if this gives a chance to a younger wrestler especially Cody Rhodes.

ITS A STORYLINE.......... Why would they show Edge talking with Cena backstage.......... Its been done before and you guys get fooled every time!
I love how an old man who WEARS A GIANT BACK BRACE and waddles down the aisle to get in the ring is criticizing Edge for retiring now.

Keep in mind this: Edge has had some serious surgeries over the past 4-5 years, and the fact that the guy can barely feel his arms anymore isn't just dangerous for him, but for his fellow wrestlers. Does anyone remember how crippling it was to D'Lo Brown that he feels responsible for crippling Darren Drozdov? What happens if Alberto Del Rio kicks a vertebrae loose and paralyzes Edge? Or if Christian hit the Killswitch and Edge isn't moving afterwards?

if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago

I love how the TNA marks try to spin this to them. Um, people, HOGAN said this. HOGAN is at fault. This first comment is truly tasteless. By the way, I don't know if Hogan doesn't understand TIME, but 15 years ago was 1996, and Arn Anderson and Paul Orndorf had neck injuries around that time, and they both had to retire from ring action.

In a follow-up to his recent controversial remarks about Edge's retirement, Hulk Hogan posted the following comments on his official Twitter page: "I'm not saying anything bad about Edge, but he's a real wrestler. Stone Cold and Cena had neck surgery and u couldn't stop em, or Edge. It's in Edges blood,he lives for this business. He's a real wrestler, he's a lifer, he's one of the real boys, he's hard to hold down, that's all. HH"

It's interesting to note that Hogan's mention of Steve Austin's neck surgery (the same surgery that Edge had) seemed to indicate that Austin worked after the surgery and Edge has not. Both men worked for a while after their surgeries, but Austin stopped wrestling for the exact same reason Edge has been forced to retire: they risk very serious, permanent damage to their bodies if they continue.

Maybe Hogan said stuff on Twitter after this, but that's called damage control. Here's an idea: say "good luck Edge" or "great career, Edge" or "thanks to my old tag team champion partner" or even "respect to Edge." If you don't like him, SAY NOTHING! You don't go in public and talk about a guy who's practically giving up being the top guy on the biggest wrestling show in the world that listening to doctors is bullshit. He's giving up the World Heavyweight Title! He's taking money out of his own pocket! He's basically quitting his job due to fear of being unable to walk.

And as for this shit about working hurt, we're not talking sore knees, broken fingers or even concussions. We're talking a man that could become paralyzed. Old wrestlers worked hurt, but even they knew at some point that they couldn't go. And those that do still go, guys like Roddy Piper and Jimmy Snuka and Jake Roberts of the world, we see what it's done to them. We see the drug and substance abuse. We see the mangled bodies and the medical procedures. If anything, Hogan is probably jealous that the new generation of wrestlers have outside projects they can turn to when they retire. Edge has a life planned outside of wrestling, something that Hulk Hogan never even tried to do, or if he did failed at miserably.
The majority of these comments are pretty pathetic.

First of all, who the hell cares what anybody else thinks? Especially about something that has absolutely nothing to do with you.

Secondly, how can you even tell what Hogan meant through gargled "tweeting"? It was nearly impossible to depict feeling, emotion, and meaning of written text before ebonics and nonsense language took over - let alone after it.

Why jump to conclusions? It looks like he was making a genuine gesture over his feeling that Vince is trying to do away with the "wrestling" business and head into "entertainment". And even if it's not - who cares!!

I've seen some replies on here scolding Hogan for "not knowing how significant Edge's injury is" and how dare he jump to conclusions. Well why is it ok for you to do so?

I try not to comment on any of these types of things because, in my experience, they are always taken out of context and manipulated to stir up controversy - because as Eric Bischoff once described "controversy creates cash".

- Prime
To quote the most must see wwe champion The Miz...REALLY..Listen to doctors..REALLY...hulk hogan one of the most "decorated" wrestlers in the industry with his "AMAZING" leg drop to his awe inspiring "BIG BOOT" has the nerve to say this about Edge. Has Hogan ever been in a high spot match before in his life? NEVER have we seen hogan jump off of 20 ft ladders to spear someone while giving yourself a 20 ft DDT while you perform the damn move! Im sure if Hogans son nick would have listened to doctors, he wouldnt have paralyzed one of his "BEST FRIENDS" the thing is people like hogan flair and all them they dont need to listen to doctors because the next step is death for them...listen to the fans nobody wants to see your pathetic bodies show up and waste good time for up and coming wrestlers...Edge has to work his ass off to become what he is today and he did it the right way working his way up winning the tag titles winning the ic belt and becoming a multi time world champion. He has done it all and thus is why he is stepping away while he can still step away whereas HOGAN and FLAIR are still very "PASSIONATE" about the business im sure if you looked up the word passionate you'd see the word paycheck because thats all hogan and flair are working for now they dont give a damn about the business anymore and to make comments like this about someone who does is just tasteless Hogan needs to crawl aways but like always there will be those "TNA MARKS" the same who thinks JoMo should be pushed that will agree that Edge wasn't that good.
Wow. Hulk was that necessary. What a cheap shot! Hogan just continues to sully his legacy with ridiculous, bitter statements designed to draw attention to himself.

If Hogan took a cue from Edge and retired on top instead of pissing away his legacy year after year with revisionist history, outrageous creative and pay demands, and no conclusive retirement, people still might respect him!
HH, is just as pathetic as the character he plays, in the company he represents! Does he forget about all his back surgurys he went through ver the last year! Maybe Edge doesn't want to go through that, maybe Edge wants to be more than a broken down shell of his former self like Hulk Hogan! Hogan is a piece of shit!
Damn dude...I stop reading your post as soon as it began...How can you say any wrestler takes bumps that another? Remember they are taught to protect themselves and others in the match...also, 350 days a year on the road. Come on dude. They all did ladder matches. Edge is hurt yes, but don't discredit another with no credible statements

seriously? that's all you're gonna say, "no credible statement". you're actually defending Hogan's nonsense? Hogan, who wrestled in his era of the most extreme match being no DQ and the most they'd use is a chair, uttering nonsense and using guys as examples (by the way, just about ALL the guys he mentioned would tell him to go F himself) with either different injuries or, this is the best "credible" statement for you:

Orndorff retired from WCW after a...get ready for this ok? NECK INJURY
he used Austin as an example. Austin broke his neck in 1997 and retired in 2003, 6 years. Edge had his neck injury 8 years ago, outlasting Austin by 2 years.

Hogan is talking from a crippled old man perspective. he never took those bumps in the WWF that Edge took in 97-03 or so. Hogan certainly never took those bumps in WCW, not even close to it.

for Hogan, who's beaten up like hell without taking half of the amount of punishment Edge and to call him out on it and say he's basically still able to work, to say that is crap.

also remember, Edge's WWF/E schedule was more difficult than Hogan's. Vince had a more strenuous schedule for his talent when during Edge's tenure there over WCW (yeah why do you think the WWF schedule was a bit of a problem for the Stinger back in 2002?) when Edge was busting his @$$ off on WWF RAW, Hogan was just cutting promos in WCW. that's all Hogan did in WCW 90% of the time, especially on Nitro. nWo promo in the beginning, probably nWo promo at the end (lucky if he got a 10 minute match in) most of the time.

how about you give "credible" facts on defending Hogan's bull? give me a match where he took a hell of a bump like Edge did throughout his career? i bolded that ladder match statement because Hogan never did a ladder match Lol if he did, i'd like to see that masterpiece of a match.

to add to that: the fact Hogan is backtracking on his comments is apparent he knew they were stupid. if the man who said them knows it, you should too.
How big of a douche can Hogan possibly be? He had no real knowledge of how extensive Edge's injuries were when he made these comments. I fully expect some PR spin on Hogan's part to come shortly with him apologizing.

Or maybe he'll pull a Kurt Angle and claim that his account was hacked.
this is coming from a guy who flashes his own ****ty no talent daughter hahahah... Yeah hogan u piece of shit uve bin finished since 2004 just crawl in a hole already.. HULKAMANIA IS DEAD U GOOBER
I think the worst part is that Edge is the BIGGEST Hogan fan out there. He idolized the man growing up. And now Hogan says this shit? Copeland must be so bummed out by this.

I still love Hogan (the character) for all the great things he has done in wrestling, but fuck Terry Bollea.
In my opinion Hogan is a douchebag, but with what he said on Twitter about Edge makes him more of a douche. I'm a huge Edgehead, have his merch and it was one of the greatest things for me to see him wrestle in November last year during the SD! UK Tour, and was lost for words when I heard he retired, after reading stuff about how he said he has a couple of years left in him not long ago and not reading any serious injuries bar Miz's concussion stemming from WrestleMania I thought all was fine.

I'd much rather see one of my heroes retire at the top of his game, rather than be a money-hungry asshole who doesn't know when to quit. By retiring, as the World Champion no less, Edge is doing the smart choice rather than continue to wrestle which will no doubt deminish his health moreso. I think the steroids have shrunk more than Hogan's balls and gotten to his head, Matt who's had the most personal of issues with Copeland was respectful enough to post a good 'tweet' over the shocking news to his friend.

Hogan never took bumps as bad as Edge has done in the 19 years he's been wrestling, TLC/Ladder Matches, Cage/HIAC/EC Matches, Last Man Standing Matches. 13 Ladder Matches he's been in, 7 TLC 6 Normal, unreal amount of punishment no doubt.
Hogan backtracked. I'm shocked. It really does make me wonder whether any of these people like Angle and Hogan think before they write stuff like this?
Can't say that I was suprised at hogan's comments. But I didn't expect them to be so brutal. What really pissed me off was that in that promo edge cut, he told the fans how his first wwe live match was seeing hogan face off ultimate warrior and that's what inspired him, then we here hogan talking trash about edge. It really shows what kind of man hulk is. I never personally liked the man, I always thought he was someone that would be hard to work with. All in all I will miss edge just like the millions of fans across the world. I hope that he doesn't completely leave wwe and he decides to appear once in a while even though he probably won't be competing. Love to see him do some commentary.
I still stand by my comments said earlier. If Hogan new this wasn't a work and said what he said, then he is an idiot. But like i said earlier, if Hogan thought it was a work then he has the right to have said what he said. Think about it we don't really know if Hogan posted what he said on his twitter account after Raw was over or during Edge's speech. Honestly how many of you thought Edge was retiring legit at the moment of his speech? I for one thought it was a work, until i saw both the heels and the faces of the Raw locker room say goodbye to Edge.
To the handful of people defending Hogan. All of the positive things you quoted are simply spin. All you need to see is the first quote of the post, about Hogan, Flair, Hardy, etc retiring 15 years ago if they listened to doctors. There is no other way to take that than "Edge is less than us because he listend to his doctor". No other way to spin it. Sorry, as others have said, Hogan is way out of line and deserves the negative reaction he is getting.
How big of a douche can Hogan possibly be? He had no real knowledge of how extensive Edge's injuries were when he made these comments. I fully expect some PR spin on Hogan's part to come shortly with him apologizing.

Or maybe he'll pull a Kurt Angle and claim that his account was hacked.

And guess what, you have no real knowledge of Edge's true injury status either. For all we know they could be pulling the biggest rib here, never take WWE says for being 100 per cent legit. Kurt Angle supposedly had such a serious and severe neck injury that if he worked Mania 19 against Lesnar there was a "risk" of permanent paralysis. I've got a good feeling Edge is done but then again this could all be one big storyline.

If you people want to think differently than you haven't watched the same product I have for the better part of twenty plus years where wrestlers have been "injured" in all sorts of ways for the sake of storyline. Sure injuries do happen of course and I am not saying that Edge is faking anything but there could be some grand exaggeration here.

If you people SERIOUSLY don't realize there's a possibility than naiveté has blinded you all too greatly.

As far as Hogan goes, to hell with what he says on his Twitter account we all know most of his posts are bullshit, it's no different than the train wreck Charlie Sheen has become. Even as one of the biggest fans of the Hulk Hogan character I will say the guy playing him has become a crusty old fart, I'll admit that. But that's another story for another day. But people when are we gonna learn to separate characters from their idiot portrayers? Seriously!

People seriously need to learn to separate the whole Twitter craze of these people saying stupid shit from their in ring careers. Just remember at the end of the day people, we're all following an artform that's no different than a broadway play or TV show in the regards to a story being told, we could all very well be worked...just remember that.
I think you all need to calm down. Wrestlezones shoddy journalism only told a quarter of the story!!!

Hulk Hogan: "if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago, but I don't know Edges working environment because they are a media company not a wrestling company. HH wrestlers work hurt!"

"What about Foley! I bet EDGE still wants to keep wrestling,he's one of the boys big time!!! HH"

"my take is with a unfixable neck injury it's over ,but he's one of the boys and it will be hard to keep him down,he's 4life HH"

"I'm not saying anything bad about Edge but he's a real wrestler,Stone Cold and Cena had neck surgery and u couldn't stop em,Or Edge it's in Edges blood,he lives for this business he's a real wrestler,he a lifer,he's one of the real boys,he's hard to hold down,that's all. HH"

I just see a lot of Hogan's later posts as backtracking from what he put out there earlier. While I'm not necessarily surprised at Hulk Hogan, I'm a little disappointed. I can attribute it to a difference in eras between the two. Hulk wrestled in a time where one was expected to keep going, work through every injury, until you left the ring in a wheelchair...or didn't leave the ring at all. Edge is in a new era where, while some of the old attitude still persists, it's respectable to walk away under your own steam.

I was also a little surprised to see Curt Hennig mentioned in Hulk's tirade about the guys that were told to stop but didn't. Isn't the tragedy of Mr. Perfect's death (cocaine mixed with painkillers and steroids) enough proof that perhaps the doctor's advice should be followed in regards to hanging up the boots? We can say that the guys like Hogan, Flair, AA mentioned in his tirade "toughed it out". But look at some of the consequences. Hogan himself is recovering from another recent surgery, Flair bleeds with ease from years of blading, AA has permanent damage to his spinal area. Edge should be applauded for choosing his health over performing in the ring.

Edge's passion for the fans and the business was obvious last night in his farewell. And Hulk Hogan, with all his health and injury issues, should be able to respect a man who realizes it's time to hang up the boots before it's too late. As many of his other colleagues Tweeted after his retirement (Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, and many others), Edge has a passion for the business we all love to watch.

Farewell to Edge - WWE Legend!
After Edge praised Hulk Hogan? Ungrateful son of a bitch Hulk Hogan is, ungrateful. What do you expect, he's working for B-Rate company, and seems to share no respect for anybody in WWE, because he thinks Abyssmania was a draw.

Edge basically took years off himself for the stunts he did. He worked his ass off to make great moments and matches for the fans.

-Edge spears Jeff Hardy twenty feet in the air.
-Hulk Hogan slams Andre after Stan Hansen did it in Japan, yet in USA it's still more famous?

Seriously, between those two, I choose Edge, because he sacraficed his body and career for that moment, all Hulk Hogan does is a stupid dumbass overrated slam, and even more overrate staredown.

Look what you get Edge, you praised Hogan. And Hulk Hogan blatantly rips on you and the company that made him a star.

Resepect level:
Edge = %100
Hulk Hogan % 0.5
All I know is Edge had surgery, wrestled again but it's gotten to the point where like he said would he rather stop wrestling or keep going and end up in a wheelchair? He chose the smart path.

Hogan backtracked on his comments somewhat, but I still found it very tasteless. He couldn't have said congrats on a great career Edge? He couldn't have said what a great wrestler, saddened by his abrupt end to his incredible career? Nope he couldn't say anything like that.

Instead he had to be make some stupid snide remark like he always seems to do. Wish the guy well and move on Lord.
alot of guys who keep wrestling injured like that wind up in terrible shape later on in life. wrestling with minor injuries is one thing but trying to wrestle with a potential career ending injury is another. edge was one of the smart ones. to hell with what hogan says because he hasnt been in good shape since the 90's. after that he was just embarrassing himself but that's another conversation.
I agree with everything Hulk has said............. The surgery that Edge got is no different than any other surgery than many, many wrestlers get and still wrestler for years or even to this day.....

In Hulk Hogans day the operation would have been more severe and he is prob right they would have still wrestled especially if they were champion.

Edge has toyed with retirement and that was all to set up this STORYLINE...... There is no way that he is retired but I do like what WWE is doing especially if this gives a chance to a younger wrestler especially Cody Rhodes.

ITS A STORYLINE.......... Why would they show Edge talking with Cena backstage.......... Its been done before and you guys get fooled every time!

What the hell are you on dude ? It's a storyline okay was it a storyline when Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff retired after he broke his neck, do you think Bobby Heenen likes the fact that he had to have neck surgery do you think it's a storyline that Tom Billington AKA The Dynamite Kid is in a wheelchair. Adam Copeland AKA Edge does not want to end up like The Dynamite Kid how in the blue fuck can you sit there and say it's a story line do you not understand the whole '' Please Do Not Try This At Home'' Ad that The WWE Does they get hurt and some times they have to retire from the ring and Edge has to retire to risk being in a wheelchair you fucking moron.
Yeah for Hogan to say that was pretty crappy, especially after Edge did mention him during his speech last night.

Oh and the main difference between Hogan and Flair still continuing this day and Edge being able to retire is I am sure Edge was smart enough to save his money so he can retire comfortably, unlike Flair and Hogan who have both basically gone broke over the years
What the hell are you on dude ? It's a storyline okay was it a storyline when Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff retired after he broke his neck, do you think Bobby Heenen likes the fact that he had to have neck surgery do you think it's a storyline that Tom Billington AKA The Dynamite Kid is in a wheelchair. Adam Copeland AKA Edge does not want to end up like The Dynamite Kid how in the blue fuck can you sit there and say it's a story line do you not understand the whole '' Please Do Not Try This At Home'' Ad that The WWE Does they get hurt and some times they have to retire from the ring and Edge has to retire to risk being in a wheelchair you fucking moron.

You never know, I wouldn't be so quick to just outright call out the guy who made that post and not leave it to possibility that it was a storyline, unless you're working behind the scenes or you're Edge himself, then you got no more an idea of what's going on than any of us here do even though most people are being awfully bold to claim they really know what's going on.

Again people, get with reality here and realize what the topic is that we're talking about...pro wrestling...oops wait a minute I mean sports entertainment...bite my tongue...
What in the blue hell is Hulk Hogan's problem? Edge is retiring because of his health. I just thought, should we beat up Hulk Hogan until he needs spinal fusion, then make him wrestle at least 1 time a week. See how he feels.

Hulk Hogan needs to shut his mouth. All he did was play the role of WWE Face whilst Wrestling Entertainment was devolping. Hell, I like John Cena more than Hogan and I could go into a lot of detail to why I don't like Cena.

Edge is better than Hogan. Evan Bourne is better than Hogan. Yoshi Tatsu is better than Hogan. Dixie Carter is better than Hogan.
Ladies and gentlemen, the man, the myth, Hulk Hogan. Hogan wants to be talked about? Well here it is Hulkster. You're being talked about. Hulk Hogan is someone whose career should've been burried long ago. The fact that, as Nate said, Edge went to Mania 6 as a kid to watch Hogan and is now retiring as World Champion while Hogan is sitting down in Florida behind a computer plotting his latest 'ingenious' storyline, making cheap-shots at people who could end up with severe health problems should they continue to do what they love, and then backtracking so fast he could probably visit Edge at the Skydome in 1990 boggles my mind. Hogan needs to learn to shut up and know when to say when.
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